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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10562597 No.10562597 [Reply] [Original]


Do you identify yourself as an 'Otaku', as in "Otaku Culture"?

If not, why do you even post here?

>> No.10562605
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Because my friends are here.

>> No.10562607

I identify myself as an ``Otaku Culture'', as in ``/jp/ - Japan/General''

>> No.10562611

This place is just "everything the users like culture"

>> No.10562617

So it's just like every other board?

>> No.10562621

I identify myself as an Otaku trans-ethnic half Japanese-Korean-American transpet penised-lesbian genderqueer non-binary person. Check your privilege, /jp/ ;)

>> No.10562624

I'm no fuckin nerd

>> No.10562638

I post here because it's true title is /jp/ - NEET/hikikomori General

>> No.10562640

I don't need an identifier to tell me what I enjoy.

>> No.10562643

No way, it's /jp/ - Anime & Video games.

>> No.10562647

They're waiting for you to come shitpost on /ota/

>> No.10562651
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I've been banned from /ota/ more times this week than on /jp/ since the start of this year.

>> No.10562654

Maybe you should stop spamming Ron Paul

>> No.10562661

He's just funposting. What kind of opressive janitor/mod would want to impede on that?

>> No.10562662 [DELETED] 

I don't like a lot of VNs. I read Steins;Gate, Saya, Planetarian and YMK and liked them. I stopped reading Little Busters, Sharnoth, Hoshizora, and Ever17 just because I wasn't enjoying them.

I don't understand those VNs like Hoshizora that try to convey some theme instead of telling an exciting story. It's completely contrary to the medium. If you, as a VN maker, try to do something like that, you need to realize that you are competing with literature, and the people who write literature are several steps above those who write VNs, so it's kind of futile - you just end up with the equivalent of a really shitty book with tons of dialogue and pictures. Giant monologues in VNs make me want to swear off the genre forever, but I can't remember a time reading Steins;Gate where I was bored.

Anyway this is off-topic. I don't want to qualify myself as an 'otaku' because people get angry if they decide you're not worthy to share a label they've applied to themselves.

>> No.10562665

get the fuck out, normal

>> No.10562666

I didn't post anything 3D. I just made a few anime threads.

>> No.10562670

It should theoretically be easier to convey a theme with writing, pictures, and sound than with writing alone, even if a lot of VNs don't make the most of it.

>> No.10562675

Maybe but all the users of different boards are in general unique in their similarities with each other.

>> No.10562685

Of course. I've wasted over a hundred days across the various mediums. I learned Japanese just to broaden it even further, thus I consider myself to be a first-rate otaku.

>> No.10562696
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Thanks, at least someone understands.

>> No.10562700
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I just want to have "/th/ - Touhou Project" board separate from all these "/jp/ - 2D/Random" threads.

The only reason I ever go to /jp/ is for the Touhou threads.

All these other threads, I am either depressed or disturbed by. The rest, I don't care about.

>> No.10562718

bye 2hutard

>> No.10562726

It'd be nice to finally be rid of you third-raters

>> No.10562727

I'm on the opposite side. I don't care about Touhou threads but I enjoy 2D/Random and mahjong/VN threads. Touhou threads are easier to ignore, though.

>> No.10562735
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I'm not.
I can talk about Japanese game (aside from Touhou Project), drama cd and all other niche things that casuals never have conversation here with friends.

Isn't Otaku is a label plastered by the mass not something you declared yourself?

>> No.10563758

Yup -- Otaku and NEET.

>> No.10566094

That's just the free host server being shit.

>> No.10566143

No, I'm not otaku. I'm here because I like what is being discussed and shared here. I'm not obsessed.
