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10610572 No.10610572 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for the discussion of Yume Nikki, games made with the RPGMaker series/Wolf RPG editor, and dreaming.

Has anyone tried playing The Crooked Man?
Translated by vgperson a few days ago.

>> No.10611111
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>> No.10611267
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I just finished Majo no ie, oh boy those endings gave me good mind twist.

I wish there was more of this game.

Yume Nikki is good too.

>> No.10611677
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>> No.10611699

I saw a dream where every buddy I knew from elementary school had grown up into hairy tall men and we were all drinking together in the night like madmen. It was somehow terrible dream and great dream at the same time.

>> No.10615709
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>> No.10617098
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>> No.10619009
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New game being developed

>> No.10619038

That sounds horrible, my dream last night was me going to a bunch of arcades in some wooden buildings and all of the games somehow sucked. Then at some point it was like I was in some weird alien light gun shooting game and I woke up. What a shitty dream, but that's nothing compared to the uncomfortable dreams I usually get. My dreams always have a background feeling of general negativity to them even if they aren't exactly nightmares.

>> No.10619092

Can we please stop having Youmay Sellout games on /jp/? Fucking hell.

Kiki sell out can go fuck himself.

>> No.10619096

Can you "please'' fuck off?

>> No.10619098

Leave /jp/ if you support Kikisellout.

>> No.10619118

hi travis

>> No.10619187

I finished .flow recently and I'm now playing Yume 2kki. Even if I liked them, I honestly think that they held much more potencial. They just feel too much like copies of Yume Nikki. Just because it's a fangame doesn't mean you can't try to explore some other ideas that weren't present in the original game or make almost identical copies of some parts of the game (specially the NES world in .flow)

>> No.10619193

Haven't played but watched a playthrough of it already here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtnZNoUi61w

>> No.10619197

Did .Flow development cease yet?

>> No.10619211
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Anyone got a collaboration-list of good translated Maker-Games?

All I know about: .flow & Yume Nikki (boring; not my thing), Ib (pretty good) and that 2hu-RPG-thing (uber shit).
Some /jp/sies presented "Mad Father" a while ago - but haven't played it yet. I think it's from the same guy who translated Ib.

>> No.10619332
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I bet some of you faggots are actually okay with him cashing in on the manga, LNovel, and other crap. Kiki has no integrity for something that people held this close. No better than normalfags. Just when I thought jp couldn't get worse.

>> No.10619344
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Anyone else notice "her" slow descent into attention whoring as "her" popularity increased? Before, "she" was happy to just be "vgperson", basically anonymous. There was a short description on "her" tumblr that included no personal details.

Suddenly these games are picking up popularity and what happens?
"Hi! I'm Kate, but call me vg, or vghime, which is Japanese for vgprincess"

Sugoi desu!

>> No.10619371

Do you speak german?

>> No.10619379
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At least someone who uses her translation-skills for something usefull. Not like the rest of you futile weebs. I bet you didn't even translate a single anime.

>> No.10619398

>wanting to do needless work for peasants that refuse/are too lazy to learn the language

>> No.10619418

I still like her. She has a good output and makes some interesting things. I liked her Touhou Dr. Seuss poems.

As far as I care, she can blog and attention whore all she likes.

>> No.10619524

Observe this scum.


>> No.10619528

>"Attention whores are okay under any conditions``

>> No.10619630

That's the thing, vgperson used to be tight. Like, tight as fuck; I absolutely loved all of his work, original or otherwise, and all the recent hate he's been getting here baffles me a bit.
Are tumblrfaggots treating him as some sort of spooky game queen or something?
Another thing that confuses me, why would he start going ''btw Imma grill'' all of sudden? Less than 6 months ago no one knew who he was, and now that his translated horror GM games seem to be all the rage, he does this?
I don't even know.

>> No.10619653

>now that his translated horror GM games seem to be all the rage

Wait, I thought this stuff already was popular? You mean like "mainstream"? As in, "quirky" girls in highschool are into it?

>> No.10619661

He's mainstream 2ki is dead 2 me

>> No.10619669

hey guys is there an iphone app for this game? i watched a let's play on utube and it loox great.... im jailbroken

>> No.10619675


>> No.10619683
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I've followed her website for a while (and I was always surprised her translations and content weren't more popular), but even I had no idea she was a girl.

There's even a drawn picture on her About page. There's some quirky comment about being a princess, but even then I assumed it was a guy.

>> No.10619904

This looks interesting, looking forwards to its release.

>> No.10620161
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As far as I know, it's still ongoing.

>> No.10620221
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>> No.10620279

Is that middens? What ever happened to that game?

>> No.10620295
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It's out, and it's very good.

>> No.10625366
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>> No.10628715
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So is this where Yume Nikki is discussed?

I've just really gotten into it.

>> No.10628718

A sibling was murdered a few years ago but she still appears in my dreams from time to time.

>> No.10628724
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Nice of you to join in, enjoy the experience~

>> No.10628833
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So uhh, how about those beak girl things?

>> No.10628864

I never played the games, but man I dream some serious shit.

I could fill entire books with my dreams and how they affect my daily live.

>> No.10628870


give us some examples

>> No.10628890

I don't like all these high school girls and Japanophiles flooding YN.
Worse is the people who actually buy the merchandise and encourage Kiki to keep selling out like this.
The light novel and webcomic are the beginning of the end. It's only a matter of years until it gets ported over to western mainstream and then shit will really hit the fan.

>> No.10628975

I expierence Deja Vus atleast once every week.

Its mostly just a situation of 2 or 3 minutes, but I can cleary tell what persons are saying and doing.

I also expiernce dreams that I can fully control even though I don't have any expierence with it.

As child I always had nightmares when I slept facing towards the window, which was terrible after the first flat we lived in, my new room hat windows at 3 sides. I was awake for 4 days.

As child I also had a weird expierences with lucent dreaming, I could see myself walking on the streets from something like a 3rd person view or from some weird ankle above everything.
For a few days I couldn't really sleep well and started dreamin that I was inside a giant room which I couldn't escape. No matter how much I moved I never reached the wall. I couldn't move my body while I was laying in bed, which gaves me my fear of paralyzes and big empty rooms.

Probably average expierences with dreaming, but I never really spoke about it due I always thought its just my mind that plays tricks on me.

>> No.10629081
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Some fun and weird stuff happens, while i force my tulpa. Every day i go in deep trance and travel in random new world. The entrance for those worlds is a huge eye. First i flying at a surface, but then i penetrate in deep eye.
