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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 21 KB, 460x276, Tsutomu-Yamaguchi-Japanes-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10580504 No.10580504[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10580508

But I'm already at home.
Also, that's very rude.

>> No.10580524

really funny post OP ^__________________^

*upvotes thread*

>> No.10580548

Do the Japs think they're white?

>> No.10580549
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>> No.10580555

They know they ain't white, man. They chauvinist mongoloids

>> No.10580561

My mother was a gay bitch.

>> No.10580574

You know, I find it funny that white powah Hitler declared the Japs to be aryan. Political expedience always trumps perceived racial lines.

>> No.10580599

I don't think you quite grasp what the word "honorary" means.

>> No.10580628

I bet you think the Holohoax happened, since you're too much of a dumbfuck to understand what "Honorary Aryan" means.

>> No.10580631

Are literally retarded? If yes, pls come clean, I won't bully you

>> No.10580659


how can you be an honorary member of a race

stormfront kids are embarassing

>> No.10580715

It can happen. For example, my best friend is hispanic, but since he's a really intelligent guy, and admits that the white race is the best, I officially made him an honorary Aryan. No, this isn't a joke.

>> No.10580798
File: 52 KB, 296x450, Takeuchi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Japanese are white though.

>> No.10580831

Why is he your friend? You're retarded and a neo Nazi who is a strain on humanity. Please kill yourself.

>> No.10580838

american spotted

>> No.10580842

That's Italian at best. Who, by the way, aren't white.

>> No.10580847

He's my best friend because we have a shitload of interests in common, and we get along very well. He spouts nazi stuff almost as much, if not more, than me.

>> No.10580849

it's the suit right and hair gel right? you stereotype worshiping capitalist cunt.

>> No.10580856
File: 986 KB, 500x375, 1354333123649.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

>> No.10580872

I love white people. Their shadow skin, coming from dark corners of the earth. They are so dreamy and mysterious and mischievous. Their wicked intellect makes me wet.

>> No.10580893
File: 309 KB, 460x351, 1355538281352.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read this 3 times.

>> No.10580902

you self loving faggot

>> No.10580913

Hitler also said Chinese were "honorary aryan".

>> No.10580927

Skin color.
And, eyes...

He looks like a spic.
Why do you keep posting philipinos and keep saying they are white?

>> No.10580942

you are replying to a wrong post right?

>> No.10580959


>> No.10580958
File: 345 KB, 2035x1865, 1345251067314ddd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was just nice to hear someone have a white people fetish. Really kinda turned me on being objectified like that.

>> No.10581001

You are like. Welcome.

>> No.10581005


>> No.10581020

I must admit that I am literary retarded

>> No.10581058

>No, this isn't a joke.

It's funny like one though.

>> No.10581155
File: 217 KB, 1272x700, jews fear the samurai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10581213

It's funny because japanese are jewish.

>> No.10581221

It's funny because everyone loves the jews.

>> No.10581227

This is like its from some weird alternate reality where ww2 ended in a quick peace treaty between America and Japan

>> No.10581234
File: 264 KB, 913x665, Tsingtao_battle_lithograph_1914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Japan would have just won the war. Picture only semi-related. It's Japan, but from ww1 rather than ww2.

>> No.10581239

No, Sean.

>> No.10581237

Japan was an imperialist hellhole before the humanity declaration. Nothing cute would ever come out of Japan had they won, ever.

>> No.10581240

Sean pls

>> No.10581241

Do you think America wouldn't be so close to Japan if we never entered WW2?

>> No.10581254


Losing the war did them a huge favor. They saw the futility of war and moved on to better things. They spent enough time fighting anyways.

>> No.10581256

Look, I don't think I'm agreeing to anything you say.
Also I don't pody philiphinos unless it is Mugen. I got a huge boner for him.

>> No.10581262

We said that as long as they're around they are not allowed to formulate a military.

Decades of being castrated like that eventually wore away at them and now they lost their desire to fight. Not because of the "futility of war" but because of the feminization of their people. They were beta'd down by the white man.

>> No.10581265


>> No.10581271


But it was the dutch who forced them to let the white man in in the first place.

>> No.10581275

The Dutch didn't force them to do anything. It was Commodore Perry who forced Japan to finally open up.

>> No.10581276

Do I need to repeat myself?


>> No.10581279


You would prefer they waste their money and spill their blood for the ability to kill? They have done quite well for themselves conquering with economics rather than armies.

>> No.10581283

No I wouldn't. But don't say that they've taken to peace out of some divine understanding as the samurai sheathes his sword.

They were forced into their peaceful ways.

>> No.10581286


>> No.10581292

And a good thing too. They would've caused some serious destabilization in east asia and probably lost a war to Russia.

American occupation of Japan was seriously the best thing that could've happened to them.

>> No.10581296

>conquering with economics

Where are you from? 1985?

>> No.10581317
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1982 actually.

>> No.10581324


