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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10578747 No.10578747 [Reply] [Original]

Any otaku otaku here?

I love reading about otaku, their culture, their history... I don't even consider myself an otaku, I just like reading about those who are.

>> No.10578757

i'm an otacool otaku

>> No.10578759

Me too, I browse /jp/ because people here are cute, in the mentally disordered sense.

>> No.10578769

A-Are you a shoujo (girl)?

>> No.10578771


Some cool free links.

>> No.10578785 [DELETED] 

no I'm a 17 year old Asian boy. who needs to lose weight.

>> No.10578789

I'm an Otaku Culture otaku.

>> No.10578875

I have a related question:

Does anyone know where I can watch the Densha Otoko/train man movie? (subbed preferably)

Its a supposedly true story about a 2chan otaku.

I would recommend watching the japanorama otaku episode OP - that's how I found out about it and it gives some good info on otakus (just search "japanorama otaku" and you should find it).

>> No.10578885

Me too I just like see everyone's massive collections of stuff they have and cool looking rooms, it's interesting.

>> No.10578888

>dat filename
>dem posts
why isn't this ironic shitposting deleted?

>> No.10578907

Honestly I'm kind of jealous of otakus - they immerse themselves in geeky shit no matter how pathetic it may seem to the outside world - in fact they are proud of it - they cover their rooms with dolls and hug pillows and would gladly dress up as their favourite characters.

.. I just can't do that.. I'm too insecure.. I like Japanese culture and geeky things, but I'll never have the courage to truely immerse myself.

.. So I just have a plain minimalistic room, I wear plain clothes, I watch anime and study Japanese culture in private.. I'm trying to learn to read Japanese but I'll probably never be able be able to speak it because im too embarrassed of my parents overhearing.

Im too insecure to even get myself Japanese food..

I used to be proudly geeky as a younger teen, but as I got older I tried to "mature" and I've lost the balls to go back..

>> No.10578927


based on that body build. I conclude Johnny Choo lifts everyday.

>> No.10578955
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I'm an otaku otaku otaku.
I love reading about people who love reading about otaku, their culture, their history... I don't even care about otaku, I just like reading about those who do.

>> No.10578969

I more open but do everything in private, I don't care I just like to keep my life simple. I indulge in anything Japanese however I wish though, I even got some people around me into Japanese food so I'm pretty used to going to japanese sushi buffets now (they have all kinds of shit besides sushi there too and I'm so happy I get to go occasionally). That's enough for me, I'm like a otaku hidden in plain sight. I threw maturity out the door so many years ago, fuck adulthood.

>> No.10578976

Fuck off, weebs.

>> No.10578996

your all just jelly of danny choo

>> No.10579008

What happened to us?
Wwhen I was a teenager I would dress up in stupid clothes with stupid accessories, talk openly about japanese fashion and anime; hell if I discovered a nice band and I wouldn't mind singing a song in public to find out if one my friend knew about them.
Now I'm 22, have repelled the only friends I kept after high school, and I am too afraid of doing stuff I'd like to do because people who know me in real life might find out about it.

>> No.10579047

you guys sound just like my gf. Yes I have a gf, and yes I'm a regular /jp/er. Anyway, apparently she used to be a "hardcore" otaku in her preteen and teen years, like it was the only thing she ever did with her life and spare time. She has tons of mangas in her shelves, a fuckton of anime drawings in her belongings, she has many anime figurines in her room and she has cosplayed quite a few times in the past. However, nowadays, she almost refuses to talk about anything related to manga, anime and figs with me, saying she "outgrew" this stuff and it was holding her back into knowing other kinds of things. It's kind of a shame because I was not such a Japanophile as she was when I was in MY teens, but recently (2-3 years) I have been slowly turning otaku, even studying japanese. I guess I'm a bit shy regarding this stuff if around my family, but we all have our oddities.

>> No.10579059 [DELETED] 
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I actually very much enjoyed this. I had no idea Jonathan Ross was a truOTAKU. Apparently he likes cartoons and games and stuff.

>> No.10579064 [DELETED] 

Hey me.

I guess it's because I realized how annoying some of those people were, but I took it too far. Now I can't openly enjoy things (even without being an irritating retard about it) because I'm scared of being like them a.k.a having fun.

>> No.10579088

What do you guys you wish to do the most but are too embarrassed to?
I'll open myself to you, I'd like to become tumblr famous no matter how ridiculous it is and also learning how to dance.

>> No.10579106 [DELETED] 

I'd like to be in some sort of homosexual band that capitalizes on the wapanese niche.

Think Leetstreet Boys, but less annoying.

>> No.10579112
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Basically growing up, brain developing into adulthood. However you don\t have to be grown-up all the time. I too find it hard to be otaku in public, or even amongst friends -- mostly because I'm most otaku,and noone on my wavelength..
I for one cannot imagine abandon my otakuism. I pity normalfags and their boring, daily routines.
Basically, if you don't have to really work on your adultism-emulator when amongst adults, you're getting closer to the point of no return...

>> No.10579121 [DELETED] 

But the problem is that being grown-up there are no magical changes. In some regards it's better. I can eat sweets whenever I want, and I can tell people I like Pokemon, and I don't give a fuck about stuff like that. I have nothing to prove.
But the double standard I have lies when it comes to things like anime, eroge, etc. I keep that to myself. Even if I met someone who told me they like Touhou and they weren't annoying about it, I'd just change the topic and talk about something else.

>> No.10579136

fuck you danny shit

>> No.10579145 [DELETED] 
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More like Danny SHOE, am I right?

>> No.10579160

indeed. You have to let go of your rationale inner voice, and just let it flow, man.
Problem is that we got the stereotypology-module programmed into our mentality You get afraid of taking the 'risk' of being placed into some category. Just basically don't give a fuck about it, Be more like Jim Carrey.
It's also a matter of personality of course. Im very introverted and thus I think way more about stuff before I switch thought to tounge.

>> No.10579180

The consequences will never be the same.

>> No.10579193

Hey, I'm

Thanks so much for sharing you feels and giving advice guys - its nice to know there are other people in my position here.

>> No.10579202 [DELETED] 

Thing is, objectively, there's only a small percentage of people who just be themselves that are actually as charming and likeable as they think they are.

It'd be interesting to remove my self-consciousness for a day and see how I act. Maybe I should just get really drunk and videotape it.

>> No.10579226

I watched an interview with Junji Ito and Miyazaki on that.
He asked some pretty stupid questions.

>> No.10579284

You can become extremely disconnected but simply losing all self consciousness in your human body is impossible and would require drugs that would separate your mind from body completely. But like he said the key to happiness in life really is just being yourself and not giving a fuck what anyone thinks. I know where all my bonds to this world stem from, I have felt the power what I am with no bonds to humanity altogether in deep meditation. You're individual but a part of everything with no real central consciousness beyond what you took from being a human. All I can describe breaking those bonds as is a state of pure serenity. It can't be completely felt by humans while you're in your body still, you can only reach a shadow of conscious perception of that even with drugs. You may never be able to completely be yourself as what you are now but you can feel the power of it the closer you are to yourself and knowing where the roots of what attaches you physically to this world makes everything much clearer. Basically if you removed your self consciousness here you would go completely insane or be dead.

>> No.10579329


I'm an otaku otaku otacool otaku culture otaku

That is, an otaku of people who are otaku about actual western otaku who are copying japanese otaku who may or may not actually be otaku, japanese, or shit on the floor regularly.

>> No.10579341

Dude what the fuck?

>> No.10579355


I want to rent a big mansion for one night and invite /jp/ over to do lots of psychedelic drugs. and then the power would go out and we would all post our thoughts literally on the mental version of the internet and maybe even play mahjong

>> No.10579367
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right in the feels

>> No.10579419

Rent? If we're talking hypotheticals then fuck it, buy a damn mansion. When not being used for parties it can be used to house truNEET's

>> No.10579440

I don't know how to play mahjong. Can we play with hanafuda cards instead?

>> No.10579504

I can go one further:

Ever since:

I have had a fantasy of buying a large house (mansion might be unrealistic) with fellow 4channers - the sad thing is - it is completely feasible, even as NEETs - as our money and resources will be pooled together.

Part of Otaku philosophy is to abandoning attempt with the opposite sex and "normals" in general; and immerse yourself in geekdom - I don't understand why people do not go to the next level and live together as a community.

I'd seriously be willing to do it, but I'm a Britfag and It'd be damn near-impossible to find 4channers of the same philosophy over here that are willing to go that far..

My dream will never come into reality.. I guess we are destined to live alone in messy shit-tier apartments (if we move out) rather than pooling our resources to live the dream...

Tell me /jp/, does anyone here share this ambition, (or at least would be willing to try) or is it just me?

..inb4 people say living with a bunch of guys is homo..

>> No.10579573

But what if you're a girl who is super immersed into otaku culture.

True otaku.

>> No.10579600

I'd support it, and I have quite a lot of money, not from Britland but Europe atleast.

>> No.10579602
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cosplayers are extroverted otaku
90% of otaku stay at home and watch the goings on. Our apartments are our own worlds, and we decorate it as though we are the only people who will ever see it. That's my opinion anyway.

>> No.10579607

Is the queen of england a NEET?

>> No.10579605

That might work in your socialist hell if you pool your autism bucks

>> No.10579634
File: 74 KB, 643x482, yay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I've been talking to (in person/online/phone/etc) this japanese girl who is pretty normal by japanese standards. She plays video games like FF and a few others, and even once linked me to a vocaloid song on youtube. She's been a good friend for a while, I've taken her to some sports games and drinking and shopping and such.

I barely watch anime anymore unless its older stuff, and don't read any manga. But collect figures and read a lot of VNs and listen to a ton of vocaloid and denpa music. How should I go about telling her, or should I never. I'm thinking of getting drunk and karaoke and singing vocaloid or something, and being like ya I know what I'm singing, and flash my project diva arcade card or something.

>> No.10579638


... I guess it's just me then.... sigh..

just think about the possibilities though guys..

together we could pool every anime, video game, movie, tv show, e-book, wallpaper.. everything on the network in glorious HD.

Everyone could vote for a movie to watch together once or twice a week and we could watch it on a luxury home cinema we've pooled our money towards

Competitions always going on - battle of the bands from /mu/, sports tournaments from /sp/, olympic tournaments from /fit/, lan tournaments from /v/.. you name it - and there will be bets going on and prizes to be won of course.

We'd be able to appoint Sensei's from each board of expertise to teach those who are interested in /jp/nese, /fit/ness, /fa/shion.. anything 4chan.. we'd be enlightened polymaths..

.. so many possibilities guys (and girls)..


you are welcome of course, the more the merrier!

- but you may need to be extra careful to avoid drama because it will likely be mostly guys and.. a lot of them let their dick get in the way of their brain..


Good to know - If this was to actually seriously happen I'd be willing to move to another country, and I'm sure others would

(in fact - for the weeb-est of you guys - that is another incentive - their could be a possibility of moving to japan, and together we would have a better chance of staying there)


Yup - I only wish one day I can make it happen though.. somehow..

>> No.10579654


Hmm - I've never thought about that - but I guess so.. unless you class her as being "employed" by the country.

>> No.10579680



Why would you want to forcefully make her aware of your hobbies? Mention them if she asks, but don't try to force it to her. Everyone hates that - obnoxious nerds/weebs

>> No.10579684

>.. So I just have a plain minimalistic room, I wear plain clothes, I watch anime and study Japanese culture in private.. I'm trying to learn to read Japanese but I'll probably never be able be able to speak it because im too embarrassed of my parents overhearing.
That's pretty much me, though I was never a proud geek.

>> No.10579687

She has asked.
I've said my other hobbies instead so I've never really been truthful.

Don't abuse spoiler tags please.

>> No.10579709


I don't abuse nothing, clown.

You lied to her, it's too late. You will look like a flamboyant weeboo faget no matter what you do.

>> No.10579724


Fuck you weirdo.

>> No.10579726


>We'd be able to appoint Sensei's from each board of expertise to teach those who are interested in /jp/nese, /fit/ness, /fa/shion.. anything 4chan.. we'd be enlightened polymaths..

>move to Japan
>locals tell tales of the secluded gaijin community of polymaths
>we'd be so alien to them in our gothninja clothes and our /fit/ bodies, unix beards, and /mu/-core music.
>Japanese otakus from 2chan will travel to us from their homes to seek our western otaku knowledge
>together we shall form a tight friendship and expand our community together
>dawn a new age of the 2chan/4chan alliance
>over the generations we continue to grow together
>we eventually form the "channer-town" district in the Japanese city of our choosing

..we will go down in history..

..maybe introverted shut-ins have more power than we first thought.. think about that guys..

>> No.10579732
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I think you should look up the word flamboyant.

>> No.10579770

this is one of the most beautiful posts i've ever seen

>> No.10579822

I fucking hate Danychoo. I wish he was dead.

>> No.10579848


I think you can make it back.

I'm 28 and I took a few years out in my early 20s where I tried to 'grow up' and become a normalfag because I was pursuing a different dream.

Then...I just kind of got caught up in stuff again and now I'm a 28 year old weaboo. Nobody cares anyway.

>> No.10579927 [DELETED] 

>the sad thing is - it is completely feasible, even as NEETs - as our money and resources will be pooled together.
>I'd seriously be willing to do it, but I'm a Britfag

Yeah man, it's not like Jobseeker's Allowance eligibility takes household income into account or anything like that.

>Tell me /jp/, does anyone here share this ambition, (or at least would be willing to try) or is it just me?

No. You're the first person on 4chan to have had this idea, complete with your super original fantasies about what such a mansion would be like.

I've almost moved in with 4channers twice, both on a temporary basis and on a permanent basis. It fell through both times for a variety of reasons.

If you think you can somehow do better, go for it. There are Britons on /jp/ and they would happily accept the offer of a free home as long as they have internet and food. Until then, you're just another moron who thinks he's the first to consider this whole thing.

>> No.10579950

>Yeah man, it's not like Jobseeker's Allowance eligibility takes household income into account or anything like that.

If you're on JSA you still have to pay tax, rent, plus utility bills and you'd also have to pay council tax too, as of this april.

>> No.10579956 [DELETED] 

Benefits should get you discounts, like an NUS card or something. Even if I was an honest citizen who happened to be out of work, it's not fair that I should have to pay as much as people who are loaded. Give me VAT exemption or something, jeez.

>> No.10579959

I fancy myself an Otaku Otaku Otaku

>> No.10579966


Benefits don't get you shit unfortunately. The government thinks people on benefits are rolling in it but the reality is that if you're in social/council housing the landlords take a shit load in 'housing benefit' money which people on benefits themselves don't even see.

JSA isn't even a liveable amount of money. It's fucking shocking really. 50 quid a week to pay for food, electric, water, gas, rent and of course internet because without internet you can't search for jobs which means the jobcenter/G4S will stop your money and you end up homeless.

It's so messed up. There aren't even the jobs out there.

>> No.10579974

wow, never found someone who was as near as my vision of the Otaku philosophy...

However, and it may sound paradoxical, for living the dream I'm trying to success in life so that materially I'll never ever need something from someone again and then live the dream with fellows otaku who share the same enjoyment, the same feelings (concerning their respective hobbies) and the same way of otaku philosophy.

>> No.10579999 [DELETED] 

How do proper benefit thieves do it? As in, the people who make a cosy living off it, not just some twentysomething weeaboo living with his parents?

Like I've lurked some other forums for research and stuff, and people with some serious problems who need the money to actually stay alive have been rejected. Not just for Incapacity Benefit or Disability Living Allowance, but even things like Employment and Support Allowance. I've read posts by people who were forced to squat or live on the streets, even when they're the people benefits are supposed to be for.

I don't get it. Frankly I think all this paranoia about benefit thieves has backfired in some way.

>> No.10580035


It's all lies trying to make a public enemy of the poor so the stupid conservative government can save cash, ironically they're not even saving any anyway. Actual benefit thieves are people who work jobs and get paid cash in hand (IE, no tax) and then take an afternoon off to go to the jobcentre and hand their jobsearch diary in.

These people are actually in the minority though, I've always lived in the shittiest areas with these people and when the economy was doing well there were a few people doing it but now that people can't find jobs the normal way, people can't even get cash in hand jobs.

The way most people live well off benefits is if they have loads of kids because your child support money doubles for every kid, which normally gives you much more than you need once you get to about 3-4+ kids.

>> No.10580047


thanks for bringing it to reality - I know I'm not the only guy to come up with the idea (the thread I linked in the post proves that) - but I haven't come across others before now who would actually do this seriously.

Still - eligible or not - pooling together resources would definitely go a long way for making a lifestyle cheaper and easier (and being as a lot of 4channers have fairly similar interests and lifestyles - we'd have similar interests for the house too).

I was probably being a little naive - but it still stays a fantasy of mine - I do genuinely want to do it one day. The lifestyle advantages are much more important to me than the financial ones.


I don't find it paradoxical - it makes complete sense, because I'm the same way. I don't want to rely on others - I like to be self-sufficient in life - but that doesn't mean I wouldn't love the company of fellow channers too.

I'm sure a lot of people are this way, but most wouldn't take their philosophy as far as to living as a community.

I'm glad to find someone who shares this vision. I hope one day it can become a reality - if you're from Europe we may even see you there..

>> No.10580126

Don't know about beauty, but it certainly is green.

>> No.10580288


what do you mean?

>> No.10580305

I think the word he's looking for is naive.

>> No.10580434


it..it could happen

if nobody tries who will ever know..?
