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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 160 KB, 910x1248, lolicon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10615486 No.10615486[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Okay I know this is controversial and stuff, so please keep the off-topic flame wars to a minimum, but what does Japan think of the whole lolicon thing? Is it fine there? Are you seen as a creepy otaku?

>> No.10615500

When I went to Japan, I asked a few otaku and they said it's looked down on even in otaku circles. They might have been trying to save face, though. Nobody wants to publicly admit (especially to a gaijin) that they jack off to underage girls.

>> No.10615514

This. It's basically like going up to your nerd friends (actual nerds, not fedora nerds) and saying "I am a pedophile."
They're not going to be cool with it just because they're outcasts and there's some overlap.

>> No.10615530 [DELETED] 

>flame wars

This is the number one way I can tell someone is a crossboarding sack of shit, now a days. Hell, crossboarding might actually be giving them too much credit.

Offsiter? Would that be the proper way to describe someone who is obviously not a part of this sites normal user base?

>> No.10615528

Cool pic. Saved to my favorites.

>> No.10615534

I'm a /jp/sie. It's a common internet term. It's used in the rules and on other pages like the world4ch post pages (whoops, guess that makes me a crossboarder).

Please take your misguided elitism elsewhere. I hear people are using the word "meme" unironically in another thread!

>> No.10615535


Well the term "flame-wars" is as old as the internet. It's even in one of my old how to use the internet books from the 90s.

>> No.10615536

I can just tell this thread is gonna turn into a flaming battleground of insults soon enough.

>> No.10615539

Shut the fuck up. You don't know a GOD DAMN thing about Japan.

>> No.10615547

>Well the term "flame-wars" is as old as the internet.

I know that. That is definitely a factual statement.

However, it is not a term that has ever applied here, as we are all anonymous. Using it is one of the quickest ways to prove you do not belong.

>> No.10615562

You're trying too hard, but I like your gimmick.

I think I'm going to adopt it for "trolling". Next time someone "trolls", expect me!

>> No.10615563
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>> No.10615568

Please stop trolling because people will seriously believe you.

You're like the people who insist "4chan isn't a forum" because the term "forum" includes message boards you don't like.

>> No.10615572

Today has been an exciting day for meta/jp/

>> No.10615589

Any chance we can stop shitposting about what to call shitposting and get back to the question or just let the thread die?

If >>10615500 is wrong, correct it.

>> No.10615601

Seconding >>10615500.

Owning pedophile porn (2D or 3D) is generally creepy even among otaku, but it's not illegal. It's basically like telling someone you have a foot fetish.

>> No.10615605

No, and you can fuck right off. Feet are disgusting and my opinions are facts.

>> No.10615603

what? you don't like feet?

>> No.10615629


ur opinion is shit

>> No.10615635

Why does a board which supposedly defies normie culture still attach itself to the normal, irrational idea that pedophilia is in any way wrong?

>> No.10615640
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Yes its fine, the people aren't backwards ass retards like us Americans.
We will be accepting in time once the internet generation is in power.

>> No.10615643

It's wrong in the way that it hurts people. You'd have to define an age range for it first, though.

>> No.10615645

because /jp/ is infested with normals
pedophilia doesnt hurt anyone

>> No.10615647


Having sex with children does not hurt them in any way. As an act free of context or demonization it is completely harmless.

>> No.10615653

We're talking about sex with children here, not looking at pictures you fucking retard.

>> No.10615649

Ouch! Some guy is looking at a picture of a little girl! It hurts!

>> No.10615651

I'm sure you would have turned out fine (lol) if some fat old fuck took you and fucked you against your will in your butt when you were 10.

>> No.10615652

uh-oh guys, flame war in progress! @_@

>> No.10615658

It's just one normie who watches Oprah and thinks loli loving is wrong.

>> No.10615659


Sex doesn't hurt.

>> No.10615661

Oprah is cool, don't take your anger out on her. She aint done nothin

>> No.10615663

How would you know?

>> No.10615666


I watched a lot of hentai.

>> No.10615667

It's wrong, but I disagree with the normalfag idea that we should do anything about it. e.g. I agree that not having a job is wrong, but I don't care that I'm in the wrong for it.

It's like murder. Murder is obviously wrong in most cases, but I wouldn't care if someone made a post on /jp/ admitting they murdered someone.

>> No.10615668 [DELETED] 
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They don't give a fuck, just watch:

Japan is the best country in the world!

>> No.10615672
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"Taylor, Quayle and Holland (2001) also argue that regardless of whether the children portrayed in objectionable images are physically abused during the creation of the images, victimisation occurs each time an image of a child is used for a sexual purpose (including sexual fantasy generation, arousal and masturbation). In effect, this activity encourages non-consensual use of individuals as sexual objects."
- "Internet Traders of Child Pornography and other Censorship Offenders in New Zealand" by Angela Carr (Dept. of Internal Affairs, Wellington, New Zealand, April 2004), citing "Typology of Paedophile Picture Collections" by Max Taylor, Ethel Quayle, and Gemma Holland in The Police Journal, vol. 74, no. 2 (2001), pages 97-107

"Child pornography, by itself, represents an act of sexual abuse or exploitation of a child and, by itself, does harm to that child."
- Kenneth V. Lanning in "Child Molesters: A Behavioral Analysis" (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 1992)

"Child pornography is not a computer crime. Every image depicts a child being abused. They are crime-scene photographs."
- Michelle Collins, the director of the Exploited Children Unit of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, as quoted in Edison/Metuchen Sentinel, The Examiner, and The Independent (New Jersey, August 30, 2006) in an article about a man who sexually assaulted boys and girls aged 2 to 8 and videotaped these acts plus placed hidden cameras in rooms where the children undressed

>> No.10615669

I wouldn't be surprised if all these threads were just 1 normie and million anons fighting with each other.

>> No.10615675
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"It cannot be emphasised enough that behind every horrid piece of child pornography is a tragic case of an abused defenceless child, somewhere in the world."
- Chris Ellison, Australian Senator and Minister for Justice and Customs, as quoted in The Age (Melbourne, Australia, February 23, 2005)

"It's chilling to realize that every photo on every page of every child pornography magazine... is a permanent record of the works of a child molester."
- William V. Roth, U.S. Senator from Delaware and Chairman of the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, in Spring 1985, as quoted in The Los Angeles Times (September 16, 1985)

"While little is known about the specific long-term effects of use in child pornography, the immediate trauma and effects of sexual abuse on children is well documented. Because child pornography is a clear record of child sex abuse, its victims would therefore experience the same emotional and physical consequences in addition to any harm resulting from the pornography. ... Child victims of pornography face the possibility of a lifetime of victimization because the pornography can be distributed indefinitely. Physical, psychological, and emotional effects of child sexual abuse are coupled with the possibility of the pornography resurfacing. Being photographed during sexual abuse intensifies the child's shame, humiliation, and powerlessness."
- "Child Pornography: The Criminal-Justice-System Response" by E. Klain, et al. (National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, 2001), http://www.missingkids.com/en_US/publications/NC81.pdf

>> No.10615677
File: 388 KB, 150x144, 1343619870243.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't give a fuck, just watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKhBqJC8koo

Japan is the best country in the world!

>> No.10615680
File: 18 KB, 325x390, 1356320691081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"It is possible that victims of child pornography suffer as severely if not more severely than other victims of sexual crimes. It is psychologically very devastating, because every time that image is looked at or shared that child is being victimized again and again. The Internet allows these pictures to be shared."
- Kelly Kennedy, a spokesman for the Wisconsin Attorney General's office, as quoted in The Fond Du Lac Reporter (September 7, 2005)

"It does not threaten the First Amendment for the Federal legislature to conclude, for example, that inducing children to engage in sexual activity can physically harm them, and consequently to prohibit the photographing of children who have been induced to do so, and to legislate against the publication and sale of magazines or films in which such photography appears. The publisher and the seller are principals in the abuse."
- "Taking on the Censors" by Robert Sabbag in Oui, January 1978

"The use of children in sexually explicit films is of course criminal exploitation of people who can't defend themselves, and it is cruelty to the children and an offense against the parental feelings of anybody with the slightest amount of sympathetic imagination. I think the makers of such pictures must be tracked down and imprisoned."
- "Dr. Ruth's Guide for Married Lovers" by Dr. Ruth Westheimer (Warner Books, 1986)

>> No.10615681

Nothing is wrong by nature, only society.
ESPECIALLY loving female children, because we know they are the best thing on the whole earth.

>> No.10615688

pedophile != child molester

>> No.10615690


Holy shit Japanese people walk fast.

>> No.10615695
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My sides are goin' on a trip.
How can that many politicians-
oh wait...

>> No.10615700

I probably would have enjoyed it. I always stripped down and tried different things with my penis and butt ever since I was 8.

>> No.10615707


Yes, I would've, if society hadn't told me that I'd been abused. I probably would've liked it.

>> No.10615711

>fat old fuck
>fucked you
>against your will
>in your butt
None of that is necessary.

I wish you were dead.

>> No.10615712

I remember I started experimenting with myself even earlier. I wouldn't have minded if someone got sexual with me either as long as it didn't hurt.

>> No.10615708

Don't mistake normal children with fucked up freaks like yourselves.

>> No.10615713

lollin at the foreign opinions

gaijin don't know shit

>> No.10615714

What do you mean not necessary?

>> No.10615717


Don't mistake your argument as anything more than insult-throwing. You have lost.

>> No.10615726

I'm not bored enough to argue with strangers on /jp/ over pedophilia.

>> No.10615732

How does every thread manage to turn into a child sex debate? I'm starting to think someone is doing it on purpose to shit up threads.

>> No.10615727


Are all normies this desparate to defend their archaic, religiously-fueled views?

This idiot throws up a scenario which nobody suggested was okay. Having sex with children does not hurt them. Raping children hurts them.

>> No.10615734

Do you really think a child can consent to sex? I'm talking 6-10 years here, not 14-16 year old "children".

>> No.10615735

Freud said that even infants get erotic pleasure from touching themselves and expelling/retaining feces.

I think we just need to accept that lewdness is a human problem, not an adult problem, and take steps to remove eroticism and arousal from the species as a whole.

>> No.10615738
File: 24 KB, 190x288, 1347609647252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the thread

>> No.10615743

How the FUCK would he even know

>> No.10615746

I don't know, but he was right about sons wanting to fuck their moms.

>> No.10615747


Yes. Why can't they?

Why is there some arbitrary, vague threshold at which point people are 'responsible' enough to consent? There are plenty of children more knowledgeable and responsible about sex than adults, by the way.

>> No.10615749

I like to imagine he was a huge pedo and he watched kids shitting and running around nude.

Either that or he was bullshitting and made up results, as it was later confirmed he did. Jews are so crafty.

>> No.10615751

>There are plenty of children more knowledgeable and responsible about sex than adults, by the way.
Nice broscience. Unless you want to provide actual scientific studies on your bullshit claims.

>> No.10615761

Nobody would ever actually do a study that could support pedophilia, let alone release the results to the public. The people who do the study would be lynched.

>> No.10615754


Provide scientific studies that children are too dumb to consent to sex. Checkmate, loser.

>> No.10615756

The burden of proof is on you, nerd.

>> No.10615757


yeah sure, one of my relatives (7 years old) knew about sex.

I gave her first time and she liked it.

>> No.10615758

This is why I think people should have to apply for a sex license. I'm in my twenties and no way am I more emotionally mature than a 12-year-old. If I had sex I'd probably cry for months and nobody would even care, because it's my fault.

>> No.10615767
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Nope. You made a claim first. You said children can't consent to sex.

>being this owned
>2013, the year of the peacock

>> No.10615768

>expelling/retaining feces.
I've always wanted to know where he wrote this.

>> No.10615769

Why do people say this? Scientists don't really give a shit.

It's like when people talk about that one "study" that proved the Holocaust was a fraud because the gas chamber walls weren't blue, then a bunch of scientists did repeat studies and proved the original study false. They weren't scared to do it because oh no what if we get labelled Holocaust deniers.

>> No.10615772

>I'm talking 6-10 years here, not 14-16 year old "children".
WHY do you even need to clarify that? Are you fucking retarded? Get out of /jp/.

>Having sex with children does not hurt them.
Having sex with children in this society is like tying up someone underwater. The environment makes it incredibly harmful.

The water shouldn't be there in the first place, though.

>> No.10615774
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>force children into false reality
>no such thing as sex and violence
>sex and violence happens
>they scared
>Muh vulnerability

>> No.10615776

I didn't claim anything. I asked a question.

>> No.10615780

>WHY do you even need to clarify that? Are you fucking retarded?

I think he made a fair point there. I call 17-year-olds children, because they are.

>> No.10615782

>Scientists don't really give a shit.
Scientists are just as brainwashed as everyone else.

>> No.10615783


You call 17-year-olds children because you desparately need to convince yourself that growing older, slower and weaker is a good thing.

There are children much smarter than you. Age is not wisdom.

>> No.10615788


They're smart because rich parents.

>> No.10615793


Whatever helps you sleep.

>> No.10615794

I ate out my cousin when she was 8. I was 12 at the time.

Her pussy tasted salty. Oh, and she enjoyed it.

>> No.10615796

No, I call them children because they are children.

I openly admit that children as young as 10 are a lot smarter, wiser, and more mature than me, but they're still children.

When I was in my mid-teens the Government started introducing a new term for older children, "young people". Suddenly I was no longer a child, but a "young person". That's far more patronising. I'd rather just be called a child.

>> No.10615813

I was around that age and knew exactly what I was doing when I pleasured myself and was open to sexual contact with people, in fact I wanted to with some older people.

>> No.10615822

Why do you nerds talk about this every single day?

>> No.10615828

what is this exactly, and why is it in public? thats that japanese lolicon meme, right?

>> No.10615838

Why not? It never gets old. It never will get old.

>> No.10615844

Yeah she knew, too

She actually asked me to do it to her again but I told her we shouldn't.

>> No.10615846

>(actual nerds, not fedora nerds
What's the difference?

>> No.10615852


But ironic catchphrases aside, there are people who just like things without being obnoxious dicks about it. Most neurotypical Star Trek fans I've met are embarrassed to be Star Trek fans, and that's how it should be.

>> No.10615865

Are people who fap to extremely short, flat chested Brazilians looked down on? If not, neither should people who look at 2D loli.

>> No.10615869

But those Brazilians are emotionally mature. I care about the personalities and history of the people in the porn I watch.

>> No.10615870

In Australia, porn with flat chested women is illegal.

>> No.10615873


>that's how it should be.

They should be irrationally ashamed of something completely harmless because your autism doesn't allow you to not care what other people like?

You're dumb and don't belong here. Get out.

>> No.10615902

Welcome to the America Show!

>> No.10615925

Did you notice that throughout the five years it's only been posted about 168 times?

Great job demonstrating you're an idiot.

>> No.10616016
File: 64 KB, 325x681, 1360799452213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sexual deviant samurai-era feudal lord pulling off chicks' clothes and raping them

>> No.10616025

> but what does Japan think of the whole lolicon thing?
Like in any other country, it wouldn't be smart to tell people if you're a lolicon.
However, out of all developed countries, it is the most accepted in Japan. Even if people found out, you wouldn't have to fear going to jail, losing your job or even losing (most of) your friends.
At places like Akihabara, they sell loli doujinshi or loli related goods at nearly every story, like it's a normal thing.
People might look down on lolicons, but not more than they look down on ``regular'' otaku. If you want to live a fulfilling life as a honest and law-abiding lolicon, Japan is the only choice.
I wonder if the western societies will ever be able to move past this ``pedophiles and everything related to them is horrible'' thing. It would be my greatest wish to see that happen.

>> No.10616033

I don't want western societies to just say "ok, you are not that bad, sorry about everything". I want them to suffer in some way.

>> No.10616048

Even with all the hate. I don't wish suffering on anyone, it makes me sad to see people suffer enemies or not. You know how it feels yourself and spreading negativity is never a good thing.

>> No.10616062

This. The normals have bullied us, but I don't want to bully them back. I just want them to apologize, like that time they apologized for that queer bloke being a poof (the computer one).

>> No.10616065


>> No.10616066

I'm for this.

>> No.10616075

-You guys are making me feel like shit. Stop hating me and listen to-

-You guys are brainwashed, let me explain why.

They deserve to go to hell.

>> No.10616098

Don't worry, they are already suffering. There wouldn't be hatred for pedophiles if it weren't for crimes that are committed after all.

>> No.10616100

People want a minority they can hate. It's in their nature. They're programmed that way and it's hard to get rid of that behaviour.
Don't hate them for it. Just be thankful if you're not part of the minority they hate right now.

>> No.10616103

They should suffer themselves, not because their innocent lolis are getting raped.

I am part of many minorities. It sucks.

>> No.10616107

>Yes, I would've, if society hadn't told me that I'd been abused
Oh god, this so hard.

If I grabbed a random twelve year old girl and licked her arm, she'd probably be a bit frightened but she'd forget about it in a week.

But if a bunch of adults and psychologists crowd around her and tell her she's psychologically damaged and can only hope that someday she'll function normally in society, she'll be scarred for life.

There's a saying among feminist circles that rape victims are raped twice.

>> No.10616108

The weird thing is that that programming never even seemed to be a part of me. Even when I was in my early teens, which is when people usually start to get into hating people they're told to hate, I just never understood what was so bad about pedophiles. That hatred for them just never existed in me to begin with.

>> No.10616116

Define "child."

The average high schooler in a first-world country is smarter than the average American college student.

>> No.10616118

Maybe it's because you are one yourself?

>> No.10616122

Child means elementary schooler.

>> No.10616123

But how could I have been a pedophile ever since I was a child if children are supposedly incapable of having an interest in sex?

>> No.10616125

The term first world means countries that are allied to the United States as opposed to Russia (second world) or neutral (third world). Calling the US not first world shows you know nothing of history.

>> No.10616126

No it's not. The politician who proposed that bill was sued by women's rights groups and it never passed.

>> No.10616133

Kindergarten students aren't children?

>> No.10616134

Because that's bullshit, of course.

I always knew I was one, I just didn't know how it was called.

>> No.10616136

I'm sure this has been said already, but being some gaywad priest who fags the parishioners' offspring is a little different from getting a boner looking at cartoon fairies. You know.

>> No.10616142


I'm weird, though.

>> No.10616137

Sexual awakening happens during teenage years.

>> No.10616138

They are.

But let's stop talking about high schoolers and middle schoolers, please. It has absolutely nothing to do with this.

>> No.10616144

Indeed, it is bullshit.

I didn't actually realize I was a pedophile until I was about 14 though. I felt it was normal for a child to find other children attractive.

>> No.10616147

Actually it all depends about people you know, and what environment you consider.

I worked for a JP company, I had one colleague at Tokyo who is a Comiket Staff, and he never told anyone at his work place than he'd work there twice a year and that he was into doujins stuff. You would never say that you're into lolis in your work environment. Let alone being an otaku.

Only me and a couple others knew since we were into that as well.

He introduced me to his colleagues at Comiket and well there, no one cared if you were into lolis and what not obviously. Everyone had their own fetishes. And most of people were pretty "normal" (i.e. balanced life, full time job the rest of the year, wife/children.)

While in Japan, you wouldn't display it in Public however (like reading lolis mangas on the train etc.), but that's pretty normal I guess and even applies to non-lolis H-content. People would look at you weirdly if reading porn in public, just like in the West.

>> No.10616148
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中学校一年生 might barely pass though, in my opinion at least.

>> No.10616156

But they are exceptions, let's just ignore them.

>> No.10616152

Some kids hit puberty really, really late.

>> No.10616153

Who is that and why might she barely pass?

>> No.10616159

Akari from Yuru Yuri.
Because she looks and behaves like a child.

>> No.10616163

Don't want to, they are too cute.

>> No.10616168

Most 2D children don't behave like children.

They are always too innocent and retarded.

>> No.10616172

Depends on the child. I always acted retarded and innocent when I was a kid.

>> No.10616173

It's more accepted in Japan than any other developed country.

I mean, that's where loli comes from, you know. And otaku are seen as creepy regardless of what they're into.

>> No.10616178

You weren't cute and flawless 24/7, though. Why are most 2D lolis like that?

>> No.10616176

scientists are slightly less brainwashed than everyone else. the government officials who give scientists funding are slightly more brainwashed than everyone else

>> No.10616180

But slow maturation is a desirable trait.

>> No.10616184

Politicians and government officials aren't brainwashed. They're the ones doing the brainwashing. All the "save the children" bullshit is just moral one-upmanship to get more attention and votes. The argument that cp endlessly victimizes children for the rest of their lives makes no logical sense whatsoever, but it feeds into the moral panic.

>> No.10616192

You don't even get to see any individual character's life for more than a couple of hours per day total. How would you know?

>> No.10616198

Nobody makes "ban CP" a platform to run on. It's so ingrained in most societies that nobody even bothers discussing it.

>> No.10616203

It falls under the "be tough on crime" platform.

>> No.10616207

People who talk "tough on crime" are aiming for drug dealers and gangbangers, not people who download CP.

>> No.10616212


No, they're aiming for people who commit crime. And 'people who have sex with kids are scum' is something irrationally believed by all normals so it's a good campaign point to say that you'll make anti-pedophilia laws.

>> No.10616213

It is.
And even despite the fact that children are allowed to think of adults as attractive, it is considered "normal" to not get off to underage people when you hit adulthood, as if there'd be a switch which just eliminates the interest for youthful appeareances.
That's bullshit, of course.
I was also sexually interested in girls before I even went to school.

>> No.10616229
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how many people haven't seen this "discussion" before?

>> No.10616227

People who download CP are considered supporting child molestation.

>> No.10616232
File: 35 KB, 700x700, ackchyually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy who corrects people for using words the way they're commonly used

>> No.10616237

>download a movie without paying for it
>you're killing the movie industry
>download CP without paying for it
>you're supporting the CP industry


>> No.10616243

actually, I don't know who DOESN'T call America first world

do Americans call themselves "second world" due to penis or what?

commonly, first world are developed countries, 3rd world are Africa and middle East and 2nd world is in between

but yeah, the terms originated in cold war

>> No.10616242


Murrica, land of the free.

>> No.10616245

No, it's been used before. Not as a central point to any individual platform, but as the basis for unreasonable laws. In the U.S. it was this kind of pandering that led to laws banning "simulated" CP. Your argument doesn't make much sense, because no one runs on a platform of "ban CP" because it's already banned.

You're right in that it's deeply ingrained at this point, but that's because it has at one point been used to inflate moral worth. Otherwise, why would everyone hate pedophiles and agree to age of consent laws, but be okay with DIsney sexualization and the abundance of "teen" pornography? It doesn't make sense to deny our own biology without cause. In this case, I'm almost certain that it's because of radical feminism and politics.

>> No.10616247

>No, they're aiming for people who commit crime.
They don't actually care about crime. Nobody ever got voted into office for promising to crack down on speeders. They promise to crack down on the most visible forms of crime because it makes them look good.

>And 'people who have sex with kids are scum' is something irrationally believed by all normals so it's a good campaign point to say that you'll make anti-pedophilia laws.
It's not a good campaign point because it's something that's so agreed on that you can't make a campaign platform out of it. Seriously, find me any campaign platform or candidate interview based on tightening up the age of consent laws. Even stuff like Megan's Law is just stuff that existing politicians pass in response to hysteria, it isn't stuff that people actually campaign on.

>> No.10616250

>I don't know who DOESN'T call America first world
Edgy europoors.

>> No.10616253

Don't believe what the movie industry claims. Pirating movies does support them. Directors who makes a movie that is widely pirated can easily get money earmarked for another movie.

>> No.10616254

I do think that CP is a very dangerous thing to record and publish and that it is a great threat to the children engaging in them. Then again, I don't think that sexual contact with children of a certain age is despicable. If anything, it's just as normal as sex between two adults. But CP? I don't know. Seems reasonable to me why it's illegal.

>> No.10616259

>Otherwise, why would everyone hate pedophiles and agree to age of consent laws, but be okay with DIsney sexualization and the abundance of "teen" pornography?
Because parents are a big voter group, and they don't want bad men molesting their children.

I think Australians were out to ban "teen" pornography at some point, but people got mad. I hadn't heard of "Disney sexualization" before.

>> No.10616264

I don't mind if they tighten up on age of consent laws. Just don't touch my free speech.

>> No.10616265
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>> No.10616275

Those threads have been here since the creation of /jp/, possibly longer.
We always discuss the same things and always come to the same conclusions.
But it's fun, that's why we do it. If you have nothing to contribute, please leave.

>> No.10616279

People have also complained about these shitty threads as long as they've been around.

>> No.10616287

And your material's got cobwebs all over it.

Go spray on some other board. Or get a life.

>> No.10616303


He just told you to get a life dude. What are you going to say to counter that?

>> No.10616304

I don't agree with CP, especially when it involves child abuse, but it would be silly to reduce everything involving underage sexuality as "abuse". Statutory rape is treated as just that--rape--even if it's consensual.

>Because parents are a big voter group, and they don't want bad men molesting their children.
Then wouldn't it make sense to pander to that group in order to get illogical legislation passed? In particular things like CP possession and statutory rape? It's only been recently that some of the laws have been under review. A few months ago I read an article about a supreme court judge siding with the pedo for once, stating that the punishment did not fit the crime nor did it help the core problem.

I used "Disney sexualization" to refer to our entertainment industry sexualizing underage entertainers. It's not limited to Disney, but it's a trend that I see often where the girls' images become increasingly risque as they age.

>> No.10616313

>Then wouldn't it make sense to pander to that group in order to get illogical legislation passed?
The end goal of most politicians isn't simply "to get illogical legislation passed."

>It's not limited to Disney, but it's a trend that I see often where the girls' images become increasingly risque as they age.
Well, they are getting older, so it's becoming more acceptable, presumably. I really have no idea what teen pop stars actually get up to on the television, though.

>> No.10616314

I'd smoke it with Reimu.

>> No.10616318

Please stop this hate and bullying. If you don't like this thread, hide it and leave.
It's /jp/-related, so there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.10616321

>can't own guns
>can't have sex with your girlfriend
>forced to buy insurance from corporations
>the government picks your pocket, and uses your hard-earned money to subsidize the corporations that OWN you
>can say whatever you want, but nothing you say will ever change anything

L-let freedom ring, guys ;_;

>> No.10616323

The OP was /jp/-related, but the following idiotic derail was not.

>> No.10616328

What do you get out of reposting the same dumb arguments over and over and over again? Hmm?

This some big dark conspiracy to make 4chan look bad, or are you just so bored, easily amused and uncreative that you think recycled "trolling" is fun?

>> No.10616331

some losers will argue about anything

>> No.10616336


Have to listened to the /jp/ theme song yet?

>> No.10616342

I don't really care about the age of consent because I am incapable of seeing sex as important. And look down on those who speak like they are being deprived of some basic service.

>> No.10616341

Talking about loli makes me happy.

>> No.10616346
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So how does this relate to 2D again?

>> No.10616357

>The end goal of most politicians isn't simply "to get illogical legislation passed."
That's true. Most of it is to satisfy interest groups, but then that's done in order for them to secure their positions. In the end, I'm trying to say that the politicians themselves are not brainwashed, but are in fact another another instrument that does the brainwashing.

>Well, they are getting older, so it's becoming more acceptable, presumably.
Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn't, but that doesn't really matter. It's just interesting to see such a blatant contradiction go by. I'm convinced that most people don't even believe in the morals they preach, but no one dares to speak out.

Loli falls under "simulated" CP. Whether that's a federal law or state, I'm unsure.

>> No.10616362

/jp/ is otaku culture, not 2D/random. I'm a 2D and 3D pedophile. I don't subscribe to /a/ memes for the sake of fitting in, neither do otaku, neither does Japan. Just look at junior idols.

>> No.10616364


How long 'till "simulated" murder and "simulated" robbery are prosecuted? Then "mentally simulated" crime?

America. Land of liberty.

>> No.10616365

You can't, junior idols are banned on /jp/.

>> No.10616373

I'm not saying actually look at them, I'm saying think about them as a concept. But don't discuss them as a concept, that breaks global rule 1. But feel free to think about thinking about them or think about thinking about discussing them, that's one layer of irony above thoughtcrime.

>> No.10616371

That's not the spirit of the law at all. It's just to stop people from photoshopping CP to make it look drawn.

>> No.10616378


It does not matter what the 'spirit' of the law is. The law prohibits things that do not harm children whatsoever.

>> No.10616381

>I'm convinced that most people don't even believe in the morals they preach, but no one dares to speak out.

If only this were actually the case.

>> No.10616384

You're thinking of pseudophotographs, which are a subset of simulated child pornography. US law also makes cartoons and drawings illegal:
>a drawing
>It is not a required element of any offense under this section that the minor depicted actually exist.

At least two men have already been arrested for just manga-style drawings.

I can make a case for pseudophotographs being wrong (though not necessarily illegal), but not cartoons or comics.

>> No.10616388

Never. Key industries rely on simulated violence (Hollywood) in order to survive. To try to shut them down would be economic/political suicide.

No. IIRC, the law states that even fictional representations (barring those with "artistic merit") qualify as CP.

>> No.10616394

Not him, but I think it might be. A lot of normal folk would agree that people are too hysterical about pedophilia, it's just not a popular thing to say. People hide away things that are taboo. I remember reading about a study where people were asked "What is the most taboo subject?" and they generally just said swearing, drugs, pornography, etc. in public. They only dared usher things like pedophilia, child abuse, the Holocaust, rape, and so on if they were completely in private and knew their answers would be held in confidence.

>> No.10616396

It's preferable that there is an illegal law on the books that cops don't enforce unless necessary then have serial rapists go free due to lack of evidence.

>> No.10616403

Would you have consensual sex with a young virgin girl (say 9-12) if the opportunity presented itself to you?

>> No.10616412

>"artistic merit"

Surely you could get off the hook with this then couldn't you?

What a system.

>> No.10616411

I wouldn't have sex with anyone, I want to maintain my virginity.

>> No.10616413
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Someone posted this picture yesterday and said that if the Klingon's blood had been red, the movie this was in would have received a higher rating. I looked it up and it's true--at the time it would have received an R rating by the MPAA.

While I hate censorship in the sense of "covering things up", I'm actually fine with shit like this. I don't think we should go back to Hays Code era Hollywood or whatever, but Quake gibs and 80s gore are way more entertaining and creative than gritty and realistic violence.

>> No.10616414

I almost did. But I was like 15 at the time and she was 10. But it was outside although there was a huge thunderstorm going on, so I was a bit wary.

>> No.10616418

The opportunity did present itself.

I didn't act on it because I was a better person, back then. I wish I could go back to those days and set myself straight.

>> No.10616420


How do you even measure this? A whole legal case could boil down to the fucking jury's taste in art.

America is so shit. I wish I was born in Sweden or somewhere.

>> No.10616421

> I didn't act on it because I was a better person, back then. I wish I could go back to those days and set myself straight.

Ugh, story of my teenage life.

>> No.10616422

No, but I would probably secretly regret it afterwards.

>> No.10616426

Nobody cares, unless you are specifically referring to having sex with little girls.

>> No.10616427

Just cite how the artist in question influenced other famous artists and you're gold.

>> No.10616429

Not sure about artistic merit, but for obscenity they use the Miller test:

In that one case someone posted, the prosecution lawyer said something like "These cartoon pictures clearly have no artistic merit whatsoever." Maybe the courts just took his word for it.

>> No.10616436

The courts didn't take anyone's word for it, the guy plead guilty.

>> No.10616437

3D lolis do nothing for me but I probably wouldn't even if they did, It just wouldn't be worth it.

>> No.10616442

She'd have to be a very mature-looking 10.

>> No.10616446

Is there any reason for cartoons depicting kids having sex to be illegal, other than fear and ignorance?

How does America even justify this? Is everyone just afraid to oppose like this out of fear of being rolled over by the irrational pedophilia hate train?

>> No.10616448

To the crime of downloading manga pictures of underage girls?

What the fuck, I thought America was the land of the free (non-American here).

>> No.10616449

It's not just about sex, retard.

>> No.10616453

Marijuana is illegal because if you smoke it you will do harder drugs like heroin and meth.


>> No.10616464

He bought the physical copies. And, if I remember it correctly, he only pleaded guilty to importing obscene pornography over state lines, which is illegal.

>> No.10616460

There's something wonderful about the idea of cartoon CP being made legal, and then a generation of middle-aged rednecks getting off to lolis shouting "Onii-chan! D-Don't take off my pantsu! Nya~!"

>> No.10616461

I can't simulate this scenario in my head. I don't know how I'd act.

>> No.10616462

They were tired of actual criminals getting away because their uploads might have been not real. You can't prove that it isn't just highly realistic CG, can you? Of course not, nobody can.

>> No.10616467

That's actually the thing that damns you. No jury or judge is going to stand up and say that loli rape possesses "artistic merit", even though creation of something like loli manga necessitates an artistically creative act.

I don't really mind the over-the-top or anything like that. I do, however, disagree with censorship, but the way the films have it now is pretty lax, more so than video games at least.

You thought wrong. It has always been about the elites and the people that unwittingly serve them. It's empty idealism that people tap into to further manipulate the masses.

>> No.10616472


You can't prove that every time someone lifts a drinking glass, quantum entanglement causes a little girl on the other side of the universe to be impaled by a giant sex toy. Time to ban the consumption of liquids.

>> No.10616476

There hasn't been a single court case where that has come up.

>> No.10616479


The suffering of those little girls doesn't wait for a court case. How many have you caused to be raped by now? There's no telling. Fucking monster.

>> No.10616484

If you want to be mad, be mad at the criminals who use legal loopholes.

>> No.10616487


I'm not mad at all because I don't live in a third-world country full of clinically retarded Christians.

>> No.10616488

I'll use your legal poophole.

>> No.10616507

You probably come from some small country that doesn't have a big crime problem. Don't pretend it's because your country is more enlightened.

>> No.10616525

It probably means it is more enlightened, bro.

>> No.10616560

I was fucked as a child and it is not the source of endless traumatizing flashbacks or perpetual emotional agony. I'm really sort of indifferent to the whole thing.

>> No.10616589


What was it like?

>> No.10616606

a man stuck it up my pooper

>> No.10616616

Was he cute?

>> No.10616644

Not all that memorable. I thought it was a game, and I also thought he was peeing in my mouth.

>> No.10616657

That's arousing.

>> No.10616656

Must've had a pretty small dick.

>> No.10616665

Too bad I was a little boy and no one likes little boys. I was probably too ugly for anyone to like anyways.

>> No.10616670

But that's fucking stupid, of course you can. CG isn't nearly that advanced besides modern shit produced by teams in crazily-funded films.

>> No.10616671

Yeah. My cousin had me suck his dick when I was around age 12.

I'm also pretty indifferent about it. It *might* have contributed to me being gay and liking cocks now, though. I don't really mind that though

>> No.10616680

>no one likes little boys
The Romans.

>> No.10616684

The Greeks

>> No.10616689

A few priests.

>> No.10616699

The fact remains that it leaves reasonable doubt. Especially if the jury isn't familiar with the limits of CG.

>> No.10616703

Ok so my audience is greeks, romans, and a few priests. This is gonna be good.

>> No.10616706

Don't forget coaches. All of them, ever.

>> No.10616722

Actually I kinda liked one of my coaches when I was in high school. I played on the soccer team for a little bit.

>> No.10616729

People haven't really changed since then. Their true nature is just buried now.

>> No.10616732

Also, they could just dress you like a girl. Not much difference between genders at that age anyway.

>> No.10616938

Nobody's trolling. Fuck off, normie.

>> No.10616945

if nobody's trolling that's even worse

it means people really are just that retarded

>> No.10616979

Who are you even calling the retards?

>> No.10617305

plead the fifth

>> No.10617429

you're seen as a creepy otaku.
and not with even a shred of elitist "cool" on any note.
it basicly makes you a creepy pedophile that lives in thier parents basement with a neckbeard and a collection of moldy fap socks sticking to your star trek collection next to your binder full of bea arthur nudes.

even creepier is thinking that this would be accepted anywhere.

what's worse is the defamation of the classic term of lolita... which isn't a child.

>> No.10617443

Shut up, feminist. You're clearly a girl.

>> No.10617448

Why Bea Arthur? She wasn't a child actress.

>what's worse is the defamation of the classic term of lolita... which isn't a child.

Defamation? He used nymphete to describe girls of the age range he was attracted to (9-14). So you should be defensive over that term. A Lolita character, on the other hand, just means a sexually precocious child.

>> No.10617452

i fucked you're daughter

>> No.10617515
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>Oniichan what are you looking at me like that for?

>> No.10617518
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>N-nichan... I don't understand this... I feel weird...

>> No.10617554


It's okay to be a lolicon. As long as it's 2D girls.

>> No.10617566

I really, really find it funny that people understand that the identification of children as such in the sexual context is required to give respect to the gap of maturity between them and... mature adults. Granted, there are the one-in-twenty-ish people that mature ridiculously fast, and the one-in-seven-ish that never actually mature more than a fourteen year old, but consent laws exist for a very good reason and real child porn trafficking does fuel a demand, and a supply for, child porn itself, which can only be produced through the molestation of children, physical or abstract (eg convincing a child to record themselves naked and perverted without any physical involvement with them whatsoever).

>> No.10617568

you will have a hard time convincing people here that the abstract molestation of children is a problem

>> No.10617579

That's not my job. Personally, I only care about physical molestation, which is by far the most prevalent source of it.

>> No.10617735
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Famous lolicon game circle.
Apparently so popular, that even Yuko Goto (seiyuu for Mikuru Asahina) voiced one of their lolis in "Kodomo Milk Parfait". Her ero voice is amazing.

Game collection torrent(copied from magnet uri):


>> No.10617770

if you want to be accepted into most societies it is necessary.
i don't want to broadcast my interests to people at my university as i believe it is unnecessary and only bad is likely to come of it.
however it's not going to stop me from joining the weeaboo club

>> No.10617813

I think anything is fine as long at it's 2D. Hence all the porn sites for shows like Family Guy, The Simpsons, and numerous children's cartoons.

>> No.10617837

Tell that to the guy from Australia who got sentenced for having simpsons porn.

>> No.10617844

Well Australia also considers porn with flat chests illegal, regardless of age. So I don't think anyone is really talking about them when it comes to reasonable laws on this kind of thing.

>> No.10617861


That was repealed. But yeah, the Simpsons porn thing was stupid. Even the judge thought it was a joke, going by the sentence he delivered.

>> No.10618478

Japan is full of moralfags.

>> No.10618506

That's not very informative. Tell us more.

>> No.10618699

Its cool they all read rape loli manga on the train,

>> No.10618709

No one cares. Jp people wont confront you about it even if you do this>>10618699.

And its legal so yeah its cool.

>> No.10619047

>if you want to be accepted into most societies it is necessary.

That's the problem. Why would you want to be accepted into something that will exclude you for something trivial?

If you don't feel like letting others know you're interests that's okay. But if you really subscribe to this nonsense that true nerds are ashamed about what they do then you're just being ridiculous.

And it's very confusing to me that you seem to believe there are two options. "Hide your power-level" or "be an obnoxious dick about it". Can't I just talk about my interests from time to time with people who are interested, without being embarrassed? What's wrong with that?

>> No.10619052
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