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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10575902 No.10575902[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's it like having /jp/bros?

>> No.10575920
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>> No.10575925



I want a nip one.

>> No.10575928

coffitivity . com

I want a nip version.

>> No.10575930
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>> No.10575937

Web infographics annoy me.

Not sure why. I think I'm just bitter and hate everything R*ddit likes.

>> No.10575951

Listening to that just pisses me off. I think I just have a low tolerance for noise pollution. Increase productivity my ass.

>> No.10575955

It's for "creative" people.

AKA people not doing real work.

>> No.10575960

This. I don't even mind "consistent" noise, like the hum of a computer or even white noise, but the pointlessness of this pisses me off. I can get used to people talking in a library, but I'm tolerating it, not actively taking advantage of it. It's not something I'd opt into.

>> No.10575970

Why is creative work not real work? Are you saying that writing is not a real job?

>> No.10575981

>coffitivity . com
What awful shit. There's a reason some people prefer to stay home.

>> No.10575985

some people don't though

>> No.10575988

>Increase productivity my ass.
I can increase the productivity of your ass

>> No.10575992

>coffitivity . com

Not only does the noise bug me, but it bugs me how it's recreating the noise of a "coffee shop" of all places.
Couple that with the creativity they're on about and you can tell they're talking to Apple fanboys whose creativity extends only to greyscaling photos with their shitty iPads and putting them on whatever sharing site is hot right now. Instagram? I don't know.


>> No.10575994

Nothing special. We talk about drama happening on the board, VNs, and all that jazz.

I'm also helping him out in learning Japanese.

>> No.10575995

By increasing fiber in my diet.

>> No.10576003

He's pretty cool. He's been going to other sites more often now though. Another guy I met from /jp/ was nice at first but then he started bullying me.
I have some friends from /v/ and one from /a/ and they're all genuinely nice to be around.

>> No.10576004

Do coffee shops even sound like that? Even trendy coffee shops for MacBook users in cardigans can't be that noisy. Shut up, you hipsters, I'm trying to drink my coffee.

>> No.10576005

All writing is not Creative Writing, dumbass.

>> No.10576006

I have one /jp/ friend. He's an asshole but I love him.

>> No.10576008

Coffee shops are obviously where people do all their creative and productive work.

>> No.10576009

No, they don't. The retards who made that site apparently think a high school cafeteria is a coffee shop.

>> No.10576010

What kind of bullying?

>> No.10576012

I can’t wide text anymore...。。。

>> No.10576013
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/k/ommando reporting in, think this is the appropriate thread to ask:

Can someone give me the rundown of the basic otaku male in their natural habitat? I see them at the university I go to off-base and sit next to a few of them in class. Why is it they seen to have no hygiene at all and just outright disgust me? I mean they are some cool guys but it is hard as shit to relate to them, and would rather be friends them shove them off and label them as weirdos, cause you know, better to make friends then label and ignore.

TL:DR: /k/ needs help understanding otaku dudes and would like to befriend them to understand the shit they do.

Thanks in advance

>> No.10576017

oh my god if anyone gives a serious response to this i fucking

>> No.10576020

Find a gun or military otaku who you're comfortable with.

>> No.10576021


>"Coffitivity", "Coffitivity.com", and "Enough Noise to Work" are trademarks of Coffitivity, Inc.


Did Y Combinator just have too much money one day?

>> No.10576023
File: 640 KB, 1200x1697, せんむ - 自宅警備娘 (19921129) .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otaku look like this.

The smelly ones that go to school are just nerds.

>> No.10576028

>hard as shit to relate
Because they wouldn't want to hang out with a shitty normalpleb that barely knows shit about the medium, do they?

They see you as peasants. Just label them as weirdos and go on.

>> No.10576026
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Anyone who calls themselves an "otaku" is a faggot. That's all you need to know.

>> No.10576025

Please do not miuse sopilers and go back to your board.

>> No.10576034

I always expect that maybe, just maybe, threads like these will have real /jp/ers talking about their experiences. This thread reeks of off-boarders.

>> No.10576036

point them out pls

>> No.10576039
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*joining in the galactic communion of the flesh*


>> No.10576040

Find a ``weapon otaku'', watch out for sword guys though.

>> No.10576041


Do you have any experience? What's it like to have friends?

>> No.10576043

What experiences? You mean the original post?

One time I went into #/jp/. It wasn't very good. The end.

>> No.10576048

Anyone can claim something as a trademark, it doesn't cost money unless you register it.

>> No.10576051
File: 51 KB, 396x385, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no /jp/bro irl
>tfw fitting in with normals at school and pretending to enjoy their company

>> No.10576053
File: 215 KB, 576x432, sad homer feel ;(.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know that feel...

Afterwards I have to go to /jp/ and deal with all the fags posting touhou... 50 threads about one shitty shooter game.

>> No.10576054

Right now you are trying to fit into /jp/ and enjoy our company. You just can't stop pretending, can you?

>> No.10576061

There is a point when normals pretending to be otherwise, only fool themselves.

>> No.10576071

>deal with all the fags posting touhou

let us feel together

>> No.10576078
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>Me walking to /jp/ in the morning to do my creative writing

>> No.10576086

Are you saying that writing stories and novels isn't real work?

>> No.10576098
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Me on the left.

>> No.10576100

Would it be worse if they said they were explicitly from /jp/?

Sure they do

>they sit next to me and try to talk to me
Just trying to nice

I"ve seen a few of them - they just make me want to beat them with their airshit.

>> No.10576114

>I"ve seen a few of them

You most certainly haven't. Please lurk the required 6 months before making a fool of yourself in /jp/.

>> No.10576106

Are you sure you aren't getting confused with copyright?

I always thought you had to pay for a trademark.

Then again, the fact there's a distinction between "trademark" and "registered trademark" makes me think you might be right.

>> No.10576109

Yes. It's not even creative.

You are but a vessel for the effects your surroundings have on you and write down words according to how you were affected.

>> No.10576111

The adapted KGNE to a live drama?

>> No.10576118

Last I checked Charles Dickens didn't invent indoor plumbing or the internet, so fuck him.

>> No.10576117


No, that's Kanon, you dolt.

>> No.10576118,1 [INTERNAL] 

And you people told me that Auschwitz didn't exist.
