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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 38 KB, 500x500, NEET.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10614639 No.10614639[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10614648

No money, honey.

>> No.10614647

Let's do it again. How exactly did you become a NEET?

>> No.10614651

I'm a NEET and I have money. Have you never heard about jobs?

>> No.10614657

After I got out of high school I had no desire for work and no one would let me into their workplace so here I am now and forever.

>> No.10614653

I just get money from parents most of the time.

>> No.10614658

You can't be a NEET if you have a job.

>> No.10614661

I'm going to be NEET soon. How do I get money to live as a NEET? Do I just live off my life savings and kill myself in a year or two or is there a trick to it?

>> No.10614662


I think he is just being facetious.

>> No.10614665

Am I still NEET if I'm an indie game dev?

>> No.10614668


>> No.10614674

Internet frauds

>> No.10614680

B-but I'm not employed by anyone.

>> No.10614683

You're self-employed.

>> No.10614684

Just went to the unemployment office today to lengthen my NEET vacation even more.

5 years and rolling.

>> No.10614685

Why do you want to be NEET? Why are you upset that you're not?

>> No.10614688


You're self-employed, dumbass.

>> No.10614690

That's what being a freelance or being a self-employed is.

I guess you can still pass as NEET if you don't actually get a living out of your indie games.

>> No.10614693

Walmart is giving me shit about my lack of references.

You pay less than $8 an hour and you think you have the right to be stingy about this shit?

>> No.10614696

I saw Welcome to the NHK and want to be NEET, but I now there's no way I'd get a living allowance from my parents. How can I make enough money to live off of as a NEET?

>> No.10614700

Well I'm making the games anyway for fun. I just so happen to be able to sell them for money. I wouldn't really call it self-employment since it's just a hobby.

Because of my NEET spirit.

>> No.10614705

>less than $8 an hour

Isn't that well bellow minimum wage?

>> No.10614702

NEET is a state of mind. I got 99 problems but a job ain't one.

>> No.10614704

If this is supposed to be the NEET thread, then you need to restart it with "NEET" in the subject field.

>> No.10614707

Government money (unemployment, autism, etc), internet jobs (Mechanical Turk, Clickworker), blogs, etc

>> No.10614709


>> No.10614712

I'm living off disability so I'm not sure, but I would guess you could make money online or get unemployment.

>> No.10614711

That sounds hard. Oh well, I'll do my best.
How do I get autism bucks if I don't have a formal diagnosis?

>> No.10614716

Yeah, my mom made me apply for some jobs last year. Why the fuck do you need references to get a job at Walmart?

>> No.10614715

I haven't actually tried it myself. Just look for the symptoms on wikipedia and pretend to have it.

>> No.10614719

My parents don't give me any money, they just buy me food and let me stay in their basement.

>> No.10614717

only if you never finish the project
bonus neet points if it's an otaku game

>> No.10614720
File: 636 KB, 742x1007, Princess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are princesses NEETs? Can I be one?

>> No.10614724

$7.25 is the minimum wage in America.

>> No.10614728

Not in my state. They claim its a living wage but everyone knows better than that.

I guess to make sure you aren't a shut in who posts on /jp/. She said even if I could get the number of a friend or pastor who can vouch for me it would work.

Anyone here think they could help me? I literally don't know anyone besides my mom and grandma and I already used my grandma as a false work reference and my mom is a shitty liar.

>> No.10614726

No I don't. The filename is NEET.

>> No.10614732

You could put me as a reference I guess, give me your email.
I'm a real shitty liar though, so be sure it's okay to put down friends.

>> No.10614736


>> No.10614740

Yes, you do.


>> No.10614744
File: 81 KB, 929x693, _15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You pay less than $8 an hour and you think you have the right to be stingy about this shit?
Of course they have. There's a labor abundance and you, the pathetic unqualified loser, is worth nothing more, proved by the fact that you'd settle for that job.

>> No.10614749


I like his Haruhi poster.

>> No.10614750

That's terrible. Here in Australia the minimum wage is just under $16.

>> No.10614759

Things are much, much more expensive in Australia.

>> No.10614763

Because people have more monies, you silly billy.

>> No.10614773

Yeah I know. I just don't see why you have to know people to be able to get bottom of the barrel sub fast food tier jobs. Only reason I'm bothering with it is because nowhere else in my town has a third shift position.

If they bumped up our minimum wage that high everything would become expensive as fuck.

>> No.10614808

So does clickworker actually work?

>> No.10614910

I didn't do anything for three years. Also I was born with multiple mental disorders. That helps.

>> No.10614908

Because things are more expensive, you sausage jockey.

>> No.10614921
File: 14 KB, 240x210, mysides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was born with multiple mental disorders

My sides have entered the blogosphere!
