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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10581308 No.10581308[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Otaku Culture

>> No.10581312

lel weeaboo murricans

>> No.10581466

I'm pretty sure that guy is in the cav, the biggest pussies of the combat world.

>> No.10581526
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I really like these.

>> No.10581529
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I thought I had more of these but I was wrong.

>> No.10581535

Do you leave these all over the COP hoping your command will think you're crazy and chapter you?

>> No.10581536

I had a laugh at your failure.


>> No.10581544
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>> No.10581549
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I like it.

>> No.10581546

I have to admit, I chuckled.. Thanks for brightening my night, OP.

>> No.10581555

nah, more than likely they'll just try to find a way to burn him, and get him an OTH or less to keep him from dem benifits

>> No.10581604

I always laugh when I read Otaku Culture. That's a pretty good oxymoron.

>> No.10581617
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>> No.10581623

this is so disgusting

>> No.10581624

No. Frontline infantry are IED fodder if not cannon fodder. Chair force greatly improves your survival rate and is much comfier than being trapped with horny men on stormy seas.

>> No.10581626

What is so disgusting about it?

>> No.10581629

That crew lost their head didn't they?

>> No.10581635
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That makes three! Thank you!!!

>> No.10581656
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>> No.10581671

I would lovingly care for Mami's head ;_;

>> No.10581675
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>> No.10581683
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Just as I thought, a disgusting cav slut

>> No.10581689

If they keep drawing anime girls instead of protecting our freedom, our country is headed towards disaster.

>> No.10581691
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>> No.10581698

So how many of you /jp/ies will be mobilized if it really happens?

Post your vocation in the army/navy/airforce.

>> No.10581700

Well they're in a quite destructible humvee so I'd say they're headed towards disaster either way. Only thing those RPGs and ATGMs have trouble completely wrecking even at close range are the MBTs.

>> No.10581702


>> No.10581703

I did my time and I'm not going back. I'm not even Murrican.

>> No.10581705

It's an /a/ thing.

>> No.10581713
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Go on America, keep giving kids who still watch chinese cartoons high power weaponry and poor education. I'm sure nothing can go wrong.

>> No.10581716

We kill more of our people via car accidents and fatty foods than our guns could ever do in a year.

>> No.10581719

Do you guys even lift? You can do much better than that! Ganbatte NRA! Nukes for nuts program pls.

>> No.10581723

!Bar will save us all.

>> No.10581721

The European is also gonna molest that kid.

>> No.10581729

any mcdonalds otaku's here? just had a 40 piece nuggets, five star chicken 10/10 would eat again

>> No.10581740

No. But I guess I'm sort of related. Death otaku here. Seriously considering going back to school and becoming an undertaker.

>> No.10581743

As a matter of fact, we don't lift.

And that is why 33% of Americans are obese. By 2030 it is projected that 42% will be obese.

>> No.10581750
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The US army has OBESITY up as a threat to national security up along with big mean terrorists et al.

>> No.10581785

I like the McDonalds nuggets, especially with S&S sauce, never had a 40pk though.
I noticed my local Burger King stopped using those crispy chicken nuggets and now use the same kind as McDonalds. I miss those ones now.

>> No.10581794

>testing greentext

>> No.10581804

what the fuck is happening to 4chinz right now

>> No.10581810

That's actually true. Compared to 2007, 15 times the number of troops discharged from the military were obese in 2012 (1600 soldiers) . Two years earlier in 2010, over 5 percent (86,000) of the U.S. military had at least one obesity related diagnosis. In 2009, 75% of would-be volunteers were rejected from joining the military as being physically unable with the leading cause being obesity.

>> No.10581823

if there was a draft and I was too fat does that mean I wouldn't have to serve?

>> No.10581838

Personally I'd make them waddle in front of the slow armor as IED bait. We'll hang a big mac on a stick in front of them too.

>> No.10581867

Probably not. Just be fat, fail at the physical portion of the testing (running, jumping, rolling - well, you could probably roll), and they'd probably tell you to get the fuck out. They'd want as many good soldiers as possible quickly because the shit really hit the fan if a draft is needed. They do have remedial boot camp for fatties though.

>> No.10581869

Let's assume it's a long, bloody war the likes of which the Murrican empire has never seen. They've pretty much exhausted all healthy, /fit/ candidates. What do you think will happy to the fatties then?

>> No.10581877

The fatties are going to have to lead the way then.

This assumes they took all the women already.

>> No.10581887

That's going to be a hilarious slow advance.

Not even the heaviest armor is that slow or has that shit endurance.

>> No.10581894

obviously fat people drive the tanks

>> No.10581895

It's okay, we've got mechanized and airborne units now. Better hope they don't have to dismount or actually perform an aerial insertion though...

>> No.10581896

and fly the planes

>> No.10581900

and sail the ships

>> No.10581901

They're going to have to make bigger tanks. I've been in an M1 and it's not the biggest thing out there.

Actually yeah, that's a good point. They'll be motorized and not mechanized because all the IFVs and APCs are kind of tight to get into the driver seat.

>> No.10581907

But alot of kit isn't exactly roomy. Fitting double-wide chairs and 350+lb Bubbas into an Abrams MBT or Kiowa scout helo may not turn out very well. Flying the drones or on a Navy surface ship should be alright though.

>> No.10581911

It's really easy to turn a fatty into a non-fatty in nine months. Just stop feeding them.

>> No.10581916
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Either carry two squads of normal troops or two Murrifats.

>> No.10581998


I'm pretty fucking weeaboo and I was in the US Army for awhile as infantry, but this was about 10 years ago and never saw stuff like this. So Anime wasn't as popular in America as it is now. I am really amazed at how much it has caught on here or even the rest of the world.

Although, even me, at the time my power lower was pretty low. The most we ever did was talk about Final Fantasy or Ragnarok Online.

>> No.10582026


One APC can squeeze in 8 sitting and 2 standing soldiers in the trooper compartment, assuming you have a small body build.

>> No.10582057
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Neat story.

>> No.10582241

Do you guys actually know it was ZUN!bar? He is currently in military (not sure if at this specific moment), but he enrolled, and he was deployed in Afghanistan. I need to search for his face

>> No.10582285


>> No.10582295

Ragnarok? Nice. I'm currenly watching GitS:SAC 2nd Gig, catching up on older stuff because I haven't watched any anime since...like around 3 seasons ago, I've also been thinking but it seems like being an airplane/helicopter pilot is the closest I'll ever be to piloting a gundam. Sounds pretty fucking dumb but whatever.
Anyone here on /jp/ that has piloted an aircraft? What's it like? I might just give up on CS and get in the air force. That or I'll create something like a Tachikoma.

>> No.10582301

My brother is in the air force and I know he's a gigantic weeaboo, though he's the powerlevel concealing kind. I'm told the air force is where all the nerds end up anyway though, so maybe that's not so surprising.

>> No.10582304

Fuck. Maybe we should all join the air force and make gundams somewhere.

>> No.10582309

the intel units of every branch are full of huge nerds

>> No.10582325


Originally, right out of high school I was planing on going into the USAF instead of Army because I wanted to be a fighter pilot. I was gearing up to go to the Air Force Academy and everything. But then things went to shit in my life and didn't end up going. Later I joined the Army instead as infantry as my other post stated. I almost joined a tanker too once. Also kind of regret not doing that either.

But anyways, yeah, I used to be very big into flying and flown a number of different smaller planes like Cessna 152s, 172s, Piper Cherokees, etc.

There is of course that saying that "Flying is the best thing you can do with your clothes on" and that saying exists for a reason.

>> No.10583461

I always thought that if I joined the military, I'd join the Air Force. I'm such a stereotype.

Apparently I couldn't join the military if I wanted, though, since I didn't finish high school. Life is good.

>> No.10583714

All you need is a GED and 15 college credits.

>> No.10583759

Why is this still here?


>> No.10583764

>the intel units of every branch are full of huge nerds

>> No.10584978

Getting into the airforce is pretty hard. The very basic requirement is that you are not short-sighted. ;_;

>> No.10585052

I've heard they're also not even recruiting right now because every loser who goes into the military as an escape route for having a shitty life always picks the Air Force over the other branches of service.

>> No.10585056

As a loser with a shitty life, the air force would definitely be my first choice.

>> No.10585060

...is this ZUN!bar?

>> No.10585067

Us 4channers and our memes huh? I talk about them all the time with my bros at the bar!

>> No.10585074

If only ZUN!bar was here...

>> No.10585076

What does that have to do with anything? Go back to the NEET thread if you want to blog.

>> No.10585079

Don't people who like/show those things pretty much get bullied or raped in the army?

>> No.10585118

I want to personally punch anyone stupid enough to buy into the piles of propaganda and join the army. How dumb can you be?

>> No.10585124

It's not that simple.

>> No.10585177

Why not?

>> No.10585185

You can't fly planes if you're short sighted, but you can still fiddle with knobs and shit and still be in the air force. But yeah what >>10585052 said, I've been told they aren't really recruiting as much anymore.

>> No.10585199

Maybe they are just samurai in spirit? Manga has taught me that a true samurai lives and dies for his chosen master regardless of right or wrong.

Good thing I'm a ninja.

>> No.10585212

>chosen master
Yes dirty monkeys always die for the superior Chosen masters.

>> No.10585219

is air force like gundam?

>> No.10585220

People in military units have to work all day. Their superiors will treat them like shit and be over demanding. This is intentional, it forces the grunts to work together and distribute the weight evenly among each other. This is called unit cohesion and it starts to show after 12 weeks of service.
If you owe a favor to someone, you're not going to make fun of him. It's just common sense. I was in the army and there were DBZ fans and Lord of the rings nerds in my unit, but they rarely got made fun of because they were always there to help others when they were in a pitch

>> No.10585235


>Magical G.I.

Yes, very epic. Enjoy your place in future NEET threads.

>> No.10585248

Joining the military is like making a deal with the devil and you can die at any time, so the references are appropriate.

>> No.10585252

In my country people like those are bullied until they find some way to escape the army.

>> No.10585273

In my unit the only one who got bullied like that was a Jewish guy because he didn't want to join our easter celebrations

>> No.10585274


You're not Korean. Get a hobby, idiot.

>> No.10585312


That analogy is stupid as you look. Defending democracy and freedom is a noble deed.

>> No.10585327

>democracy and freedom
Are you jewish?

>> No.10585379

when was the last time AMERICAN FREEDOM actually had to be defended from anything

>> No.10585563

I heard if you have to be on the frontlines in those shitholes, a tank is probably your best it since it can shrug off pretty much all the rockets and bombs they have.

>> No.10585572

it's our freedom to free the shit out of other people with bombs and tanks

>> No.10585809


lol so wacky and EPIC MEME bro i needed to make a contract to get my sides back from orbit xD

Go back to /a/.

>> No.10586273
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Implying the chairforce doesn't defend your your freedom by pretending to work all day.

>> No.10586278

Why are you posting so obnoxiously? This isn't /v/, okay?

>> No.10586506

Conversely, the AMD units are full of huge geeks.

>> No.10586546

But /jp/ founded the ironic shitposting meme bruv.

>> No.10587081
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>> No.10587115

Who homu here

>> No.10587123
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>> No.10587136

I want >>>/pol/, >>>/a/, and every other board to leave

>> No.10587147

Fuck off /q/ueer. This was an interesting thread.
