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File: 261 KB, 444x600, Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10610857 No.10610857[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Silver Forest is still one of my favorite circles out there. So sad to hear them have to go though. I hope Sayuri's doing well.


Who are your guys' favorites?

>> No.10610858
File: 9 KB, 251x236, 1315657847726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Silver Forest

>> No.10610859

For a moment I saw the picture and thought you were going to talk about Toriaezu's doujins.

Now I'm disappointed.

>> No.10610860

NJK Records because this song. Also 3L.


>> No.10610861


>> No.10610862

Start a thread about it.

I would reply to it.

>> No.10610922


>> No.10610946
File: 58 KB, 160x249, 1362759931693.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still no Taishi
everyone who attended c83 has shit taste


>> No.10610949


Best album from C83 was Dominated Dancehall.

>> No.10610950

Yuuhei Satellite


>> No.10610951

Shit taste, the best C83 albums were original.

>> No.10610959


I never said I listened exclusively to Touhou music. It was just a thread topic to keep things from getting too broad.

>> No.10610960

haha no

>> No.10610964


okay you got me there :c

>> No.10610986
File: 62 KB, 600x600, Hlzy-0015_top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best album c83 pic related

>> No.10611002

it's fun

>> No.10611035

man that is old as fuck.
I approve.

>> No.10611040


Thanks. It doesn't even sound like that old of a release to be honest.

>> No.10611047


I didn't even notice that when I clicked his link. Nowadays all I see it just newshit getting posted everywhere. Its nice to look back on these older releases.

>> No.10611107


Yeah that's a nice song you picked out. It's essentially the original, just with a varied instrumentation, which makes it really nice to me too.

What was that, like 7 years ago? Shit man.

>> No.10611155


Best Silver Forest song


>> No.10611181



>> No.10611284

I like C-Clays and Shibayan.

>> No.10611293

I dislike C-Clays and Shibayan.

>> No.10611302


fuck you then

>> No.10611304


>> No.10611309


Same, except that bossa nova album.

>> No.10611308

calm down, I was just trying to make a funny post

>> No.10611316


That wasn't even me.

>> No.10611347


Meh that one Patchy song of theirs was alright too.

>> No.10611458

This sounds like shit that some kid who's been playing guitar 3 months would make.

Kind of garbage...

>> No.10611546


Ever listen to dBu? Now THAT sounds like garbage.

>> No.10611554

come on man that's rude as hell
dBu is classy even if most of his music sucks


>> No.10611573

where tha fuck is this being sold
i need to pay some nip to buy it for me

>> No.10611575


While I'm at it TAM sucks massive ass as well.

>> No.10611586

hes always been shitty

>> No.10611752

why did they go?

>> No.10611802


OP's pic is one of two Silver Forest compilation albums released last year. It was a pretty sudden announcement at the time on the group's page that their main singer, Sayuri had fallen very ill and couldn't continue performing for them. They then said that they had no intention of continuing without her and disbanded soon after.

>> No.10611835


Are Sayuri and Sayuri Anpo the same people?

>> No.10611839


No, Sayuri is Sayuri and Sayuri Anpo is 3L.

>> No.10611902

i can see why

>> No.10611935


Why the fuck is that faggot even popular in the first place.

>> No.10611947


Yes. I wish there was a version of that with mariapolo edited out.

>> No.10612004


As far as I know, ちよこ is pretty new. I think I'm really starting to like her voice, though. I'll have to research further.

>> No.10612085

shes fucking dope as fuck

>> No.10612168
File: 413 KB, 500x500, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Shibayan Records nailed nu-disco with Magico Catastrofe. My favorite album from C83.

>> No.10612216

what the FUG is a nu-disco

>> No.10612223

Oh, I like this kind of music too! Completely 2hu unrelated, but you might like Mitch Murder.

By the way, is this an arrange of something, or is the tune just familiar?

>> No.10612234

Man, that's really good. It's so good it doesn't even feel like Japanese music.

>> No.10612229


>> No.10612238

Tutti Sound
old Demetori

off the top of my head

>> No.10612259

Shibayan is primarily influenced by European musicians like Justice, Boys Noize, and Noisia, of which are French, German, and Dutch respectively.

>> No.10612261

Daft Punk too. Really good stuff.

>> No.10612264

Makes sense.

>> No.10612275

Shibayan has been my favorite circle for a few years now(barring that bossa nova album) I can't get enough!

>> No.10612273

Nice! I really like these classic beats. I don't think it's an arrangement of anything; it's just familiar.

>> No.10612300

http://youtu.be/_MQc863ukEY says it's an arrange of Rumia's theme.

>> No.10612341

Sun Flower Field, MN-logic24, <echo>PROJECT, Aftergrow, minimum electric design, Unlucky Morpheus, efs, こなぐすり, 音召缶, Halozy.

I would list some more, but I already have enough trouble narrowing it down to a single favorite.

>> No.10612350 [DELETED] 

Oh, I thought Anon meant the Mitch Murder stuff. The entire Shibayan album consists of Touhou arrangements. However, track "Myoisia" is an arrangement of PCB's Stage 5 theme, at the same time a remix of Noisia's "Groundhog".

>> No.10612357

Oh, I thought Anon meant the Mitch Murder stuff. The entire Shibayan album consists of Touhou arrangements. However, track "Myoisia" is an arrangement of PCB's Stage 5 theme, at the same time a remix of Noisia's "Groundhog".

>> No.10612498
File: 350 KB, 500x501, Image0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really enjoyed both of the Tsugumi albums.

>> No.10612517

Can't tell if you guys are serious about that C83 Shibayan release.

It's shit.

>> No.10612544

Can someone recommend me orchestra/symphony arrange? Preferably the epic oneor the spooky one.

>> No.10612552


Ryuuha Mikakutei

>> No.10612598


Oh nice.

>> No.10612608


Don't forget that people have shit taste.

>> No.10612667

Isn't there some google docs with all of the album's mediafire links?

>> No.10612723




>> No.10612946


Oh that's quite convenient now isn't it.

>> No.10613142

I wonder if anything good will come out of M3-31

>> No.10613204


Nah it's more Reitaisai in May that I think everybody is looking forward to.

>> No.10613395

Speak for yourself. I like the M3 event. Not only are there more fantastic touhou arrange albums to look forward to, but there are originals as well.

>> No.10613755


>> No.10613809
File: 109 KB, 600x600, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever happened to these guys?


I was kind of wondering if their other works were as good as their contribution to the akametal compilation. But it seems they have disbanded and begun to fade away from the internet.

>> No.10613820

That was seven years ago. Japan is littered with defunct doujin groups. You can try and see where the individual arrangers headed off to, though.

>> No.10613852

Yeah. But what about the music they already made? Where did it head off to?

>> No.10613904

Maybe they only had the one album?

>> No.10615467

it's probably people that listened just a few albums.

>> No.10615487

It's actually just people with good taste.

>> No.10615523

with a single good song? hahaha sure dude.

>> No.10615531

>with a single good song?

I laugh at your musical tastes.

>> No.10615557
File: 26 KB, 268x241, Ilya )-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a retard and forgot to link

>> No.10615555
File: 312 KB, 846x1050, 1350643697958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to do a sort of introduction to electronic 2hu some time ago. While I didn't mix it very well, it turned out alright. I tried to make it so that more accessible songs are at the start and have it escalate in craziness. I'd love some feedback on it!

>Barring that bossa nova album
But that album was great! A big detour from his gritty trance, but great nonetheless.

>> No.10615569

laugh all you want, it's obvious that your taste is limited.

>> No.10615739

>it's obvious that your taste is limited.

Probably, yeah. Limited to everything good.

>> No.10615858

Listening warmly.

>> No.10615883
File: 62 KB, 250x250, 1312355234168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahha ok

>> No.10616194

MyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyon > MyonMyonMyonMyon >>> MyonMyonMyonMyonMyon

>> No.10616200
File: 170 KB, 627x620, FGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either Foreground Eclipse or Draw the Emotional

>> No.10616201

I for one, enjoy my limited taste.

>> No.10616205


And what taste would that be?

>> No.10616209

I only listen to touhou tracks and only once in a while

listening to music is just boring

so I guess I'm pretty limited

>> No.10616216
File: 811 KB, 600x608, jacket alice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit never gets enough credit.

>> No.10616248


Was there an Alice Holic 2 that came out

>> No.10616257
File: 208 KB, 602x600, tewgew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sound Sepher
Yuuhei Satellite (Honestly anything Senya puts her voice in)
Floresta Prateada
And that one who makes the House sets for every game, can not remember the name.

Recently began to listen to Girl's short hair, great vocals.

>> No.10616261



What the fuck. All the others I don't have a problem with.

>> No.10616269
File: 426 KB, 500x500, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? dBu is great, TAMUSIC is hit and miss but a lot of their arranges are good.

>> No.10616272



>> No.10616305


Fuck those videos.

>> No.10616316

Is there something I'm missing here?

>> No.10616330


Yes. You're missing some guy talk to himself.

>> No.10616383


The peach she's holding in that pic looks like somebody's ass.

>> No.10616557


Best peaches mix.


>> No.10616734
File: 53 KB, 250x250, ScarlattodiLevanteLotoBianco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Black Night Funeral, Tutti Sound, but most of all Scarlatto di Levante.
Shame I can't find any downloads for Scarlatto, I can't even find a place to purchase their CDs because I gladly would.

>> No.10617025


Tutti Sound's real nice.


>> No.10617026

I hope Setsuna stops with those VDAS EPs soon and makes another great Touhou album, like the one from C80.

>> No.10617038

Needs more nayuta. C'mon ENS.

>> No.10617106

I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Alstroemeria yet. I really like their Dancehall series.

>> No.10617139
File: 257 KB, 480x640, 712453371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alstromeria makes some great arranges, really good, the kind of that I would listen to for hours, the problem is that they make 20 mediocre songs for every one good.

>> No.10617160
File: 28 KB, 280x280, tumblr_m9sdqrgi4C1rot11vo1_1346696653_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really don't like dBu? Fuck that guy makes the absolute best arranges in my opinion.

>> No.10617154

Their Dancehall series are really hit-or-miss for me. Some tracks I really fancy, some not at all. Their C83 album was decent though. Nhato's DEAD SPACE is a personal favorite.

>> No.10617174


Two in that album made it for me. The one you posted and this one.


>> No.10617244

I liked Kuon. He usually tries to add new stuff into his arranges instead of bringing the entire originals over, and his stuff has some sort of signature mood/tune that makes it impossible to confuse with other people's works.

Too bad the fucker went to Gensokyo after his circle disbanded.

>> No.10617274


I'm surprised nobody's mentioned ENS at all either.

>> No.10617282
File: 433 KB, 571x800, Okuu 396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou Magical Girls: Ultimate☆Reimu


People hate on vocal arranges all the time but its one of the few albums I really like the vocals to.

>> No.10617290


Don't worry I don't hate on vocal arranges. Only shitty ones. And denpa.

>> No.10617298
File: 470 KB, 512x288, Okuu 317.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only shitty ones
Well, yeah, I'm sure it's a given that you'd hate shitty music.


>> No.10617301

This makes me happy for some reason.

>> No.10617339


eye dont see why it wouldnt make you happy

>> No.10617408

Liz Triangle doesn't really get that much attention.


>> No.10617447

What are 東京 アクティブNEETs' and Raccoon Factory's best albums?

>> No.10617464

Cute image dude.

>> No.10617461

Haven't heard enough NEETs to decide, but I like this album so far:

>> No.10617555

the bakuon jazz ones

>> No.10617559

Is Kitsune's workshop still around?

>> No.10617573

done talking about Shibayan i see, thank god.
ENS, LiLA'c, and Halozy (and their spin-off circles) always have something good to listen to.
i'm really hoping pastyle, IZMIZM, and Mohican Sandbag keep releasing new stuff.


>> No.10617578


ENS is decent, I only really like their arrangements with nayuta or Cryu. Those Halozy songs with Nanahira are amazing, along with Satorare.

>> No.10617656

KINZOK ON, especially Gensou Hardsound series

>> No.10617663


though I don't listen to as much touhou arranges these days

>> No.10617687
File: 51 KB, 450x446, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10617707


Ever listen to Pizuya's cell and MyonMyon?

>> No.10617821


Interesting, I haven't heard of either of those until now. I kinda like it, reminds me a bit of USAO.

>> No.10617843

MyonMyon, i only listen to that Steel of Scarlet album.
Pizuya's cell, had listen to few of their songs, but not interested

>> No.10617857


Nah fuck those, DJ Shimamura's where it's all at.

>> No.10617878
File: 883 KB, 694x981, 1355584713434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shibayan, or anything that sounds like shibayan, like this:

>> No.10618884

I didn't know they made this, It isn't in one of their albums, but syrufit

>> No.10618949
File: 126 KB, 1080x1080, laze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MyonMyonMyonMyonMyonMyon > MyonMyonMyon > MyonMyonMyonMyon > Myoisia > MyonMyonMyonMyonMyon

I haven't found very many new albums that I've liked recently. C83 was pretty lackluster. SoundChaos is pretty good I guess.

>> No.10618971

I was excited for magico from the preview, but when I got the album I was disappointed.

>> No.10620234


I agree. Biggest disappointment of C83, along with that ALiCE'S EMOTiON album.

Need to start putting out more shit like this song again:


>> No.10620294

which one? i thought the remix album was pretty good, but overdrive was very mediocre this time around. but yeah seems like AE is in a weird transition phase, same as Alstro.

>> No.10620306


Evolution Red is the one I'm talking about.

>> No.10620310

I like Oriens and Melodic Taste.

>> No.10620314


Could do without that stupid "are you ready", but other than that the song's pretty good.

>> No.10620325

Shibayan Bossa albums are alright.

>> No.10620330


There are multiple?

>> No.10620339


>> No.10620610


The Riverside View mix was amazing.

>> No.10620865

I think ALR and AE are trying to target two different categories, which makes it sound like they are experimenting. I enjoy their recent albums more than their previous ones, but I also rarely see ppl who enjoy their recent albums.

>> No.10620898



I love the newer ones.

I love the older ones. Like that song this guy put >>10620234

>> No.10620919

My mistake, by older ones I meant pre-c80. I enjoyed all post c80.

>> No.10620925


Yet that song is from TH Kouroumu 7. That's not exactly what most people would call "older".

>> No.10621014

Does anyone know the PV/song that featured Flandre in a orange cat maid outfit? I forgot the name and I can't find it again.

>> No.10621070



>> No.10621109

It's a denpa song.

>> No.10621150


Is it the one by Halozy?

>> No.10621181

I'm not sure, I remember the PV and the song, but not the name or circle.

>> No.10621265

Anyone know?

>> No.10621314




>> No.10621354

Sorry, this isn't it. It was about 2 minute PV, the title was completely in Japanese, it was flashly and Flandre was constantly changing outfits until she had orange stockings, cat ears and a orange maid outfit.

>> No.10621459

Why are we against TAM anyway?
I'm not a fan of any violin tunes, and he's not the best I've heard when it comes to piano, but what groups are considered good for piano arranges? For lack of choices I know of, I still stock up on TAM albums.

>> No.10621494


Don't take that one post as being representative of all of /jp/'s opinions.

>> No.10621536

Well, regardless, what are some other piano arrange artists that people find good? TAM seems to focus more on violin so he isn't quite for me. There was this set of songs that lead me to a site of an artist いんぷれ。but aside from his empty site, none of his albums seem to exist on the internet, to my surprise. I wish I could find more of him, free or not.

>> No.10621550


Sorry I personally can't help you there, its not my genre.

>> No.10621598

Anybody else notice the uploader's channel in OP's vid? It's only a couple of days old and I've already found a couple of interesting tracks on it that I haven't run across before like this one.


>> No.10621674


seems pretty active too

>> No.10621728


Try this?


>> No.10621899


Not bad.

>> No.10621960

That's interesting. It might grow on me. In fact I had some QLOCKS but I haven't really given it much of a listen.

>> No.10621966

Also, artist that I was trying to find more of but doesn't seem to exist outside of 5 youtube videos

>> No.10622146

i liked AE's c82 albums quite a bit, but i do miss the old hardcore style that seems to be diminishing. also yeah im liking alstro's newer stuff more than the older stuff. i think Camelia is a good influence on Minoshima (i also liked ABANDONED the most)

>> No.10622267

and by c82 i meant reitaisai 9

>> No.10622301


So the FORLANE albums. I was about to say, Crimson Tempest really...?

>> No.10624843


Try looking on Nico.

>> No.10624980

More doujin artists need to be making psytrance. This is really good.

>> No.10625291


Better than shitty nightcore.

>> No.10625898

check out Theta Complex 2 and 3, and cubegrams - SUPER AURA, if you haven't. psytrance is far from my favorite genre, but that shit is really fucking good. some of dBu's best work on those albums, too.

>> No.10626446


Eh I have all of those already. As I expected its hard to find other albums featuring similar music

>> No.10626484

Massive New Krew.


>> No.10626500

jcore masterz

>> No.10626508
File: 90 KB, 640x640, d761b40cc9444492e6cf2800b49046b7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw The Emotional for the metal rock stuff. Their singer is so good and their Seated with Liquor Album was so good too. I also like Sound Holic. That Kero Kero Kero song from their C83 album was so super adorable and the MONSTER one was cool. Rock 'n' Roll Laboratory, Ground Snow, and Double Key were great Albums too.

>> No.10626511

Does anyone have the link to the spreadsheet for C83? Haven't finished dling it all.

>> No.10626518


l2read >>10612723

>> No.10626545


>ctrl+f sekkenya
>no results

whatta fuck man.
/jp/ has terrible taste

>> No.10626556



>> No.10626863


Would you like to provide a good sekken'ya song then?

>> No.10626897


all of them, speglord.

>> No.10627090


Yeah that Zytokine album was definitely one that I kept.

>> No.10627114
File: 135 KB, 325x325, 1331361394388.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10627126


cute image dude

>> No.10627226

I like Syrup Comfiture and Celestian-Clays.

>> No.10627246


Please don't bully.

>> No.10627333


sorry dude

>> No.10627336


Anybody know any good arranges of Hartmann's Youkai Girl? Only one I can find is the C-Clays version.

>> No.10627500



>> No.10627936


wtf is that shit

>> No.10627960

can anyone gimme link to Theta Complex 3? I only found the torrent and most ddl link i found are expired

>> No.10627967


its Dobu Usagi at his finest

>> No.10628149





protip: with these things it always helps to google the album number

>> No.10628195

Thx bro!

>> No.10628204


sure thing

>> No.10628334
File: 205 KB, 550x556, 7705175672_8f2c63c6ea_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a bigger challenge.

>[AMCD-0009] Alice Music - ありす†ほりっく2 (C82)

>> No.10628398

what is wrong with this website http://www.otonomai.net
I tried to download
>You must wait 6 seconds before you can download this file. Once 6 seconds have passed, please refresh this page.
after 6 seconds than i refresh the page.
>You may not download any more files until your other downloads are complete
Even though i'm not downloading RIGHT NOW.

>> No.10628438

Who have the best Evening Sky (swr), Mysterious Mountain and Higan Retour- Riverside View?

>> No.10628470

What the FUCK is with all these quarternaries listening to Shibayan and IOSYS level SHIT?

I am GROSSED OUT /jp/.

>> No.10628808

Please don't bully.

>> No.10629723

not sure about the other two, but first one definitely
while you're at it go listen to

>> No.10630413

Decent for one of those instrumental mixes.


Not Bad.

Fuck yes.


Needs more of this shit.

Chiyori's alright.



Good to listen to once in a while.

The better parts of Dancehall.

Sounds like an anime OP

Bad apple was always kinda eh, this one not bad as far as ambience though.

ARM's done better than that.


Sounds like RPG music.

Best Syrufit song.

Nice, but also >>10620314


Good album, alright song.


Pretty good piano arranges.

Standard USAO.

Can't tell if recording quality or the song itself is shit.

>> No.10630418


Nothing off the top of my head regarding the first two but here's my suggestion for Riverside.


>> No.10630477 [DELETED] 



Technically it's more Swift Battle than Evening Star, but I think it's good anyways. Also,


is good if you're into Jazz.

>> No.10630486


Second link doesn't work.

>> No.10630488



Technically it's more Swift Battle than Evening Star, but I think it's good anyways. Also,


is good if you're into Jazz.

>> No.10630523
File: 182 KB, 500x500, 41f6fcee72634f096859ae849ba0462a79225628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good Touhou radio streams out there?

I know there's the /jp/ music stream but it's only 80% Touhou.

>> No.10630540


No they all suck. Honestly just hang around a yt uploader's channel and it's pretty much the same thing.

>> No.10630587

My favorites are Buta-Otome, Yellow Zebra/R-note, FELT, NJK Records, O-LIFE.JP, the NEETs, TAM, Floating Cloud, Republic of Mosaku Hattori and MAIKAZE.

Yuuhei Satellite, ShibayanRecords and Silly Walker are usually hit or miss because I'm not a big fan of trance or whatever that hard electro style is called, but overall I like them a lot too.

I like eurobeat too. I'm glad I like a lot of genres!


>> No.10630616

There used to be a Touhou jazz station. It was set up fairly recently, but I'm having trouble accessing it.

Does anyone know where it went? I enjoyed it immensely.

>> No.10630645


People who put one hundred million links in their post are fucking retarded.

Nobody but the most dedicated autist is going to open that shit. Furthermore, what makes you think you deserve to link that many?

>> No.10630654

I'm sorry... I thought someone may discover a circle or vocalist they could like...

>> No.10630662

It doesn't seem to be up any more... My .ogg file isn't doing anything...

>> No.10630664


Don't mind him.

>> No.10630679

Fuck. I realized the first arrange is wrong, I wanted to link this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qvk3CJEl4KU

>> No.10630675

Many stupid crossboarders with very limited taste.

>> No.10631007


Any more links from you?

>> No.10631202
File: 86 KB, 501x501, 081123_rumia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10631279


Don't cry, Rumia.

>> No.10631329

Otomekan/GET IN THE RING/ Younoumi/ Amateras Records are high on my list for now.





>> No.10631511


Definitely looking forward to more from Amateras, especially after this.


>> No.10631520

Someone make a mix playlist so I don't have to keep clicking things.

>> No.10631522


Just highlight and right-click its not that hard.

>> No.10631531

You mean the URLs?

But I have to keep doing that. Every time a song ends. I just want something I can let play in the background while I take it easy.

Are there any more good, themed mixes in one video like http://youtu.be/-BAvLYgq5m0 ?

>> No.10631545


I guess this is obligatory then.


>> No.10631553

Thank you, someone posted this a few days ago but I completely forgot about it.

>> No.10631766


Can't tell if this guy was serious but now I want this album too.

>> No.10631762


Needs more mixes of Suika's theme like that.

>> No.10632511


Go look on some Chinese site.

>> No.10633053


Sorry I can't help you. I really can't find any mirrors for it.

>> No.10633080
File: 1.32 MB, 1390x1043, 938213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help, /jp/. I'm looking for stuff similar to Tutti Sound's cinematic albums, link related.


>> No.10633884
File: 541 KB, 1240x920, suika_yuugi_duet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is pretty fun with the 4chan media player. You can just click on all of the links and it queues them up for you.

Here's one.

>> No.10634445


Finally we have a decent thread on /jp/

>> No.10634465

Best song in thread.


>> No.10634667
File: 251 KB, 600x601, Jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ctrl+f wave
>no results

>> No.10636496

bump for interest. and because /jp/ is being retardedly autistic today.

>> No.10636502 [DELETED] 

You're not really helping with that sort of epic grammar, /b/ro.

>> No.10636508


Get the fuck out of this thread.

>> No.10636521 [DELETED] 

You gonna make me, you stupid internet tuff guy faggot?

>> No.10636531


Anything else like OP's song? Plain reinstrumentations of Touhou music. I've already looked through all of Silver Forest's and dBu's stuff.

>> No.10636674

I'm quite unfamiliar with quite a few doujin music circles. Are there any that do any classical or piano remixes of Touhou music?

>> No.10636683


Read above, a couple were mentioned earlier.

>> No.10638066


>> No.10640346


>> No.10641953
File: 63 KB, 648x720, 400098_211408335607857_100002160776914_485707_663098824_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piano? Plenty. AssaultDoor is the place to start for that. Their most recent album - Dominant World - is quite interesting and, for all its variation, quite even in quality. I'm also quite partial to a guy called Tomoya. A bunch of people play Touhou piano but don't release albums though, like brunchmeat, so searching NND and Youtube, you'll find a bunch as well.

Classical though...

Yes, there's WAVE and Tutti Sound and all, and I suppose popular opinion says that they're pretty cool, but I have a strong distaste for them. They take their cues more from Hollywood film soundtracks than they do from the Romantic classical that ZUN so often mirrors. They lack almost any sort of subtlety. I just want to take Morrigan aside and explain to him that the reason large orchestras exist is for variety, not to have the entire string section play the same damn part.

On the other hand, you have TAMusic, who arranges for string quartet and piano. They have their own faults - mainly being that they're pieces tend to be formless and less complex than the originals - but their stuff at least sounds a little bit like what ZUN music properly should sound like arranged classically. Their Touhou string quartet albums are, in my opinion, probably the best Touhou classical you're going to find.

>> No.10645845


>> No.10648468


>> No.10648609

I get annoyed by how they put those god damned RPG battle rhythms into everything. Virus Key is the best one and even they do it a lot.

>> No.10651690
File: 698 KB, 294x280, 1351720977264.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave up and listened to each link posted in the thread, I'm glad, I got like 3 new albums I gotta download.

Oh, and Shibayan is declining. At least with their latest albums.

Electro-ish time.


>> No.10652733


And which three albums were those?

>> No.10654435

Deeper Underground, Starry Presto and the incoming TAM album.
