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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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105879 No.105879 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/,

How come in Germany, they keep on hammering that the Holocaust and Hitler is bad in our heads every single fucking day, yet the Japs get away with not even giving a fuck or even denying what happened during the war? That's not fair!

>> No.105881

Germany is pretty much the worst country in the world.

>> No.105883

You didn't play Catcher for the A-Bomb.

>> No.105886

The Japs disapprove of their past Imperialism and don't deny anything in general, right-wing nationalists != everyone

>> No.105890

Asuka agreed, don't bother her about it.

>> No.105892

How many times will Japan have to apologize for Nanking?

>> No.105895
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>> No.105897

>How come in Germany, they keep on hammering that the Holocaust and Hitler is bad in our heads every single fucking day, yet the Japs get away with not even giving a fuck or even denying what happened during the war? That's not fair!

That's because you live in Western white countries.

In Western countries = Constant whining about the holocaust and Hitler.

Try living in China. Even the anti-Japan tirade will get uhh tiring.

>> No.105898

nobody in japan actually gives a fuck about that. yet ask any german about the holocaust and hitler, and they'll always apologize for it.

>> No.105899

As a chink myself, I'd say once is enough
Now I'm counting and to be fair they've apologized like 20+ times for WW2 and related atrocities
But once in a while someone comes out and says those things doesn't happen, so we don't know how it is over there

>> No.105904

Hey look it's ISM!

>> No.105906

once would be nice

>> No.105907

>How many times will Japan have to apologize for Nanking?
No amount will never be enough. China wants money from Japan and to make Japan suffer humiliation and loss of face.

>yet ask any german about the holocaust and hitler, and they'll always apologize for it.
The Jews have been successful. Don't let the Chinks be successful or else every Japanese will be apologizing for something they didn't do.

>But once in a while someone comes out and says those things doesn't happen, so we don't know how it is over there
And this is the only thing that makes it to Chinese media and news.

>> No.105913

>Hey look it's ISM!

Hey look it's ChiCom Party apologist.

>> No.105918

I have never made a single comment about any of this. I just disapprove of your trolling. You really think that I could be an apologist for China's authoritarian government? I'm a fucking anarchist. I don't believe in nationalism.

>> No.105921

>I'm a fucking anarchist.

Oh great, an anarchyfag!

Keep posting, your failure amuses me.

>> No.105928

fuck off and die. I don't even like China, but your bullshit is annoying as fuck.

>> No.105929

Good. At least if you're going to troll, you can do it with some of your facts straight.

>> No.105932
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Commencing dump.

>> No.105935
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>> No.105938
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>> No.105939
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>> No.105943
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>> No.105945

lol wut

>> No.105946
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>> No.105948
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>> No.105952
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>> No.105955
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>> No.105959
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>> No.105958
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>> No.105960
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>> No.105963
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>> No.105966



>> No.105974
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>> No.105982
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>> No.105991
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>> No.105995
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>> No.106002
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>> No.106004
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>> No.106006
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>> No.106010
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>> No.106013
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>> No.106600

in after slowpoke

>> No.106615

Germany is so moe.

>> No.106631

Glad to see someone else has noticed this hypocrisy.

>> No.106638

>Glad to see someone else has noticed this hypocrisy.

Eat a dick you Commiefag Chink.

The ONLY people who care about Japan's own holocaust are Chinks who can't get over it.

>> No.106680

Just end yourself ISM.

>> No.106681

needs a nazi slowpoke

>> No.106693

wow get banned already you brazen troll

>> No.106782

sauce on op?

>> No.106794

Man this guy is fucking good.

>> No.106806


He is.

Go open up proxy.org, pick a random prozy. It will be banned for either ISM, or CP.

>> No.106817

japan getting nuked was the best thing to happen to it

>> No.106834

†Invisible Sky Magician† JAPAN = SUPERIOR !!I9XpXfP4okU = Chinese troll from Australia
