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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 135 KB, 540x298, aKOaA1c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10576063 No.10576063 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10576076

You can tell he's a president from his force of personality.

>> No.10576077

>Hatsuni Miko

>> No.10576079
File: 589 KB, 920x1349, Print_HMIKU1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you heard of Hatsune Miku?

My stomach dropped right there.

Stop doing this to me, Crypton.

>> No.10576089

Have some fun with Miku!

His delivery is insane. This is amazing, really. I cringed!

>> No.10576094

I want to see the raw footage of this, including before, after, and between takes.

He does not sound like he enjoys the idea of this promotion very much.

>> No.10576095

He hung himself after the taping.

>> No.10576099

So guys how do you feel Hatsune Miku is being "normalized" in japan?

The ad is already in english imagine when "normals" in America get this app, and you know we eat and love pizza more over here than they do in japan

>> No.10576105
File: 188 KB, 335x344, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this satire of some kind?

>> No.10576113

It does give off that air about it. It's like it's from SNL or something.

Only good part, other than the hilarity, was when Mika said Domino's Pizza.

>> No.10576112

The pizzabox stage AR thing is kinda neat.

The song annoys me though.

>> No.10576125

It's very cute, just like Miku.

>> No.10576131

Why did he do this? Did he owe the Board of Directors? Did he sleep with an employee or something?

>> No.10576137

I really wish he'd said "kawaii". That would have made my day.

>> No.10576146

siht man that tie

color would look BALLA on me

>> No.10576145

I hate Domino's so I don't care.

>> No.10576152

Not entirely sure why they got him to do it when it would have been better with someone else.

>> No.10576155

If this nigger says Hatsune Miku one more time...

>> No.10576160


i'm guessing it went something like this


>> No.10576162

Weeaboo daughter.

>> No.10576169

Dominos died to me after they dropped the 555 deal

>> No.10576172


oh god i can imagine the look on the landwhale's face

>oh em gee daddy that was suu goye kah why!

>that's great honey, let me go jump off a cliff now as my penis has turned into a vagina

>> No.10576177

I love how chill the crew member is.

>> No.10576183


>what is that on the prompter

>"it says hatsune miku"

>what is that? is that the shit we've been collaborating for the past 5 months?!

>"just say "it's cute, just like hatsune miku"

>"and 5, 4, 3, .. ..."

>and it's cute, just like hats you nay mee koo

>"no no no, sir it's Hat-Su-Ne Mi-Ku"


>> No.10576196

And of course we'll never get in the states or for an OS that doesn't suck. Why did they make him do it anyways, why didn't they just get the Japanese division head or something?

>> No.10576198

Domino's is better than Papa Johns and Pizza Hut.

I have a low cringe threshold, how bad is this video?

>> No.10576206

oh jesus christ...


>> No.10576211

I guess it's for the gimmick factor, like when they have the head of Nintendo Japan talking in broken English or Japanese with subtitles in a promo video aimed at Westerners. That way you know it's official and serious. This gaijin must really be a bigshot at Domino's, because Domino's is a gaijin company.

>> No.10576215

What the flying fuck

>> No.10576218

You'll feel awkward watching it, but after it's finished you'll be able to laugh about it or shrug it off. It's one of those videos.

>> No.10576212

Dominos a shit. Miku a shit.

>> No.10576213

I love Dominos, but their crusts are pathetically thin. Maybe my Dominos is just really cheap, but Papa Johns has nice big fluffy crusts.

>> No.10576229

How does he slide like that? The still/robot thing looks cool and it's easy to do, but how does he move while being still? Is it some CG trickery? Is he a wizard?

>> No.10576235

I'm scared

>> No.10576232

I thought Miku was an otaku thing and the normals in Japan scoffed at her? Would would a huge company like Domino's reach through to her like this, using the damn CEO or the company for fuck's sakes, to use in advertising?

They've been on her for a while too, looking at that channel's upload history.

Is Miku generally family-friendly in Japan? Aren't the costumes in some of the more recent games getting lewder? The newest one is rated CERO C I believe.

>> No.10576233

Would you marry a fat weeaboo girl if her dad was filthy rich and you could live off them?

As a bonus all the pizza you can eat

>> No.10576234


notice how he covers his head in shame at the last part. he knows he brings great dishonor to his family.

>> No.10576237

I love Domino's because they're the only people that send me text messages.

I actually just checked and the last 26 messages I've received were from them.

We're like best friends.

>> No.10576241

Stop posting on /jp/ kudasai

>> No.10576245

Everyone in the world likes Star Wars, but liking Star Wars doesn't make you a nerd. There are conventions and fan videos and costumes and people get seriously into it, but that doesn't stop Yoda from appearing in a Vodafone advertisement.

>> No.10576244

Someone lost a bet, that is the only reason I can think of.

>> No.10576253


it's okay, anon. it's okay ;__;



>> No.10576254
File: 57 KB, 929x693, 1357110968387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really cool, thanks for sharing

>> No.10576249


>> No.10576251

I hate Star Wars.

>> No.10576262

She can have some of my big meat ;)

>> No.10576259

No you don't.

>> No.10576260


Why are Jap little girls so cute?

What's she saying? How much she loves big meat pizzas?

>> No.10576266

"Domino's have kidnapped my family. Please buy ten thousand Domino's pizzas by midnight tonight, or they will be eviscerated with katanas."

>> No.10576270


oh god she even has that whole cute pinky extended wave thing down pat.

girl is used to being in front of a camera...

>> No.10576278


i wonder how many times people have told you to get off /jp/ that you had to prepare "u mad bro?" in japanese to look more otaku

>> No.10576281

whoa, I'm eating domino's right now.

>> No.10576292

Wow, I'm jealous. Now you get to enjoy a live Meekoo performance.

>> No.10576295

I lost it when she said "domino pizza"

>> No.10576303

I don't speak Japanese, but I think she says her grade, where she comes from, and how much fun she is having doing a commercial her friends will see.

>> No.10576308


to be perfectly honest

it's my first time on /jp/

and i didn't even say あにき

>> No.10576311
File: 4 KB, 109x126, gurugameshps3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This HAS to be a troll.

I don't believe this shit.

>> No.10576312

This girl doesn't seem cute. She seems slutty. I bet if you paid her $5 she'd show you her panties.

>> No.10576313


if tommy ree jonesu can do it, why not doruminosu?


>> No.10576314
File: 55 KB, 240x270, medium_WEB-HinshawScott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think just recording that video aged him.

I cannot imagine the suffering.

>> No.10576320

Why isn't he fatter?

He's large, but he's not obese.

I think that sets a bad image for a pizza company.

>> No.10576322

Such a cruel thing to say.

>> No.10576324

Is that really a /jp/-san?

>> No.10576326
File: 113 KB, 510x510, 1340939067846.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10576335

Why are you guys saying he was probably mad or didn't want to do the ad? He, just like most old people, is simply not aware of the demographic he is talking to. He sees a cartoon and logically deduces it's meant for children.

>> No.10576342

I love fan butthurt over shit like this. It was like when Miku starred in a car commercial.

"MIKU BELONGS TO THE COMMUNITY! We can make videos of her singing the Coca-Cola theme song and eating Doritos while sucking off Ronald McDonald...BUT THE COMPANY WHO OWNS HER TRADEMARK CAN'T DO ANY SUCH THING!"

>> No.10576348


A few years ago this would be true. The world market has shifted so dramatically and been so interconnected lately, I think he damn well knows what he's doing. The only reason he's even doing it is because of the money boost it'll bring, and because he drew the short straw in the meeting room or didn't put his finger on his nose fast enough.

>> No.10576346

they still offer it. I just bought 3 medium pizzas for 15 dollars.

>> No.10576350

The 666 deal is better anyway.

>> No.10576355

It's because of the way he's hamming it up. He just sounds bored, confused, or annoyed.

>> No.10576353

motherfucking satof

>> No.10576355,1 [INTERNAL] 

>Was he held at gunpoint to talk about this?


>> No.10576361

chain pizzas are gross yo

>> No.10576366

I feel sorry for him. I really need to stop feeling this way about people. This was just a dumb, embarrassing thing he had to do and he'll make a ton of money, but I feel bad that he had to spend an afternoon making this.

>> No.10576370

He's actually a vice president.

>> No.10576372
File: 262 KB, 1920x1080, cold_dead_eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


more like trying too hard to the point where it seems like he doesn't even give a shit anymore.

you can see it in his eyes. they are soulless and dead.

>> No.10576381


>> No.10576390 [DELETED] 


get off /jp/ faggot

>> No.10576402


NIGHTO KARREN desu, something something desu, I'm from Osaka, watashi wa having fun! Something japanese-word-for-eat something lets go ganbari-masu!

This is how that video sounds to me.

>> No.10576412

It pains me to see these underage turds on /jp/.

>> No.10576414

I was laughing very loudly, jesus christ that was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time. I haven't laughed like that for so long.

This is unbelievably fucking funny.

>> No.10576425



I can't watch this.

>> No.10576440

god who even comes up with these fucking collaborations

i could not take it seriously i'm sorry

i'm pretty sure scott had a fucking ball doing this ad though

>> No.10576436 [DELETED] 

there is literally nothing worse than seeing an /a/ & /v/ hybrid personality, fucking subhumans

>> No.10576451

holy shit that is so unfunny it has ceased being the antithesis of funny and is actively sucking the humor out of me

>> No.10576451,1 [INTERNAL] 

Whats the problem? This is pretty cute. You all should be pretty used to stuff like this by now.

>> No.10576462

>I work out everyday
On permabulk, huh

>> No.10576473

Are we being raided?

>> No.10576469

I actually like videos like these. I'm a masochist who enjoys cringing.

I wish I could still find this without the riff. Bullies always make people disappear from the internet, and that's tragic.

>> No.10576480

5% chance we're being raided
95% chance it's just /jp/ being shitty

>> No.10576481


Naito Karen.

>> No.10576484

Ha ha
It's so funny I was laughing blood

>y god, y

>> No.10576510

Simply epic. fkkin saved!

>> No.10576513

I bet they did this thing so ridiculous so that it'll go viral.
I can't wait for the MADs.

>> No.10576530

i'm crying
i don't know these emotions

>> No.10576635
File: 1.57 MB, 1736x2328, 1346210807700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, look at all those blatant /jp/ posters in the comments! And it's updating so fast too!

>> No.10576650


Are you sure that isn't /a/'s fault?

>> No.10576656

It's both.

>> No.10576699


>> No.10576700
File: 228 KB, 730x533, why not whore ourselves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10576708

Please do not use the crossboarding feature.

>> No.10576710

Only the dead can know pizza from this evil.

>> No.10576734


Maybe if you fucks would stay out of /a/.

>> No.10576752

Please do not use the crossboarding feature.

>> No.10576754

haha, you're funny

>> No.10576758


fuck I haven't seen that in awhile good one

>> No.10576795

loli haet piza lmaoaooooooooooooooo

>> No.10576799

Japan actually gets their money worth

I live in America and if I order pizza i'm expected to pay tip and I don't even get Miku

being American is depressing



>> No.10576814
File: 441 KB, 613x699, pizza 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10576818
File: 183 KB, 461x332, pizza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10576827
File: 163 KB, 293x448, pizza 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10576831


If I was in his position, minus the thousands of easy dollars, I'd legitimately kill myself. Not before shooting up marketing though.

>> No.10576832
File: 214 KB, 326x443, pizza 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10576836
File: 505 KB, 3000x1200, bg_coupon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10576840
File: 1.08 MB, 3000x1800, bg_top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10576845

I'm glad Dominoes finally decided to clean up their image, but they're taking it a bit too far

>> No.10576843
File: 39 KB, 471x227, main_logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10576846
File: 128 KB, 363x494, 1285039646660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not again.
Man, I had enough during the bacon wrapped hotdogs fiasco.
Now it's shitty pizza.

>> No.10576852
File: 163 KB, 710x800, 1355158646369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about bacon wrapped pizza?

>> No.10576879

Why isn't AR being used more often? I think I read somewhere the new xbox will use AR. Maybe.

>> No.10576876


The most out of place shot and the killer this shit right her HILARIOUS

>> No.10576884

Could I take 50% in the divorce?

>> No.10576885


AR glasses.

>> No.10576886
File: 251 KB, 600x800, 1362251294480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope McDonald's does a touhou toy promotion.

>> No.10576897

And then we'd see youtube videos of socially inept neckbeards unboxing their happymeals. I would rather not see that.

>> No.10576900

it's over, pizza hutt is finished.

>> No.10576908
File: 328 KB, 786x560, 1349229460092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japanese neckbeards make McDonald's unboxing videos too?

>> No.10576912

Dominoes will never be better than the almighty Pizza hut!

>> No.10576915

I couldn't even watch this past the second sentence.

>> No.10576921
File: 150 KB, 800x600, pizza_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating slowly is preferred here.

>> No.10576923
File: 135 KB, 397x331, mikumikumiku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you watch the whole thing, we can have a beer together to wash it all away.

>> No.10576925

He clearly doesn't want to do that.
He clearly detests anime related stuff.


>> No.10576928

Why would you eat at either "restaurant?"

All they do is add frozen toppings to a frozen, factory made crust, slather it with grease, and pop it in the oven. And they charge a lot of money for it.

You can get an organic, made from scratch pizza from Whole Foods for 12 bucks, but a "pizza" from Pizza Hut or wherever will cost you like 20 bucks.

>> No.10576929

One word. money.

>> No.10576930

Please don't post if you haven't the slightest as to what you are saying.

>> No.10576933

It's so terrible

I die a little inside every time he says "Hatsune Miku"

I need a drink.

>> No.10576934

Speaking of which, how difficult and enjoyable is it to make your own pizza?

I remember looking up some of the ingredients before and it didn't seem particularly cost effective compared to frozen pizzas, but it seems like it might be a fun project.

>> No.10576940



>> No.10576936

>frozen, factory made crust

And those people kneading dough in the back are just doing it for fun?

>> No.10576939

he had a fucking ball and you know it

he has probably always wanted to do the double Vs on camera but never had the opportunity to do it

>> No.10576942

Pizza Hut is some kind of paragon of quality now?

>> No.10576943

It's for show

They just pass around a few pieces of dough while taking frozen dough out of the freezer

>> No.10576947

I remember making pizzas as a little kid, so it's not really that hard. I never tried to do them myself again, but it's not utterly difficult if you have the right tools and ingredients.

>> No.10576949

Can you get made-from-scratch premade pizzas in Japan?

>> No.10576951

Then the stick the fake dough in the oven, where is sucked out through a secret compartment and then replaced with the frozen dough.

>> No.10576953

did it ever occur to you that the fact that just because somebody thinks you're wrong doesn't mean that he thinks pizza hut should have michelin stars

>> No.10576959

I make my own pizza from time to time but I just get the premade dough from the store I roll out myself. Then I make it my own with toppings. I make a simple white mozzarella with oregano and crushed red pepper, and some ricotta if I have it around. But I got one question I always drizzle olive oil on before I put on the toppings, would it be better for me to drizzle it on after I put on toppings?

>> No.10576955

Then they stick the fake dough in the oven, where is sucked out through a secret compartment and then replaced with the frozen dough. If you gave them some oregano to put on it and saw them add it to the fake pizza, it magically transfers to the frozen pizza at this point.

>> No.10576958
File: 265 KB, 600x511, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello there

>> No.10576962

Here's some history on the guy:
CEO of Domino's Japan. He's being awkward because it's funny and he's known for it, faggots.

>> No.10576966


Pronounce it right weebs it's

Hotsonay Meeko


>> No.10576970

Why can't people in other countries get enough of American junk food?

I don't eat that shit here, fuck's sake. And don't the Japanese have their own junk food chains?

>> No.10576974

They don't need fast food when they have cheap ramen packets. Which you slurp down.

>> No.10576972

Americans are just the best at junk food.

>> No.10576984 [DELETED] 
File: 173 KB, 586x381, asda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like ASDA's create-your-own pizzas.

I wish they were open all the time, I'd walk there and get one right now. "24 hours" my foot.

>> No.10576993

I just can't take it, I didn't have the guts to finish it

>> No.10576994

Pizza dough is literally just flour, yeast, and water. It's not that hard to make.

>> No.10577003

This is the best Miku video:


Those armpits are too sexual

>> No.10577008

need a little salt and oil in there too, for taste. otherwise it'll be bland.

>> No.10577012

>Let rise up for up to 1 hour at room temperature or 5 hours in the refrigerator.

Fuck that.

The rest looks fun, though.

>> No.10577025

But is it easy to make stuffed crust and garlic balls?

>> No.10577026

I don't like the idea that bread is this simple. Bread is a magical thing that comes in loafs or as part of other food. Don't ruin it for me.

>> No.10577034


What manga is that from?

>> No.10577040


fucking shitty ass scanlators

>> No.10577052

app please

>> No.10577055

Whether you use premade dough from the store or make your own it's very easy and do you mean garlic knots because that's what they're called around here. A bunch of Italian places serve them and they are so simple yet so delicious. I could eat bread as a whole meal on it's own if it's freshly made and not overcooked.

>> No.10577063

>do you mean garlic knots

Yes I did

>> No.10577064

Do you think its possible to order a delivery from Japan to America? Im sure the delivery cost will be a bitch but its worth it

>> No.10577068

You can ship food through the mail, but they won't deliver it in the traditional sense. You could ask them if you could pay extra to ship it to you, or get some Jap to order it and ship it to you.

>> No.10577076

Ordering pizza from Japan to America? From an American company?


>> No.10577082

My Japanese exchange sister got Japanese candy and junk food sent to her from her family all the time.

So as long as you have a proxy, yeah. I doubt that most Japanese grocery stores sell internationally.

>> No.10577092

If I were obscenely wealthy I'd order all my pizzas from Japan. I'd have them flown straight to my private airport.

When I wasn't staying in one of my luxurious Japanese mansions or Tokyo apartments that is.

>> No.10577095

I made a comment in the video and someone bullied me.

>> No.10577097

If I was obscenely wealthy I'd have a Dominos installed in my own home.

>> No.10577098

You have no freakin idea.

>> No.10577100

If you were obscenely wealthy then you could afford to eat half decent pizzas you know.

>> No.10577105

You could do this:

>> No.10577102

Star wars is just star trek for children.

>> No.10577103


>> No.10577107

I order Japanese candy and snacks from the American Amazon just fine. There's still a good selection though expensive.

>> No.10577113

>I'll actually do this to pizza that just got delivered.

This sounds like a good idea, but there's something very douchebaggy about this.

>> No.10577116

I eat all my leftover pizza cold, I love cold pizza. It's the best. Reheating pizza always ruins it for me.

>> No.10577155
File: 5 KB, 48x58, asian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that fucking video

>> No.10577231

It was probably Siztra. He is one of our worst shitposters, just ignore him.

>> No.10577235


>> No.10577271

just ask your japanese pen pal to send the box. then you can put your own fresh pizza with twice the grease and meat in it.

>> No.10577300

Says Rei, one of the biggest bully of them all!

>> No.10577318

Most likely me.

I'm not a shitposter :(

>> No.10577444

I'm actually surprise none of you responded to this one. It's got a horrible Hatsune Miku pronunciation and it's full of little kids. I'd have thought you nerds would be all over that.

>> No.10577448

Everyone who cares has seen it before and every who doesn't care doesn't care..

>> No.10577454

Ah. First time I've seen it. I thought it was amusing.

>> No.10577469
File: 109 KB, 1095x821, big juicy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Domino's a shit

Pizza Hut for life...pic related, my dinner

>> No.10577472

... for the week?

>> No.10577475

>he's Mormon

This gets better and better

>> No.10577481

For one dinner and lunch the next day

I'm a big boy

>> No.10577488

You'd be surprised how much a single person can eat in one sitting.

>> No.10577490

That looks awful dude
Its just one big pile of carbs

And you call yourself a pizza otaku

>> No.10577494

I'm tiny and I could eat that in one sitting

>> No.10577498
File: 19 KB, 600x500, 1344959064204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how surprised
are you a fatNEET

>> No.10577502


The only carbs are the breadsticks and the pasta...the rest is vegetables

>> No.10577510

Well you could, but why would you? Normally three slices of pizza is considered a meal for one person.

>> No.10577507

Nope just a skinny NEET that can probably be a competitive eater.

>> No.10577508

A Pizza Hut finally opened up nearby that does online delivery. I thought I'd never get to try it.

>> No.10577514

Vegetables are carbs, dude.

>> No.10577518

i eat one meal a day

maybe he does too

>> No.10577515

Not according to the food pyramid

>> No.10577519

We just get enjoyment out of stuffing our face with mass amounts of tasty food all at once.

>> No.10577520

go for it
represent /jp/ with pride

the more you eat the less you have to clean up
I usually end up eating everything so I don't have to deal with leftovers

>> No.10577521

Its tasty

>> No.10577525

It's a sausage pizza and a pepperoni pizza. No vegetables.

>> No.10577530

But usually not a lot of them.

>> No.10577531

If you only eat one meal per day, it's likely a bad idea to make that meal three times as large.

>> No.10577533

Corn and any root vegetable are starchy.

>> No.10577534

The United States government said that pizza is a vegetable.

>> No.10577537

No, they said the pizza sauce counts as a serving of tomato.

>> No.10577536

Are we going to have the /jp/ buffet meetup yet

>> No.10577540

Are you even American?

Fox News told me it was a vegetable. You should learn your facts.

>> No.10577559

Tomatoes aren't vegetables either.

>> No.10577565
File: 169 KB, 1280x720, touhou cosplayers discussing politics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>buying chain pizza

>> No.10577595


Is that Miku a man?

>> No.10577598

Culinarily speaking, they are a vegetable. Culinarily, some vegetables are considered fruits and vice versa

>> No.10577684

Men don't have tits.

>> No.10577690

I love thin crust anon. Thick is like trying to eat a fucking biscuit.

>> No.10577696

Why does it keep zooming in on his eyes?

>> No.10577712

Why not papa johns

>> No.10577869

Larger specimens are known to.

>> No.10577883

Normals aren't spending due to the bad economy, and otakus will pay anything for their anime fix, and earn far more than normals on average, so it's only natural that as time goes on companies will try to cater their tastes.

>> No.10577899

> dat shit editing and camera work


>> No.10577910

You should just take it easy.

>> No.10577953

It's funny how apparently everyone who works at domino's pizza is asian.

>> No.10577999

it's an ad for japan, anglocentric cunt

>> No.10578006
File: 188 KB, 574x781, only the dead can know pizza from this dp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh Toyota-san, Dominos-san
>your both so big and powerful

>> No.10578053
File: 489 KB, 800x600, sadmiku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to die.

>> No.10578111

when did moot post that again

>> No.10578137

>not having domino's pizza as your waifu

>> No.10578154

I want to sleep with a pizza, on a big pizza.

>> No.10578151

I feel like this was directed by Tim and Eric,

>> No.10578211

This feels like a desperate attempt to make some money. Dominos is awful.

That's the first thing that came to my mind as I watched it. It is so awkward.

>> No.10578233

We all do, man.

>> No.10578271
File: 93 KB, 368x250, mikuhappy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10578281


Oh you will miku you will, but not before every corporate cock in the world has filled every hole in your body and used you to further their gain, and once you're almost done someone will remember you again and screw you some more and then when only a husk is left someone will "reinvent" you and do the same after the consumer has had enough and truly tired of you and even hates you THEN you can die.

>> No.10578285

Want to make a bet which will be the next thing that will be Hatchinson-ized?

>> No.10578301
File: 193 KB, 1360x960, mikumikushits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10578338

What do you think her poop is like? Personally I prefer more solid turds that are in one single piece, so that's what I like to imagine comes out of her butt.

>> No.10578358


>> No.10578365
File: 253 KB, 1312x737, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10578608

just like ur mom

>> No.10578618

Please upload the IPA.

>> No.10578623

I wish my pizza was cute

>> No.10578645

S-stop it anon you're turning me on and it's weird...

being a masochist is suffering

>> No.10578657

Stop cuteposting dude.

>> No.10578729

would I have to have sex with her?

>> No.10578734

sounds like my kind of little girl then.

>> No.10578738

that is one bitchin' pizza box.

>> No.10578816

No, her Dad would make you sign a pre-nup. But 50-50 chance the judge would throw it out in court.

>> No.10578945
File: 2.01 MB, 984x5000, whoanelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10578948
File: 51 KB, 264x243, mad-cartman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>download app on iPad
>why the fuck not
>don't speak moon
>play with it anyway
>start tapping
>app takes me to itunes
>eh, iTunes switched to japanese?
>exit iTunes
>ALL apps gone except for default prenstalled one and domino's/miku
>music gone too
>open appstore
>It's also japanese
>well fuck it, guess I have to restore it from a backup
>connect to computer
>open itunes
>error message comes up in moonspeak
>click ok



>> No.10579001

You deserved it for not using android.

>> No.10579014


>> No.10579944

>Too stupid to even fix a simple problem
>Somehow make it worse
>Using apple shit to begin with

What are you doing on /jp/?

>> No.10579958

Who are you quoting, non-jp-san?

>> No.10579968

Sounds like stupid fun. Going to download it as soon as I am done updating my iPhone 5. Surprised to see this on the American App Store.

>> No.10580028

I tried to warned /jp/ about the crossboarders. Now it is too late...

I have failed you, /jp/.

>> No.10580041

Holy christ, i almost died

>> No.10580044

I've never seen so much green text before

>> No.10580068

Nah, it's only shit like this that makes them come across. They usually fuck off back to /a/ to talk about Muv Luv or Majikoi again for the 1000th time.

We've all been aware of this problem and there's not much we can do other than to tell them to fuck off.

>> No.10580071

You deserve it for being such dumb little boy.

>> No.10580106

god i hate american pizza.

>> No.10580145

Any pizza with tomato sauce on it is American.

>> No.10580156

Its easy to hate on anything that's popular

>> No.10580175

>that pic
Go milk a holy cow, Mowgli. /jp/ is for upstanding British and American gentlemen only.

>> No.10580349
File: 441 KB, 450x662, pizza time.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute little app but there doesn't seem to be too much to it. By coincidence I was planning on getting pizza tonight.

>> No.10580358

>By coincidence
It's not really a coincidence when you get pizza every other night, fatso.

>> No.10580364
File: 7 KB, 228x221, le_frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only ZUN!bar was here....

>> No.10580367



>> No.10580377
File: 607 KB, 459x775, pizza girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10580384

goddamn that is slick

>> No.10580398

Those pizzas look like shit.

>> No.10580425

How can pizza from NYC be shit?

>> No.10580431 [DELETED] 


>> No.10580452

I've had some bad pizza here.

>> No.10580935

I was enjoying myself until /a/ came along.

Fucking kids ruin everything. Don't you have epic memes to be spouting somewhere?

>> No.10581033

It's still a coincidence, just a very likely coincidence, you uneducated ignoramus.

>> No.10581039

what if you order pizza almost every day

would it be a "supremely likely coincidence" then

>> No.10581062


very cute

>> No.10581088
File: 6 KB, 141x120, 1362591764937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the everloving fuck


>> No.10581099 [DELETED] 

Oh look it's this video again.

>> No.10581103

wow thats old

>> No.10581106

Supreme pizza is expensive though. Can't afford to get it every day, stick to pepperoni.

>> No.10581109

I masturbate too much as it is.

>> No.10581118


>> No.10581122 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 640x640, 38663011_H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best frozen pizza.

>> No.10581125

Could you imagine not living near a local pizza place that makes delicious food and having to order from shitty, weeaboo pizza chains?

>> No.10581160 [DELETED] 

I've never had a takeaway pizza I enjoyed. Maybe I'm just unlucky or it's just how those places cook and deliver food, but they're always too soggy and greasy. I like my pizzas crispy and to taste of something besides oil.

Restaurant and home-made pizzas are fine, however. Even sticking a frozen pizza in the oven for ten minutes is tastier, quicker, and often cheaper.

>> No.10581171

The place I was talking about is literally a five minute walk from my house and fucking delicious. They are admittedly pretty expensive though, so sometimes frozen pizza is pretty good too, yeah. I like Tombstone for frozen pizza.

>> No.10581186

I love greasy pizza, I think it's the best. It's hard not to go into any pizza joint here in NYC and not get great pizza. Places like Grimaldi's (the best pizza in NYC) I usually just take out of town friends and family to.

>> No.10581190 [DELETED] 

Hey gigs, do you live in NYC?

>> No.10581194

Okay I have to admit that was pretty funny.

>> No.10581198
File: 196 KB, 1600x1071, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best pizza I've ever had was from Oregano's in Gilbert. They're one of the few places in the Valley who sells a stuffed Chicago style pizza.

>> No.10581201

>I love greasy pizza
Do you also love clogged veins and being fat?

>> No.10581204

>All dat fucking grease

>> No.10581212

That looks absolutely disgusting

>> No.10581214

I also love greasy pizza and am quite thin.
You probably got me on the clogged veins bit. I try to swim all that shit off, I swear.

>> No.10581216

It's called eating in moderation, a balanced diet and going to the gym twice a week.

>> No.10581217

To each their own. Looks delicious to me.

>> No.10581224

I hate to sound like a keto diet zealot, but eating grease isn't going to increase the likelihood of a heart attack or 'clog' your arteries.

>> No.10581231

>I hate to sound like a keto diet zealot, but eating grease isn't going to increase the likelihood of a heart attack or 'clog' your arteries.
Ok health expert.

>> No.10581233

>Deep dish pizza.

I never really liked it and not because I am in NY and on the East Coast.

>> No.10581235

You don't like it because you're in NY.

>> No.10581236

Yeah, he said that.

>> No.10581243

Eating grease makes my throat full of fat shit.

How the fuck that doesn't clog my veins

>> No.10581281

The grease goes into your stomach to be digested before it ever goes into your blood veins.

>> No.10581287

Of course, retarded.

>> No.10581301
File: 32 KB, 335x344, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10581303

I want to taste Miku's pizza

>> No.10581321

is there a reason why people get a cheese only pizza?

it seems weird to me. at least put something else on there or its like an expensive grilled cheese or something.

>> No.10581331

Only time I see people get cheese is if they are vegetarians. I don't get it too, they cost the same as the other one-topping slices.

Oh, and some places use buzzwords like "4-cheese pizza" as an excuse to charge the same prices.

>> No.10581336

I've noticed that it seems to be a common thing with girls.

Whenever my sister wants cheese pizza I tell her to just get pepperoni and then pick it all off and give it to me. She never listens.

>> No.10581360

There are plenty of topings that are vegetables. Onions, mushrooms, green peppers, etc.

>> No.10581432

Picky ass kids who won't eat anything but cheese pizza and chicken nuggets

>> No.10581482

It's code for "I know you have CP"

>> No.10584211


Uploaded because being eaten by Miku is against youtube's TOS for some reason.


>> No.10586907

