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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 55 KB, 560x360, so without further ado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10582664 No.10582664 [Reply] [Original]

With actually solid virtual reality glasses in development.

And Techart3d's old USB OnaCon onahole and other stuff in development.

How long before we all get to we get some proper virtual reality porn?
2 years? 3 years? 5 years? 10+ years?
Are you looking forward to officially inhabit the 2D realm?

>> No.10582674 [DELETED] 


We're getting there, dude.

>> No.10582681


>> No.10582687
File: 364 KB, 1280x2090, 1345311813562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want VR porn. I want VR Flonyard.

>> No.10582689

The oculus development kit is first getting shipped this month.

>> No.10582690 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 640x480, may_club.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to hurry up and develop brain-in-a-vat technology. Surely it can't be that hard to hire a few luddites or build some robots that take baby's brains and place them in a jar of goo and stick a few diodes in there.
Then we can all wander around cyberspace for eternity and take it easy forever. No disease, no war, none of that stuff, just walking around as kawaii 2D girls and telling the influx of furries to pls go.

>> No.10582697
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I can't wait for /jp/ orgy

>> No.10582698


Now we just have to wait at least 8 to 14 months.

>> No.10582701

Why would luddites want to develop brain in a jar technology?

>> No.10582706

Illusion and Teatime better get on this the very same year that mainstream game titles does.

>> No.10582709

I'd VR into an unmodded Elder Scrolls game before I'd VR into an Illusion one.

>> No.10582714 [DELETED] 

They don't develop it. They just stay behind in the real world, and we basically make them our slaves. They can handle breeding, maintenance, surgery, all that stuff. If they don't obey us, we remotely bomb their living areas or shut off their oxygen.

>> No.10582716

Nothing good nor interesting will ever be invented in my lifetime, I just know it.

>> No.10582721


I'd do world of warcraft first just to ride around on my horse through each region.

>> No.10582741

I imagine the gimmick will fade shortly after with JUST running around. I'll wait until the porn games come out, because when I press Ctrl + Z twice in TERA and go into first person mode, I am only so entertained by looking at Elins for so long.

>> No.10582744

They'll develop a way to recall a person's existence from the Akashic records after your lifetime, so it'll work out fine.

>> No.10582748

You'll be dead before you get to have that.

>> No.10582750

Rapelay 3.
First person VR from the perspective of the girl.

>> No.10582751


>> No.10582756 [DELETED] 
File: 70 KB, 577x473, 2055_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep seeing all these news stories over the years about how scientists may have found the key to curing cancer, realistic human AIs are just around the corner, cars will soon be a thing of the past, blah blah blah. Nothing has ever come of any of them yet, and I've come to realize they're just the contemporary equivalent of those 1950s Popular Mechanic magazines. "Every home in 2013 will have a robot who does the laundry!"

We're just going to keep disappointing ourselves. Everyday life won't change that much any time soon.

>> No.10582760


VR is a fucking waste of time and resources for a very shallow experience.

With sex robots just around the corner, why would you want to put a whole bunch of gear on your head, face, and hands when you can just go feel up a anime style love doll robot without anything on at all. It is about 1000x more realistic than VR while still not being officially 3DPD.

Also, again with VR and having to wear a ton of gear on you, what needs to happen instead is more research into direct input/output brain interface which again is much more efficient and a more deep experience than VR will ever be.

>> No.10582764

You cannot imitate MMD models in real life.

>> No.10582768


It's different now because that is based of how Americans are lazy, fat, normalfags that are happy with ballgames and BBQs.

But now, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese super-nerds are all well into the techs that can make this happen finally and they will.

>> No.10582770


MMD is so fucking gay. Why would you want 2.5D experience when you can have a true 3D miku sex doll that you can actually stick your dick in and actually kiss her lips?

>> No.10582772 [DELETED] 


You are forgetting maintenance.

>> No.10582781

Asians don't invent shit because they have no creativity, they just improve things.

>> No.10582783 [DELETED] 

Fuck off realdoll/kig faggot. We want 2D, not your creepy uncanny valley shit.

>> No.10582790

>when you can have a true 3D miku sex doll that you can actually stick your dick in and actually kiss her lips?
Because said doll won't act in response to a scripted AI, lacking both the ability of movement and emotional mimicry.

You simply aren't thinking enough.
What you do is have a sex doll, then have 3d cameras outfitted in the entire room hooked up to your VR interface. The best of two worlds.

>> No.10582794

I know what you mean. All kinds of empty promises on how someone made the next huge breakthrough in technological advancement, but nothing is ever actually delivered. It's like they're mocking us and trying to get our hopes up with false expectations, by really only trying to remind us that we will never see most of these things ever come to fruition.

>> No.10582843


no fag, not just a normal sex doll, a Robot sex doll, which can be programmed and respond just like game chars

>> No.10582856 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 1200x708, back-to-future-hoverboard-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10582857

VR is the future.
Quality gynoids will be even further into the future. Very far into the future I am guessing.

>> No.10582861 [DELETED] 

You guys are way too obsessed with sex.

>> No.10582901


Can I laugh in your face when sex robots will get here first and everyone forgets about VR?


>You guys are way too obsessed having sex with fake girls.

Fixed that for ya. Now I'll agree.

>> No.10582952



>> No.10582976

VR gaming is coming in the very next couple of years or so. Perhaps not full sensory VR, but still VR.
Then the question will be how soon the porn industry catches on.

When do you expect sex robots to hit the market?

>> No.10582990

It wouldn't matter Feminists have already drawn up legislation to ban making them.

>> No.10582996
File: 88 KB, 901x618, aaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We already have realistic sex dolls. All they need is a moving skeletal framework and AI.

>> No.10583065


If VR becomes advanced enough, even normalfags will no longer care about girls being 'fake'. If it satisfies their dick and it looks realistic they'll do it. Normallords hate 2D because it's so -obviously- fake.

You VR faggots will be the reason for the normalfication of eroge. Congrats.

>> No.10583082
File: 621 KB, 975x1400, 02 (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else like the sister in this comic? She's positively nasty.

>> No.10583124


why is this not porn

>> No.10583274
File: 161 KB, 728x1075, dominanodo_ch1_geisha.dominanodo_34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know but it gets pretty close sometimes. The little sister says some nasty shit every so often too.

>> No.10583305

Suddenly I have the urge to fap.

>> No.10583317 [SPOILER] 
File: 480 KB, 1017x1450, 01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's shounen manga too. How is this OK? It's a mystery.

>> No.10583370

I've fapped solely to this page.

This manga was instant boner fuel for me.

>> No.10583377

It made me really, really angry. When I read it I think I spent like two weeks fantasizing about how the MC would man the fuck up, confront the tsundere about her feelings and stop everyone from shitting on him.

>> No.10583380
File: 137 KB, 500x262, tumblr_md1033VuDd1rixnsco1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are too lazy to learn how to lucid dream.
Dreaming = virtual reality before it was cool

>> No.10583383

>Akashic records
this world is not type moon, dude.

>> No.10583384

>shaved pussy

>> No.10583385

Did everyone forget about the nerve feedback system by Cyberhand?


>> No.10583387

>"Every home in 2013 will have a robot who does the laundry!"
and surprise! you have the washing machines, which are pretty much primitive, savage versions of robots.

>> No.10583388
File: 67 KB, 534x800, 125602810657416223922_d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was waiting for this reply.

>> No.10583394

Sensation in the lucid dreaming state is dulled because of the majority of the brain either shutting down or downplaying most of its processes.

Besides, when I lucid dreamed I always got an incredible surge of desire for wanting to soar through the clouds and sleep on meadows under the sunset or whatnot.

>> No.10583404 [DELETED] 

Translation error. In the original, she says:

> 小学生の毛の生えていない プニマン

It's ``hairless'', not ``shaved''.

>> No.10583412

Translation error. In the original, she says:

> 小学生の毛の生えてないプニマン

It's ``hairless'', not ``shaved''.

>> No.10583426

The brain isn't the only thing that makes think, not by a longshot. The whole body is involved in consciousness, with every part reporting its state to the brain and the brain providing feedback. Without the rest of the nervous system, the brain is useless. It does pretty much nothing.

>> No.10583440


This: >>10582996

The thing is we ALREADY have all the techs required to make robot sex toys. It is just an issue of money as in no one would be able to afford it right now. Meanwhile VR is still fumbling around in the dark.

>> No.10583440,1 [INTERNAL] 


Looks like I got something to read for the rest of the day.

>> No.10583550

You'd think context clues would have helped the translator.

>> No.10583559

Eh, I don't understand this, but even then we'd just need a vat for the nervous system too.

>> No.10583585

Gomenasai, but I think you might be wrong.
There are already sex dolls, but most people find it ``creepy'' (why, I wonder?).
Just because it's realistic it doesn't mean they approve it.

>> No.10583596


He's talking about VR not sex dolls.

>> No.10583640

Yes, but he was saying that 2D is uninteresting for most people because it's unrealistic.

Then I pointed out that sex dolls are quite realistic looking, but still most people don't like them.

>> No.10583646

>The thing is we ALREADY have all the techs required to make robot sex toys.
That doesn't mean it won't take decades to implement them both in conjunction to eachother in a manner suitable for the global market.

VR gaming is going to slide right into the market as if everything was lubed and prepped up nicely. Just like the kinect, the movetoy, 3d-depth screens, or whatever other gimmicks the industry hauls out.

>> No.10583776

Anime style robots wouldn't even look right (2D has never looked right in true 3D' never mind the fact it would be more expensive and you'd have to get custom models certain characters while VR would only need coding and would allow you to do a whole load of other things as well
Full sensory VR would feel and act exactly as wanted anyway and is the next logical step once VR hits off

>> No.10583801

To be honest a jp orgy would be hot

>> No.10583806

yeah, as long as you're blind
and deaf
and can't smell anything
and are in a coma

>> No.10583816


That is kind of hot.

>> No.10583821


It's like "One" but with sex.

>> No.10583931

looks aren't everything. the fact that they lie motionlessly, like a fresh corpse probably adds to that "creepy" feeling shit.

>> No.10583958

More than 8 hours a day of VR and you will get stuck in the 2d world FOREVER!

Basically longterm VR use can fuck with your depth perception over, so over time the real world WILL BECOME 2D!

>> No.10583964

Do we have loli dolls too?

>> No.10583972

not the right kind of 2d. it'll still be 3d, just flat.

>> No.10584180

No they haven't. If you're referring to that one Canadian article, it was proven fake multiple times.

>> No.10584222

Until they have holodeck style VR, I don't care.

>> No.10584257

oculus rift is a monitor

>> No.10584266

Plus it doesn't ruin your depth perception completely. After all, you even have some depth perception even with only one eye.

>> No.10584357

I'd settle for more stuff like this for now.


It is fine that they are still on a screen, if I can interact with them and touch them.

>> No.10584423

Type Moon did not invent the Akashic records.

>> No.10584457

in here they're about as relevant as heaven and hell, nirvana, xenu and other religious concepts with no scientific background.

>> No.10584464

>no scientific background.
Physics have accessed the Akashic Records plenty of times before. You could even do it yourself with some training. The problem is finding the information you want.

>> No.10584478

>How long before we all get to we get some proper virtual reality porn?
Just wait until Hillary gets Pres of the US!

>> No.10584561


I agree. Not to mention the headaches and eyestrain it's bound to give you after little use. At this point it's just like playing a game normally, except you won't see the stuff around your monitor or TV. It might give some greater immersion, but that's about it.

>> No.10585254
File: 40 KB, 635x548, 49839238933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



VR has already been attempted to be introduced to the market and FAILED MULTIPLE times.

I have used many different types and versions of VR over the years and it is all shit and shallow crap. IRL VR is nothing like the faggot hollywood movies you watch because clearly you haven't even ever done any VR.

You wanna know what VR is really like and experience it RIGHT now?

Okay, I'll tell you how you can experience it. You see your computer monitor in front of you that you are looking at right now?

Yeah, that. Now, SMASH your face into it, ensuring your eyes are less than 1 inch away from the screen.

CONGRATS! You are now experiencing VR! TOO RADICAL COOL DUDE!!

VR a shit.

Deal with it faggot.

>> No.10585262

I think they mean porn with actual people in it.

>> No.10585264

>Full sensory VR

is over 100 years away from becoming a reality.

>> No.10585268

There is a chance of it becoming reality at all?

>> No.10585272

But the singularity is going to happen in less than 50 years.

>> No.10585275


None of those are VR.

>> No.10585277

Obviously a law like that won't get passed anywhere important, but there's no reason to think that they only care about porn with real people. I'm sure any reference to sex is "demeaning to women" in their eyes.

>> No.10585296

Are you actually waiting for the Rapture for nerds?

>> No.10585314

I didn't feel this deserved its own thread but it's semi related.

I've noticed I sleep better when I fall asleep with female breathing sounds in my ears. So I'm wondering if any of you got any decent ones because I am currently using this one:
And it's not that great. The heavy breathing is just not good enough because it's too disturbing. But it has helped.

>> No.10585318

Doesn't change how late you are. I first hear of them over a year ago.

>> No.10585323

>First person Virtual Rape
>the primary genre next-gen
Porn is huge. It could happen.

>> No.10585331

I just listen to mimikaki videos on niconico when I'm trying to get to sleep. A lot of them have breathing and soft speaking real nice.


>> No.10585336

Porn never got into computer games, and by extension VR video games. The only people who do porn are doujinsoft creators.

>> No.10585338

That's good but I don't think I could sleep to that. Thanks for sharing though.

>> No.10585344

Things may change. If VR is good or hyped enough it might work. The fact that most people seem to think of the porn appliances is a decent indication I think.

>> No.10585353

Just breathing sounds? I don't know of many, but in a similar vein, I found that I also slept better with voices, and my favorite was Synergism Duet by Listenable pharmacy. They're freely available although the only one I like is SD anyways.

>> No.10585375

Yeah I really just need breathing.

>> No.10585413

Hmm okay... I think Nemurihime had some of this but I don't recall anymore since it's not the type of thing that's notable for me. It's RJ100652.

>> No.10585521

I don't really understand what people are all hyped for VR for anyway, you'd be wearing a plugsuit with matching helmet and thrashing around in your chair as you try and interact with things that aren't there, or have to more directly interface with the nervous system to do it. The later just begging all kinds of horrible things to go wrong if it'd ever be realistic at all, and the former is just a cheap gimmick just wouldn't be much closer than the virtual boy.

>> No.10585557


Finally someone else that understands how shitty VR is.

You make a point with the direct brain interface, but really that is a moot point imo since it is worth the risk and anything is dangerous. Do you not take a walk outside because you are afraid someone just might rape you?

>> No.10585574

Who would want to rape me?

>> No.10585589


>> No.10585601


That isn't really the point.

Do you never get into a car or bus or train or plane because it might crash and you die?

Anything comes with risks, especially technology, but the benefits usually outweigh the risks or potential bad "side-effects" that COULD happen by a 1/1000000 chance.

>> No.10585612

Cars are built so you should be more or less fine even if you get into an accident, unless you were speeding or something. I don't think something that connects to your nervous system would have a happier outcome than paralysis.

>> No.10585613

Leads that break the skin are hotbeds of infection. Anything that interfaces directly with the brain is liable to be tremendously worse.

>the benefits usually outweigh the risks
Sometimes. Sometimes not.

>> No.10585752

I just want to be a little girl and there's no way that's going to happen without VR.

>> No.10586047

[citation needed]

>> No.10586051

if something like that passed, i'm sure it'd be removed a few weeks afterwards tops when the mafia's huge profits from the porn industry were suddenly cut to 0.

whoever passed this would mysteriously disappear and be replaced by someone pro-porn or suddenly change their mind for unknown reasons and remove this law faster they could say "oh my god, they're holding me at gunpoint, i'm so sorry here's your porn back!"

>> No.10586071

they wont take our porn from us

>> No.10586146

>The only people who do porn are doujinsoft creators.
Teatime did a porn MMO. With usb onahole compatibility,
Why wouldn't they do vr games?

>> No.10587060

>onshore compatibility
Wonder if they had onahole to dildo force feedback support. Sounds like a great social game.

>> No.10587564

>VR has already been attempted to be introduced to the market and FAILED MULTIPLE times.

Because they lacked the technology to do it right, numbnuts.

>> No.10587585

And they still do.

>> No.10588390

Reviews from people testing it, while perhaps not the most reliable and or objective sources, still seems to heavily imply otherwise.

Makes me eager for the reviews later into the year at the very least.
Though I am worried about it making you nearsighted. That little detail is really a huge bummer.

>> No.10588415

Look up teledildonics. It's been around since the 80s.

>> No.10588665

If you're still here, try this:

There was also another video with three girls, but I think it got deleted because I can't find it anymore.

>> No.10589698

I usually display Japanese fine, but can't seem to get the DL pass(text) to work.

Any ideas?

>> No.10593082

