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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10593465 No.10593465[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which 2hu has the smelliest NEET pussy?

>> No.10593466


>> No.10593468

Why 2hu? Aren't you sick of it yet?

>> No.10593470

Kaguya is the most boring Touhou design-wise.

>> No.10593473

That's because she's a NEET!

>> No.10593477

Canon most symmetrical Touhou

>> No.10593480

Sick of it? Love for Gensokyo isn't some fad. If you don't like it, then leave. Cut it out with this constant "are you tired of it yet" posts

>> No.10593483

As a princess she is trained to act high society tier boring. It's her mold breaking acts that make her less boring.

>> No.10593485
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get out, she is the best

>> No.10593486


She's not secondary

>> No.10593489

Hey, just because we have what normalgods would consider boring hobbies doesn't mean we ourselves are.

>> No.10593491

I wish I could shove my face into a smelly NEET girls' crotch.

>> No.10593492

Objectively the most aesthetically pleasing

>> No.10593563

Why do they call it "pussy." I hate that word
I just makes it sound bad.

>> No.10593578

the alternatives are just as terrible

>> No.10593669

And that's when you say vagina.

>> No.10593686

when i was a little girl we used to call it a fairy or fairycake

that's less lewd

>> No.10593697
File: 240 KB, 640x1920, 1305136154291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kaguya chang

>> No.10593701

Thats just as bad. "Cake" implying it is to be eaten.

I prefer vagina because it keeps things level.

>> No.10593702

underage b&

do you scribble out every instance of the word 'cock' in paint and write weewee next to it too?

>> No.10593704

That's too formal though.

>> No.10593707


>> No.10593724


>> No.10593847
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>> No.10593853

I just think of a bunch of black dudes all in a group doing crazy hand gestures.


>> No.10593854

Why the fuck is this still here? Try and be consistent you turd.

>> No.10593873

i dont know what you guys are talking about, pussy is an adorable word.

>> No.10593877

I prefer "slit"

>> No.10593915


Fine i'll just use cunt if you're so upset

which 2hu has the smelliest NEET cunt?

are you happy now?

>> No.10593922


"I'm going to fuck you" sounds way better than "I'm going to fuck your pussy"

>> No.10593931

i cant read moon u fgt

>> No.10593953

Eirin probably forces Kaguya to take baths.

So not Kaguya.

>> No.10594123

I disagree. Saying things like "I'm going to fuck your pussy" or "I'm going to fuck your mouth" sounds way cuter than the standard "I'm going to fuck you".

>> No.10594156

"slit" sounds like something some obnoxious nigger would use. Like "aye yo gurl lemme rub yo slit aye dat be tight".
I like "pussy" because it sounds the cutest of all the options.

>> No.10594161

That doesn't sound cute at all you degenerate

>> No.10594162
File: 108 KB, 307x393, 1340942012158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cunt sounds horrible.

>> No.10594172

But it is cute. When you fuck somebody's pussy, you're really just fucking them, so saying you're fucking their pussy is not necessary. That's what makes it cute.

>> No.10594179

No you're wrong. Just stop.

"ey gurl imma beat dat pussy up" -nigger
"aww thats cute" -you

>> No.10594180

I would go with snatch or twat.

>> No.10594182

Is that really what niggers sound like? How come people on /jp/ always can make sentences like this?

>> No.10594185

I'm sorry if you associate cute things with niggers. That must be really terrible, but I don't suffer from something so sad.

>> No.10594190

I like cunny.

>> No.10594200

its a lesser form of speech m8 its not exactly ard

>> No.10594203

I have met one once and that is what he sounded like.

I think they have kind of negative connotations.

>> No.10594204

i thought only british people spoke that way

>> No.10594209

im drawin a comparison innit

>> No.10594226

Thanks, there aren't any niggers in my country so I only know them from films.

When you met a nigger was he really like in the films?

>> No.10594242

he was very niggery

>> No.10594250

What does loli pussy smell like?

>> No.10594251

Probably like sweat and pee.

>> No.10594260

Probably like a loli pussy. Someone posted about a week ago that it tasted sweet.

>> No.10594263

Do you have a link to the archived thread?

>> No.10594272


>> No.10594290

It was one of the loli threads, I don't remember which one.

>> No.10594729
File: 114 KB, 570x700, 1361315253762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to rock your NEETy vagina.

>> No.10594810

Why did you call it like that, you dumb twat?

>> No.10594866

that's some retard faggot guy rp'ing out his delusions. women call it vagina plain and simple when they aren't using slang like pussy or cunt.

>> No.10595055

I doubt 9-10 year olds call it vagina.

>> No.10595081

In previous generations, children (particularly girls) have been encouraged to use "nicer" words such as peach, flower, or kitty, but with increased awareness of child sexual abuse nearly all educational experts stress that children be taught the correct word "vagina" and other body parts.

>> No.10595101

That makes my blood boil for some reason.

>> No.10595118

That the anger from the knowledge you'll never hear childish slang for genitalia any more.

>> No.10595158

little kids that age say private part, genitalia, or the medical term
this fruitcake has no idea what he's talking about and is making up shit again. private part is and has always been the more publicly accepted word that children use. no child uses shit like peach or kitty, dumbass.

>> No.10595179

I think a lot of little girls call it a flower, though.

>> No.10595192

no, no they don't. they call it peepee or private at most. flowers are flowers not your organ for using the bathroom, tard.

>> No.10595194

But 9 year old lolis aren't "little" kids.

>> No.10595198 [DELETED] 

you're little kid yourself, buddy. the word little kid isn't as restrictive as your wild imagination would say.

>> No.10595199

you're a little kid yourself, buddy. the word little kid isn't as restrictive as your wild imagination would say.

>> No.10595204

My 8 years old cousin just calls it "vagina". If she ever called it "flower" or "peepee", she would look like a retard and every other kid would bully her.

>> No.10595205


Because /jp/ listens to a lot of hip-hip

>> No.10595211

don't clas "peepee" with "flower". peepee is something that kids around age 5 can say along with private easily. "flower" is a totally madeup bullshit word some autist on /jp/ came up with.

>> No.10595230

"Peepee" is still a ridiculous word that shouldn't be used by 8 year olds unless they are autistic.

Why do these euphemisms still exist in this day and age anyways? And why do some elementary schoolers say "butt" instead of "ass?" How in the world is the proper word embarrassing or inappropiate ?

>> No.10595238

how is "butt" an improper word

>> No.10595260

All my cousins say crotch instead of vagina or anything else.

>> No.10595291

The ass is one of the most embarrassing parts of the body. If a cute loli says ass, it will remind everyone of the ass' existence. That would be humiliating.

It just makes me want to expose their cute loli asses even more. I'd love to see a proud loli struggling to deny in front of her classmates the fact that she farts loudly in the bathroom at least once a year.

>> No.10595355

Just once a year? Are you delusional?

>> No.10595391

I remember when I was like 10, I asked my sister if she wanted to play house (she was 8), and she said yes. I told her in order to play it she has to take her pants off, she obliged and I ate her out for a short time. She asked for me to do it again another day but I told her we should stop.
She tasted salty. I don't really remember what she called her vagina, though.

>> No.10595401

I want to rub my nose in a loli's vagina. I don't care how dirty it is.

>> No.10595406

Why did she like it? She was supposed to be scarred for life and all normies agree.

And why did you start it in the first place? Boys are supposed to be reverse pedos who love big boobs. Even your annoying normal parents agree.

>> No.10595418

You care how pretty her face is, though.

>> No.10595423

Was she really 8? Most 8 year olds wouldn't fall for that trick. Maybe she was autistic?

>> No.10595427

I don't really know. I think she just liked the idea of us playing a game, I doubt she had any idea what sex is or was, I did however try to explain it to her at the time. I didn't just eat her though, she sucked me after I licked her despite the fact I didn't get a boner.

I kinda wonder if she remembers this because whenever I'm around her it's really quite awkward. We don't talk much.

>> No.10595431

she wasn't autistic.

>> No.10595473

>I doubt she had any idea what sex is or was
If it happened 15 years ago, I believe you.

>I didn't get a boner
What the hell? Why?

>> No.10595487

Are 10 year olds supposed to get boners?

>> No.10595496

I was young.

Reminds me of another time when I was a bit older, there was this girl I knew, and she had a younger sister. I recall she was really quite cute. I was inside a tent with her at a particular time and I showed her my penis, and remember her liking it and then showed me her pussy. I remember she had a puffy pussy.

I didn't get to taste it or touch it though.

>> No.10595501

I wish I grew up knowing girls.

>> No.10595503

also I forgot to add the reason I started it is because I overheard my parents talking about sex and I was curious to act it out (from what I had heard, I didn't know to put my penis into her or anything. that's why it was all oral)

>> No.10595509

Of course. Are you joking?

>> No.10595523

It's not as nice as you think. Older girls are generally ass. I took a liking to lolis I guess because they tend to be innocent.

I don't recall getting an erection at the time, however I might have. My second encounter with loli pussy was arousing despite not much happening.

I have another story for any gayfags interested.

>> No.10595529

Why do I always find the same bullshit explanations when I type "why are asses arousing" on Google? I can only find badly written posts about how "grabbing the ass during sex is hot", "a big ass means she can have lotsa children!!!!", "because it's round like a breast".

No one ever realizes how ridiculous, humiliating and dignity-destroying the mere exposure, no, existence of the ass is. Not even a single person on the internet. How is this even possible? Why are normies so stupid?

>> No.10595534

I like elementary schoolers because they are innocent and lewd at the same time.

>> No.10595542

I saw this old post on Warosu and thought it was interesting:

When I was 12 I had a computer in the basement. I had found out porn for the first time that I can remember. It was teen titans zone archive porn. I fucking loved it. I still know exactly where to get the videos I had watched. Newgrounds is great...

Anyway, that turned me on. But then I thought "Maybe I should try and see some of my own age.."

I searched up things like "10 year old girl porn" and somehow found my first lolicon hentai. Needless to say, my dad lost his fucking mind when he saw the search history.

Something to know about my father is that he is homophobic. He doesn't like gays. This is what he said to me and my brothers once. I'll never forget:

"I don't care if any of you are gay... Just don't bring any of your boy toys home or come out of the closet or I'll kick your fucking ass right back in!"

Yeah, he's a peach. Now, imagine his reaction if he found out I was a pedophile. He didn't know at the time, because I was fucking 12. Of course I'm going to like girls my own age range. IF he found out now he'd probably disown me, honestly. Maybe not that extreme, but he wouldn't take it well.

The reason he shat enough bricks to build a city the size of New York when he saw that I was looking up lolicon and shit is because he was terrified that the police were gonna come search the hard drive and arrest him for it, even though I was the one who looked it up.

My mom was cool about it. She was just like "Seriously? What do you think he's going to search for? He wants to see girls his own age."

>> No.10595550

I was somewhat the same with the mentality of being scared of being told on or something. That's why I didn't try anything too lewd with the second loli.

Also, I might add that her older sister had a crush on me for the longest time and asked me out in highschool. It's a shame I had no interest in her.

>> No.10595557

I have never known any girl though and I doubt it would be the same if I was to meet one now.

Please tell your other story.

>> No.10595561

I did the same thing, inadvertently downloading CP off Kazaa or some shit. My mom found it and just told me straight up that it's illegal and I can't do that.

>> No.10595566

Did you listen to her?

>> No.10595571

Yeah, at the time it scared the shit out of me. I thought the police were going to come and arrest me.

>> No.10595584

I see. I assume the reasoning to you not knowing a girl is to social anxiety or something related to that?

anyways, my other story.

I was around 13 or 14 at the time. I was at my grandmother's house, and my cousin was there with me. My parents and grandmother were away, and my cousin told me to go downstairs with him. I agreed and followed him down.

He sat in a chair and put me in front of him, unzipped his pants, and told me to suck his dick. I didn't really know what to do.. so I just sucked him. I sucked him for a while and he told me to spit if anything comes out. I did spit but I don't remember if he had came into my mouth or not.

That experience probably contributes to my gay desires now. Though I suppose it's somewhat better since I could easily settle for some /jp/er if I couldn't get a girl or something.

>> No.10595588

I googled "child porn" expecting to find actual cp.

No such luck.

>> No.10595602

There just haven't been any that I could know. I don't have any relatives and when I went to school all my classmates/teachers were male.

What age was your cousin at the time? Have you met since?

>> No.10595607

He was 17. I remember his dick was huge.
We have, in fact, we're friends, he's really nice to me. I don't know if it's because he remembers what he's done or what, but I've pretty much forgiven him.

>> No.10595610

Make him suck your dick before you forgive him.

>> No.10595623

I don't think even normalgods consider things we like boring. Weird, sure, but that's exactly why they're not boring.

>> No.10595624

Yeah, just her fans are.

>> No.10595639

How the fuck is ass the proper word? They're actually called the buttocks, so butt is way more proper.

>> No.10595643

Since we're arguing the semantics of words, is a dickhole the hole in a dick or a vagina?

>> No.10595645

I'm betting this'll be the most autistic thing I read all week.

>> No.10595671

I don't know dude

I still can't figure out why kissing even exists and is so prominent. At least the ass is close to the genitals.

>> No.10595676

Weird, most shotas google "X without clothes". It's like they are afraid of typing something lewd.

>> No.10595679

I'm betting /jp/ will surprise you with something more autistic before the week is out.

>> No.10595684

You have a point there. but "ass" is still the most common word. Why would they use "butt" or "bottom" instead of "ass"?

>> No.10595689

I'd be happy if I could kiss a loli forever.

I wouldn't even care about her ass.

>> No.10595692

I kinda thought to myself that I should start keeping track of every week's most autistic posts, but then I realized that that's pretty autistic in and of itself.

Ass is considered profanity. At least where I live. So, the same reason lolis don't go around saying "Shit" or "Fuck this stupid thread."

>> No.10595703

First of all, it's "arse".

>> No.10595705

Second of all is..?

>> No.10595711

I guess most people don't have such a huge humiliation fetish. They don't fap to the mental/social implications of having an ass.

>> No.10595723

Arse isn't as common as ass.

>> No.10595735

Some lolis curse when their parents are not around.

>> No.10595764

>Ass is considered profanity
Why aren't children allowed to say profanities? Shouldn't it be the other way around? Adults could go to hell for it, but children are supposed to be immune to god's wrath.

>> No.10595768

Arse is also not an animal. Calling arse an ass is like calling vagina a pusssy.

>> No.10595770

What about that time he put a hit out on Isaac or killed every first born son in Egypt?

>> No.10595781

I heard from some normies that loli vaginas are bad for your penis. It's got some kind of acid, a defense mechanism against unnatural and evil underage sex.

Is it true?

>> No.10595789

There's a tiny goblin that lives inside of loli vaginas.

>> No.10595805

I guess first borns aren't considered actual children in canon.

Abraham was just a psycho who heard voices that told him to sacrifice his son. The actual God didn't even talk to him, there are no witnesses and he has a solid alibi.

>> No.10595816

But he founded the religion of the God in question.

>> No.10595817

>a tiny goblin
Are all vaginas connected to each other? Could a loli summon a dick from her vagina and fuck her friend just because somewhere in the world that dick is fucking some vagina?

I've thinking about this possibility since the day I read "My beloved lady" by Shintaro Kago.

>> No.10595821

God can't have an alibi because he is everywhere.

>> No.10596040


What do you think about this, /jp/? A furry is fighting for YOUR rights. We should thank him.

>> No.10596055 [DELETED] 

>Welcome to Hinamizawa. Population: 2000
>Only one classroom and about 20 minors in the whole village
What the hell is wrong with Japanese villages?

>> No.10596059

Wrong thread, goober.

>> No.10596064

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. You don't really think things like loli sex actually happen, but right now somebody, somewhere, is having sex with a loli.

>> No.10596067

I hope she's enjoying it ;_;

>> No.10596074

She can't possibly consent.

>> No.10596075

I hope Youtube doesn't delete his account...

>> No.10596083

I'm sure at least one of them is. Maybe one's having sex with her childhood friend. Maybe another is having sex with her brother. Maybe one's letting the dog have his way with her.

You never know what's actually happening!

>> No.10596089
File: 1.11 MB, 1075x1518, 1353891066241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope it's the one with the dog.

>> No.10596090

I'm suscribed to his channel, he was on the military.

>> No.10596092

She looks just like the cumdumpster deaf girl.

>> No.10596093

Me too. Lolis with dogs is a personal fetish of mine. I wonder if they get cummed inside.

>> No.10596095

That doujin kinda reminds me of this story:

>> No.10596112

I hate lolis with dogs. It's just... unhealthy.

Such a shame, most zoophilic lolis are really cute. I'm pretty sure the deaf girl is a zoophiliac.

>> No.10596113


I don't care if somebody is a furry, I care if they wear animal tails in public and show off their porn and make sure to mention that they are in fact a furry every five minutes.

>> No.10596116

Which precure wud u fug if u were a dog??

>> No.10596117

I don't think it's not unhealthy at all. What deaf girl are you talking about?

>> No.10596129

Koe no Katachi.

>> No.10596172

Hey faggot! You're not making any sense.

>> No.10596207

Why would children talk about the canal at all? Only lewd societies conflate vaginas and vulvas.

>> No.10596340

Children talk about sex the whole time. They are curious and lewd by nature.

>> No.10596452

considering that from the stories of Uncle Anon, at least some 9 year old girls look at pornography, it's not all too surprising
That's the problem when you give your kids an iphone and access to the internet. Or if not, other parents will, which then inform your children when talking at the playground.
