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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1057993 No.1057993 [Reply] [Original]

I'll just leave this here...

>> No.1057999

Anime belongs in /a/ but since this was based on a popular visual novel I guess it's ok.

>> No.1057997

This anime fucking sucked.

>> No.1058005


Did you see the compilation movies? They really pull the second half out of the fire. Also, the OVAs really flesh out the story.

>> No.1058007

This was seriously one of the worst non-memes ever to pop up in /a/.

Anyone that carries it on should be fucking ashamed of themselves.

>> No.1058009

Why don't we talk about better anime series instead?

>> No.1058011

>based on a popular visual novel
The VN for this sucked

>> No.1058017

sage for shitty meme

>> No.1058013

The VN was pretty good indeed. The animu adaption on the other hand was mediocre at best.

>> No.1058015

No, because I don't watch this shit.

>> No.1058026

It's not even a shitty meme. It's just shitty.

Anything that's forced is not a meme.

This is on the same level of utter retardedness as makoto, king of faggots, and fucking millhouse.

>> No.1058033

Samefag who was probably trolled into thinking this was an actually anime.

>> No.1058034
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Did someone say low tier /a/ memes?

>> No.1058041

But this wasn't forced at all. It's forced NOW, sure. but it's a legitimate meme.

>> No.1058038

>thinking this was an actually anime.
Now you spoiled it.

>> No.1058043
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Don't put Ghost Slide on the same level as that hawk.

>> No.1058052

I actually participated in the making of this shit.

>> No.1058055


You're retarded if you really think that. I'm pretty apathetic to Ghost Slide. It's nowhere near as shitty as most things to come out of /a/ or /b/.

>> No.1058048

I was there before the split when this shit was making the rounds. Every fucking thread it was forced shit. It's a non-meme, dead on arrival.

Nobody would ever be stupid enough to think this was real. If they thought it was, then they are in the same class as limestone chunks or elephant dung.

>> No.1058058

In during phantasm chute.

>> No.1058061

Take it easy! It's just the Internet.

>> No.1058067
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It was slightly better when it was called Ghost Hunt.

Then again, Ghost Hunt was better when it was called The Twilight Zone.

>> No.1058069

Are you Japanese yet?

>> No.1058066

I actually made a notepad file that kept track of all the details people were making up about this shit. Vastly different than the fake Wikipedia page, by the way, and much more interesting.

And then my computer died and I lost it.

>> No.1058072

Ghost Hunt isn't the Twilight Zone. There's nothing even remotely similar. If you're going to compare it to something, Scooby Doo is the more likely choice.

You're such a bad troll.

>> No.1058078

He found 4chan 3 months ago after reading all the meme articles on ED.

>> No.1058079

You obviously weren't present for the inception if you think it was forced.

>> No.1058083

If it can't catch on by its own power without the same fucking person making five hundred threads a day about it for no reason at all, it's not a meme.

It's the same reason king of faggots isn't a meme. It's the same reason makoto is not a meme. It's the same reason so many other things are not memes.

If it is the work of one person's wasted life, it cannot be said to have been virally spread.

>> No.1058089

What are the Ghost Hunt OPs supposed to be homaging, then?

You must be sleepy!

>> No.1058086

No, >>1058007 spoiled it.

>> No.1058090

I bet most of the people here don't even know why it's called 'Ghost Slide'.

>> No.1058098

>If it can't catch on by its own power without the same fucking person making five hundred threads a day about it for no reason at all, it's not a meme.

Proof positive you weren't there for its inception.
Damn near all of /a/ was in on that thread.

>> No.1058095


>> No.1058107

Shut up, whee-a-boo.

>> No.1058100

In before everyone looks it up.

>> No.1058101


Like.. a water slide?

>> No.1058113



It was never that funny. Just faggoty shit for newfags to act like they invented a new meme.

>> No.1058117

Stop replying to yourself.

>> No.1058118

An homage, or rather parody, in the OP doesn't make the fucking series even remotely reminiscent of the actual program itself.

Nothing about The Twilight Zone and Ghost Hunt are similar, other than the fact that both are about the paranormal.

>> No.1058121

Inb4 Ghost Slide season 2 in /jp/.

>> No.1058124
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>> No.1058134

For instance... Penises?

>> No.1058130

Seeing that banner just makes me miss Purple Gay Man.

>> No.1058138

>Purple Gay Man
I think his name is moot.

>> No.1058150

Wouldn't that be " Wants to be the little girl" man ?

>> No.1058152

What's up with all the windows?

>> No.1058158

Allergic to tabs.

>> No.1058165


>> No.1058164

You know what was better than Purple Gay Man?
...oh no where'd I save my lifeliketexture.jpg

>> No.1058168


I'm not really sure how to respond to this. I'll just say that Ghost Hunt references and homages many Western horror anthology films and tv shows, and The Twilight Zone would (obviously) be the biggest one.

>> No.1058174

You're (obviously) a garbage troll.
Honestly, why do you even try?

>> No.1058181
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>> No.1058183

sage for Frenchman

>> No.1058187


because you respond

someday you'll grow up a little bit and realize the best way to deal with shitty trolls is not by repeatedly telling them what shitty trolls they are

>> No.1058191

I don't like tabs.
I only use them to hide porn.

>> No.1058192

Alls I'm trying to do is try to convince him to try harder. He's not really succeeding in trolling if everyone tells him how horrible he is every chance they get.

>> No.1058196

You're just stringing me along, aren't you? Nice work; I'm pretty passionate about horror stuff, among other things.

I wish to be the little Cryptkeeper.

>> No.1058201

I just want you to troll smarter and not harder.

>> No.1058209


It's not a matter of meeting some objective level of success. It's really quite simple. If you respond to a shitty fucking troll, he will keep being a shitty fucking troll BECAUSE IT IS GETTING HIM RESPONSES. Why try harder if it's working with 0 effort?

If his shit got completely ignored then he'd have to step it up or give it up. Why can't people grasp such a simple concept? Why, god, why?

>> No.1058225

Well, I do ignore most shit trolls but I just want to see ZUN get better. I remember his first trolling attempt and I thought he had potential. It brings a tear to my eye.

>> No.1058230


I'm not sure how anyone could think I was trolling here. All I said was that a horror anime was like another popular Western horror tv show.

I guess it must be the Anon I zinged in the other Jappo meme thread. Take it easy, guy!

>> No.1058234


He has admirable persistence and he's got consistency in persona down pat, but I see no spark, no artistry. I don't know what phantom potential you think you saw, but I don't buy it.

>> No.1058235

Except your comparison was deathly-flawed and completely incorrect in every respect.

>> No.1058243

But you were the one getting trolled there, ZUN. I knew you were a bad troll but you're delusional too?

I'm sure this >>1058224 troll will get 10 replies, just watch.

>> No.1058247

Or get deleted after I reported it, I guess.

>> No.1058286

Shitty fucking thread about decent meme.

>> No.1058308

>Shitty thread about shitty non-meme.

>> No.1058322

Oh you.

>> No.1058335


>> No.1058351
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