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10591225 No.10591225[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10591226

kyouko likes girls

>> No.10591228

daily reminder shes the shittiest yuru

>> No.10591230

by she you must have meant chizuru right?

she's basically a fucking ogre

>> No.10591231

reminder if your penis isn't at least 8" then it doesn't matter since the girl will be laughing with her friends at you behind your back. she'll also cheat on you constantly.

>> No.10591232
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, Funami.Yui.full.776509.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I forgot my image.

>> No.10591234

When people say lengths like that, I always wonder if they push in. I have seven inches of penis visible, but if I push in, I can easily get nine inches.

How long should I tell people my penis is?

>> No.10591236

Shed cheat anyway, thats how women get sustenance

>> No.10591240

Cut is a pretty shitty HM. Surf is way better

>> No.10591238

i gave you the damn answer and you're still getting it wrong.

>> No.10591243

miltank can learn surf.

you can't explain that.

>> No.10591244
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, [Doki] Yuru Yuri - 09 (1280x720 h264 BD AAC) [063F3FC5].mkv_snapshot_03.26_[2013.03.07_21.52.03].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10591255

Jews created cut because the uncut feels more pleasure

>> No.10591278



Uncut is best, if we weren't meant to have foreskins, we'd of evolved out of them millennia ago. As for sensation, cut will not make you more sensitive, on the contrary, the lack of protection will eventually dull feelings down below.

>> No.10591274



Uncut is best, if we weren't meant to have foreskins, we'd of evolved out of them millenia ago. As for sensation, cut will not make you more sensitive, on the contrary, the lack of protection will eventually dull feelings down below.

>> No.10591276


>> No.10591281

Read again. He never said that.

>> No.10591282

Hence why he said
>uncut feels more pleasure
You nerd. The idea being that it has to be cut so that people would not enjoy sex as much to result in less promiscuity in society.

>if we weren't meant to have foreskins, we'd of evolved out of them millenia ago
is retarded, though

>> No.10591283

>we'd of evolved out of them millennia ago.

Just like tonsils, amirite?

>> No.10591441

but tonsils have protective function you fucking retard
