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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 855 KB, 770x1215, gamer level.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10590892 No.10590892[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you're not at least hardcore you don't belong on /jp/.

>> No.10590898

yet this "meme" is drawn with shitty typical casual style.

it was made by casuals you can tell.

>> No.10590901


>> No.10590903

I never understood what's so hardcore about sitting in front of a pc monitor and clicking buttons.

>> No.10590906

Outside of Touhou I pretty much just play Pokemon, although I also like Cooking Mama, Harvest Moon, and Animal Crossing. Sometimes visual novels. I would still call myself a casual gamer though.

>> No.10590912

So i'm Cthulhu's spawn if i play Harvest Moon?

>> No.10590915

epic thread epic posts epic win epic wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin hardcore 4 life god damn le casuals lololololololol

>> No.10590918

This is one of the reasons why /jp/ thinks that /v/ermin are stupid. Aside from the fact that they are not respecting the board rules.

>> No.10590949

Anyone want to play this with me?

>> No.10590951

only if you promise to let me win.

>> No.10590972

I hope its Rapelay.

>> No.10590981

I played Polybius once and I died.

>> No.10590979

I actually want to know if these charts are made ironically.

>> No.10590992

Holy shit, they have internet in Gensokyo?

>> No.10590993

Visual Novels are really fucking hardcore man. All that text. It's so crazy, almost like a book.

>> No.10590994

I'm so hardcore that I don't play anything anymore. I just let the time pass by.

>> No.10590990

Are you okay?

>> No.10590991

I think /v/ermin are serious about this. Most are that stupid...

>> No.10590995

Yes, I'm okay now, it hurt at first but not anymore.

>> No.10590999

I'm guessing it's half tongue-in-cheek.

Which isn't actually any better.

>> No.10591002

>farm/train simulation

what the hell is that?

>> No.10591007

There seriously needs to be more rape games where you play as the male.

Playing as the female and getting raped is alright and everything, but I want to play as the guy raping and enslaving girls.

>> No.10591010

Rapelay is fukin shit though, the only character worth raping was the mother, the rest are shit, though you get a bonus of putting cat ears on youngest sibling you tamed her with your dick.

>> No.10591011
File: 22 KB, 300x300, landwirtschafts-simulator-2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably this

>> No.10591012

Try aoiro rinne

>> No.10591014

B-But what if you play a mix of everything? From gamer to &#^*&@$?

>> No.10591016

You default to the lowest tier. Guess it's level one for you.

>> No.10591018

>aoiro rinne

never heard of this one before, is this one of illusion's games?

>> No.10591019

what if I program games for android/iphone?

>> No.10591020


I guess I should start typIN lieK diS hey fgt aCcept mai farmvil reQuest lelelele

>> No.10591023

Accepted ;)

>> No.10591024

Can you stop bumping this we can discuss it sure but its unrelated /v/ermin shit.

>> No.10591027


>> No.10591030

Anyone ever finish Pathologic?

>> No.10591039

What's the difference between team-based fps, tactical fps and arena fps? I play CCS, I guess that's team-based?

>> No.10591040
File: 221 KB, 600x338, rf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Farm Simulator/RailWorks/RailFan

RailFan is actually fun. You drive a train, but its all HD video instead of polygonal graphics

>> No.10591061

Video Games are so mainstream it blurs the line between what you call "casual" gamers and "hardcore" gamers i .e everybody is fucking casual.

>> No.10591072

Reminds me of

>> No.10591115

Please respond.

>> No.10591130


>> No.10591136

F-fine. I just wanted to converse about something with you guys.

>> No.10591151

semantics, because any team/arena game is tactical

>> No.10591169
File: 321 KB, 480x270, cool meido.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This chart has so much bullshit it's pushing my eyes out of my sockets. Bullet hell in the last tier? Dwarf fortress with no eye-assaulting tilesets is somehow less accessible than with? "art" games are for hardcores?

Holy fuck.

>> No.10591202

Dwarf Fortress in ASCII is not hard, nor are old text adventure/MUD games

But this whole image is a fuggen troll so what am I saying

>> No.10591342

What the hell is that last panel? Also, what's that text?

>> No.10591361

What's an Art Game? Flower? Mario Paint?

>> No.10591366

I hope you're not serious, this chart is casual as hell.

>> No.10591369

It's a weird unidentified sea creature found.

>> No.10591370
File: 18 KB, 245x200, 1360976079970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hack and slash and Street Fighter

>more outsider than rhythm games

>Shmups on the same level as LSD

>> No.10591379


>> No.10591391

I can pick at least one thing out of each category that I enjoy. What does that make me?

>> No.10591397

A normal person with broad interests?

>> No.10591406


i fucking lol'd

Also, I think the chart is pretty accurate. I think all you faggots just trying to be "edgy" and pretentious faggots that pretend to have a better idea of what causal vs hardcore gaming is.

>> No.10591409

What if you play a Mario World ROMhack? Are you a Casual or a Jaded Outcast?

>> No.10591419

Was that really made by someone from /v/? Because /v/ likes The Sims.

>> No.10591422

>Because /v/ likes The Sims.
Are you serious?

>> No.10591426
File: 138 KB, 531x461, Chinmanblue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10591433

Should've put "Untranslated Visual Novels" instead.

>> No.10591440

/v/ likes to kill their sims in various ways, the casual status would apply to someone playing The Sims seriously.

>> No.10591448



anyway this list is pretty much bullshit.

>> No.10591535

I use the Sims to live out my relationship fantasies. Am I a casual?

>> No.10591539

No, a loser.

>> No.10591560

I believe that SIMS would give a rather warped image of life. I wonder how many people he has locked in garage and set it on fire.

>> No.10591562

Oh okay, as long as I'm not a casual.

>> No.10591573

The bigger joke is that this thread got over 10 replies.

>> No.10591576


>> No.10591583

Hardcore because Visual Novels.

>> No.10591589

Casual Scum: 1/13, 7.69%
"Gamer": 4/18, 22,22%
That Weird Guy: 4/14, 28.57%
Jaded Outcast: 5/13, 38.46%
Hardcore: 3/13, 23.08%
...: 1/8, 12.5%

I'm sorry /v/, I'll get right on working on pathologic LSD survival "Art" Games, such as Europa Universalis. Tomorrow.

Leave immediately and never come back.

>> No.10591594


>> No.10591598
File: 201 KB, 720x540, 596c5aa17e3398ed171b0b65a894de20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Christian/Educational" aren't those, like, opposites?

>> No.10591608

I play bus simulators.

>> No.10591612

That image is especially funny because Europa Universalis is painfully casual and easy

>> No.10591616
File: 867 KB, 250x188, i once modified a cgf file.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i come from world u may not understand

>> No.10591617

>you tamed her with your dick.
Don't copy that floppy!

>> No.10591622

I hate that artist's Koishi so fucking much. I don't say this often, but it disgusts me.

>> No.10591626

gee, that's nice, thanks for sharing

>> No.10591628

Stop posting ugly pictures.

>> No.10591631

I'm sorry you have such shit taste, maybe in another life you will see the light.

>> No.10591636

Hair over eyes is hideous. Reminds me of those disgusting sisters from Ed, Edd, and Eddy.

>> No.10591647

i always go for light hair over eyes so that i can see through. it makes me feel like 80s popstar

>> No.10591663


Please don't trigger ECHELON.

>> No.10591672

Team based FPS - Team Fortress, Call of Duty
Tactical FPS - Counter Strike
Arena FPS - Unreal Tournament

but why the hell farm simulator would be in deep one tier?

>> No.10591684

Why is .wad the lowest? Isn't that the Wii file type?

>> No.10591708

I don't know, it just depends from person to person. I remember 3 or 4 years ago relatives from country were visiting my family and my cousin - total dork village pleb, no kidding, he was simply put stupid - was all over Farm Simulator. Guess it was just linked to his interests, but then it's not on the same alien level as fucking wicked worlds.com and the rest.

>> No.10591743

You're probably being facetious, but I'm guessing the author meant like Doom WADs.

No idea why that's the lowest thing, though.

>> No.10591751

I think it means proper farm simulation, not just stuff like Farmville (which is higher up) and Harvest Moon.

Same deal with train simulator. There are games which have trains in them or even trains as their focus, then there are actual train simulators.

>> No.10591761
File: 817 KB, 500x1362, 1345671379800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much of a pleb are you, /jp/?

>> No.10591769

tibetan throat singing is pretty nice, makes me relax

>> No.10591776

I listen only to 2hu remixes, so somewhere between "Tasteless swine" and "Total pleb".

>> No.10591785

>i fucking lol'd

Why has the quality of this board been so low lately?

>> No.10591792
File: 738 KB, 837x4815, 1361991789480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10591790

I can't remember the last time I listened a piece of music that wasn't from a video game or anime OST.

>> No.10591791


>> No.10591793

do you want to die

>> No.10591804

I thought Dubstep was considered extremely casual music. As in the kind of stuff that can be played in every club.

>> No.10591807


I want you to die

>> No.10591819

not if you let me destroy you first

>> No.10591822

Same. I can't place myself on teh epic internetz list like this!

>> No.10591829

i don't understand this at all

>> No.10591834

What about classical music? Is that not a genre anymore? Does Classical period music not count on /mu/?

>> No.10591847


>> No.10591849

Classical is technically just really, really, really old pop music.

>> No.10591852

They say that pedophilia is more common among people with Asperger's Sydrome than the general population.

>> No.10591863
File: 102 KB, 923x800, 1361426857403[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10591867


Who is "they"?

>> No.10591871

u wot m8? I srs hope u are not srs m8.

>> No.10591872

I don't think that works.

>> No.10591873

The faceless brainy people who run the world from behind the curtains.

>> No.10591888

Those are some ugly curtains too. Who the fuck does their decorating?

>> No.10591890

Doesn't pyramid shape imply that there are many people listening to j/k-pop/rock and anime osts?

>> No.10591891

Is it? I mean, they had folk and traditional music back then. I thought classical music was something rich hipsters went to listen to wearing tricornes and justacorps and other hipster gear.

They even went just for the music. They weren't sitting in a pub listening to some guy sing, they literally just sat there listening to music not even as background noise.

>> No.10591896

J-pop and K-pop sure are popular, specially among hipster young girls that won't listen to Justin Bieber, but yeah, anime OST is like woah, I don't think that many people listen to them.

>> No.10591897

i dont understand retard but im in obyebos appearantly

>> No.10591903

>They even went just for the music. They weren't sitting in a pub listening to some guy sing, they literally just sat there listening to music not even as background noise.
Not really. High society also just went to performances to be seen.
For example, the balcony seats in theatres are often arranged that in expensive seats you can’t see the stage very well but everyone in the audience can see you.

>> No.10591916
File: 3 KB, 400x450, i make picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10591919
File: 159 KB, 646x1000, a_roman_lady-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's funny that /mu/ thinks that just because a song lacks any kind of melody, coherence and any semblance of sound that would be pleasant to the ear, it's automatically 'smarter' and you're more 'patrician' for listening to it.

It's the same kind of shit that lead to the decline of visual art. The scam that impressionists started and everyone jumped in for free money for no effort.

>> No.10591920

That's still boring as fuck.

People have such a low entertainment threshold back then.

>> No.10591926

reminds me of time when people would go to theaters to be literally bombarded with shit

>> No.10591924
File: 797 KB, 800x800, 1340796699821.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where does Yume Nikki and the rest of those RPG maker games fit in to this list?

>> No.10591928

Well if you discount the really expensive stuff, theatres often had this back bunk seats were the common folk cheaply went, they were often loud

>> No.10591929

I would put them in at most level 4. But only for their obscurity. Level 3 material at best.

>> No.10591931

and dont forget about fairy fighting

>> No.10591933
File: 237 KB, 822x1024, The_Laundress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like pictures that look like things. Like this is a picture of a woman doing laundry. I think this is called realism. But wizards and shit are still cool and you can put things in the picture and you have a lot of flexibility and stuff, but you should still be able to look at it and tell what it is. Fuck having to interpret things, I'm not a mind reader.

It's like how Super Mario World is a much funner game than every art game ever made. Even games like Yume Nikki can be fun to play and explore this world, otherwise nobody would give a shit about interpreting them.

>> No.10591934

It's surreal horror adventure. Probably 4

>> No.10591943

Less obscure, more fun to play.

Everyone knows the more fun something is, the more it's for those Facebook Rebbitor casuals.

>> No.10591939

If LSD is level 5, I don't know why Yume Nikki wouldn't be.

>> No.10591942

That's my descent into the abyss, perfectly mapped. At least until some point. It just stops midway for some reason.

Behind IDM and dark ambient, behind glitch, noise and musique concrete, behind field recordings, musical collages, aeolian harps and tamburas, behing gagaku, ragas and tibetan monks, there's a light. I've heard it all, I've reached the end of the road, and I've reached enlightenment.

Needless to say, I'm mainly listening to denpa and Touhou remixes now.

>> No.10591945

I guess you're right.

>> No.10591947
File: 175 KB, 1000x1000, PSB-actually.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like pop music.

>> No.10591950

I guess well-known indie/doujin games like Cave Story and Super Meat Boy would be level 3, right?

>> No.10591954

Where's Civilization?

>> No.10591955

I typoed that shit. Shift those numbers up one.

>> No.10591958

Grand Strategy. Lv. 4.

>> No.10591960

do you feel like an outcast?

>> No.10591961

Are the Pet Shop Boys not actually electronic dance?

>> No.10591965

Go play candy crush.
That game is hardcore as fuck. Some level are harder than even touhou in lunatic mode.

>> No.10591963


>> No.10591966

Yume Nikki isn't Lv. 2 by any stretch of the imagination. Look at lv. 2, there is nothing even remotely similar to Yume Nikki.

>> No.10591969

just answer the question and receive answers you seek

>> No.10591970

Sandbox RPG.

>> No.10591971

>Parents are True Kult level
>I only listen to anime OP's and vidya music


>> No.10591972

I have the iPod Touhou game. It freezes past stage 4 dammit.

>> No.10591974

its sad. melody and harmony are the most important parts of music to me. i done need to feel deep or thought provoking to others on the internet. i like catchy, poppy, feel good music because i want music to make me feel good.

speaking of games does anyone have a top five list?
1 super metroid
2 final fantasy ix
3 zelda wind waker
4 paper mario
5 flucutates, probably mario bros 3 though.

>> No.10591975

That refers to minecraft, buttbrain

>> No.10591976

How many do you even need to play in a level to reach it?

>> No.10591981

Then why would they also list Minecraft?

>> No.10591978

Level 4: Old School RPG

>> No.10591979

Well, yes. I don't go outside unless something important and have no friends.

>> No.10591984

I never played videogames that much but

1- Civ II
2- Crash Bandicoot: Cortex Strikes back
3- Atlantis II
4- Majora's Mask
5- Imperivm I

>> No.10591986

Hovsekeeper. There's nothing like doing your reps late at night while drinking a beer and listening to Aphex Twin/Autechre.

>> No.10591990

Sandbox RPG are also games like Fallout 3 or Oblivion. It's just another term for open-world RPG.

>> No.10591991

I looked into the files of that, it's so shoddy, the music files are 27kbps MP3s.

>> No.10591992
File: 241 KB, 605x605, catually.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They've done a lot of varied music over the years but they're happy to call themselves a pop duo, and I think overall I'd call them a synthpop group.

>> No.10591994

I like how people who contribute nothing of value to 4chan are eager to rank a series of subjective tastes in music and video games in order of their perceived objective value with their own tastes ranked higher than anyone else's, of course.

Also how do I pronounce "pleb"

>> No.10591996

How is programming hardcore?
It's my job but I don't get it..

>> No.10591999

What the fuck is a govnar

>> No.10592000

Then what about games like Daggerfall? "Dungeon crawl" is listed further down, and going by the general theme that the more "autistic" a game is the more hardcore it is, I'd say these sort of games should be lower, particularly if they have algorthmically-generated content.

>> No.10592001

You play your own shit games, that's some hardcore shit doode.

>> No.10592002

The video game chart is more like ranking based on typical consumer/audience of particular types of games. The music is based on levels of mass appeal. Stop acting like you're such a hardened intellectual.

>> No.10592003

Because making your own games is really hardcore, man. You'd have to be a total social outcast to do that

>> No.10592004

Jesus fuck the NUMBERS UP. As in +1. Not physically 'up' in the image.

>> No.10592005

>Also how do I pronounce "pleb"

Like "zeb" in "zebra".

Plebeian is like "Heb" in "Hebrew" though.

Plebeians were members of the Plebs or something.

>> No.10592007

I assume the programming types are the ones who fuck with source code and mod to make games exactly what they want them to be.

>> No.10592008
File: 828 KB, 848x480, 1285462695183.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my opinion sandbox and open world are two rather different things. Open world implies that its a game where you are free to do whatever and go places without restriction. Sandbox however implies that you are able to modify and shape the world around you as you see fit. In minecraft for example you can shape the world physically, in ARMA 2 you can modify every parameter, unit placement, scenarios ect and those two are good examples of the sandbox possibility in a game. Fallout and TES games are far from sandbox.

>> No.10592010

The "Zeb" in "Zebra" rhymes with "Heb" in "Hebrew" where I'm from. Your use of the word "though" is throwing me off.

>> No.10592011

I was referring to the pyramid chart

>> No.10592012
File: 6 KB, 200x200, r u avin a giggle m8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Plebeians were members of the Plebs or something.

>> No.10592017

Who the fuck says Hebb-roo?

>> No.10592019

That chart has problems with stuff like that. Daggerfall is technically also an open-world RPG/ Action RPG, but no casual gamer would ever play it and if they do decide to play it they would immediately drop it.

Those farm simulator games are also hardly ultra hardcore games. They are everywhere here in germany and even my cousin plays the most recent one.

>> No.10592021

He Brew
Like He's Brewing coffee
Z is pronounced Zee (rhymes with bee, as in bumble bee) Bruh

>> No.10592025

Still just levels of mass appeal and prevalence in society, ass lord.

>> No.10592029


>> No.10592030

You see i enjoy team fortress 2 and call of duty.
This would put me into the "GAMER" catergory, but i also enjoy visual novels, grand strateg, shmups, this would make me a HARDCORE player.
But then i also enjoy doom .wads and danmakus, so i'm one of those alien whale things.
similar to >>10591761
I enjoy a lot of stuff from the Normal pleb and Outsider cathegory, but also listen to japanese noisecore and tibetan throat singing.

Same with most people i guess, now i'm going to go full captain obvious on OP, but people do not magically become someone else by enjoying certain stuff, neither does being a ridiculous being give him a preference towards other stuff.

I'd use >>10591863 in my example too, but that would be redundant, and people are justifying it by "it's what most people enjoy vs what least people enjoy", so i ignored it.

Thanks for bearing with me being this thread's Captain Obvious.

>> No.10592032


it's zebb-rah

>> No.10592033

TES games usually come with some sort of world editor so you could theoretically manipulate what you want as well. GTA games are also refered to as Sandbox games, but you can't shape the world in any way(unless you count minor changes after missions).

People often have very different ideas when it comes to what counts as sandbox.

>> No.10592035

>and call of duty
League of legends
League of legends
I meant League of legends.
Why the fuck would that game come to mind.

>> No.10592036
File: 8 KB, 256x256, computer question girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whos gregor

>> No.10592038

>i enjoy team fortress 2 and call of duty

you're a casual. it doesn't matter what else you play, being a full blown casual cancels out anything else

>> No.10592039

Not in America.

>> No.10592042

ok. thats nice. but not where we are from. so thats where the confusion came from. ok?

>> No.10592043

>so i'm one of those alien whale things.

It's called the ningen

>> No.10592044


Both are synonymous with "shit".

>> No.10592046

That guy from Kafka's Metamorphosis.

>> No.10592048
File: 5 KB, 163x226, gregor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10592049


but it's zebb-rah no matter where you're from. you can't just take a word and say it differently and still claim it's correct or else nobody would ever understand a thing! just admit you're wrong and probably from some disgusting yuropoor backwater country

>> No.10592050

All of these charts are probably referring to "pre-dubstep" and not to what dubstep has evolved to now.(brostep)

>> No.10592051

I still enjoy playing it with my imouto, i guess you're just jelly that you don't have a little sister to play vidya with.

>> No.10592053
File: 188 KB, 640x959, 3ntrhna93kh8dmaicb3ms9wit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like league because of cute girls.

>> No.10592053,1 [INTERNAL] 

This thread is unquestionably off-topic, it's shitposting, it's probably a troll, and I don't play many games.

But! I still wish the "let them have their fun" pseudorule applied.

>> No.10592053,2 [INTERNAL] 

It lived on for almost eight hours. I'd say that's the upper limit of what you could give threads like this before they turn from "occasional random fun" to "off-topic shit taking over the board". It was allowed to run its course before the message was sent. You have no reason to complain.

>> No.10592053,3 [INTERNAL] 

>I still wish the "let them have their fun" pseudorule applied.

That rule never applied here, shitposter. We saw what happened in 2011 when there were no janitors. Nobody was actually having fun.

>> No.10592053,4 [INTERNAL] 

How new can you be?

(Anonymous of Canada was our 2010 janitor)

>> No.10592053,5 [INTERNAL] 

I really want to play this, fucking train simulator needs to get around to making some city routes.

>> No.10592053,6 [INTERNAL] 

level 3

>> No.10592053,7 [INTERNAL] 

dude rapel*y was great
