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10586280 No.10586280[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10586281

Fuck white people. We should wipe them out.

>> No.10586285


>> No.10586290

But I'm not a tripf*g.

>> No.10586292

Death to whito piggus

>> No.10586304

Get out, fuggen weebos.

>> No.10586310

Said the nigger.

>> No.10586314

Blacks are the master race. We're the most dominant physically and mentally.

>> No.10586322

Niggers are a giant turd that God shat on africa. They make good slaves though.

>> No.10586330

Took that one a little seriously didn't we Mr. insecure :)

>> No.10586328
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Said the NEET nigger.

>> No.10586331
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cum home

>> No.10586333

I was just making a reference to Electric Retard.

Maybe if you were more culturaly refined you would have gotten it.

>> No.10586335

idk why i thought this was going to be a thread about sex dolls

>> No.10586336

What's the problem with taking walks?

>> No.10586337

nice troll /b/ro

>> No.10586340

Am I supposed to see a giant Jew nose?

>> No.10586343
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P.S. ChinIndia's still over-populated, and africa's still an unenviable shithole where the population that remains is intent on wiping itself out Cambodia-style by the year 2030

Solution? Well, isn't it pretty obvious, ningen?

>> No.10586344

Subhumans? In my /jp/?
It's more likely than you think.

>> No.10586346

Whites are the true sub-humans according to recent scientific findings.

>> No.10586348
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>recent scientific findings

>> No.10586349

Alright, we'll just uninvent the internet, computers, telephones, space and the flushable toilet then.

>> No.10586352

It's for women.

>> No.10586354

I... uh.. I.. v... volunteer to r.. r.. repopulate ん。。。ん。。日本

>> No.10586360

>don't spend money
guess I'll start buying Apple stuff then, I don't want to be a herbivore.

>> No.10586369

I'm black.

I will be taking over for you if you don't mind, my white friend.

>> No.10586374

shouldn't you be eating fleas off your friends backs and climbing trees?

>> No.10586376
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Bend over.

>> No.10586380

I think that is a job better suited for the beta whites in the west.

For now I'll stick with the surplus white women and affirmative action laws, friend.

>> No.10586383

Why are you talking like that?

>> No.10586387

i'd love to be baited into arguing here but i keep forgetting i'm not on /pol/

go google pictures of black guys dating fat chicks and those studies proving that negro's can't be as intelligent as actual human beings for me i'm not going to go look for them.

>> No.10586386

He's an uncle tom

>> No.10586393

>negro's can't be as intelligent
bullshit, buddy.

>> No.10586395

Can't you fags stop planning your threads out in advance, recycling, and replying to yourselves?

Just have some fun if you're going to bother to hit the submit button at all.

>> No.10586399

Shut the hell up, crossboarder.

>> No.10586401

well if you're so convinced go look it up.

not even trolling, negroids are just not as capable as literally anyone else on earth.

>> No.10586406

Do you fucking realize who you're talking to? You better take that shit back.

>> No.10586414

You do know many Europeans were actually black before they were displaced by white invaders right? Yeah, you don't, so shut your fucking mouth white boy before I smack your puny flat mouth in, pigskin.

>> No.10586420

Exact opposite is the case and no one wants to date your nigger ass. Your jealousness of master race is showing.

>> No.10586421

niggers can't get asian pussy. I walk in japan and get thousands.

>> No.10586427
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>mfw a nigger is trying to be smart near me

>> No.10586432
File: 1.52 MB, 1181x1671, go away pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut to the fuck up, stormfront go back to /pol/

I have a question, if it's true the population is shrinking at an alarming rate and being the Japanese as proud as they're what will they do once their society begins to collapse? I doubt they'll swallow their pride and import immigrants or remove 2D media and stuff to put young population back in rails, what will really happen once there are not enough tax payers to support pensions? Also afaik Japanese live a lot compared to other countries.

>> No.10586435
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>> No.10586440

They'll kill the boomers, which is what we should do here.

I think killing everyone over the age of 60 would fix all the economic problems we have actually. I mean they have all the money, yet do the least work.

>> No.10586445

Why don't they just print off more money and hand it out so everyone can buy things. Problem solved.

>> No.10586449

don't wanna waste paper

>> No.10586454

you can't be serious

>> No.10586455

< Why don't they just print off more money and so everyone can buy things

because jew is the master race

>> No.10586460
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>> No.10586461

I'd like to know the answer as well.

And don't say inflation because that's bullshit.

>> No.10586480

I'm going to delete this thread now.

>> No.10586480,1 [INTERNAL] 

owned lmao

>> No.10586480,2 [INTERNAL] 

Butthurt white

>> No.10586480,3 [INTERNAL] 

I'm black.
