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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 30 KB, 486x416, Beatlessullivantogether.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1057811 No.1057811 [Reply] [Original]

Famous weeaboos thread.

>> No.1057813

ringo means apple in japanese

>> No.1057817

Beatles sucked balls until the drug days.

>> No.1057820
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This thread needs some more famous weeaboos.

>> No.1057821
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>> No.1057824

Hey, he wasn't a weeaboo.

>> No.1057826
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>> No.1057830

Hey fuck you guy.

>> No.1057832
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>> No.1057833


really now?

>> No.1057835

He likes j-pop.

>> No.1057838
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>> No.1057839
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>> No.1057844

needs more pete best

>> No.1057846

fo sho Gundam fag

>> No.1057850

No, he's an Evafag.

>> No.1057852


oh thats right same shit both gay

>> No.1057857

I thought John was the only weeaboo in the Beatles.

>> No.1057855

can somebody copypasta all those famous weeaboos with their pics? You know, like that dutchman that became a samurai and stuff, it was really funny.

>> No.1057861
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weaboos are not difficult to spot.

>> No.1057866

Ringo has to be a weeaboo too.

>> No.1057864


I won't be surprised if you had said he liked "quirky" Japanese music like Polysics and whatnot. But j-pop? Really?

Now I can't help but wonder what sort of anime Linnell watches..

>> No.1057867
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>> No.1057870

George was into India and all of that stuff.

>> No.1057869
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>> No.1057875
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>> No.1057879
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>> No.1057880
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female weaboo

>> No.1057878

The only guy I recognize is fucking William Gibson...

maybe I should pay attention to something other than VNs and anime.

>> No.1057884
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>> No.1057889

Who was the rapper who enjoys Urotsukidoji?

>> No.1057892
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>> No.1057893

It looks like it was Ice T.
Kanye West is also a weeaboo.

>> No.1057901
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>> No.1057902

aka napanease.

>> No.1057903
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>> No.1057911

Souljaboy. He was playing Gundam and all black people are the same, ecetera, ecetera.

>> No.1057910

Why is van Gogh so Simon Pegg like in appearance?

>> No.1057913
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> he has been recognized by Tibetan lama Penor Rinpoche as a reincarnated Tulku (Chungdrag Dorje).[3] According to Seagal in a November 2006 interview: "I was born very different, clairvoyant and a healer".

>> No.1057918


You know Ice T is a racist right?

>> No.1057927

That is a surprisingly subtle joke.

>> No.1057928

A racist rapper? NO WAI

>> No.1057926

And Kramer too.

>> No.1057930

Well....my other vehicle is an EVA.

>> No.1057936


Damn he's one fuck fine actor then 'cos I can really believe he gets along with his L&O: SVU cast mates just fine as various behind the scenes material from that show suggests.

>> No.1057935


Hi niggers!

"Now I'm black but black people trip [become upset] ‘cause white people like me; white people like me but don't like them … I don't hate whites, I just gotta death wish for motherfuckers that ain't right"

"Race War"; Ice-T, Home Invasion, 1993, Priority Records, Thorn EMI; now called The EMI Group, United Kingdom.

>> No.1057938

Don't turn my famous weeaboos thread into an "Ice T is a racist" thread, please.

>> No.1057942


Niggers are 10x more racist than whites.

Ice Cube hated East Asians for example.

Is there anyone niggers DONT hate? I mean, maybe they can have a superiority complex towards aboriginals as they are the only people who are inferior to blacks. LOL.

>> No.1057947

Don't turn my famous weeaboos thread into a stormfront thread, please.

>> No.1057958


PROTIP: doing music is a bit like acting especially in genres like rap & hip-hop. And most definitely especially in "gangsta rap". Believe me, if mainstream gangsta rappers like Ice-T believed a third of the shit they spewed and followed it they'd be dead or facing life in prison by now. HE SPEWS CRAP LIKE THAT BECAUSE THAT SORT OF THING SELLS RECORDS TO ANGSTY BLACK TEENAGERS AND WHATNOT. It's sorta like how most emo bands/singers aren't really having tragic lives at all but that's the shit that sells to angsty white teenagers. Ya dig?

People like you most likely also thinks Marilyn Manson really does worship Satan. jesus christ.


aye.. this might be an interesting /mu/ or /r9k/ thread though. take it to either of those places.

>> No.1057967

Excuses excuses.... Ice-T *maybe* but Ice-Cube is well known as a racist. Blacks make excuses for their disgusting behaviour instead of acknowledging it.

>> No.1057971
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This fag.

>> No.1057976

>Angsty Black Teens

That's funny, I never imagined that black people also were like that.
Nothing racial, just that I never thought of one being an angsty teen.

>> No.1057988

Nobody said Ice Cube was a weeaboo.

>> No.1058023

I don't recognize almost anyone in this thread.

>> No.1058060

Your power level just isn't high enough.

>> No.1058115
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>> No.1058147
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>> No.1058189

>Blacks make excuses for their disgusting behaviour

Yes, nobody else does this but blacks; it's completely unique to those damn darkies, amirite?

>> No.1059777
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Paul Gilbert

>> No.1059798
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Marty Friedman

>> No.1059816
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>> No.1059829

it's good you pointed it out, it wasn't completely obvious before
