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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10593823 No.10593823 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10593884
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>> No.10593889
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>> No.10593900

Hasn't she gone through enough?

>> No.10593904


She was pregnant?

fuck man that's too much

>> No.10593916

why do japs even make this shit. why are they so goddamn sick.

>> No.10593934
File: 112 KB, 808x627, 20120723 023401 0008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I loved the first one
I hope I get to read this in english relatively soon

>> No.10593946

H-Holy shit! I forgot about this coming out...
Goddamn...don't know if I should spoil it for myself or not...
I'm in shock...

>> No.10593977


Wrong board.

>> No.10593995

>I hope I get to read this in english relatively soon

>> No.10594006

prove me wrong fucker. this shit is sick.

>> No.10594016

ur mom is pretty sick when she gobs me bonger m8

>> No.10594021


If you can't handle it just get out fucker.

>> No.10594022

Why? Because its a brutally sad, melancholy story where serial killers do more than merely make threats and kill unimportant, faceless victims?

>> No.10594024

i dont even understand what this is

>> No.10594033

Why did the killer make all his practice runs with girls from the same school? He surely could have gotten away with it if they were all from different towns.

>> No.10594037

its gona b u wen i meet u offline

>> No.10594067

because japan is overly and frightenly cruel to girls and its sick. were all humans, we dont have to like each othet, but harboring such intense and violent hatred is for loser fucks who hate everything about themselves.

>> No.10594074
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>> No.10594078

ur mom was overly and frightning cruel after 2 me after last nite lol

>> No.10594094

...I'm not sure what you are talking about. Hatred? Hello, it's a murder mystery, what do you expect. Naruto saves the day and everyone goes home to celebrate?

Look, you seem like a nice enough kid so please don't use words like "fuck", but you really have the wrong perspective here. Have you read all the way through Kara no Shoujo?

>> No.10594111

You're not seriously fucking telling us to be kind towards girls right? Or even worse, to treat them like human being? Good one.

Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'm going to run my rape game again.

>> No.10594169

you new to otaku culture son?

>> No.10594170

get out

>> No.10594178
File: 101 KB, 808x627, 20120722 220004 0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cruel to girls
but the story was about love and appreciation of life

>> No.10594210

you are a bad detective and everyone you love is horribly murdered because of incest. also there are 500 murders happening every day, but nobody really seems to care enough to close down the school or anything

>> No.10594266

So...can someone shed information on this? Is MangaGamer going to pick this up or did they indicate no due to the poor launch of the first?

>> No.10594283 [DELETED] 

Yeah, a good story that had little to fucking do with the original game. [spoiler[I didnt give a fuck about the new characters, I played to find Touko, and I get thise and pandering for a sequel since douche face ran off with the kid since his woman was forced to prostitute herself from a piece of shit father.[/spoiler] As usual, everything is of the highest quality. It just was'nt what I was expecting from a direct sequel. Then again, this is the first time IG did a "Direct" sequel of one of their games.
Where is my damn OST?

>> No.10594283,1 [INTERNAL] 

So is this art and therefore work safe, or what?

>> No.10594286

Yeah, a good story that had little to fucking do with the original game. I didnt give a fuck about the new characters, I played to find Touko, and I get thise and pandering for a sequel since douche face ran off with the kid since his woman was forced to prostitute herself from a piece of shit father. As usual, everything is of the highest quality. It just wasn't what I was expecting from a direct sequel. Then again, this is the first time IG did a "Direct" sequel of one of their games.
Where is my damn OST?

>> No.10594298

So, what's the story?

>> No.10594301

What I'm really asking is, is Toko actually dead and raped pregnant like the pictures of this thread seem to imply?

I...I am traumatized right now and can't leave without knowing ;_;

>> No.10594368 [SPOILER] 
File: 323 KB, 800x600, girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this girl make a return?

>> No.10594406

Is that one of the dumb sisters that get indoctrinated by some weird cult?

>> No.10594453

what game i dont get whats going on, new to all of this

i want to fit in :'(

>> No.10594460

Miku is selling pizza now.

>> No.10594477

Oh, you guys got me. You're right. This looks like a wonderfully thought out story of love, betrayal, and crime-solving.

Not a piece of shit romp where a fat old fuck rapes the shit out of a young girl. You guys got the right shoulder on your heads.

Look, I'm not against porn, am a feminist, or have even touched a woman in my life. But this shit is fucked. It just is guys.

>> No.10594482

So does the mc pick one of the milfs, do you fuck all of them?. What about tokos mom or the new sexy women cop with the missing arm, or the monocle doctor. do all of them die or is there less deaths?
Also there was something i never understood, why did the bisexual nurse say she couldnt tell what gender toko was?

>> No.10594484

Can you eat her pizza in this game?

What happened to the cafe?

>> No.10594488

gb2/hoshizura/, scrub.

>> No.10594504

>the right shoulder on your heads

>> No.10594511

is she that same person from the first game?

>> No.10594519

So this is one of those games that introduces you to a bunch of nice characters just to kill them all, right? No matter what you do, everyone dies, right?

>> No.10594528

what happened to cartagra translation

>> No.10594529

I can't tell if you're trying to troll or not. Your combative tone is bound to make people flame you.

But I don't want visual novel fans to fight over wrong impressions, so again, I ask you, have you actually read Kara no Shoujo? Also, are you the Anime News Network guy that said the same thing about Corpse Party: Book of Shadows and gave it an F?

>> No.10594540

No. You try to save them. In fact, the premise of this game is you trying to search for a girl together with other girls you did keep safe.

>> No.10594529,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10594547

So it's basically Higurashi?

>> No.10594553

They are were to resume talks with Innocent Grey last month. No Idea if they did or not.

>> No.10594554

No timeloops here. But it is a horror mystery VN like higurashi. It has a much more realistic setting/atmosphere though. Most characters have realistic hair colors.

>> No.10594566

You're a middle aged adult detective whose wife died years ago and are now seeking justice, not a high school student.

>> No.10594565

Oh, really? Hmmm...is it a thing like you pick one girls route, and the other girls get killed? Or something?
I'm fine with horrible things happening to people, as long as I can DO something about it and prevent it.

>> No.10594575

He's not that old.

>> No.10594578

Well, there are at least two major routes and a bunch of alternative endings,but it's not like Higurashi where everyone is saved in the end. I just said not everyone dies, not that everyone is somehow saved. Some deaths are preventable, some aren't. It's a story and the murderer wouldn't be much of a threat if they don't even kill anyone, would they?

>> No.10594580

Anyone? which milf can you fuck in this one? which routes are there for them? I dont care about the high school girls just want to know what older women there are this time again. does the best friend cop get with the bartender? anything with the monocle sexy doc?

>> No.10594595

Only Kyouko.

>> No.10594611

True enough. Hrm...
Does who dies depend on what route you take and all that? Or are some characters just doomed from the start?

>> No.10594624

>the murderer wouldn't be much of a threat if they don't even kill anyone, would they?
Holy shit, a break from shounen filth. Feels like a breath of fresh air.

>> No.10594651

Are the unpreventable victims characters I'd like?
I don't mean some mook student in the background of some scenes that I might take a liking too, I mean actual characters. Is there anyone I'm made to like just to increase the impact when they're killed off?

>> No.10594652

but holy shit he's behaving like one

>> No.10594653

Wait really thats it? are you sure? what about all the nurses and what about the doctor with the monocle? do you see her? there where so many milf this time around it looked like.. and the first one had 3 milf you could get with.. Why only Kyouko? are you lying? do you even see the monocle doctor? I thought she liked having sex with you.. And what about the new armless grey haired cop?

>> No.10594669

Obviously depends on your definition of a mook. You go undercover as a teacher and try to meet and get to know students, after all...

Yeah, this isn't Persona 4 where you save and make friends with everyone and hang out doing wacky stuff. The game has a very serious atmosphere with little humor, so that even subtle humor come as a relief.

>> No.10594678

do you mean route wise or sex scene wise? there has to be sex scenes for more of the milfs , i mean they draw them so good and the first one had mostly a sex scene with all of them. I cant see the doctor with the monocle not gett a scene, also who does the mc choose in the end? is it one of the older women? maybe natshui (the monocle lady)

>> No.10594696

I mean...augh, I barely read any VNs, I'm not sure how to exemplify this...
What about my other questions? This game's starting to intrigue me, not gonna lie.

>> No.10594706

I don't know anything about ANN but you can't possibly pass this off as some kind of art. She's nude, pregnant, and, semmingly, dead because it's fetish fuel for otaku. Maybe it's not for you, but you are an irrelevant pawn in the scheme of the Japanese consumer system, least of all the eroge system.

They make games that treat females in this way because it sells. Why are these games always about murdering them, torturing them, raping them? BEcause that's what otaku want. Maybe they're so cut off from people and real life and they feel that they've betrayed them so they take it out with games. Whatever. But companies in Japan feed on this fuel.

How is this not disturbing? And not for any artsy reason, but because these games are pitched at a board meeting, storyboarded, illustrated, developed, and marketed with this material. It's not restricted to this title in particular, I'm mostly talking about a general thing.

For the record I feel somewhat similarly to the Corpse Party series, as an outside viewer, someone who has never played it. I mostly see young school girls dying and being brutally attacked. Apparently some dudes are too, but that's not the point. I don't give the Japanese a pass on these things, and I don't give westerners a pass on Hostel, or Human Centipede, or whatever.

I do think Corpse Party; Musume is absolutely disgusting.

>> No.10594749

It would be disturbing if they were kidnapping real girls and acting out violent fantasies on them. This, on the other hand, isn't disturbing.

>> No.10594753
File: 798 KB, 1020x2000, nanako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not matter what route you choose, only Kyouko gets H scenes with Reiji. Natsume is still around but no sex between her and Reiji this time. Maybe you can count Meguri, but I personally don't get any MILF vibe from her. I wish Nanako had scenes after she became hot as hell, but it wasn't meant to be.

>> No.10594760

That's the problem with you and that ANN reviewer's attitude-that you think it's about "murdering, torturing, raping them". That may be the case in some other VN, but the the point here is that you're trying to SAVE them. The whole point is that the murderers are sickening and you try to save as many people as you can. And as a matter of fact, I don't think any rape scenes are shown in this game (the CG I posted is from a different game that got me curious, since the girl in question seems perfectly fine in this game that takes place after it)

Especially with regard to the girl in question, you do realize this entire sequel was made because we fans held onto hope that she is alive, right? The entire premise of the game is hope of finding her, either alive or so we could give her a proper burial. Why do you think I and others were so traumatized upon seeing the pictures and desperate to know the truth (The game has many bad ends so this may not be canon)

I walked away from reading the original work with an increased appreciation of life and being alive. If you're going to criticize a work, at least do so AFTER reading it fully.

You are seriously generalizing too much. I'm a big fan of Monster Girl Quest as well and that's a game where you, the guy, get raped and often murdered often if you lose. It may or may not be fetish fuel, that's irrelevant to me. What matters is if it has a good story, which I think both of these VN have. Trust me, the grisly scenes in Kara no Shoujo are not written in a sexual way at all unless you do have a fetish for murder. It's simply a murder scene.

>> No.10594802

Also I hate stuff like Hostel and Human Centipedes. This really isn't like that at all. Again, you are in the role of a detective trying to protect and save people, and it feels great when you do. The grisly murder scenes increase your desire to protect the characters close to you since you know what can happen if you fail. The threat elevates the tension more than more family friendly detective stories where you can feel good and be a hero always. Real life isn't like that, and the game does go for a realistic murder case approach. The murder is sickening, but frankly, so are many real life murderers, and that's why the reader wants to put a stop to it so much.

Also yes, Musume was the ecchi version, don't assume the actual 16-bit RPG Maker game is anything like that.

>> No.10594905

that fucking sucks big time. what the fuck. Why no natsume sex? and why did they not add sex scenes with all the milfs when they made a lot of good ones? what the fuck? not even natsume? does he just have sex with the school girls even though they fucking suck?did they change natsumes character or something does she even try to fuck you? im really pissed off because you would think since hes a older man he would have sex with them, like in the first one. it doesn't even make sense. is there a fucking reason at least why he doesn't do any of them? why not that nanako girl? what about the armless cop?

>> No.10594926

Also how many h scenes does Kyouko get?
is he going out with her? what about the cop who like her in the first place?

>> No.10594930

Was anyone disappointed by this in 2ch or something? What did innocent grey say about this? why would they water down the milf you can get with when 1 had them?

>> No.10594944

This is a fucking let down, big time. once again japans tastes suck. I bet all the high school girls get sex scenes while you cant even get with women your age which at least made sense in 1. They could at least of sisd something with natsume which i cant believe they didn't. what does she do or say in 2 about him? anything? does he say anything about her? or does he act like a faggot and run away or something when she asks foe sex.

>> No.10594946

We meet again

>> No.10594965

I didnt see any Kyouko sex scenes, actually not many at all. Also Kyouko doesn't die..., right?
What info are you basing this off of? the cg because i think this is not all of them at all.

>> No.10594982

Then why does there need to be a glorified CG of the rape scene? How can you say that that does not cheapen the effect of, what you say, is an otherwise compelling murder mystery?

You just cannot argue that that is the only, or even the primary function of the game.

Well, really, I'm done arguing. I'm not here to judge people but I think there is, an obvious, problem with otaku media, the people involved, and this material. It's not even really the fact that it exists, but the never-ending torrent of it. I don't like it. But there's no point in going into it here any longer. I found this conversation somewhat interesting though.

I hope you enjoy the game nonetheless. You seem to hold it in high enough enough regard. Peace.

>> No.10594984

never mind i see them now but i hope that pic with her getting shot doesn't mean she fucking dies or ill be even more pissed off. Also it looks like there are less sex scenes in general, too bad they wastyed them on random school girls who just die anyway. At least add one for natsume fuck you innocent grey.

>> No.10595003

I'm still on the fence. Worried that I'll end up liking the doomed no matter what characters(s) more than the ones you can actually save, you know? This doesn't seem like something I should so easily jump in to.
Maybe I should just give it a shot...

Here's a big question, though. Does this game have mind break? I don't mean going catatonic or something like that, I mean the other kind, where they go crazy and lose themselves and like what's happening to them.

>> No.10595005
File: 150 KB, 1280x720, koharu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reiji's mind is too focused on finding Touko. Having sex with anyone other than Kyouko basically leads to bad ends. And Touji is not a cop, she's more like a bodyguard/freenlance journalist from Cartagra. Also no scenes with Nanako because 1) she and Reiji aren't close enough; 2) she's probably too traumatized from all the rape in the past.

Just one time. They aren't dating but everyone else thinks otherwise. Uozumi got NTR'ed by Reiji a long time ago.

Not sure. I only saw some people mentioning the tease between Koharu and Reiji. Other than that didn't see any complaints about the lack of MILF scenes.

I finished the game a while ago. It's okay Kyouko's fine.

>> No.10595008

This thread is so ANN that it isn't even funny

>> No.10595010

Different anon. Mind spoiling me about what happens with Kyouko in the story?

>> No.10595016

Can you guys please stop bumping the thread or use spoiler tag for EVERYTHING that happen or explained in the game?
Thanks in advance.

>> No.10595042

No. The game only has consensual sex scenes, which >>10594982 seems to not have read

>> No.10595052

Long story short: she gets stabbed by Yukiko who has personality disorders. Yukiko comes back to her senses before she does any further harm to Kyouko. Kyouko gets hospitalized but should recover soon enough.

>> No.10595058

So why is there no natsume sex scene whats she like in the vn? does she still want him?

>> No.10595062

All right, good.
Is the sex the focus of the game? Or is it just thrown in because sex sells?

>> No.10595076

They're mostly optional. You are a lonely adult after all and there are already some acquaintances that you have some degree of interest in you, but you don't really have time for relationships. The plot makes it pretty clear that the cover girl is the main focus of the main character's attention.

>> No.10595098

I see.
That " But try as he might, the body count just keeps rising..." bit on VNDB worries me. Not everyone survives, I got that, and different people die/survive depending on which route you take...but is that quote implying that the lions share of the cast is dead by the end?
>Woo, I caught the killer and saved so-and-so. To bad everybody fucking else got axed anyway. Some good end.

>> No.10595126

I could say more on this, but really, why are you trying to spoil yourself before it even begins? Either way would be a spoiler. The entire tension is built on your desire to try to save people and not knowning what will happen and who can be saved, who won't even be a target, ect.

>> No.10595143

Fair enough. You've done well so far.

I'm just worried, is all. I'd hate to read through this, get to the real ending, and be left thinking "THIS is the happy ending I've been working towards!?"
This is a dark game, clearly. The point may be to save people, but I don't completely trust it not to take some bad end, add the bad guy to the final body count, and call it the good ending. You know what I mean? If I'm going to go through a dark game like this, I want some payoff, you know?

>> No.10595161

Well, the very fact that there's a sequel at all should tell you something.

>> No.10595175

can someone translate this ploxz

>> No.10595178

Something. Not much, though.

...all right. I'll give it a shot. I can regret it latter. I'll start reading as soon as I can be assed to find the english version.
Thanks for your time, anon. I'm sure it must have been hard not to blurt out something spoilery.

>> No.10595201

You're welcome! Make sure you pick up a voice patch too. The reason why the MangaGamer launch failed so horribly is because they couldn't get the rights to the voices, so you'll have to make sure to get a voice patch or that the torrent mentions it is included.

>> No.10595369

That was fast.

>just wanted to mention, this is a beta version of the game.
>it has a minor, but pretty annoying bug that reveals the character's endgame profile right when you first meet them, sometimes giving out important plot-related spoilers.
Should I be concerned about this?

>> No.10596638

Guys, spoiler this shit, for serious.

>> No.10596854

Ripping holes bigger than the hole in you back hole theory was!

>> No.10600236

I just listened to that three seconds ago.


also, "back hole theory" isn't the awesome burn you seem to think it is on account of being nonsense.

>> No.10600239

YES. There was a patch that fixes this; make sure you have it before you start playing, or you'll regret it.

>> No.10600248
File: 14 KB, 787x278, patchimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I tell if I've got it or not?
Is that it right there?

>> No.10604508

Hate to bump, but this sounds really important. Not finding much patch-related stuff on google either besides, megaupload links.
