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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10601009 No.10601009[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Always when I say "otaku girls" aren't really interested in otaku culture, people say to me
>stop being threatened by girls. they are otaku too.

Why people always reply like that? Why would I feel threatened by girls? "Otaku girls" just suck. They just want attention. Otaku culture (tm) is only for guys. Only guys can enjoy it..

>> No.10601013

Otaku girls are called fujoshi.

>> No.10601017

Otaku musumes

>> No.10601018

Stop being threatened by girls. They are otaku too.

>> No.10601020

I want to fuck Himawari.

>> No.10601021

That’s wrong, though. Not all otaku girls would be fujoshi, you know.

>> No.10601024

Same shit. They aren't realy otaku.

>> No.10601028



>> No.10601038


>> No.10601058

Women are not otaku, they are women, doesn't matter which group they join they always act of her basic instincts.

I have a nice face? I have to show it to them so I'm recognized.

I have a room in which I've spent thousands of dollars just to show how "OTAKU" I'm? Better show them, with a picture of myself in it ofc.

I have sex appeal? I better show them a picture of myself cosplaying

Is there any challengers around? I better backstab.


>> No.10601061


>> No.10601064

It's more the fact that being in the minority makes you something different. If you're white and you sing, you're a singer. If you're black and you sing, you're a "black singer".

"Women otaku", even those who genuinely enjoy anime, manga, eroge, etc. (and I do believe they exist), are just a separate category of people, tangentially related to, but not a subset of, ordinary otaku.

>> No.10601073
File: 140 KB, 1024x768, "i bought these i'm smart".jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to believe this, but stalking a few female /jp/ers on Twitter and it seems to be true.

Whether it's a room full of Hello Kitty gear, a shelf full of philosophy textbooks, or being diagnosed with a mental illness... having it isn't the good part, it's showing everyone online you do.

>> No.10601075

Being otaku is about enjoying fiction and doing it "in peace", without attention, without care of what other people think.

Therefore women CANNOT be otaku. Their nature is total opposite of lifestyle of otaku. They just want attention at all costs.

>> No.10601078

So I am not only one who stalks female /jp/sies.

>> No.10601083

There are female /jp/sies? I can't imagine why they would ever want to browse this board.

>> No.10601085

I disagree. I think there are women otaku, but they're the ones who you don't know are women. They keep it to themselves. So a very small minority.

>> No.10601087

Weeaboos need to stop calling themselves "otaku."

>> No.10601092

>Being otaku is about enjoying fiction and doing it "in peace", without attention, without care of what other people think.
No that’s not what ‘otaku’ is about.
Otaku aren’t peaceful but annoying, disgusting and self-righteous.

>> No.10601097

Someone post the picture that shows how a man takes a picture of an object and how a woman does the same.

>> No.10601096
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There's a few.

For the women reading this (if any) who haven't fallen back on their sex as a means to get attention, thank you. You are honorary male /jp/sies.

>> No.10601100

Doesn't matter whether they're female or male. As long as they live up to my expectations and they aren't a secondary that has watched/read entry level crap and doesn't know Japanese I'll acknowledge them.

The remaining crowd I see as poser scum.

>> No.10601102

Therefore otaku women don't exist if nobody knows about them?

You are wrong.

>> No.10601106

No, I’m not wrong. I’m not right either, although I am more right than wrong.
Fuck off with your stupid ideas about what ‘otaku’ is about.

>> No.10601109

>doesn't know Japanese

Are you some kind of weeaboo?

>> No.10601111
File: 32 KB, 500x356, how-men-and-women-take-photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nvm i found it again

>> No.10601112

Get out, third-rater.

>> No.10601114

Quess what? What you think as "poser scum" doesn't matter. We are talking about otaku culture here.

>> No.10601117
File: 76 KB, 640x427, 4388178003_55bb031bc9_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. It's like nerds. I have no problem with nerds. If you're really into Star Trek, Dungeons & Dragons, programming, whatever, that's cool with me. However, if you walk around in a fedora and a "LOOK AT ME, I'M A NERD!" shirt and you watch The Big Bang Theory unironically, then I don't even consider you a nerd, no matter how many episodes of Star Trek you have downloaded and will watch never because "they're boring compared to the new movie."

>> No.10601120

Actually that's the real definition.

>> No.10601121

That's your opinion.

>> No.10601122


I keep seeing you do this. Stop.

Is it a Finland thing?

>> No.10601123

Nerd girls mentioned.

>> No.10601128

What? The “real definition” of otaku is “about enjoying fiction and doing it "in peace", without attention, without care of what other people think.”?
No way in hell. Only the “without caring about others” can apply, the rest is your shitty definition.
Again, otaku are some of the most loathsome obsessive nerds that frequently inconvenience others. There is nothing inherently peaceful.

>> No.10601131

Isn't there a very distinct difference between a nerd and a geek?

A geek is someone who has a hobby like Star Trek or programming, the western equivalent of an otaku really. A nerd is someone who is just socially awkward and doesn't have a lot of friends but is very smart.

>> No.10601135

Any of you could go out in a blaze of glory and kill yourself after assaulting one of these conventions with a steamroller and a rifle.

>> No.10601141

Actually, an otaku is someone who spends a lot of time and money on decorating their room with various merchandise along with collections of anime/eroge/manga that he watches/plays/read. True otaku are true consumerists, and their consumerism is what feeds the subculture.

>> No.10601142

Well, any girl who calls herself otaku in public is probably not an otaku, but the same would apply to guys as well, so it's a moot point.

You're just making assumptions based on a couple of attention-whory landwhales you've seen at conventions.

>> No.10601144

That's wikipedia definition. Not real definition. Do your research.

>> No.10601145
File: 23 KB, 310x230, killdozer_news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10601146


This video has women otaku.

>> No.10601150

I know two female otaku and they're not attention whores. They're both very nice. They both like eroge, and whenever the topic comes up I am so tempted to ask if they masturbate to it or just play it for fun but I don't want them to think I'm a pervert.

>> No.10601153

Otaku can express his affection to fiction by consumerism, but it isn't the requirement.

>> No.10601152

This is more like it.

>> No.10601156

If they play eroge then there's a good chance they are perverted too.

>> No.10601160

People like to make comics and infographics and stuff, but not really.

>a foolish or contemptible person who lacks social skills or is boringly studious
>a single-minded expert in a particular technical field

>an unfashionable or socially inept person
>[usually with modifier] a knowledgeable and obsessive enthusiast

>> No.10601161

>female otaku
Please, no, just no, don't start this shit again.

>female /jp/ers on Twitter
Yeah, right, females self-claimed ""otakus"" tends to have Twitter, Facebook and lots of social interaction. I won't say that they crave for attention, don't want to sound like a misogynist.

>> No.10601170
File: 1.23 MB, 1050x1500, 4a52ec19c1548356d901857c8509c53a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gender privilege is so stupid, I won't treat anyone differently just because they are of opposite gender.

Human quality is what count for me.

And I don't want to be treated differently because of my gender too.

>> No.10601176

I am girl btw.

>> No.10601177

>don't want to sound like a misogynist.

To be honest you don't really have to, because the guys are the same.

Seriously find a /jp/er on Twitter and go through their followers and users they are following. It paints a pretty sad picture of /jp/ posters.

I'm just glad I avoided Steam and Formspring when they were things.

>> No.10601179

>opposite gender

I think it's you who needs to check hir privilege.

>> No.10601184

>45 posts and 5 image replies omitted.

So when exactly are you fags going to realize you're getting trolled?

>> No.10601187

Shut up, we're bashing girls!

>> No.10601189

Nobody here is being trolled.

Now please stop trying to ruin out discussion about otaku girls.

>> No.10601190

Uh, almost nobody is into otaku culture properly.

You're pretty much saying "The only girls I see who say they're otaku, are the kind of people who go around saying they're otaku"

>> No.10601194

I'd say that the /jp/er on Twitter and such is just a normalfag trying to fit in. There's a bunch of them now, though I still don't understand why they picked this board.

... yeah I know, they're most likely cross-boarding anyway.

>> No.10601195


I want to be friends with that tokusatsu otaku.

>> No.10601196

The worst raiders for /jp/ isn't those from /a/ or /v/

It's the normalfags.

>> No.10601197

This is a pretty stupid premise for a thread. Obviously you don't hear about the otaku girls who keep to themselves, because they keep to themselves.

>> No.10601198

>Uh, almost nobody is into otaku culture properly.
Welcome to the /jp/ 2013

>> No.10601199

I guess things just become IRONICOOL after a while?

Like if you have any niche that's weird and full of outcasts, normals will flock to it sooner or later. Think jazz, punk, sci-fi & fantasy, /b/.

>> No.10601207

I don't understand how a normal could possibly figure this board out, let alone how they aren't disgusted and leave the first time they see the front page.

>> No.10601212

To be honest we're not that disgusting or difficult to understand.

>> No.10601219

Normals think
>lol they can't be serious =D this is like /b/ with anime :D let's play with them xD /jp/ rocks!

>> No.10601215

Just leave it alone, some /jp/sies are so paranoid they scream "normal" when they see a post that isn't ironic meta-meta-Touhou shitposting.

>> No.10601223

How do you know the normals' thought process so well?

>> No.10601225

I want to know what you're basing this on.

>> No.10601230

I could say it's your fault guys, but in the end is just karma.

Nature made a man-woman ratio of 1:1, if you guys stop giving attention to them the bitches find out there's not enough men to fix their fuck up existence and force themselves somewhere else.

Why do whores like milk post here? Because places like facebook are so crowded and full of competition that this looks like a heaven to them, if you go to the archive and search for her name yu see thousands of posts, do you know how much is it? She knows and for that refuses to leave.

That's how things are.

>> No.10601231

Who said anything about "figuring out"? They just treat it like an extension of /b/, their own fresh and cool 2D/Random.

>> No.10601233

I am surrounded by them all the time and I need to pretend to be one of them.

>> No.10601238

But women will always want more and more attention. Even if all men in world would give them attention, still it wouldn't be enough.

>> No.10601239

/jp/ when they see a good post:
>Wow, quality posting, just as I expect from my fellow /jp/sies!
/jp/ when they see a bad post:

For a board filled with painfully self-aware folks, it's sad how little of you can recognize confirmation bias when you see it.

>> No.10601240

Because this place isn't that hard to figure out.

The most unafraid Otaku, the one least concerned with what others think, are also the ones least concerned about being "normal" because they also don't really care what other Otaku think.

So, there you go. If you're deliberately trying to "fit in", whether it's with "normal society" or "/jp/ society", then you do care what others think and should probably stop that.

>> No.10601250

They are both high school clique words that should have never entered mainstream popular culture for supposed ``adults."

>> No.10601253

>Nature made a man-woman ratio of 1:1
I dare you to gave that shit of an explanation to women and see what happens.

Ironically that's not /jp/ but the normals again. When I see a bad post I just ignore it, plain and simple.

>> No.10601256

I agree, but not fundamentally. Some girls very rarely do have a genuine interest in Otaku related stuff, but they're normally fat and ugly, so wouldn't give a shit either way. Most girls however are just doing it to be different or appeal to the Otaku crowd to launch their blogging/model career, or just get attention.

>> No.10601264

But you should understand people who think they are otaku, aren't really otaku. Therefore they are trying to fit in.

Try not the care about it? Yeah if someone says earth is flat I could try not to care but errors should be corrected.

>> No.10601274

If someone wants to believe the world is flat, let them.

If someone want to believe they hold the sole definition of "Otaku", let them.

It really doesn't hurt you any when someone else is wrong. Just smile, shrug, and move on.

>> No.10601287

It still becomes a problem when they try to take over the board and define which thread is "Otaku" enough.
Smiling and shrugging was indeed the smartest move, but now they're all over the place. Maybe it's our fault?

>> No.10601291


It's `` and ''. You have two opening quotation marks (``) and two closing quotation marks ('').

>> No.10601300

In some ways, I suppose it is our fault. Letting people have their own opinion is one thing, but allowing them to shit all over the place is different.

But to decide that someone isn't "TruTaku" because they have a different obsession is just as wrong as the person who thinks the world is flat.

I am Otaku. You are Otaku.

I may not be the same as you, but we are Otaku. We can discuss those differences and embrace them or we can report each other for "not being pure Otaku" because we don't like the same "2hu". Ultimately the choice is ours.

I'm just babbling, really.

>> No.10601299

Good one, I'm sick of these newfag tryhards doing faggot quotes wrong.


>> No.10601303

>You are Otaku.

Don't you call me an otaku, you faggot. How would you like it if I called you a faggot? To some people faggot is a term of endearment.
Guess you're a faggot then, faggot.

>> No.10601312

Your obsession over what people call you proves you're Otaku - which, by definition, is someone with obsessive interests.

>> No.10601322

You're just grasping at straws to look like a smart alec.

The fact that you suck cocks makes you a faggot, faggot.

>> No.10601327

Everything you say, by virtue of the fact that you said it, must be true. Right?

You're cute.

>> No.10601331

>You're cute.

I'm also mal-oh wait, for a second there, I almost forgot you were a faggot.


>> No.10601335

Who c r o s s b o a r d e r otaku here?

>> No.10601337

You really like that word. Methinks thou doth protest too much.

>> No.10601339
File: 78 KB, 500x500, die subhuman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling someone cute
Well he's right then, you are a disgusting homosexual.

>> No.10601344

You guys should have sex or something.

>> No.10601341

Kittens are cute.

>> No.10601346

Methinks thou art a a faggot.

>> No.10601352

Well yeah, now that you've showed up

>> No.10601350

ITT: The cancer killing /jp/.

>> No.10601356

ebin may may junior. aren't you supposed to be eating glue or something

>> No.10601383


>arguing about what the definition of otaku is and not just already knowing it

That's pretty bad.


Who said anything about EL MEM? You brought it up.

>> No.10601392

Not even once.

>> No.10601396

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10601397

Thanks for that. I can't believe how women being attention whores isn't painfully obvious to some.

Ever see a cosplayer at a convention? If's as if they think the event is about them.

Every see a bachelorette party go to a public performance like a magic show or comedy club? Guess who tries to make it about them.

>> No.10601400


God damn word filter.


The general thread. but putting it into my own words.

>> No.10601404

Just because wikipedia says Otaku are peope with obsessive interest, it isn't the real definition.

>> No.10601407

Nobody agrees on the "real" definition.

I define it as a fried egg dish served with chili sauce on toast.

>> No.10601412


Its defined by the people who use it, like all words are.

>> No.10601411

Yes I know, most normals reactions to this board upon seeing the first page are hilarious. Especially if the first page just happens to be something that drives them mad with disgust and they leave a few mean posts and run away.

But then again you do have the ones that >>10601219 mentioned. Those people piss me off. They think everything is just a joke here and we're all just playing pretend.

>> No.10601425

According that logic you re mom is slut and your faggot.

>> No.10601428

Good luck with that.

>> No.10601431

Before being able to download entertainment for free (aside from watching TV,) consumerism was the only form of gratification for a shut in: buy: be happy. buy related things. repeat and expand.

>> No.10601438


Obviously you can't be a total autist about it. But as long as people understand what you mean when you say it, there's no problem. Its a very Japanese concept (in small areas of Japan).

>> No.10601442

One method of expression is not a definition. Consumerism no more defines Otaku than Trumpet defines Music. One does not have to ever buy anything to be Otaku.

>> No.10601448

why do figfags/vntards think they're the only definition of otaku?

>> No.10601453

I don't know. Maybe because everyone likes to define words to suit their particular ideology because they're incapable of seeing the broader picture. Losing the forest for the trees, etc.

But one method of expression is not a definition.

>> No.10601457

'Otaku' isn't a hobby, it's a marketing concept that anti-social losers use to identify with something.

There's nothing wrong with reading VNs, playing Touhou, or collecting figurines. All hobbies are valid. But if you do most or all of those, become hikki/NEET, and turn your back on the rest of the world (3DPD, rejecting others as 'normalfag'), you're the sad product of marketing.

>> No.10601456


Because they're autists who don't understand there's who don't understand Otaku are still Humans. I can't play VN's because I find them boring, but I do play Touhou obsessively and have an obsession with the Japanese language and folk lore.

>> No.10601462

Obsessive behavior has a deeper seed than just marketing. Obsessive and Compulsive behavior exists in a vacuum. It has no need for outside influence.

>> No.10601463

in the western internet, maybe
in japan no one would use otaku to market shit

>> No.10601470


You're just a butthurt normalfag.

>> No.10601482

This. Consumerism may be just one way how otaku can express his otaku lifestyle.

>> No.10601483

Either that or I happen to have always been socially anxious and enjoy Otaku culture.

>> No.10601487

I agree that those who have obsessive behaviours will do things like become associated with a fandom, for example buying and mastering all the Touhou games. Again, it's called a hobby.

But the type of person that ONLY goes for things that fit to the criteria of '2D' or 'anime-ish' is compensating for something, he is not actually interested/obsessed with the hobby but is just trying to fit in here.

No, you're just a delusional recluse who doesn't fit in anywhere else.

>> No.10601490

Himawari sure is cute.

>> No.10601503

youre all retarded

>> No.10601501

>just trying to fit in here
I cannot imagine anyone actively and deliberately trying to fit in on /jp/. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, but the idea of it is pants-on-head crazy to me.

It's one thing to just sort of "fit in" on /jp/. It's mind boggling to think that people would try.

>> No.10601502

I'm not really sure what you are getting at but I would hazard to guess that a lot of people interested in things like VNs and Touhou are not exactly social butterflies to begin with for the most part. What I am getting at is a suggestion that perhaps people who end up liking these things are just already more likely to be a NEET or Hikki due to a lack of social skills leading them to discover such hobbies.

>> No.10601506


Obviously. But its a given if spend enough time with 2D interests, you'l eventually lose lots of friends or neglect society, and become used to 2D so much that you lose the attraction to 3D, or you were a recluse with these traits to begin with, and you Otaku interests. Normalfags just don't usually take part in these things, because they're too busy being alpha or camwhoring or whatever do. When they occasionally do slip in, they're attention whoring, or trying to force the culture to change to suit their needs, like going on about how women are represented in Otaku media.

>> No.10601507

>recluse who doesn't fit in anywhere else



No, that's you.

>> No.10601517

Really, that's true of any interest. Anything you spend the majority of your time doing will change your social circles. Obviously, if you do not drink alcohol, then you're not going to talk to drunks on a social level. If you really enjoy VNs, then you will probably talk to others who share that common interest.

You don't really "lose" your social circle when you change hobbies, you merely shift the paradigm (as it were) to a new social circle.

>> No.10601525


I don't know, I don't class /jp/sies or /ota/fags as my "social circle". This is just the internet. I don't actually have IRL friends, so I don't have a social circle. Even I didn't have interests in these things, I'd still have no friends, yet people who obsessively love sports or racing have lots of friends.

>> No.10601523

>implying rejecting 3DPD has anything to do with being a sad product of marketing, and isn't a purely subjective thought of your own

I hope that you aren't one of those faglords that go by with the global philosophy of "you need to get a girlfriend/wife and get kids to be content and happy with your life". It's just another form of entertainment after all, and isn't essential by no means.

>> No.10601546

I think it's a difference in the dynamic. Having an obsession/hobby for manga or VNs or Touhou doesn't really require an IRL circle of friends. The internet does just fine for that purpose. We are, believe it or not, socializing right now. :3

For some hobbies, however, such as sports or whatnot, require some amount of live social interaction. Like watching a sporting event on television with people or going to a sporting event.

I never have to leave my cave to enjoy VNs and then talk about them here.

>> No.10601552

Typing words into the magic box and getting words back does not count as socializing.

>> No.10601559

So long as the words on the other side are coming from a human being, then yes. It counts.

>> No.10601555

Saying words into the atmosphere etc.

>> No.10601556

What does then?

Define socializing.

>> No.10601562

nice /r9k/ whinning faglords

>> No.10601564

No. This is a civilized discussion. That is impossible on /r9k/.

>> No.10601571

>We are, believe it or not, socializing right now. :3

I don't think anybody on /jp/ would willingly associate themselves with trash.

>> No.10601569

Believe it or not, but dozens of people are going to read what you just wrote from your magic box. Some might reply to it, some others might think about it for a bit, most will probably just scroll past it. But those people will read it and be affected by it in some way. Just because you don't have to suffer the consequences for your actions and words, doesn't mean those actions and words don't exist.

>> No.10601574

I love you too, hun <3.

>> No.10601575

That's the nicest part of being anonymous. Nobody really knows for sure.

>> No.10601580

Is academic discourse a form of socializing? I write an article that is published in a journal, another author critiques it and publishes that. I make a rebuttal. Dozens of people read it and their actions are effeced. A conversation of sorts is being had.

>> No.10601586

Any interaction is a form of socializing. Whether it's a large gathering of people, playing catch with a dog, touching a baby's cheek, or simply spray painting "I Exist" on a wall.

One method of expression does not make a definition.

>> No.10601593


>> No.10601599

That being said, certain ways of communication are just better. If you can't handle face-to-face communication that's too bad, because you're missing out on the evolutionary cues that lead to more fulfillment through social interaction.

And yes, you do need social interaction of some form, you edgy faggots. It's not a "should", it's a "must for survival" thing.

>> No.10601600
File: 28 KB, 208x303, w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw /jp/ brings intelligible discussion to the table

>> No.10601603
File: 498 KB, 359x180, really cute!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

w-wait, I thought we were all cute girls here?

>> No.10601604

This is true. Humans were never meant to be alone. It saddens me that so many are.

>> No.10601606

who in the FUCK are you quoting? and who says "mfw"? you shouldn't associate with those types of people, much less quote them.

>> No.10601612

Any form of expression is socializing or just the ones made with the intent that others will see the expression?

>> No.10601607
File: 165 KB, 619x900, 1355047022368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey you people who are having intelligent discussion:
You are ruining my great thread about "otaku girls"!

>> No.10601609

ur mum d00d

>> No.10601610

Oh, it's that tohnochanner playing make believe and spamming his shit here again.

>> No.10601614

No, fuck off moot.

>> No.10601615

I think, well that is to say I believe, that even accidental socialization counts. I'm not too sure intent matters in the end, but I'll admit that I haven't put a lot of study into it.

>> No.10601616


That's not true. You're hard wired for social interaction, but if you can emulate it, through VN's or video games, you'll be fine, your brain can't tell the difference.

>> No.10601617

>spray painting "I Exist" on a wall

That seems incredibly edgy.

>> No.10601619

Sometimes expression can be seen as "edgy", I suppose. I only posited it as an example.

>> No.10601618

I was about to comment on that too, but I refrained from doing so for some reason.

>> No.10601622

Ignore that guy, its probably 2kike. He thinks he is a philosopher because his daddy bought him a schopenhauer book.

>> No.10601623

Someone keeps spraying a crude cock and balls over a gang tag on the side of my building no matter how many times they try to take it off.

I fail to understand the perseverance, it must be a spurdo spammer doing it.

>> No.10601624


That's not true. You're hard wired for social interaction, but if you can emulate it, through VN's or video games, you'll be fine, your brain can't tell the difference.

>> No.10601631


Meant for >>10601599

>> No.10601625

This is where we should stop using the word 'socializing' and start using the word 'communication' due to the connotations of the two. If there was no intent that others would see the expression, then it wouldn't be communication from the sender's perspective, but it would be communication from the reciever's perspective.

Yeah, I thought the same thing.

>> No.10601626

Talking to yourself can't be socializing, or writing a book you never intend to be read.

>> No.10601627

Any form of expression is socializing if other people are able to interpret it and it affects them.

Just because I place pebble in middle of the road as sign "I was here" isn't necessary socializing if people don't understand I put it there to express something.

>> No.10601629

>anyone liking jap culture
>not shit
nigga das gay

>> No.10601634

Congratulations on using a buzzword to completely kill a perfectly valid example of self-expression.

>> No.10601636

I think this is just more proof that anyone who uses the word "edgy" in a post that's less than a small sentence long should be insta-banned. I hate that word. Don't like someone for any view they share that you don't? Just call them edgy and you showed them!

>> No.10601642

It's the /jp/ mentality, dude. Embrace it. It'll corrupt you from the core within with enough time.

>> No.10601646

I'm going to need some sort of proof that it's possible to fool yourself. Unless you are actually delusional enough that you cannot distinguish VNs from real human interaction, it won't be the same.

Also, there are many, many things that apply to normal conversation but not VNs, for better or for worse. They are a poor substitute.

>> No.10601657

I always hated those types of tags. Is 'pretentious' also a buzzword?

I guess it's just the overwhelming lack of originality expressed in such a piece of 'art' that gets me.

>> No.10601655

There is a catharsis to the placebo effect, but you are correct in that humans need other human interaction. However, even the most isolated of people eventually run into a mail carrier or check-out clerk or relative.

I'm not sure how much interaction is necessary, but every little bit helps.

>> No.10601656
File: 694 KB, 1280x1928, ff18d3990a7a00c9a80d3fa5c30e61e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I am saying. I'd really like to fuck her.

But otherwise I think strike witches is better.

>> No.10601665

Pretentious is often one. It can be used properly but most of the time it is misused for the purpose of making an inflammatory remark with the sole intention of getting an angry response.

>> No.10601669


Socialisation and expression can't be edgy? I think you're being pretty autistic, I think most people had in mind a jilted teenager whose parents praised his younger brother for completing his math test or something, and gets bullied at school, so at 8pm he runs out and bombs a wall and retreats into the darkness, thinking people will wonder who the mystery man is, when in reality they'll just say "fucking kids vandalising everything" and move on.


You can do it if you do enough mental gymnastics. Or you escape from reality, thus alleviating your need for interaction. But there;s plenty of examples of people doing it, what do you think people are doing when they take part in religion?

>> No.10601670

Originality doesn't exist. That's the problem. If people focused solely on being 100% original, then nothing would ever get created.

If you think of something that you want to do to express your creativity and you find out that someone else did it before, then do it anyway. Not because you're trying to be "edgy", but because you will bring to it the one thing that no other human being on the planet is capable of: your unique voice.

People have been writing on walls since the caveman days. There is nothing "edgy" about it.

>> No.10601671

I'm sure real otaku girls exist - but the problem is that we'll probably never know of their existence because most true otakus keep to themselves.

Every girl I know that is interested in Japanese culture is an attention-whore about it though.

I don't think it is just a girl's nature to be this way though - I'm sure most guys would flaunt their otaku side if it gave them positive attention from the opposite sex (just as a lot of guys do with /fit/ness, /fa/shion, guitar-playing, etc).

People seem to forget that - a lot of the girls probably do genuinely enjoy otaku culture despite being an attention-whore about it - most will never be true otakus though despite their interest because attention-whoring goes against the otaku lifestyle - true otakus are shut-ins and keep to themselves - they are perfectly content with just their waifus and hug pillows.

>> No.10601681
File: 291 KB, 600x476, 1348602551005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want my opinion, I think it's like this. There are "otaku girls", but they are big lesbians, or they are still straight but very very ugly and ashamed, that's what fujoshi are. Both of these types have their own reason to not be part of the normal girl hobbies like getting attention from men.

There are no super cute otaku girls like Anzuchang.

>> No.10601685

>what do you think people are doing when they take part in religion
Sorry, but believing in God doesn't interrupt the logic of the world. If you have someone to point to and say "Well, it's because He did it like this", you can explain anything.

Believing that LN is real human interaction requires you to forget what real human interaction actually is, which takes some serious brainwashing.

>> No.10601687

Same thing that gave birth to the whole "gamer girl don't hit on me silly boys" thing.

Nothing new. Nothing unexpected.

>> No.10601692

>Sorry, but believing in God doesn't interrupt the logic of the world.

Laugh out loud.

>> No.10601693

>There are no super cute otaku girls like Anzuchang.
Anzu isn't otaku, just neet.

>> No.10601701

Yes pretentious is also one of those words that gets to me and most people use it to describe any art they don't like.

>> No.10601706

It's "w" in here. Get out crossboarder.

>> No.10601703

A sound analysis I think.

>> No.10601705
File: 38 KB, 848x480, 1362465378184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretentious, edgy, hipster, whatever you like, these are all just words that normals use to confront non-normals and try to get them to conform to normal culture. Before, using apple products would have made you a hipster, but now, if you don't have an iphone you are probably a pretentious edgy hipster to them. I think you shouldn't be ashamed if a /v/ crossboarder calls you things like this.

They are just made at you because you aren't a /v/ crossboarder too.

>> No.10601707


Yes, but they are still happy with it. Whatever religion is correct, then sure, they're not doing it, but leaves a million other religions that are based around believing there's something omnipresent and benevolent that gives a shit about and will listen to your problems. Its the same principle with socialising through VNs and such. You convince yourself of some bullshit like "Who said socialisation can't be between 2D and 3D?" or something, or just ignore it completely and pretend you're part of the VN, and you'll be fine.

>> No.10601710

>Before, using apple products would have made you a hipster, but now, if you don't have an iphone you are probably a pretentious edgy hipster to them

You can really tell how in touch with modern trends someone is if they still think apple is hipster.

>> No.10601712

Am I the only one that noticed that disgusting mustache?

>> No.10601714

>Originality doesn't exist
No, shut up, this isn't true. There's always firsts, and furthermore just because things are made up of combinations of other things doesn't mean they aren't original.

.. did you even read the rest of the post? In particular, the next sentence?

Your kneejerk reactions to the words 'God' and 'logic' appearing in the same sentence make me wonder if you're even paying attention.

>> No.10601719
File: 1.83 MB, 3855x2000, anime physics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I expected a Himawari thread...

>> No.10601722

It depends what you mean by originality. If any form of uniqueness is good enough to classify as originality then sure, even this thread is original never has such a combination of posts been laid in this order with the same words. Something truly original needs to be sufficiently unlike anything that came before it such that there is a definite break.

>> No.10601723

>.. did you even read the rest of the post? In particular, the next sentence?

Of course I did, faggotmaster. I also paid particular attention to the last sentence, which was of far more importance.

>Sorry, but believing in God doesn't interrupt the logic of the world
>takes some serious brainwashing

I laugh at your pathetic delusions.

>> No.10601724

You didn't read the entire post before you replied. True originality doesn't exist. Yes, there are always firsts; but they have all already been done.

You will never see a true "first" in your lifetime.

>just because things are made up of combinations of other things doesn't mean they aren't original.

That's how I know you didn't finish reading before you replied.

>> No.10601726

That's it in a nutshell. Ignoring every post with them is the best you can do.

>> No.10601729
File: 63 KB, 900x577, 1348878184669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't she? I always see pictures of her doing otaku culture things, so I assumed she hates work and wants to be a NEET so she has more time for those. Maybe that is just wishful thinking by otaku. It might be also because of the 'truNEET' mentality that I associate NEET with otaku. In any case I don't think cute otaku culture girls exist, but NEET ones are easy to find, since anyone can be lazy and not want to work.

>> No.10601731
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>> No.10601734

Some things are genuinely pretentious but I will admit the vast majority of the time the phrase is used on 4chna is as the poster previous described.

>> No.10601735

Like >>10601722 said, most of these combinations of words we're posting are overwhelmingly likely to have never occurred before.

I did read your post fully before posting.
>just because things are made up of combinations of other things doesn't mean they aren't original.
was anticipating your next argument, namely that ideas can be expressed in the different ways while holding the same content. I can't see where you addressed that in your 'originality doesn't exist' post, but feel free to enlighten me on why this post I just made, with a combination of words that's never been made before, "isn't original".

>> No.10601736


Like he said, just because you don't a job does make you an Otaku, which sadly many people seem to believe. I have a job to pay for my Otaku interests, which in my mind should be taken as a sign that I am an actual Otaku willing to put effort into my interests, but most people don't seem to think like that.

>> No.10601738

Why did this thread NOT get derailed with vivids and instead get serious replies? You disappoint me /jp/.

>> No.10601742

According wiki
>A listless, underdeveloped 17 year old NEET from Hokkaido, Anzu doesn't believe in work. She has no particular interests and would seemingly rather laze about than find something to do.
>She has no particular interests
So I don't think she isn't really otaku. I don't know much about Cindrella girls tho.

>> No.10601740

Except there are things that are really pretentious edgy hipster etc and you deserve to be called out for being such a faggot if that's the case

>> No.10601743
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>> No.10601745

This was partly due to the hope that the attitude would discourage people coming here to talk about their average and thus uninteresting real lives. As we can see, things have very much changed since those simpler naive times.

>> No.10601746

because /jp/ is full of pretentious hipsters edgy teenagers pretending to be truneet philosophers

>> No.10601747


>> No.10601752

Wrong, because even if you want to call them pretentious edgy hipsters, I'm sure the average age on /jp/ is at least 20.

>> No.10601754


heh I spend 1 day lurking /a/ again and I'm already infected that you can smell their aura off me. How cute.

>> No.10601755

as an otaku girl

i hate all "otaku girls"

>> No.10601756

Not >>10601724
But I would say it was not original because it is not sufficiently different from all posts before it to be considered truly innovative. The definition of original however should you ask where the line is drawn I do not know.

>> No.10601757

Well I hate you too.

>> No.10601763

/a/'s stink is very difficult to wash away.

>> No.10601760 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10601768


I know, but who does that anyway? I fucking hate my job, the reason I come here is to avoid talking about stuff like that. The best way to discourage normal is a by being an elitist, pretentious fag.

>> No.10601776

You're missing a key factor, which is your perception. Every event has a time, place, and countless other factors that contribute to its uniqueness. Whether or not these factors are relevant depends on their eventual outcome, and the whole assignment of 'relevance' is really subjective anyways. Someone could repeat the same things over and over, to different people, and it would always be original because the setting would be different, their voice and demeanor would be different, etc.

So I guess I ended up agreeing with >>10601586 that tagging "I exist" on a wall is original. I still don't agree with >>10601670 because he states that 'originality doesn't exist', which clearly stems from a life of sweeping generalizations.

>> No.10601774

>I know, but who does that anyway?
Ever read the NEET threads?

>The best way to discourage normal is a by being an elitist, pretentious fag.
Only to be met by cries on no bully these days.

>> No.10601781

But the real normies are people who need to endlessly blog about their boring and miserable life. They aren't even normals, just wannabe normals, people who we want even less in here.

Also I bet most otaku actually enjoy their jobs.

>> No.10601787

you should have a btter opinion of yourself im sure you are a human being with problems and feeling and qualitieis like everyone else so you shouldnt self-hate ok hear me out girl

>> No.10601788

> Also I bet most otaku actually enjoy their jobs.
You and your idiotic nonsensical assumptions are so irritating it hurts.

>> No.10601791


No bully is meant to be when someone is being a normalfag against you, like calling you a loser or a nerd, or saying you're a fag who lives in his Mom's basement, or whe Otaku bully other Otaku for liking something they don't. Its OK to bully normals, that kind of one-sided, selfish attitude is what normals hate, and hopefully they'll think "I hate these guys, they make me so angry, I'm going to go to /soc/ were people aren't so mean" and leave us alone.

>> No.10601795


I'd hazard a guess that most Otaku manage to get a job they're interested in, at least Japanese Otaku, western ones are very different.

>> No.10601799

you people talk too much stupid crap, looks like i'm on tohno-chan, go play an eroge or something fags

>> No.10601801

How that assumption is idiotic? Many otaku are educated people and many educated people usually enjoy their jobs more.

>> No.10601804
File: 62 KB, 704x480, snapshot20090119145337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I won't go to /a/, not even for a second.

That's not actually true though, maybe once every few months I might click it, but I won't go past the front page. I remember one time I clicked it and went into a thread and thought "why is /jp/ so bad today? are we being raided?"

I find it a bit sad that /a/ has become as /v/ is now because I kept going to /a/ for quite some time after the split, about a year. Now I don't have as many pictures for shows as I used to. For a currently airing show all I get is whatever I look up or make myself, but there's no reason to make anything since there's no reason to post it here. Sometimes it might be half way into a season before I make a folder for something that doesn't have cute girls in it, and I find that very sad.

>> No.10601808

Your entire post is just lamenting that you can't be a shiteating reaction-image-posting faggot.

Jesus goddamn christ kill yourself, you pathetic trash.

>> No.10601810
File: 183 KB, 470x678, 1362874411526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I find it a bit sad that /a/ has become as /v/ is now because I kept going to /a/ for quite some time after the split, about a year.
You are the crossboarding scum. It's because of people like you that /a/ is shit. Get out.

>> No.10601811


Yeah, I remember when a new anime or season would start and you'd rush to /a/ to see what people had done with the screenshots, or what they'd made. You don't get that any more, or if someone does try to make something, everybody immediately starts crying "shitposter!" or "le memes" and people just think "fuck it".

>> No.10601812

There's nothing wrong with people using more than one board so long as they remember which board they're on and behave accordingly.

/jp/ is not a gated community. No pass required.

>> No.10601817

This is what crossboarders actually believe. People on /jp/ use only /jp/.

>> No.10601822

That is impossible for you to know.

>> No.10601830

I use /ck/ sometimes.

>> No.10601831
File: 108 KB, 637x1920, 1227689123610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think I am only referring to reaction images? It's like that if you think someone posts with an image then they're a faggot.

What I mean is images like this. Fun little edits.

>> No.10601832
File: 97 KB, 640x951, kasen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I lurk other boards, at least?

I like /po/ a lot. Sometimes they post Touhou papercraft.

>> No.10601835

>What I mean is images like this. Fun little edits.

Is that what you call it? I only see some retarded faggot thinking he is funny.

>> No.10601836 [DELETED] 

I am actually mod and I am able to see where people post on 4chan. According my ip traffic statistics 95 % of posters in /jp/ post only on /jp/. Of course it is impossible to know about lurkers.

>> No.10601838


It doesn't say "doumo". This is ruined. Why would someone ruin this? Is nothing sacred?

>> No.10601839

Don't let some bully wolf in sheep's clothing boss you around.

>> No.10601840

It's funny that you chose a Monster one because you wanted to seem like you have good taste but all you had was a shitty lucky star reference. Actually, that's not even funny. It's sad. Please don't mind me and continue proving that you are a raging faggot who does not belong here.

>> No.10601843

Enjoy your ban for pretending to be a staff member

>> No.10601847

Don't worry I called moot, he said it was alright.

>> No.10601848



Get fucked faggot. If you want "serious discourse" and boring, hardcore conversation, go to a Japanese forum or something. There's nothing wrong with people making funny stuff or things they like.

>> No.10601852

The fact you resort to pathetic memes only displays your own faggotry.

Eat shit, you offboard sack of trash.

>> No.10601851

>I am actually mod
You'll pardon me for not believing you unless you post with your capcode.

>> No.10601859

4chan is a humor website, not a discussion website.

The sooner you people realize this, the better.

>> No.10601854

Jeez what's with that reaction?
Did you think it was really clever enough to warrant you get this up in arms over being called out?

>> No.10601860

Discussion is allowed.

>> No.10601862

>Get fucked faggot
Look how the crossboarding scum lamenting over how /a/ used to be good back in 2012 finally shows his true colors. Just leave. You're making a fool of yourself.

>> No.10601867


You ave to be troll. Memes have nothing to do with anything, every community has memes. I'm talking about you having no understand of how imageboards work. You are the person who came here yesterday from a forum. Either that or you're an idolfag.

>> No.10601871

>Either that or you're an idolfag.
Yet another /a/ poster who doesn't realize that idols have been part of /jp/ since the beginning.

Go back to /a/ and post your epic win lucky shit references.

>> No.10601872

Good try /a/friend. But you're just embarrassing yourself now.

>> No.10601873

>Otaku (おたく/オタク) is a Japanese term used to refer to people with obsessive interests, particularly (but not limited to) anime and manga.

How are Fujoshi not otaku? They're pretty fucking obsessive. I know a few.

>> No.10601878

>Memes have nothing to do with anything

On the contrary, you fucking moron, memes are the only thing this guy is bitching about, basically.

He desperately wants to post his "funny epic anime images" but can't because of various pathetic reasons. When called out upon it, he immediately resorted to spewing memes ("NO FUN ALLOWED.")

At this point, I'm 100% convinced this has everything to do with memes, and how this garbage feels bad because he can't post them whenever he wants.

>> No.10601879

Because misogyny

>> No.10601884

I use /a/ aswell, but nobody has once ever called me out on it while I am posting here so I assume I do a pretty good job of adhering to the boards culture.

>> No.10601886

Well, I guess this conversation has reached a logical conclusion. Thanks, all.

>> No.10601889 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10601888

Wikipedia definition isn' the real definition of otaku.

>> No.10601890


I agree that he should leave but idol threads weren't meant with acceptance in the beginning. Well, at least there were a handful of people that got upset about them.

>> No.10601901

>When called out upon it, he immediately resorted to spewing memes ("NO FUN ALLOWED.")
That's not true, I haven't even posted since I posted the monster one, since clearly nothing I was saying was going to turn the tide here.

And sure, you can use the word meme to make posting funny images seem bad, but I still miss doing that. My folders for new shows are barren, if it isn't a cute girl show flooded by pixiv art, that is.

>> No.10601902


>meant with acceptance

What the hell am I saying? Met with acceptance?

Well-received, there.

>> No.10601911

My older female cousin used to be otaku. She wasn't even fujoshi, as she is a very attractive young woman and wouldn't advertise her hobbies. She's actually the reason I carry my obsession with me today. Anime VHS's used to be our strongest way to connect. I'll never forget my parents sitting me down in front of the TV with her when I was 7 (she was 12) to watch "cartoons" (Ranma 1/2). Needless to say, the racy Rumiko Takahashi pulled me out of sexual latency very quickly.

Sadly she has since achieved a career in graphic design and has either dropped her otaku habits completely, or never speaks about them. We hardly talk anymore.

>> No.10601915

Same here. However, I have been redirected to /jp/ several times on /a/.

>> No.10601921

Then I guess I have misjudged. I apologize for continued aggression towards you. At least you had the grace to tactfully back down.

I guess that means there are a couple other pieces of shit in this very thread defending reaction images and epic maymay images, though. That is just disgusting.

>> No.10601922


Please go to a forum or back to r3ddit. You do not belong on imageboards, since you have no idea how they work. Jesus, fucking /q/fags.


Who gives a fuck. If they'e funny, they're funny. Who gives a shit. What's a meme is completely fucking arbitrary anyway, and you're in no position to talk when you use the word "epic" ironically, because that's a fucking in itself. Reaction images have been a part of imageboards since they began, so why so it that only now you're throwing an eppy about it? Probably because you came from a forum or you're a troll from /q/ (most likely).

>> No.10601916

>get mad about the fact that his crossboarder is showing
>post memes everywhere
Maximum damage control.

/v/ awaits.

>> No.10601919

Sounds like you're not doing a very good job of adhering to board culture.

>> No.10601924

I post on both /a/ and /jp/, and I don't know how much I agree with you. I wish people wouldn't try to fit in so hard here. I've seen people crosspost the same thread here and on /a/, and the OP in the one from /a/ was excited and Totally Wacky like a lot of threads there, and the one here had the typical /jp/ cynical sarcastic lowercase ironic xP deal going. I don't think there are any true cynical /jp/sies anymore anyway, just too-cool-for-school kids trying to fit in with others who are trying to fit in.

>> No.10601925

What warrants a redirect to /jp/ from /a/?

>> No.10601935


Using meme arrows and not knowing how to check samefag.

Troll confirmed.

I'm the NO FUN ALLOWED guy, he's the guy "lamenting about memes"

>> No.10601936


Then what's the real definition of otaku? Please tell me or is it just cool to hate on Wikipedia?

Let's go with Google's definition then:

OTAKU Plural of o·ta·ku

(in Japan) Young people who are highly skilled in or obsessed with computer technology to the detriment of their social skills.

>> No.10601939

You sure told everyone on the board.
I can understand why you got kicked out of /a/.

>> No.10601940

Calling people out on greentext implications and using sage as a downvote.

>> No.10601944

More like "humans".
It's just that there's lots of losers (no matter their gender or anything) that have been hurt in the past and now mindlessly hate on an entire group. If anything you should just recognize that it's how most people are but of course it isn't everyone.

>> No.10601945


Anything someone doesn't like, like using memes.

>> No.10601946

>My older female cousin used to be otaku
>used to be
She wasn't otaku then. People don't just stop being otaku.

>> No.10601951

Just stop, you garbage.

Throwing around accusations and insults of being a "/q/fag" towards everyone who disagrees with you will not suddenly change anything.

You are trash. You have no idea what /jp/ is or does, and your steadfast insistence that reaction images and their ilk are allowed simply because this is an imageboard does you no favors.

Go back to /a/, /b/, or /v/ if you want to spam images to your filthy hearts content.

>> No.10601952


>> No.10601954


Not even arguing back. Wow, we've gone from bastion of intelligence /jp/sie to true colours/v/-tard.

>> No.10601960

There are plenty of disgusting lonely girls who sit around their house all day too. It's not only men.

There's probably a bunch of them on /jp/ right now, they just don't reveal their gender because it will turn into a shitstorm and they know better. They just want to take it easy and be gender neutral online.

>> No.10601962

Yep, you the man, tiger.

>> No.10601969


I don't even post on any of those, I post on the imageboard that was made specifically to get away from /q/-cancer like you. If you're still on 4chan and not another otaku imageboard, then you have no right to say anything. Pleae go back to gaia or r3ddit.

>> No.10601979

>want to
Is it really wanting to or pretty much enforced by gender attitudes? I mean one might call revealing your gender attention-whoring but does it not only garner attention because men make a big fuss about it in the first place?

>> No.10601985

>I don't even post on any of those

And we're all the worse for that.

>> No.10601987

Go there and post your epic maymays then. No need to stay on 4chan.

>> No.10601994


>epic maymays

Go away ironic shitposter.

>> No.10601997
File: 132 KB, 480x640, 1353733211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suggest that you read books "Beautiful Fighting Girl" and "Otaku: Japan's Database Animals".

Shortly otaku are (according Saito, author of first book):
- a person with strong affinity for fictional contexts
- a person who makes use of fictionalization as a way to "possess" the object of his love
- a person who inhabits not just two but multiple orientations
- a person capable of finding sexual objects in fiction itself

>> No.10601999

That's deep.

I don't know the answer to that question and I have a college degree.

>> No.10602006

Otaku aren't "disgusting". Otaku are great people.

>> No.10602018

Its shitposting even if YOU ARE being ironic :D hah my fave new meme from /a/

>> No.10602019

Otaku are disgusting.

>> No.10602025

Are you incapable of communicating normally?

>> No.10602026

>a person with strong affinity for fictional contexts
>a person who makes use of fictionalization as a way to "possess" the object of his love

Does this not fall under obsessive? Also what about gun/military otaku,computer otaku,Wota etc? That's where that definition falls on its face.

Not everything otaku obsess over is fictional.

>> No.10602028

It's both. Men make a big fuss about it because compete over wanting to fuck women after women conjure up the attention of many men. Men know that women are attention whores, and women know men will give them attention, so they attention whore.

Revealing your gender when this kind of atmosphere is not accepted causes an even greater shitstorm, the men acting on their want to fuck instinct and the people cringing at that because they hate it going on here combined.

>> No.10602031

are you incapable of using terms you actually know the meaning of? nope because you are a dumb fucking 17 year old who started using the internet yesterday.

>> No.10602034

Neo /q/ /jp/.

>> No.10602043

Which term is he supposed to not know the meaning of? Incapable? Communicating? Normally? You're the one who sounds like a 17 year old if you think anybody wouldn't know what any of the terms he used mean.

>> No.10602045

>Which term is he supposed to not know the meaning of
I know, I'll defend myself while pretending to be someone else!

>> No.10602049

Please stop being so predictable.

>> No.10602050

What happened to this thread?

>> No.10602055

who are you quoteing's :-DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.10602056


A troll kicked off because someone said they thought reaction images were funny.

>> No.10602059

A-anon... thank you for your kind words on behalf of female anons who just get on with their NEET shit and ignore the fact they are female.

Please forgive me for implying my gender, I am just touched by your attitude...

>> No.10602061

The point I was trying to make is you could argue that the fault for these kinds of shitstorms lays almost entirely at the foot of men. What do you for example do when someone is obviously trolling? You stop giving them attention eventually they get bored and stop posting. The same can be said of any woman attempting to attention-whore in such a way by exploiting their gender. If men were just to ignore those posters attempting to attention-whore then they would stop mentioning gender realising it achieves nothing and move onto more efficient means of gaining attention leaving only those that will do it under the correct circumstance where it is legitimately related to the conversation.

The problem at its root could be argued to be caused solely by the male reaction to a self-declared female poster. If nobody payed any attention to the mention of gender someone could say they were female as much as they liked and still only get regular amounts of attention.

If one wants to say men are biologically predisposed to compete over women then is it not their duty to control the urge rather than the woman's fault they have that urge.

>> No.10602062

Crossboarder posts !!hilarious!! lucky shit reference disguised as a tasteful monster image, laments that he can't use such epic win images anymore since /a/ has become shit (which is ironically only due to people like him), every crossboarder jumps out of the woodwork to defend him, and every /jp/er jumps at the throat of the crossboarders.

>> No.10602068

Nobody would be browsing an imageboard if they had a problem with reaction images. Sounds like a joke.

>> No.10602079

You need to fill your void with something other than imageboards, dudeling.

>> No.10602081

Its kinda funny. Its really easy to spot shitheads who have been on /jp/ since 2012 since they think theres something wrong with posting images.

Its hilarious how hard they try to fit in and fail completely.

>> No.10602090

The battlecry of every new arrival shitposter post puddi.

>> No.10602093

If you personally ignore something, you can't guarantee that everyone else will. In fact, you might just be letting that kind of thing run rampant by letting it go unchecked. Yes, it would be ideal if absolutely everyone ignored posts where people revealed their genders for attention, but only a couple of people ignoring it could potentially be worse than nobody.

It's both the fault of the people who will give them attention and the people who seek the attention. The latter is the smaller group. And yes, the initial cause of all that is the men since otherwise women wouldn't bother attention seeking, but one group is harder to silence than the other, due to size.

>> No.10602094

>Does this not fall under obsessive?
Yes it falls but having exact obessive interest doesn't mean every person who has obsessive interest in something is otaku.

>Also what about gun/military otaku,computer otaku,Wota etc?
According Saito, if they see those guns, computers etc. as fiction. According Saito "otaku see reality as kind of fiction", but "they don't confuse reality and fiction". Good example is in Otaku no Video, when this military otaku thinks guns are great because they have power to stop much more powerful man with just a finger press, but still he doesn't want to hurt other (real) people, but he likes to play war with his otaku friends. He kind of admires power of weapon in sense of fiction.

>Not everything otaku obsess over is fictional.
It maybe look like that from surface. That's why you should read those books.

>> No.10602095

No, I believe that would be crying "shitposter" at every opportunity.

>> No.10602097

I'm an otaku girl please talk to me!

I'm very lonely.

>> No.10602099


>> No.10602101

email field is where my email is. :3

>> No.10602106

OP here. We need to talk about "Otaku girls" or Vividred. Otherwise I'll delete this thread.

>> No.10602113

>mfw milk LITERALLY spat out my nose xDDDD

>> No.10602118
File: 322 KB, 1000x1200, 33352469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's past the bump limit anyway. We can post about whatever we want now.

>> No.10602119
File: 180 KB, 1277x720, 1362359564747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Himawari such a tiny little machine otaku girl?

>> No.10602122

does that artist have any idea how vagina work?

>> No.10602128

What's wrong with it?

>> No.10602129 [DELETED] 

DAMN! Making thread that went to bump limit has been my greatest /jp/ achievement ever!

>> No.10602131

Is there any reason why the School uniform is like that? My suspension of disbelief is actually unsettled for once.

>> No.10602140

Cool! First time thread created by me went past the bump limit.

>> No.10602144

Yeah, to get otaku dicks hard.

>> No.10602146

So you can see their butts better.

>> No.10602155

And you know better? Are you one of those otaku gurls?

>> No.10602169

pee doesnt come from INSIDE the vagina. And yes im otaku girl from brazil..

>> No.10602175


>> No.10602184

Nice try, mugen.

>> No.10602193

It's censored. You can't see how she has it positioned.

>> No.10602195


Please email me I'm waiting for an email from a cute jpsie

>> No.10602201

yes you can. Where would the neck and mouthpiece be if not inside her?

>> No.10602206

Stubby necked bottles do exist.

>> No.10602215

its pretty obvious that shes using the same kind of bottle as the one on the floor and on the table.

>> No.10602224

He has clearly just drawn the bottle badly all that's being held close is the stubby mouthpiece.

>> No.10602224,1 [INTERNAL] 

I just have to say this. Normals are the self-righteous ones, by definition.

>> No.10602224,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10602224,3 [INTERNAL] 

Did the janitor seriously delete this after it hit the bump limit?

>> No.10602224,4 [INTERNAL] 

What's wrong with that? He let us have our fun and then made sure it looked like he was doing his job with deletion logs. What a bro

>> No.10602224,5 [INTERNAL] 

why do i always miss these great threads
