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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 263 KB, 1280x720, ハピメア.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10617700 No.10617700 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>10603509
What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.10617724

Playing Lovely Quest. I like games like this, they make me feel all warm inside.

>> No.10617951

Playing nothing right now, may start Gekkou no Carnevale or Gahkthun for some delicious Neon.

Which is better?

>> No.10617957 [DELETED] 

I'm afraid if I told that you would spoiler them because they're very "entry level" and popular.

You'll probably try to list spoilers for as many popular VN's as you can in response to this post. I know it's not safe here unless I post uber-kawaii untranslated stuff.

>> No.10617964

Though I won't comment on which is better, I would say to go for Gahkthun. Its been too long since carnevale so I hardly remember much about it.

>> No.10617974

But is Neon(?) delicious? Does it have a good cast of characters? Is it similar to Inganock? Are there better steampunk games out there?

>> No.10617988

Both Neon and Tesla are delicious.

>> No.10618009

And in my opinion it's one of the better games in the series.

>> No.10618131

I realized I downloaded it already and I am now playing it. The writing is cool s far though I am only 20 minutes in.

>> No.10618285
File: 86 KB, 600x424, d_top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally decided to start 何処へ行くの、あの日 that has been in my backlog for a very long time

>> No.10618292

A new patch for Hapymaher is out, looks like they are still fixing the numerous typos

>> No.10618294

Let us know how you like it. I've been curious about that one myself.

>> No.10618321

best imouto

>> No.10618931

Any possessive heroine?

>> No.10619075
File: 428 KB, 500x600, tumblr_m6lw9e4o7D1qi7ksdo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Muv Luv Alternative, best VN I read with Kara no Shoujo right behind it. I may play Planetarian or Maji whatever next.

>> No.10619079


Yes, the one in the middle. It might takes a while to become obvious so don't give up early.

>> No.10619114

I'm a VN novice and I just played through Majikoi and Majikoi! S. Thoroughly enjoyed them, waiting for translations of the rest of the routes. In the mean time, can anyone recommend other good VN's? I think I might have found a new interest.

Only other VN's I've played were Katawa Shoujo and MGQ if it counts.

>> No.10619126

There is a vn general over at /vg/ that can help you with that, they also have written guides ideal for starters such as yourself. Most people who post here have little idea of what games are translated or might have not played them so they might not be helpful.

>> No.10619162

Well, thanks for being civil. Usually in a situation like this I'd expect to get at least a few replies about "spoonfeeding" and so on.

>> No.10619179

It's not like we eat people or something, we do take recs, but mainly for japanese.

>> No.10619191
File: 136 KB, 806x633, 成りにけり.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm confused. I know なりけり is the classic Japanese for なった, but what is that に doing there?

>> No.10619195

On a different note, did you read the trial? Both kns and 2 have the trial almost as prologue.

>> No.10619199


I did not, I just jumped straight into the game

>> No.10619217

the に is conjugated ぬ, which indicates conclusion. same function as the modern しまう for verbs

>> No.10619225

Ooh, I see, that makes sense. Thanks!

I should really take a look at my classic Japanese notes again.

>> No.10619230

i just finished monster girl quest 1 and 2
are there any vn similar to it?

btw.. why are all of you sage-ing?

>> No.10619237

Get out. >>>/vg/

>> No.10619242

We dislike the thread and we use sage as an alternative for the downvote function from the site re.ddit which is our main site.

>> No.10619271


Is the game full of such archaic grammar structures?

>> No.10619302
File: 695 KB, 792x590, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished off Kusarihime's true end last night, and I'm still not sure what to make of it. It was excellent stuff until Jun's section finished, in which it took a turn for the silly although Kurame taking on Juri's appearance in Itsuki's arms was a very well done scene. I heard Meteor only threw in the SF aspect because he thought it would be 'cool', but it didn't really mesh well with what was presented up until that point. That, and the time paradox involving Itsuki and Juri's parents confuses me the more I think about it.

Although I was warned about the SF, I never expected it would become so depressing in its second half. Starting with Yoshino and her mental regressing. That was terrible to watch, as was Seiji struggling to help Itsuki. Then there was Jun constantly seeing Juri around.

>> No.10619305

What 国語 resource did you guys find anyway? I have never been able to find a good one.

>> No.10619346

Well I just finished the first day but I'm surprised by how many story hooks there was, I thought it would be a more normal romance story.

>> No.10619446
File: 761 KB, 1024x576, CG000000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this belong here? I don't even know.

Holy shit I think I've put in like 5-6 hours and my characters are like level 12. And still no h-scene. The game is fun as hell though. If anyone here has played it, do you have some tips? I don't really want my hand held, but at the same time I don't want to miss out on stuff.

>> No.10619506

Since it's translated, a whole bunch of other people have played it over at >>>/vg/ who can probably give you better tips, but I have played it myself too, so what I can tell you is: remember to advance in the cloth upgrades, Ato gets better, and once you choose a main girl's option you're locked in her route. The choice is pretty obvious when it shows up.

>> No.10619558

this game was fantastic.even better than the game is the ost.

>> No.10619572 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 454x343, kamidori_events.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may come in handy. Lists which characters you must have at which level during which chapter to see their scenes.

>> No.10619590

There are a couple of events that require certain materials within a time limit, but that's the sort of thing New Game+ is for.

>> No.10619600

First sex scenes comes in chapter 3 when you choose the route.

>> No.10619828

Soukoku no arterial was better

>> No.10620039 [DELETED] 
File: 585 KB, 646x508, itake nakanojo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you keep making this threads OP? It get's me more and more depressed each day it passes by when i look into this threads and know that I'll never be able to play all these glorious VNs because i simply don't know Japanese. Why OP? why do you keep hurting me like that?

>> No.10620043


>> No.10620106
File: 112 KB, 796x599, kururu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl is BEYOND adorable.

>> No.10620110

>this threads

Looks like you don't know English either.

>> No.10620112


>> No.10620328 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 1920x1080, maiwaifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of me anons?

>> No.10620348

I think you're even sadder than me, and that's no small feat.

>> No.10620391

Is Demonbane any good? It's in Super Robot Taisen UX, and apparently it is based on an eroge.

>> No.10620408

SRWUX uses the anime as the source, which is terrible from what I've heard. The original is supposed to be entertaining and has monster eicks.

>> No.10620412

I meant dicks, obviously. No subtle implications.

>> No.10620451

Well....it's funny, when I thought that Eushully can't make something worse than Kamidori, they released Arterial.....

>> No.10620924 [DELETED] 
File: 1022 KB, 1280x720, www.dotup.org3945529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm slow to the party but Daitoshokan is getting an anime? That was absurdly fast.

>> No.10620955

Kamidori really wasn't that bad. Arterial on the other hand I wish I had never installed.

>> No.10621035

How is this game?

>> No.10621293

Depends on whether and to what extent the writing annoys you, but if you get past that, the story is pretty interesting. The characters are all good (Maia in particular is fantastic), and the art and soundtrack are great. I'd say it was a very worthwhile read that made up for an otherwise lousy month.

>> No.10621319

>the writing annoys you
What's up with the writing? Just the style or something? What kind of game is it any way, just a charage or is there more to the plot?

>> No.10621362

The author's style is very wordy and tends to go in circles. It didn't really bother me once I got used to it, but some people found it irritating and I can't blame them.

I'd definitely call it more of a scenario-ge than a charage, but it relies a lot on its atmosphere and the thought processes of the characters, especially during the first few chapters.

>> No.10621464

I didn't mind the gameplay in Arterial, but the story and the imoutos' voices made me want to stab myself, and the gameplay wasn't nearly good enough to make up for it.

Kamidori story was bad but I didn't think about it as much because the gameplay was so fun.

>> No.10621500
File: 100 KB, 800x600, 11111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have been spamming clicks and somehow was able to beat some enemies.
But, how do I actually play this game?

>> No.10622320

The language looks pretty easy in the screenshots, but the genre makes me feel like that would be otherwise when actually playing the game. Is it actually just easy to read?

>> No.10622369

Playing Chronobelt. Maybe it's because I played Ayakashibito and BB just last year, but the inconsistencies in this one are numerous and really bug me. Like

-Jinyou have their own kind of "mana" per se, but not mana itself, so why doesn't Ernesta appear as an old hag in Soushichi's perspective.
-Ichibei killed himself after losing his battle with Touko. It would be consistent with his character to be overjoyed at having a second chance.
-Teruyoshi loves to kill, there's no remote capacity that explains why he's cooperative with Soushichi. If anything, you would think that after shitting his pants when Soushichi came back from the dead and owned him while on drugs that he would be particularly on edge. Who needs a Karasu imitator when you have two originators of conflict on board.
-Every time Youkou calls Soushichi Soushichi instead of Ryouichi I want to punch my monitor.

Also where is Reina. Regardless, I like the game, and I'm thrilled to see so many dream pairings well played out. Especially the inclusion of more Kuki, because there can never be too much of that.

>> No.10622570

I'm not sure about how easy it is to read, but supposedly, the story is incredibly hard to follow, but I haven't read it so I wouldn't know.

>> No.10622780


This should be a cafe or something. Like a combination host club and peepshow booth, where women pay to watch two guys play eroge together until they give in to their arousal and start fondling each other.

>> No.10622795

It has some. They're set in mid-Showa (1950s), so there are liberal helpings of kanji and grammar that aren't commonly used any more.

>> No.10622899
File: 724 KB, 800x600, knstrial.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the trial, it's good and has an exclusive story and CGs.

>> No.10624189
File: 2.30 MB, 1292x754, shizuru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why didnt kotarou go to the shelter with her?

>> No.10624200

Fuck I want to learn Japanese. I've read almost all translated VNs and there is nothing left. This SUCKS.

>> No.10624240 [DELETED] 


Deal wit it nerd

>> No.10624687
File: 105 KB, 320x460, unnmei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, except for Lovesick Puppies, what else are you all looking forward to this month?

Who else will be playing this?

>> No.10624703

>Fate chooses your parents but you choose your friends

Makes sense to me.

>> No.10624728

I tried the trial.
Can't say much so far except it's trying to be Subahibi 2.0.
It's probably going to be bad like Nekonade

>> No.10624740

KISS x 800
The new astronauts game by M&M
The softhouse seal grandee game

>> No.10624745

I will be masturbating to this and the ryuusei game made by unison:shift this month.

>> No.10624755

I'll be playing new Whitesoft. That and Disgaea D2, because there's hardly any eroge to play now Rakuen and Reminiscence have been delayed. There's enough non-eroge releases to hold me over until the end of May though, at which point I'll definitely have more games than I can possibly play.

Also, I'm probably late on this one, but the MLA:TE page has been updated. The trailer reveals outstanding production values as usual http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=262cdiBIy_k&feature=player_embedded#! but the story synopsis has me worried about the content being substantial enough to justify playing it over reading the books.

>> No.10624762

Japan loves Nekonade and that's all that matters.

>> No.10624767

Speaking of Muv Luv, is there any news about the next Alternative Chronicles?
The last one ended on a massive cliffhanger.

>> No.10624779

They're working on Total Eclipse so no.

>> No.10624782

a 75 median in egs isn't exactly "love"

>> No.10624857
File: 93 KB, 799x599, pw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid jokes like this kill me.

>> No.10624858

Looks great! I still haven't watched the anime because I've heard it is pretty poorly executed, but this looks very good.

>> No.10624868

Getting a 75 looking past a lingering plot without any concrete solution in the sequel, decent characters, and shoddy art is pretty high.

I wouldn't call Nekonade "bad", it was a bit above average and certainly more engaging than your regular release. Rather, I liked Nekonade myself, because the atmosphere was pretty well done, and the surreal interactions were interesting. Even if it was low on actual substance, it was still entertaining.

Of course it wasn't good enough to justify dropping 95 on preordering their newest title, so I'm waiting and seeing how this one turns out.

>> No.10624875

How can I get the OPs in ef to actually play instead of giving me a blank screen?

>> No.10624884

It looks really awesome, but I won't be playing it anytime soon. Hoping it comes out on PC this year, and with 18+ content.

Annoying since that trailer really got me pumped for more Muvluv. Suppose I can satisfy myself with Chronicles 3 in the meantime.

>> No.10624902

The art, or rather the production values as a whole are considered one of the good thing about Nekonade.
And I definitely wouldn't call it above average myself, without mentioning the faults you already mentioned it also has themes that go nowhere and shoddy pacing.
It tries to be something great but it's obviously the writers just don't have the skills to bring it to that level.

But yeah it has a good mood, if only thank to the great soundtrack.

>> No.10624905

Only the Imouto and the cat look good, though.

>> No.10624912

Finished my first route in Doko e Iku no, Ano Hi.
Honestly I don't know what to think of it yet, it has so many plot hooks that the setting seems completely random.
Though from some of the comments I've read it all come together in the last 2 routes so I'll be looking forward to it.
Anyways it's a far more scenario oriented eroge I thought it would be.

>> No.10624919

Just started Hoshizora no Memoria Wish upon a Shooting Star yesterday, and so far the art style and characters are very appealing. I know it's rated pretty high by many people, but I haven't been able to fin out one thing. I know that on vndb it's listed as having low sexual content, so then about how many H scenes are there per heroine (If anyone knows of course)?

>> No.10624936

I don't get it. Explain, someone.

>> No.10624941

Oh and just to be fun, here are the plot hooks that are revealed in the first day, since all these are mentioned in the first hour I don't think I have to put them in spoiler tag.

-Protagonist who killed someone during his childhood but doesn't remember who/how/why
-His ongoing sexual relationship with his sister that has been going since they were children, and he hates himself for it
-a new drug that has appeared in the city and who is seemingly able to let its user timeslip
-a beast that look like a tiger that roam in city
-The protagonist and his group of friends who met "something" that seem to be out of a fantasy story when they were kids, were chosen and had to fight for their survival.

I wonder how everything will come together

>> No.10624945

Read it out loud quickly

>> No.10624956


>> No.10624978

Thanks for making me remember how terrible my pronunciation is, asshat.

>> No.10624979

The sexual content isn't exactly low for its genre. It's maybe 3 scenes for each girl.

>> No.10624990
File: 137 KB, 800x600, capture_034_12022013_211241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best girl and mare only get 1 each. Also, if possible, try to avoid the translation of it since it's pretty terrible.

>> No.10624998


Thanks for the info and I'll try. I know it's more focused on character development and story lines, but knowing that there are at least a few scenes for most of the girls is a nice reward.

>> No.10625005

Please no spoilers ...

>> No.10625009

sorry, just deleted the image

>> No.10625034

Just make sure you play through all routes. You need to for the story.

>> No.10625046

I started Muramasa and just finished the prologue.

The fuck. Is there a vocab list out there that I can just grind so I can actually play this thing without being glued to a dictionary?

>> No.10625056

Yeah, I after doing a bit of searching, I found that some of the girls and the true ending/route are unlocked by completing a corresponding before hand.

>> No.10625504

Beside Lovesick Puppies obviously: Ore wa Shoujo Mangaka (I have the PSP iso downloaded but I might as well play on the PC) and Himanatsu. This is the worst month for me in a long time. Actually, this is the first month that I can ever remember in which I was looking forward to more otoge than eroge. That just feels wrong.
That being said, no matter how shitty this month is, April and May will make up for it. There are so many things I want to read, even if I don't count moege. If I do factor those in, it's absolutely insane. Almost too much.

>> No.10625555

>Ore wa Shoujo Mangaka
Will it have H?

>> No.10625573

No, but it will have new cockteasing CGs.

>> No.10625584

Alright, that's good enough for me.

>> No.10625685

>the atmosphere was pretty well done
This. Presentation wasn't bad, even the excessive omission/Iceberg/etc. worked well.

>> No.10625888

I wanna read that ryuusei game

>> No.10626613
File: 448 KB, 1920x1080, left_vs_right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one that finds it hilarious when they purposefully make subcharacters ugly?

>> No.10626891

Not seeing how she is any worse than alien midget, or albino. The rest of the main girls were decent at best art wise.

>> No.10627083
File: 110 KB, 295x611, character_sub1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if your picture is supposed to be an example since I don't particularly find either of them uglier than average, but yes, I find it funny.
Kimihagu had such good subcharacters.

>> No.10627175
File: 538 KB, 796x594, bork.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Running under applocale.

Do I need to change system locale?

>> No.10627193

Just change the font.

>> No.10627231

If you're intending to play lots of visual novels, there is no reason not to change the non-unicode program locale. It does nothing but help you. Windows interface doesn't change at all.

>> No.10627229
File: 113 KB, 795x116, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Changed system locale.
Changed font.

Still broken, Time to do some googling.

>> No.10627240

Reverse solidus becomes a Yen symbol.

>> No.10627260

Some programs check your locale and change the language. It's annoying if you don't actually speak Japanese.

>> No.10627266


Only a bare handful.

>> No.10627268

Why don't you ask /vg/, considering they're the ones who actually use English patches and might know how to help you?

>> No.10627279

Sometimes I really wonder if some people actually believe this.

>> No.10627285
File: 1 KB, 48x48, catpix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No need, I got it working, no thanks to you weeblord.

>> No.10627294

Not him, but why is that an insult? /vg/ has many more people and some have probably run into the same problems.

>> No.10627325

Believe what? If you'd spent even a little time here you'd know that 95% of the games discussed in this thread aren't translated. /vg/ would seriously be a better place to ask questions relating to English patches. Or possibly the VN translation status thread here on /jp/.

>> No.10627346

Oh come on, people only direct people to /vg/ because they don't want English only peasants in this thread.

>> No.10627358

It's probably because /vg/ tends to be incredibly hostile to people who ask questions compared to the people here. I can't really blame them for posting here

>> No.10627404

Well, that would make sense. I don't go to /vg/ so I don't know what they're like.

>> No.10627406

I don't know about others, but that's not my intention. Well I don't just reply saying ">>>/vg/" or something, I try to be a little nicer, but still. Likewise if someone posted in the /vg/ thread it would make sense to redirect them here, because I can't imagine there are many people posting there that read things without patches. The /vg/ thread and the thread here are more knowledgeable about English patches and untranslated things respectively than the other, so isn't it logical to ask questions wherever you would likely get the most help? It isn't a question of elitism, it's for your own sake. ...Or maybe telling people to go to /vg/ has been a passive aggressive insult the entire time and I've been using it wrong.
That being said I don't even particularly care if people discuss translated things here like some people do. It just seems they'd get a better and/or faster response elsewhere.

>> No.10627421

>Likewise if someone posted in the /vg/ thread it would make sense to redirect them here
Somehow I missed the whole point of that sentence, which was "if someone posted about an untranslated VN in /vg/". Actually, maybe people actually discuss them there too? I've never seen their threads.

>> No.10627445

Which one is supposed to be ugly? I think they're both pretty cute, especially the green-haired one. Except their head shapes seem to be kind of different.

>> No.10627562

Finished Chronobelt. Already bitched about contradictions in the story earlier, but in the end this game met my expectations exactly, not more not less. Imo Ayakashibito > Chronobelt > Tokyo Babel = Evolimit > Bullet Butlers. I heard Bullet Butlers was really hit and miss, but I guess it missed with me because I fucking hated that game besides a few of a fights even though that last set of fights had some really convenient outcomes, the mini war before hand and the Alfred/Rick and Rick vs Bale had me fired up. This was a nice extension of the storylines of the other two games, and I'm really glad that Kuki finally got his closure. Selma also really shone during the Legion fight. That whole set of scenes was fucking AWESOME.

Although, it was kind of a shame that Soushichi was no where near as badass as Ayakashi Soushichi. When he took that shot of Ayakashi blood I was on the edge hoping it would happen. At least the whole build up to, and the legion fight itself was totally badass Also no Hounan, of course, that's consistent with the setting and all. But god damn it, if Rick can draw the No-Life King's power at of his ass, a little cameo appearance wouldn't hurt

I think I'm going to play Happymare/Happy Maher and possibly Fata Morgana or Mushi no Me from here
Playing Chronobelt reminded me of how great a game Ayakashibito was, so I might replay a few routes in that.

>> No.10627616

Has anyone played this? The premise sounds mildly interesting.

I would check the scores on EGS but for some reason it's not loading for me right now.

>> No.10627636

Whoops, that should have been:

>> No.10627654

I think you were better off with the first one.

>> No.10627658

I haven't played it but the EGS score is 60 with tags like おかず, 後味が悪い, ひたすらHシーン, and 陵辱 if you're wondering.

>> No.10627667

Well, I do intend to try that one regardless.

Thanks. I guess I'll skip it then.

>> No.10628254

I don''t think they were made ugly on purpose, but the subtle difference in style did bother me for a bit, along with how the student council president always had her hand in front of her mouth.

I did, however, constantly feel the need to punch the obligatory male friend. He's not even a bad guy, but there's something extremely punchable about how his appearance.

>> No.10628288

Agree, the green haired is cute.
What game is that? google told me nothing.

>> No.10628291

Lovely Quest.

The green haired girl is only a side character, though, sorry. The only thing you get is a bonus H scene.

>> No.10628600





『ひめごとユニオン! ~We are in the springtime of life!~』

『もののべ -happy end-』

>> No.10628639

Fuck yeah. Looks like it has a new cast too.
Hope the new protagonist is better,

>> No.10628644

I just hope it has more scenes.

>> No.10629357
File: 484 KB, 462x474, misery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every encounter I have with her is drenched in an insufferable misery.

>> No.10629492
File: 201 KB, 800x600, capture_001_18032013_090828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to randomly download 夏めろ and I'm not exactly sure what to think of a r-18 game with this art style. Hopefully it'll end up working pretty well though.

>> No.10629510
File: 190 KB, 800x600, sanarara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same happens with Sananara.
But as far I know, Sananara is a pretty good novel.

>> No.10629538

Anyone here downloaded テレビの消えた日 from nyaa and got a trojan on the install exe? I'm downloading from other sources right now, but knowing it to be a false positive might save me time.

Also, Natsumero has some damn good CGs in my opinion; though i didn't play it, i just love the art style.

>> No.10629551

I always get virus warnings on most vn related downloads. I think it can be safely ignored.

>> No.10629567

Didn't download from there but got a warning too. If you're paranoid the game works fine without installation, just copy the game data folder to your hdd.

>> No.10629638

Thanks, works fine (took the paranoid route just because).

>> No.10629699
File: 2.76 MB, 2798x1180, neveragain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to waste 20 minutes of your life.jpg

>> No.10629715

So, there isn't a character in tsui no sora that corresponds with Hasaki? Now I don't have any desire to read it.

>> No.10629722

I'd say that Yukito corresponds to both Yuki and Tomosane, they look so much alike too.

>> No.10629731

You played subahibi for the heroines?

>> No.10629735

I played it for the font.

>> No.10629744 [SPOILER] 
File: 171 KB, 800x600, capture_031_11022013_144627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I started subahibi because I heard it was good and finished it because I was amazed by how good it actually was. I have a feeling I would have had a different opinion of it if I was playing for the heroines, taking into consideration certain parts.

Tsui no Sora, on the other hand, isn't one I've heard that much about other than that Subahibi is essentially a retelling of it, so I have no real reason to read it and the lack of Hasaki just makes me pretty unmotivated.

>> No.10629752

Ah well yeah, I can see your point.

>> No.10629787

I played it a few months back. It was decent. The art style does work well and is the best part of the game.

>> No.10629858

Can't... hook... text... properly... (/HSN4@75E312EE makes it crash, peharps cause i use Win7. The other ITH hook is pretty shit. Welp. Ah by the way i need it for TA and Jparser, not into machines translations or anything).

>> No.10629894
File: 151 KB, 814x636, natsumero09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember playing it _for_ the art style, but yeah, the ero parts aren't the strong part. I really enjoyed it, though.

>> No.10630255

Shouldn't Kotomi be Wakatsuki sisters?

>> No.10631269
File: 414 KB, 1500x1125, yande.re 167915 sample.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10631298

>yande.re 167915 sample.jpg

>> No.10631402

Speaking of Tsui no Sora, was that OVA made a few years back really official? It was released by a legit company but I don't think I've ever seen something so shoddily put together.

>> No.10631501

i tried installing muv luv to read it without the english patch, but i get an error "loader coulnd't initialize service"
what should i do to be able to run this game in japanese?

>> No.10631560

You didn't even try did you?

>> No.10631566

i have japanese locale and it still happens

>> No.10631603

please can anyone answer this?

>> No.10631610

Probably, but the characters listed share the same name. I'd add them, but too much effort.

>> No.10631722

Is anyone else getting tired of shitty trap games like daitosho and akatsuki no goei?

>> No.10631738

>trap games

Daitosho had a trap in it?

>> No.10631739

I wish every game with horizontal text had an option to make it vertical. I hope I get used to it quickly.

>> No.10631752
File: 233 KB, 1296x758, 4 out of 10, the manface really takes it down a notch..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The protagonist did dress up as a girl a few times, but it's hardly enough to qualify as a "trap game". That's just stupid.

>> No.10631757

I don't remember Kaito being a trap.

>> No.10631841

I don't really understand your question because of the examples you gave. But that reminds me that I wish there were more trap heroines in normal moege. Most games with traps in them are pretty lewd if not outright nukige. I don't really care for trap protagonists unless they're the one getting fucked.

>> No.10631921

Maybe he means Kaoru? Well, it's not really a spoiler but yea.

>> No.10631968

Its quite interesting because we just use "trap" but in 2ch there are like five different type of threads for it
Games with cross dressing protagonists (no homo)
Male × trap
Male × trap (with female type body)
Games with cross dressing situations

>> No.10631978

VNs really do seem to be overdoing the whole "dress up as a girl for stealth/advertising/whatever" thing though.

>> No.10631980

Slapstick has too many pies.

>> No.10632183

Fuck it i'm reading 猫撫ディストーション instead.
Speaking of which the beginning is pretty awesome, does it mantain similar levels of quality (by which i mean, not actual quality but entertainment value, 'cause if i wanted actual quality i probably wouldn't be reading this i guess).

>> No.10632189

Also the OST is pretty damn good.

>> No.10632209

I have no interest in games with trap protagonists so I simply don't play them. It's pretty easy.

>> No.10632792

Your face has too many zits.

>> No.10633059

It doesn't, the beginning is by far the best thing about it

>> No.10633134

Did you have to crush his hope into little cookie pieces like that?

>> No.10633142
File: 140 KB, 800x600, capture_002_19032013_013955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natsumero is pretty fun so far, but some of the choices are kind of mean.

>> No.10633145

Pick the third option. Please tell me you picked the third option

>> No.10633148

of course I did

>> No.10633154

You're the best man I love you

>> No.10633207

nevermind i've got the solution
that fuwanovel/erogedownload version is incompatible with windows 7 without the english patch
but there's a working japanese version on nyaa

>> No.10633265

But she is not yandere.

>> No.10633291

Just finished makina's route in grisaia and I'm not sure why everyone likes it so much. I didn't care much for makina, so that might be why I'm not impressed thus far. Anyway, looking forward to the other routes.

>> No.10633330
File: 37 KB, 808x458, My problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there anyone here who has managed to play 絶対★魔王 on windows 7? I want to play it but it keeps giving me a runtime error and google is of no help either.

>> No.10633632

Please respond

>> No.10633725

I'm considering learning Japanese. Is it realistic to be self taught? I'm guessing most of you went through classes for it. I figured I would ask anyway.

>> No.10633764

If you have motivation, there's nothing stopping you from being self taught. In my case, I really didn't have a different choice if I wanted to play my japanese porn games since my university has a really small foreign language department that doesn't really have many actually japanese classes that don't cover more than what you can figure out yourself in a couple days, and I'm too lazy to drive to a community college to take classes in it.

Note that it will be a while before you feel that you are actually making any progress.

>> No.10633765

Most of /jp/ that reads VNs in Japanese are self-taught.

>> No.10633770

I thought everyone just read machine translations and guessed from the pictures.

>> No.10633772

Classes usually suck because of what >>10633764 said.

>that don't cover more than what you can figure out yourself in a couple days

I'm fully self-taught.

>> No.10633781

Only the people at http://2ch.hk/vn/ do that.

>> No.10633788
File: 47 KB, 600x445, 20138726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guessed? No, we make up our own stories.

In all seriousness though, I took the first basics at a class because I sucked at jumping the learning curve and because I do better with a guided approach. After that I could make my own guideline and I started drilling on my own.

But lets not track off into Japanese Learning General again. Has anyone played DamaMuko? It just seems right up my alley.

>> No.10633786

It's good to hear I can avoid having to get classes for learning it. I'm pretty motivated considering a lot of VNs and games aren't ever going to be translated.

>> No.10633796

From what I heard, landmine.

>> No.10633806

For getting started check >>10633798

The worst thing you could do is go through with some shitty method for learning and waste time.

>> No.10633816

Thanks, hopefully I'll stay determined enough to stick with it. This will be my first time seriously learning another language. Considering my main forms of entertainment revolve around Japanese media, I should be able to handle it. I'm only dreading the kanji.

>> No.10633835

Ugh, was the comedy just plain bad? That's a disappointment. It seemed there was potential for assertive heroines... guess I'll check on tags in EGS and determine if it is worth it even though it bombed.

>> No.10633838

Just emulate an older windows.

>> No.10633900

Dammit, I keep getting the same damn bad end on January 9th in Kara no Shoujo 2 no matter what I do. Making difference choices in the investigations doesn't seem to get me anywhere. Am I right in thinking that I didn't spend enough time trying to run into Yukiko during the map segments?

She looked very pretty in that new tachi-e though.

>> No.10633933

Sending Yukiko home on the 6th and visiting Moon world on the 7th should help.

>> No.10633979
File: 1.26 MB, 1280x720, 不陰気.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did both of those things, and still [spoiled]ended up with her getting taken away by the Tenkeikai[/spoiler] every time. Even reloading from January 1st and meeting her whenever possible from then on didn't seem to do anything.

(By the by - during the investigation scene at the cafe, is it better to be honest with Karen about who I suspect/who I think the killer would have bumped off first? Or should I just give her a random name? IMO she's one of the top suspects; not sure how much I should be sharing my insights with her here.)

Also, I've made that mistake more times than I care to admit. Kohane's no Tojiko, but she's growing on me bit by bit.

>> No.10634000

Then give up and go with the walkthrough. Bad end conditions shouldn't carry from chapter to chapter anyway, also you can give Karen whatever you want as an answer. Here if you don't have onehttp://desertrain.sakura.ne.jp/kouryaku/2013/ig_karanoshoujo2/index.html

The death that probably grew on me the most before being killed was Meguri, poor girl.

>> No.10634253
File: 430 KB, 768x1024, 8571423495_f68e00eff8_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So lewd

>> No.10634258


Look at that slut, she's not wearing any underwear.

>> No.10634271

Neither am I. Are you saying I'm a slut?

>> No.10634274


>> No.10634275
File: 472 KB, 1024x684, 8571422737_dbe8341071_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and some information for the new Romeo

Well at least he will free to do what he wants

>> No.10634278

Them be fighting words, mate.

>> No.10634281

>Monthry Heroins Illustration

>> No.10634295
File: 2.38 MB, 2400x1800, 古代巫女舞.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10634335

MC is gigantic retard and main heroine is annoying cunt.
What magazine is that and is there more scans?

>> No.10634344

It's Tech Gian

>> No.10634350

That was one of the few VNs I opened up and dropped within an hour of reading.

>> No.10635531

Going to have to go with this.
Once the OP played the enjoyment stopped.

>> No.10635577
File: 78 KB, 798x597, HAPPY END.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Karen is super adorable and definetely the best girl, great mix between dandere and slutty.

And Princess Witches finished, even if it was quite generic, it was the fun and entertaining kind, and I really enjoyed all the chapters taking place in the witch world. And the Karen omake was so hnnng-worthy my heart could melt, the unlockable one was kind of disappointing in comparison.

>> No.10635589


Damn okay. Guess I'll queue Lovely x Cation instead.

>> No.10635607


Why is it a landmine?

>> No.10636274

What is your favorite moege, /jp/?

>> No.10636371
File: 22 KB, 215x310, 10177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone upload Kakyuusei 2 and Kakyuusei Renewal edition?


I can't find the working link anywhere. I've tried this link but after downloading I can't install it. If you manage to install it, please tell me how to do so. Thanks in advance.


>> No.10636820

How are we supposed to help you with the installation when you don't even tell us what goes wrong?

>> No.10636910

I know March isn't a good month for games but are you guys gonna read anything that comes out this month? I am gonna read Lovesick Puppies because I liked the trial and the heroines.

>> No.10637091
File: 158 KB, 656x539, 3-20-2013 12-37-45 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if it's just my computer's or that copy's fault. I mounted the iso with Daemon Tools, started the installer, chose the installation folder, then the final installation screen appeared but when I clicked the install button it gave me an error message (something about inserting the right DVD) instead of installing the game. I've deleted the iso out of frustration so I can't post the installation screen but I think it looks like this one (another elf/silky's game).

I also tried to copy the game directly from the iso to my hard drive, then apply the patch but it simply didn't work at all.

The noDVD patch included in the pack in anime-sharing's link is the same as the one here: http://www.hgamecn.com/htmldata/soft/388.html

>> No.10637257

I'll check that one out, as well as the new Makura. Nothing else is catching my interest for now.

>> No.10637325

It also has the best OP


>> No.10637465

Do Japs ever scan non-porn otaku magazines like Tech Gian or Dengeki G's?

>> No.10637591
File: 258 KB, 905x1280, 20130320105615b67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continues after the individual heroine routes, changes everything to be happy ends.

Changes the existing scenario to match the happy ends

The "turned old cgs" (I'm assuming this means ones where Natsuha turned into an old lady) are off by default. I guess it was too much for the lolicon otakus to bear?

Added a ton of h-scenes.

>> No.10637595
File: 440 KB, 905x1280, 20130320105342865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10637619

I've got both of those.
Give me the name of a non shitty filehost and I'll upload both of them when I wake up.

>> No.10637629

Most anons use mega.co.nz now. At least until the swat team raids house again.

>> No.10637786

I wanted more Alice...but certainly not like this. Pass.

>> No.10638047

Yes, please.

mega.co.nz is a good host but please split multiple packs into 500MB each. 1GB/ link will

rape the downloader's computer when the browser decrypts the file after downloading.

Depositfiles, bitshare or rapidgator are also good alternatives.

>> No.10638056
File: 453 KB, 1556x1110, 1363723008194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't beat August

>> No.10638084

>be a celebrity then she is going to
premium play at 6

yep, we are in the middle of a bad period
also, I think bokuten deserved better than 15th, but it seemed like the ratings in that were biased towards sex

and I'm still so fucking lost as to how the library vn is this successful, it was worth reading, but I'm so baffled that it managed to get an anime

>> No.10638126

I'm baffled that it's in library and doesn't have any meganekko heroines

>> No.10638142

Prism Recollection sold a lot despite being pretty poor-received. I guess boobs really is the solution to profit woes.

>> No.10638143

Did people expect anything different from Kamikaze explorer?

>> No.10638185

>despite being pretty poor-received
lol "despite". Some dudes in a random internet community (and that's basically all that EGS is) complaining about a weak scenario mean nothing for the success of a game. The buying otaku only need a single specific reason that's probably completely superficial (big tits! good artist! favorite seiyuu!) to fork out cash.

>> No.10638189

The ero was pretty damn good though, I downloaded the game and a complete save but never bothered to read it. I may read it later in life but if it is a question of its appeal ero is all that needs to be said.

>> No.10638196

>What are you playing?

Dai Saimin by Liquid. It's worse than what I thought it would be, but I was pretty hyped. The scat is absolutely ridiculous, though, and the MC is really too pervy for me.

>What are you looking forward to?

>What have you finished?
Recently? Rose Guns Days. Shit was good.

>> No.10638285
File: 426 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot (31).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How are we supposed to help you with the installation when you don't even tell us what goes wrong?
> I've deleted the iso out of frustration so I can't post the installation screen but I think it looks like this one (another elf/silky's game).

I tried to download the iso from a-s again. This is the same error I met before. For some reason, it does not recognize the mounted iso and keeps asking for DVD again and again.

I'm looking forward to it. Thank you very much :)

>> No.10638490
File: 134 KB, 1024x614, 2009-11-05-212617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a doubt regarding Twinkle Crusaders.
I have yet to start it so I don't know if I'll like it enough but, are the new routes in go go (psp version) worth it?

>> No.10638493

This might not apply to your case.

But playing Ashita no Yukinojou CD version without Elf's semi-dysfunctional compatibility patch (the DVD version worked fine, after all), required a Win2000 Virtual Machine. I only owned the CD version, so I was stuck with that.

>> No.10638556
File: 1.65 MB, 200x150, ape_military.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10638616
File: 1.52 MB, 1366x768, Screenshot (32).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What's wrong with it? I'm sure that it's the copy's fault, not the OS's because I can play many old elf/silky's VNs such as Doukyuusei 2, Flutter of Birds, YU-NO and I'm pretty sure that these games are older than Kakyuusei 2.

>> No.10638641
File: 72 KB, 1017x612, 2dju6p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a doubt regarding Twinkle Crusaders.
I have yet to start it so I don't know if I'll like it enough but, are the new routes in go go (psp version) worth it?

Macaroon (the new heroine in GoGo) is sweet but imo I'll stick with the more comfortable experience of the PC ver. Playing TC then TC PSS is enough, and if you still want more at that time, play Gogo.

Pic: my favorite Twinkle Crusader heroine ... untill Lullshare and Illear came into play. :">

In case you need more proofs:

>> No.10638655

Okay, thanks for your help. I've started it and I share the opinion about Lolotte, damn she's cute and her voice surprisingly non-annoying as fuck unlike pretty much everything else her VA has done.

>> No.10638693


Possibly one of the worst routes I have ever read that wasn't a fandisk scenario.

Kotarou became Shizuru's familiar because he was dying from the death of Kagari (? I think, been a while), and Kotori binds him to Shizuru as her familiar so he can draw from her life to continue living.

Just to rant, Shizuru's route was one of the worst scenarios I've ever read; I was horrified to read through the archive to see that people thought the route was at least mid-tier.

Seriously, people throwing away their lives left and right without meaning, the crown going to Nishikujou throwing knives at the tree. The scene in the control room when they hear Gen's death speech was just cringe-worthy because he had absolutely no character development. The whole time I was reading it I just kept thinking "what the hell" to myself.

>> No.10638703

Starting to upload Kakyuusei now.

>> No.10638737
File: 536 KB, 1024x641, capture_009_13032013_224254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coincidentally I've also played a bit of Twinkle Crusaders as a filler during my exams, which just ended. I think I'm actually going to finish this. Seems cliche as fuck, but I could use a cutesy game once in a while. The battles system also seems pretty good, though a bit easy.

And I probably laughed more than I should when Dies Irae BGM kicked in during this scene.

>> No.10638834


>> No.10638917


Agreed. Shizuru as a character was good, but her route was the epitome of lazy writing.

>> No.10638942


>lazy writing

Rewrite in a nutshell.

>> No.10638983

Thanks, man.

>> No.10639011

And Kakyuusei 2.

>> No.10639127

Question - how many "episodes" are in Muv-Luv Alternative? I just want an idea of how long the entire thing is, and I'm assuming each episode is roughly the same length.

>> No.10639142

I don't think they are the same length at all, but it's 53418 lines if that helps.

>> No.10639148

For each game?

>> No.10639155

Oh, Extra and Unlimited are a lot shorter, but combined they are around as long as alternative I think. Alternative is 53418 lines though.

>> No.10639156


Are you talking about Chronicles? I do not understand, otherwise.

>> No.10639165

>I'm assuming each episode is roughly the same length.
Been a long time but I think this is a wrong assumption.

>> No.10639176


I've just reread Unlimited and I'm pretty sure it was the case for that, at least. I'm going through Alternative again but I have a hard time keeping track of time spent per episode for some reason.

>> No.10639183

10 or 11.
1-6, and 10/11 are short.
7, 8, 9, and 10 are the majority of the game.

>> No.10639341
File: 162 KB, 829x511, akariiiiin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, it's Akarin!

Shes all grown up now in some parts.

>> No.10639364
File: 132 KB, 810x652, 307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the first chapter of Amatsukaze, it was pretty damn long.
So far it's pretty damn good but the archaic style can be hard to read.
Akebi is the best heroine followed by Sayo, the loli heroines sure got a lot of love in this game.
Natsume who is the supposed main heroine is pretty disappointing so far but I guess she will get more time to shine later.

I just hope I won't have to see Akebi and Sayo get raped, let the boobs heroines do this.

>> No.10639367

Wah! What are we going to do in the sheets, Akarin?

>> No.10639456

Is she possessive?

>> No.10639540

Yes, but it might take a while to get to the moment when she shifts to being that way, just keep playing.

>> No.10639552
File: 98 KB, 801x596, H-E-R-O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They basically reused this from these scenes of Princess Witches, but they are still funny.

>> No.10639584

Eh? Sorry, I haven't played either game yet so I may be just wrong, but the image that anon linked is definitely just a parody of Moses parting the Red Sea, and yours is a parody of the painting "Liberty Leading the People".

>> No.10639621

They are both picture-like CGs, in a delusion context, with dies irae playing in the background, so, considering the rest, can be funny, because contrast. Also by the same writer and umbrella of companies.

>> No.10639630

I see, in that context it makes more sense what you are talking about.

>> No.10639680

What do you mean? The game isn't even out yet... How are you playing it?

>> No.10639695

I am a beta tester for Marmalade. You'll have to wait until the 31st of May for a copy if all the testing goes right.

>> No.10639717

I don't believe you. Why would they let a filthy gaijin like you test their game?

>> No.10639731

Then don't believe me and find out yourself.

>> No.10639796



>> No.10639812

I thoroughly enjoyed it on my psp and I even offered to do a TL and got 0 replies

>> No.10639837

Why are you assuming he's a gaijin? Just because he can write proper English? Are you a racist. Hey guys, we have a racist over here!

>> No.10639854

I was thinking of trying to translate it too, and even translated the first few hundred lines in a text file. Then I remembered how lazy I am and stopped.

>> No.10639870


We should report him to the mods. Racism is against the global rules.

>> No.10639874

So I just finished the Steins;Gate anime. Is it still worth playing the VN? How much of the content is different? Does the anime follow the VN's true ending?

>> No.10639875

I don't know why but for some reason I feel relieved if a work stays untranslated. Maybe it has to with me wanting confirmation that I didn't waste time learning Japanese? I know it's pretty stupid to think like this but I can't help it.

>> No.10639919

Just wanna say that your company is shit with shitgames production for retards.

>> No.10639939

>confirmation that I didn't waste time learning Japanese

How so? I think Aroduc will translate it sooner or later anway. You can take comfort in the fact that you can read every game 5 years ahead of the English-only crowd.

Still, I start to understand this kind of elitism after reading MajiKoi. It was a nice little timesink until /vg/ and /a/ showed up. Now I pray TakaJun will drop the translation completely.

>> No.10639946

That's how you make the money, genius.

>> No.10639953 [DELETED] 
File: 100 KB, 702x582, 1329634084436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10640250

Akebis the best heroine I agree, also has the best fight scenes, Natsume does have her moments though too later but never really beat Akebi for me

>> No.10640655

Thank you very much :)

btw, I don't know if everyone has already known this but if you meet any problem playing older games in window mode, you can use dxwnd to solve it perfectly.


>> No.10641113


>> No.10641920

I wish more games with NTR would sneak up on you rather than the creators tell you that the games has NTR first and foremost.

>> No.10641935

I'm glad that that doesn't happen.

>> No.10641940

Me too. In the first place that would be company suicide.

>> No.10641951

It's too dangerous for the developers. Nothing seems to incite as much otaku anger as surprise NTR.

I don't like NTR nor do I play NTR games, though, so I'm okay with that, but somewhat hypocritically I do agree that it should be a surprise. It seems like it would be hard to get attached to a character when you already know you're going to get NTR'd. It's like "Hey, this beautiful woman is your girlfriend/wife and you're going to give all your love to her and make her happy. By the way, she'll betray you. Give her all of your love, anon-kun".

>> No.10641952

The majority probably won't be happy to get NTR'd out of nowhere. In fact, it's probably traumatizing enough to stay away from the company games in general unless they like it.

>> No.10641948

That would just make people mad that don't have the fetish. Yeah it's hotter when you don't expect it but even though I love NTR I'd feel bad for the normal people that read it. I'll just stick to nukige.
Speaking of which I'm still waiting for the nukige that were released on the 15th.

>> No.10641961

I'm sure the rules in this area is vague but there are eroges, particularly gameplay oriented ones with NTR in it and no one seems to really care as much. Things like baldr and more recently, dragoon. Of course they tend to be optional and you'd have to for the most part do it on purpose to get the scene.

How do people draw the line in that area of things?

>> No.10641973

I haven't played any of the Baldr games or Gears of Dragoon, but doesn't the NTR in those come from player failure rather than a forced path? If so, I guess people would excuse it since it's entirely the player's fault for letting it happen rather than possibly unavoidable.

>> No.10641975

That's the crux of the problem. I don't like NTR, and like most people I would hate to be surprised by it, but what point is it if it's not a surprise?

One of the more "edgy" studios (e.g. Nitro+) might be able to get away with it, but even then it'd be a huge gamble with not much potential payoff. How many NTR fetishists are there compared to the people who'll boycott a studio over it? Most studios will look at what happened to Elf and decide it's not worth it.

>> No.10641980


What happened to Elf?

>> No.10641985

They used to be one of the biggest names in eroge. Then they released Kakyuusei 2.

>> No.10641998

Search the archives for Kakyuusei 2.

Basically, they had a character who seemed like a normal childhood friend at first, but then it's revealed that she has a boyfriend, which she doesn't seem to be able to forget about, doing things such as calling his name when she's having sex with the protagonist. Also, something about still having her anal virginity for the protagonist even if he doesn't get her vaginal one.

>> No.10642005


Thank you for explaining this.

>> No.10642010

Do those games have actual NTR or is it just rape? Because rape seems to be more easily forgiven.

>> No.10642013

It's more of rape in Baldr. Dragoon was pretty much typical blackmail ntr if I remember right.

>> No.10642014

I don't know about baldr but gears had NTR that wasn't rape. Of course you get the option to kill the guy as soon as he appears so it's completely optional.

>> No.10642023

baldr sky only had rape ntr

>> No.10642024

It really depends on the maker's fanbase.
Something like Alicesoft or Eushully can and does get away with it but your average moege maker will probably be lynched to death.

Those are all avoidable. No one really mind game over rape.
It's the unavoidable ntr in the middle of the route that pisses people off.

>> No.10642027


Takehaya is back

>> No.10642030 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.23 MB, 1280x720, not sure if want.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hoping to avoid the walkthrough... but just a little couldn't hurt. Thanks to that, I think I discovered the condition that was missing: besides escorting her home, way back in Chapter 3, it seems like you have to meet her for the second time on December 14th at the station (and have her ask Reiji if she can draw him), NOT on the 13th at Inokashira Park. Thanks anyhow.

Also, I thought so the first time I read past it too, but man, this scene kinda made me want to see Tohji-on-Yaginuma ero, and that's a prospect way more disturbing than most of the guro in this game.

>> No.10642031
File: 163 KB, 1028x772, Snap31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did Joker perform in that area of things?

>> No.10642035

Yep. Go ahead and make one.

>> No.10642034

Isn't it about time for a new thread?

>> No.10642048

New thread: >>10642046

>> No.10642648

in other words, he stayed behind for no reason?

>> No.10643166

He stayed behind because Tonokawa.
