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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 106 KB, 1024x683, Suicidemessageggb01252006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10601857 No.10601857[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, the offline meet-up.

>> No.10601866

so accurate

>> No.10601870

I don't understand why they say that like the suicider doesn't know that. They're jumping because it's fatal and they want to die.

>> No.10601875

epic. just epic

>> No.10601885
File: 95 KB, 610x784, suicidehotline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you too.

>> No.10601887

Is jumping from something high into water really lethal 100% of the time?

You'd think at least half of them would survive.

>> No.10601894


From that height it's like hitting concrete. Nearly 100% lethal.

>> No.10601897

A few people have survived jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge (there's an interview with one of them on youtube) but the survival rate is more like 5% than 50.

>> No.10601900


>> No.10601906

I think the force of hitting the surface of water at such a high speed is what kills them but I don't know so don't quote me on it.

>> No.10601909

Because suicide is rarely logical, and is often prevented by having an external stimulus (sign, friend, helpline) address you in a logical manner. When people are having suicidal thoughts which are serious enough to attempt it, their thoughts are almost always incredibly mangled and chaotic. Seeing something to shake you out of that daze is the purpose of that sign.

>> No.10601912

I'd kill myself too if I lived in the Jewnited Police States of Israel

>> No.10601918

I've heard that quite a few people don't die on impact but end up drowning because their legs and/or arms are broken and they can't swim.
I think that a lot more people would be discouraged if that was written on the sign.

>> No.10601934
File: 64 KB, 412x315, 4903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of this

>> No.10601929

Isn't telling them it's fatal kind of dumb?

"You're here to kill yourself? People die when they commit suicide!"

I'd put
"If you jump from this bridge, it will hurt like hell and you might survive."

>> No.10601938

I doubt it. You wouldn't feel any pain because of the shock of the impact, and I think it would also stop you from panicking in the 30 or so seconds you would have before passing out and drowning.

>> No.10601947


>> No.10601953


That sign would not work on me. If I committed suicide, my main objective would be to stick it to my family.

>> No.10601965
File: 55 KB, 600x600, 1317355941281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just walked the golden gate a few weeks ago to see the sunset.

Because it was Oscar night, I didn't think there would be many people if any on it.

How wrong I was.
What was supposed to be a relaxing quiet stroll ended up having all kinds of people everywhere. I felt out of place as I was the only one alone.

At least the sunset and moonrise were beautiful

>> No.10601968
File: 226 KB, 1790x1092, you_are_a_slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese sign thread?

>> No.10601974
File: 204 KB, 1024x681, 1362148392761.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10601986

photoshop as fuck

>> No.10601988

if you properly dived into the water, would you survive?

>> No.10601989
File: 1.40 MB, 2560x1920, Ukiyo-e_museum_owner_and_sign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So cute.

>> No.10601998


You'd likely break both your arms and dash your brains out in the attempt.

>> No.10601993

he's living the dream

>> No.10602003

There's something oddly romantic about wandering into the forest far from society to kill yourself.
If I decide it's time to go, I hope I can do something like that.

>> No.10602001


>> No.10602038


My plan is to drive myself out into the Mojave, somewhere remote where I won't be found for awhile, overdose on something pleasant and fade out while Twilight Time plays on repeat.


>> No.10602044

I'd like to die in an explosion.

If that's not possible I'll just headbutt a train. Makes me happy that at least one person will have to see me die.

>> No.10602052

I like how they gave the brother a Japanese name.

>> No.10602087

That sounds very pleasant. I hear the sunset there is gorgeous. It's a pretty nice image.

Why would you want to traumatize someone? Do you hate the world?

>> No.10602100

>Do you hate the world?
Nah, just the people living on it.

>> No.10602102
File: 64 KB, 450x255, nhk12-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10602108

I wish I could become as edgy as you, senpai.

>> No.10602107

niiiiice dubs man!

>> No.10602115

What a wonderful moment that was.
Really woke me up to where my life was heading.
Too bad it didn't change it

>> No.10602139

do you know the word Weltschmerz? It means world-pain. it means the kind of feeling experienced by someone who understands that physical reality can never satisfy the demands of the mind.

>> No.10602142

Truly epic. Whata fuck.

>> No.10602179

If you are not retarded you will jump in head first.

>> No.10602192

There's a mall by my house that has a fairly large 5-story parking structure with an open top. The last time I went to the top there were anti-suicide signs set up all over the place at different areas near the edge.

I've never heard of a news story involving someone jumping from that area though so that's a little strange.

>> No.10602191


Have you ever seen a person falling? They don't take one orientation. Humans have no aerodynamic orientation. They tumble.

>> No.10602196

I guess he means you could dive, though you might break your arms.

I'd shout "WOO! SPRING BREAK!" as I jumped, just for shits and giggles.

>> No.10602204

what if you cannonball?

>> No.10602205

I had never heard of the term before.I should have guessed there was a word for it. Thank you

How do people work out of that state though? I can only keep myself distracted from it but eventually it creeps back.

>> No.10602211

I don't get it. is it the water tension that breaks your arms and legs? Damn nature, yous scary.

>> No.10602219


A fulfilling career, a loving family and good friends.

>> No.10602216

I don't know but the mental image is quite hilarious.

>> No.10602220


Water acts like a weaker corn starch. Slow collisions make it mold and deform, very fast ones make it behave like a solid.

>> No.10602227

wait, is that like outrunning the fluids ability to move away, making the particles lock together or something?

>> No.10602234

I don't have the gif, but it's the one where the skeletons ass just blows apart.

>> No.10602242

>I'd shout "WOO! SPRING BREAK!" as I jumped, just for shits and giggles.

That's good, if someone saw you they might not be as haunted by seeing someone die. They might get a laugh out of it

>> No.10602244

A lot of people don't. I have had a lot of luck with meditation. Some people swear by therapy, by I was never trusting enough for it.

In the end though, it's about figuring out how to be satisfied with how things are. Realizing that your suffering is caused by your mistaken perceptions - the things you think are real but aren't, like love, or shame, or death. The ideas placed in your head by a destructive culture of consumption, performance, and idealism.

There is a book - The Joy of Living - by a Buddhist rinpoche (great teacher) that i found very enlightening.

You may also give this a listen -


best of luck friend. We're all fighting the same fight.

>> No.10602245

laid off, family dead, nigga stole my bike

>> No.10602247

So by ignoring it and just living your life

>> No.10602249

you don't need any of those things. You just have to be accepting of yourself.

Stop trying to change everything around you into what you value, and start valuing everything around you.

>> No.10602257

concise and reasonable thoughts? on my /jp/?

not even once.

>> No.10602266
File: 155 KB, 700x500, 1360760484224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a cutie pie transgender girl who loves to give people e-hugs and consolation, please add me on skype so I can cheer you up: milky.girl4

I'm certain that I'll be the cutest friend you've ever had!

>> No.10602270


Added :3

>> No.10602271

Another good book is The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle.

Also psychedelics can be very good medicine for spiritual problems, if used responsibly. And meditation too, but it's way slower and more difficult.

>> No.10602275

>cutie pie
>transgender girl


>> No.10602272

sent :)

>> No.10602274

I would learn to love you and you would end up leaving me to console others.
I can't bring that pain on myself.

>> No.10602279

I'm certain you are a huge bitch too

>> No.10602287

true- psychedelics do at once what meditation does in little bits over long, sustained practice.

The Power of Now? looks interesting. I'll try to get my hands on a copy.

>> No.10602295

I'm watching BBC News right now and a man is talking about how we should examine children in the womb so we can find out which ones are going to be criminals.

>> No.10602301
File: 50 KB, 500x500, 1362391509762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I wouldn't! I'm a good friend!

>> No.10602302

they are all like that

angelduskgirlcatXD, etc.

all adult ugly male
who believe in "changing gender without changing sex" because they are pussies

>> No.10602304

I have been practicing meditation for about a month now and it really does help. It does take a lot of practice and experimentation with what works best for you to do well though. It has permanent peaceful effects on your mind, like a whole lot of nothing going on behind whats always happening in it. It creates a personal, empty space in it you can do anything you want with.

>> No.10602311

the Joy of Living guy actually tells people he is teaching them something other than mediation because there he thinks there is such a stigma about it being a hard thing to do.

Definately I agree you acquire skill at it; but even just practicing mindfulness and paying attention to your habits of thought can have enormous benefits.

>> No.10602312

Don't add this person!
I want her all for myself!

>> No.10602316

I don't really like having to be settled with how things are. You're right though. You just have to learn to live with it and change yourself.

Thank you and >>10602271 for the book suggestions and audio. I will look into them.

>> No.10602318

You could be a good friend all you want
You'll never be able to spread yourself to everyone.
I will need you at one point and you won't be able to be there.

>> No.10602320

how selfish

>> No.10602324
File: 159 KB, 750x975, 1361521554123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try to be there as much as possible, but if you don't think I can then okay, I usually find that some people need me more than others!

>> No.10602331

Hitting water with enough impact makes it behave like a solid for a brief moment, so it's essentially like falling onto concrete. Falling from a high enough bridge will result in broken bones at the very least, and because of that you're likely to drown even if the impact doesn't kill you.

>> No.10602337

Yes taking simple steps like that also will greatly improve your life, just being aware of everything and knowing everything about yourself helps you understand a lot. Meditation can be difficult for people new to it because it's so personal, if your head gets flooded with too many thoughts and you get sidetracked during your session it's ruined, and you can't take yourself anywhere peaceful in your head easily because you were never mentally aware of the world on that level before so you never thought of places in it as reference points of serenity, then it's going to much harder. But it's nowhere near impossible to get into if you were never spiritual in the first place. Anyone can with practice really but like you said learning those simple steps to opening your perception first is always good and will help with it a lot.

>> No.10602339

When I say mediation is difficult, I mean that it's difficult to get to where psychedelics take you. No doubt meditation brings many benefits even if you're nowhere near the 'enlightenment' level, like relaxation, stress relief and clearer thoughts, but I feel too many people think that's all it does, and are unaware of the places it can take you if you really get into it.

>I don't really like having to be settled with how things are.
Think about this sentence in a more meta way. You're not satisfied by being satisfied with how things are. This is the mistake that you can fix. It's not that you have to settle with how things are, but rather accept them in a way that truly makes you happy no matter what problems you might have. What you really said in your sentence could be understood as "I don't really like being truly happy". It's critical that you realize that the only way holding you back from happiness is your own self-imposed belief that you shouldn't be happy.
Sorry if this doesn't make much sense, hopefully the books recommended can explain this better.

>> No.10602341
File: 25 KB, 312x448, 1361900789231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ meetup.

>> No.10602343

I'm glad they have that sign up.
Otherwise I might hesitate due to not knowing whether it will kill me or not. Now I can jump without any worries~

>> No.10602359

who cares if you have worries? you just rot in the river afterwards.

>> No.10602363

It's not a very comforting one though. They should have somekind of permanent painting where it shows two people hugging one another. One with deep pain in his lonely face and the other someone with a comforting love in their action depicted.

>> No.10602367

If there was a chance I'd survive, I wouldn't jump.

Just to remind you what you can never have?

>> No.10602373

it's not like one sign is going to change someone's mind. People don't kill themselves lightly.

>> No.10602374

I can't believe no one's said it yet.
Me on the right.

>> No.10602378
File: 26 KB, 262x320, Jesus hugging a man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No to show that their are those out there that do care. I think /jp/ might be too nighlistic to believe that though. This is just an example. Using Jesus probablly wouldn't be a good idea on a suicide bridge. Probablly would just get a lot of people even more upset if they don't truly understand Christianity.

>> No.10602383

I agree. That's why a painting might make a small and slightly more of an impact. Suicide is on my mind a lot, so I understand what you're saying.

>> No.10602388

I believe I understand, but I'm sure the books will further explain.
Thank you

>> No.10602430

Apparently having any opinion about the world other than "I love the world and everyone in it" makes you edgy. If so then holy shit a lot of people in the world are 'edgy'.

>Do you hate the world?
>Doesn't cry with happiness exclaiming their joy at being alive
>Declared edgy, scum, etc

>> No.10602432

>No to show that their are those out there that do care
I find that hard to believe. Why would someone care about some worthless NEET neckbeard that no one really wants to have around?

>> No.10602437

oi kisama, who are you quoting?

>> No.10602439

I'd be at a /jp/ offline meet-up if this was the purpose in a heartbeat, though, I assume most of you live in america or at the very least are scattered across europe and I can't travel so ;(

Someone hold me.

>> No.10602444


Most people are interesting. The 'weird' ones especially.

I think you are interesting, anon.

>> No.10602449


Why would the compassion of some imperfect flesh-and-blood creature matter to me? Under other circumstances it would be shunning me socially.

>> No.10602459

This isn't the time, anon-kun.

>> No.10602467

I'm going to Fanime with my gf. I'd gladly meet up with any normalfag cross boarders such as myself. Only requirement is proper hygiene, over 21, and not earn less than $60k usd yearly. College students okay providing you don't spout memes.

>> No.10602478

'sup milk.

>> No.10602487

>not earn less than $60k usd yearly
are you a lesbian

>> No.10602489
File: 17 KB, 472x718, Anonstrajectory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hurt my ankle jumping into the water from 20 something meters, even tough I went feet first then made a curve to avoid hitting anything.

>> No.10602497

If even one person looks at that sign and it pushes them over the edge to reconsider I'd say it was well worth it.

>> No.10602503

I'm sorry.

>> No.10602513


>pushes them over the edge

Shouldn't the sign do the opposite?

>> No.10602528

Clearly it's there to help people let go of this terrible disease we call life.

>> No.10602599

Careful with that ed- Oh who am I kidding, it's true...

>> No.10602606

Why has no one mentioned that this person wants to add you on SKYPE?

>> No.10602611

Shut up.

>> No.10602630
File: 487 KB, 500x373, Char came here to....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lord of jerssy shore browsers. idk if you really are milk, but wow your conceaded.

>> No.10602750

Honestly if we were to rank realities on a sliding scale from uninhabitable, dystopia, all the way up to paradise, I don't think we'd be too far above dystopia (and places like NK certainly are a dystopia). We're pretty shit-tier and saying "it could be worse" doesn't really mean anything does it?

BTW: I don't mean to say that the entire universe (or multi-verse) is shit, nor that the earth is shit(the earth is pretty fucking awesome actually), but there are no shortage of things to complain about and hate. The problems we face are pretty much solely self inflicted and could be solved trivially with but a minimum degree of global effort.

It's funny really, humans find it easy enough to hate things already.

>> No.10602828

It's all a matter of perspective. I'm not saying you have a conscious choice of what perspective you take, and it's definitely not your fault if you have a negative one.

>> No.10602831

you can't ...if you're into something very intellectual (like the art of problem solving or true philosphy) then you can satisfy a bit of yout mind deeds, the only thing that keep me alive is my faith into something which could satisfy that never ending hunger (acquired via meditaion), or just achieve the most thing in this world as possible, you'll be dedicated to it and forget for a time those bad thoughts
