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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10597853 No.10597853[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is your favourite lolita style /jp/?


I like the classic lolita and kuro lolita.

>> No.10597873 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 381x508, 1348928849699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

milk style

>> No.10597876

I made an EGL thread yesterday and the janitor deleted it.

>> No.10597885

The report queue gets cleared for absolutely everything except milk shitposting. Even the "japanese elephant" thread is 100% /jp/ related.

>> No.10597898

but the elephant was african

>> No.10597914

Gothic lolita would be better if the girls were sugar-sweet instead of being as frosty and weird as their clothes. It would be more of a contradiction that way. Black on white instead of white on white.

>> No.10597918

Here's question for you all:
what does the 'gl' in /cgl/ stand for?

>> No.10597925

It's short for "glhf" which is something people say to each other in video games.

>> No.10597929


Gallery? I dunno.

>> No.10597936

You mean a /jp/-related topic can go in another board? No way!

moot actually said Japanese fashion is /jp/ when /cgl/ requested a separate Japanese fashion board.

>> No.10597942

Japanese fashion is not the same thing.

>> No.10597950
File: 294 KB, 1288x1304, milk and friends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how do you know so much about what moot said to /cgl/'s suggestions?

>> No.10597954

Because I lurked the thread.

>> No.10597960


Cocks are just as disgusting. Have you ever taken a good long look at yours?

>> No.10597969

When my cock spits blood it means something is wrong.

>> No.10597974

You mean this is a recurring problem? Have you been to a doctor yet?

>> No.10597981

You've never pissed blood? Not even once?

You haven't lived, man.

>> No.10597982

That's private. I'm the one bullying here, please stop turning it around.

>> No.10598582


Classic Gothic Lolita

apparently /jp/ is retarded

i'm disappointed in you /jp/

>> No.10598638

I like sweet lolita.

>> No.10598644
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Which Lolita is Katy Perry?

>> No.10598652


Shitty Hollywood Whore Skank Bitch Lolita

there you go!

>> No.10598661

I don't care about the style. I only care about the age group.

>> No.10604876
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Gothic-Lolita that didn't feature mutton dressed as lamb would be nice.

>> No.10604903


OI! source? kudosai

>> No.10604908
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Le Portrait De Petite Cosette.

>> No.10604909

SPOILERS: Cosette dies.

>> No.10604918
File: 211 KB, 683x671, c4c332bfae3f3f12594c491d11e3998c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you bully loli?

>> No.10604923

Addaption from his torturer in his school years / current situation.

>> No.10604982




fuck you

>> No.10604988

He's probably joking, considering how the ova plays out.

>> No.10605011

Why is it called "lolita style" and what the heck does it have to do with lolis?

>> No.10605014
File: 26 KB, 250x391, lolita_book_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gothic as in gothic.
Lolita as in Lolita.

>> No.10605024

>El portrato de la petita coseta
What the fuck?

>> No.10605026

Women and teenagers look fucking stupid when they dress like "lolitas".

>> No.10605028

It's illegal to show children showing their legs in America. They have no choice but to hire people in their twenties for the job.

>> No.10605029
File: 50 KB, 500x300, 1351420269141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is correct.

>> No.10605043


>The portrait of little Cosette

what are you not getting?

>> No.10605054

Well the header says "/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL" and EGL stands for Elegant Gothic Lolita so I assume GL stands for Gothic Lolita.

>> No.10605116

>They have no choice but to hire people in their twenties for the job
It's illegal because Americans want it to be illegal. Why would those same Americans "need" someone to do the job?

>> No.10605117

Where is that from? I love the art.

>> No.10605119

Dance In The Vampire Bund.
I don't know if it is good or not.

>> No.10605128

Why do you want to lick cute kids, /jp/?

>> No.10605160

When I opened the bag the sweet fruity smell reminded of a loli. I'm probably going to be aroused while eating these just like I was when I drank that strawberry nectar a while back.

Captcha: desirable eofobj

>> No.10605235

Why would someone save that post?

>> No.10605248
File: 664 KB, 1123x1600, erika loli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna lick Erika-chan

>> No.10605263

Kuro, Aristocrat.

>> No.10605291

It smells good, that's why.

>> No.10605327

tell that to hollywood and their underage celebrity shit. they make lolis look like crack whores and get away with it.

>> No.10605372

They're not really little girls though. They're always teenagers and preteens, as far as I'm aware.

>> No.10605427

Preteens are still lolis. Very good ones.

I hate that. Who the hell likes that shit? Why do they make them look like sluts?

>> No.10605440

you need to raise awareness.

manipulate the soccer moms so they switch from animu and cartoons to it.

>> No.10605444

I don't think preteens count as little girls. They don't act like little girls, they don't look like little girls, they don't dress like little girls. They're just mean hormonal sluts.
Children > Adults > Young Adults > Preteens > Teens

>> No.10605492

Usually I don't have 3DPD attitude but this time it triggers for some reason. I don't want those filthy human females anywhere near elegant clothes and loli culture.

>> No.10605496

They aren't little girls but they're lolis. They aren't synonymous. a 5 year old is a little girl and not a loli.

>> No.10605502

What is a 2D 5 year old girl then? Just a 2D 5 year old girl? Because they're my favorite.

>> No.10605503

I don't see the appeal. The designs are overly complicated and there are too many things going on.

>> No.10605530

PREteens are little girls.

Hell, some are still in elementary school. This isn't my main argument, though.

>> No.10605539

I view preteens as people 11 and 12 years old, I'm not sure if that's actually accurate though. All I know is that I prefer my prepubescent girls to actually be prepubescent, 5-9 is my preference.

>> No.10605543

Yeah uh you might want to make sure that when you quote someone, it's actually something they said. In fact, wait, more importantly, why are you so mad?

I haven't even addressed the glaring logical flaws in your statement yet. How did you manage to make such a failure of a post?

>> No.10605546
File: 80 KB, 1024x576, snapshot20081024210622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're just a little girl. You shouldn't call lolis lolis anyway, that's like calling prepubescent kids pedos. Lolis are lolis because they're precocious lewdites. Lolicons are just attracted to their bodies, loli attitude or not.

Although this 5 year old is a loli in the sense of OP term.

>> No.10605552


>>10605028 here
I don't know what the fuck either of you are even saying.

>> No.10605556
File: 16 KB, 324x304, 20130313 113901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that this is a girl, but does anyone have actual little boys dressed like that? I like the style, but I really don't like girls.

>> No.10605570

GO look up Mana and Malice Mizer

>> No.10605573

No. I want actual little boys, not adults.

>> No.10605599

Oh will I don't think actual little girls or anyone under 25 even wears lolita clothing without being an idol forced to or something. And no one cares about male idols so,...

>> No.10605637
File: 242 KB, 650x1050, 43876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should watch Kuroshitsuji.

>> No.10605643

12 year olds are teens already. And some 11 years old too.

None of that is preteen.

>> No.10605653

>I prefer my prepubescent girls to actually be prepubescent, 5-9 is my preference.
Preteens are not prepubescent in any way. Maybe they aren't 100% flat, but 99% isn't bad either. Everything else is prepubescent.

>> No.10605658

>Lolicons are just attracted to their bodies, loli attitude or not
It's the opposite for me. I guess I'm a total pedo.

>> No.10605662

That's why I said I don't like preteens. I like prepubescence.

I don't know what the FUCK a counts as a child, what counts as a preteen, and what counts as a teenager, then. Can someone please make a list of age ranges that fit into each category? All in all, I know that 5-9 is what I like the most.

>> No.10605689

Well you have an idea in your mind of what that age range looks like so why should it matter? Don't get caught up in all that just like what you like.

>> No.10605691

>That's why I said I don't like preteens. I like prepubescence.
I think you don't know what a preteen is. As far as I understand it, it's when you begin to see a MINIMAL difference between boys and girls' chests. The girls are still flat as board, but you can see the difference. Every other part of the body is completely prepubescent.

I use "loli" as a synonym for "little girl".

>> No.10605695

>you begin to see a MINIMAL difference between boys and girls' chests.

Dem puffy nipples.

>> No.10605694
File: 168 KB, 729x900, 933589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And no one cares about male idols so,...
In fact, I don't think I've ever heard of any.
I have, actually. It's my favorite anime for obvious reasons.

I really need to pick up the manga someday.

>> No.10605704

You seem to believe that 10-11 year olds are different than 9 year olds.

In most European countries and Asia, they remain the same and only begin to change when they turn 12. The average 12 years old Japanese girl looks like a western 10 years old.

>> No.10605707

I said minimal, though.

>> No.10605709

You should stop watching the adaptations before the actual works. It can be dangerous.

>> No.10605711

But they have 2 different storylines, and the manga isn't even over.

>> No.10605715

Thanks, I never had younger siblings so I don't know much about at what people look like at what age. I guess I can change it to 5-12

That's probably for the best. For me, it's all only for the purpose of fantasy anyway.

>> No.10605726

Yeah old or little, males seem to be very unpopular. I like upper teens and up but as for much younger, not for me. I don't see anything attractive in them.

>> No.10605736

I think fantasizing is all we'll ever get to do. Unless perfect virtual reality or something is developed sometime in our lives but we can keep dreaming.

>> No.10605744

That is minimal. It happens early in breast development.

>> No.10605748
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>I like upper teens and up but as for much younger, not for me. I don't see anything attractive in them.
It's the contrary for me. Anything above 14 starts to get scary.
>I think fantasizing is all we'll ever get to do.
Most likely, but I'm at least not gonna die without trying some things.

>> No.10605802

It's still too much.

>> No.10605808

>I'm at least not gonna die without trying some things.
Fuck some lolis and bomb some moralfags?

>> No.10605812

Finding a little boyfriend.

>> No.10605826

Well then, your taste is shit and I hope you get arrested. That'll teach you not to not have the same preferences as me.

>> No.10605848

>your taste
What taste? I like it, I just said it's too much to be considered "minimal".

>> No.10605856

No, not at all. Looks pretty classy. These dresses make everyone look prettier and cooler. Even obese people, since they hide fat and shit!

>> No.10605885
File: 85 KB, 478x720, 1333336627511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ in charge of understanding fashion
Talk about baka.

>> No.10605912 [DELETED] 

Look, it's a monkey in a dress. Let's give it some bananas!

>> No.10605930
File: 50 KB, 465x700, 1333310225392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this upset over a 3D girl

>> No.10605955

I have some pieces by bodyline but /cgl/ sucked all the fun out of lolita for me. I like fairy kei because it's more about DIY and thrifting and I don't feel massively inferior for not being able to have a closet full of dresses that cost over $100. There also aren't any rules so I'm able to mix-and-match what's already in my closet instead of having to extensively plan out everything in the outfit from head to toe and buy themed accessories and such to match the motif of every outfit. I really hope fairy kei doesn't go the way lolita did.

>> No.10612583
File: 112 KB, 465x700, we japkneez now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

