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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10555095 No.10555095 [Reply] [Original]

Let me kiss you, /jp/...

>> No.10555102
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>> No.10555115

Girls kissing girls
Not kissing you

>> No.10555133

They're girls. If you wanted to you could easily fuck both of them whether they like it or not.

>> No.10555403

warning this post contains sharp EDGES

>> No.10555472
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>> No.10555483
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>> No.10555717

/jp/ could always use more cute girls kissing cutely.

>> No.10555738

She looks absolutely terrified

>> No.10555800

That's not kissing.

>> No.10557462

Shut up feminist.

>> No.10558827

Alright /jp/, I am so conviced that Japanese female idols, most certianky AKB groups, are lesbians with one another behind closed doors, because they can't be with boys or expirence social things with boys like normal grils do growing up. They relie on each other for friendships wihin the group obviously, so why wouldn't they relie on one another for sexuality too? I am sure that all of their managers and big music industry owners know they do this and keepbit hush hush, since they all are already forcing them to be seen as "pure" in Japanese society. I wouldn't be surprized if those same managers took advantage of the idols too.
Does anyone else agree with me or ever think the same thing?

>> No.10558917

>so why wouldn't they relie on one another for sexuality too?

A few of them have already admitted to fooling around with each other in hotels.

>> No.10558974

Thank you for telling me this. I am going to go look for thes sources now future generations to know.

>> No.10558994


Does that mean all of /jp/ is gay then? I mean we all know that everybody here is a loner who's never interacted with the opposite gender.

>> No.10559012

/jp/ as a board isn't sexualy suppresed though, unlike Japan as a whole. I see the point you're aking though. I shouldn't say all of them are in the bi-sexual or friendly sexual partners with one another like that.

>> No.10559063

Japanese people are huge homos even girls with boyfriends talk about gay shit like their boyfriends fucking it has nothing to do with isolation.

>> No.10559078

I interacted with people of the opposite gender plenty of times, just not sexually.

>> No.10559081

While still in these groups, or after they've moved on?

I am of the mind that everything about these poor idols' lives is controlled, down to the teasing lesbian play. Shit, look at that humiliation video they forced to make that one girl just because she dared have sex.

Not to mention, despite what they portray, Japan is still very much against homosexuality in general.

>> No.10559092

I didn't nessesrily say anything about Japanese isolation and I am not even sure isolation creates sexual suppression in Japanese society. I'd like to har more about what you said about even Jap girls being or talking about "gay shit".

>> No.10559094 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10559098
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What is a dick cock garden even like

>> No.10559099

Why is it that Japanese entertainment has more girly boys and more masculine women than any other country's entertainment then? Or is that just an otaku thing?

>> No.10559103 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10559102


ask your mom she'd know lmfao rekd son

>> No.10559113

It's an entertainment thing. They're performers. They're there to laugh at, not with.

Homosex is something to fantasize about. Even then, it's usually women fangirling over gay men, and occasionally men fantasizing over lesbos.

>> No.10559115
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Why would you say that? I thought we were friends, and I'm pretty sure my mom doesn't own a dick cock garden.

>> No.10559124
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>> No.10559119 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10559122

>I'm pretty sure my mom doesn't own a dick cock garden.

Where do you think you grew? The dick cock garden, of course.

>> No.10559125


Womb as dick cock garden... that's pretty deep.

>> No.10559136

>Japan is still very much against homosexuality
"Still"? They weren't against it in the past.

>> No.10559138

That anon is just running a inside /jp/ joke. We say "your mom or mum" at a post that leaves it's self open and then someone says "oh buuurn" or something like that. Take it easy.

>> No.10559139

Well where is it then if you're so sure it exists?

>> No.10559148

Oh thanks, I was getting worried because it sounded like he wanted to fight me and I'm not very strong... I'll try using the joke sometime.

>> No.10559159

i love cute /jp/sies

>> No.10559165


what the fuck did i just read

>> No.10559218

who the hell would kiss me. most ive ever gotten was a hug from a lady aquaintance.

>> No.10559227

I love you, too.

>> No.10559230

are you cute...?

>> No.10559236

Just because they're one of the most lenient east asian nations in regards to homosex (behind Thailand) doesn't mean they like it. They barely tolerate it.

Again, I'm not talking about media depiction. I'm talking about actual homosexuality.

>> No.10559246 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10559248
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>> No.10559251
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>> No.10559324

kill gays. all gays.

>> No.10559392




Well that killed the illusioin pretty quick.

>> No.10559400

I thought it made it better.

>> No.10559413

Do we have a full video link for this?

>> No.10559423
File: 1.30 MB, 320x170, come on anon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ please...

>> No.10559430

I've seen this before. Oh how I dream of a girl agresivly bullying me around like that.

>> No.10559519


shutup you fuckin nerd

>> No.10559529
File: 155 KB, 855x1050, c339f9e13c3161fc31487fd5e816910c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy

>> No.10559530
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But I haven't said anything for an hour!

>> No.10559539
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Being this edgy.

>> No.10559580

No you wouldn't want that, anon. You would be terrified if that was happening to you.

>> No.10559592

The video.


>> No.10559624

kissing girls doesn't make you masculine though

>> No.10559641



>> No.10559706

I didn't think it was going to be this painful here >>10559592
I thought she was going to be as rough as appears in the gif and rape him. An attractive woman with no stds raping me would be a nice thing. This girl beat the HeLL out of him though. That doesn't turn me on.

>> No.10559711 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10559727

I'm not even mad. You're just shit posting now. You're just another crossboarder.

>> No.10559732 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10559748

And I'm sure she was cheered on by feminists for being such a strong independent women who's in control. Meanwhile, a man who does the same to a woman gets 10 years in ass-rape prison and is marked as a sex offender for life.

>> No.10559762

I hate feminists.

>> No.10559773 [DELETED] 

Thanks for your original opinion.

>> No.10559910

if two or more people agree on something it can't be right. - Anonymous (Actual quote) 03/03/13(Sun)01:53 No.10559773

Notes: Appears to also be infatuated with phalluses.

>> No.10560063

That's very mean.

>> No.10560125

Gender equality exists.

>> No.10560573

>While still in these groups


>> No.10562730

While still in their groups.

And no, the management did not force her, she shaved her head then she made an apology video. The thing that was wrong was that they uploaded it in Youtube.

>> No.10565225

>While still in these groups
Then it's just fanservice.

>> No.10565331

Of course.

But there are some girls who really do have lesbian tendencies. Like that center of SKE48 Jurina.

>> No.10565369

Is lesbianism popular in idol groups?

>> No.10565396


When you get a group of girls who all have assertive, aggressive personalities, they can get rather sexually hungry. Boyfriends are frowned upon, so they relieve sexual tension with each other. Relationships can develop from this, but you obviously won't hear about them since the idol business is what it is, and most of them just treat it as a thing and get husbands when they leave.

It does happen though. My aunt lived in Hong Kong and her friends were part of a chinese girl's dance group that performed at lots of clubs and venues in the 80s. There were like 26 or so members and at least ten of them were screwing around with other members. Most of it was just playing about but according to her three pairs came out of the experience and are still together, though one of them married a businessman for his money but keeping her real girlfriend on the side.

It's really society-based. If you have a group of one gender living together and kept away from the other gender, they'll start to get together with others. You know, like how girl's sports teams or private schools have lesbians while there's closeted gay men in sports or scouts or whatever.

>> No.10565478
File: 45 KB, 480x270, ainokiss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of those kisses were mutual. Just look at their troubled faces.

>> No.10565584

But she's still 15...

>> No.10565630

just look at them how much they force themselves to even get their lips close to each other. girl can't love other girls and they hate lesbianism.

>> No.10566090

Only one of them looks like she is forcing it and that is how all Japanese lesbian scenes are depicted, not to mention many female and male relations in much of Japanese stories.
