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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 207 KB, 494x492, 1352078160943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10552802 No.10552802 [Reply] [Original]

Monmusu Quest 3's trial was released a week ago, right?

Why has nobody talked about it?

>> No.10552809 [DELETED] 

because its shit and always has been shit.

go back to /v/ you nerd.

>> No.10552807

Because that's the job of >>>/d/

>> No.10552814 [DELETED] 

It's like one scene long so there's not much to say

>> No.10552813

Cause /jp/ already played it when it first came out. >>>/vg/ and >>>/v/ is that way.

>> No.10552823

It's just one fight?

>> No.10552828

So /jp/ is full of time travelers?

>> No.10552840 [DELETED] 

I'm just bashing on your shit thread you fuggin nerd.

>> No.10552865

The second was pretty boring. Too much story and seriousness, not enough comedy

>> No.10552878

You weren't when Monmusu 1 was released? Right?
I feel really sad looking at the people in /jp/ now...

>> No.10552889

These games were discussed at length when they were untranslated. Goes to show the power of le hipster appeal.

>> No.10552891

you don't seem to know how /jp/ works.

everything is automatically shit as soon as it gets translated and leaked to /v/.

>> No.10552894


>> No.10552897

Didn't you get the memo? This is ``2D/Random'', not ``Otaku Culture'.

>> No.10552902

We talked about it long after that. It was when it finally took off and made it to /vg/, /a/ and whatnot when it stopped being discussed on /jp/.

>> No.10552904


Please stop using faggot quotes.

>> No.10552909 [DELETED] 

Because you have generals every couple of days on /a/ and who-knows-what on other boards about these games and related materials. Go search the archive, I bet you'll find discussion.

You use these other boards instead of coming here, where it belongs. So fuck you.

>> No.10552915
File: 293 KB, 640x480, screencap2452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Touhou/Umineko?

>> No.10552916 [DELETED] 

That's not very fair to people who want to talk about it here.

>> No.10552920

Touhou is the only exception really because this board was basically made for 2hu shit.

also people still care for umineko?

>> No.10552917

But he did come here. Stop being a crazy person.

>> No.10552922

This is why /vg/ has more productive VN threads, and why people don't know why the fuck /jp/ even exists.

>> No.10552934

Kill yourself back to /vg/.

>> No.10552928

I still play the goofily unbalanced fighting game every now and then.

>> No.10552929


You are asking a lot of Tokiko, King Faggot.

>> No.10552930

theres plenty of vn threads on /jp/.

We usually have a translation progress and a vn general that go on for days.

It's just the vn general is mostly of untranslated shit so it leaves nerds like you out of the loop.

>> No.10552931

>This is why /vg/ has more productive VN threads, and why people don't know why the fuck /jp/ even exists.

Who cares? Learn Japanese or get the fuck out.

>> No.10552938

Oh sick, I got mistaken for Tokiko for the first time ever. This is going on my /jp/ Achievements list.

>> No.10552940


If you wanted to talk about it here you would start with a topic we could actually discuss instead of asking us why we don't talk about it

>> No.10552942 [DELETED] 

Two threads isn't plenty. There's no reason for them to even be condensed like that.

>> No.10552943 [DELETED] 


I'd prefer to just slowly murder the board with carefully-engineered shitposts. I enjoy it, and I like knowing that I'll leave idiots like you out in the social rain with no umbrella when /jp/ is recycled.

>> No.10552945

It's so we can have more room for touhou / shitposting threads.

>> No.10552954

What do we even fucking do here?
I keep coming back but it's just NEET and 2hu threads everytime.
Might aswell be called /2hu/.

>> No.10552951

the reason /d/ was mentioned is because just about every ero scene in there is something that /d/ would fap to/talk about

fun fact: that guy that translated the first two games lurks there with a trip.

so please, for everyone's sake; and because this isn't actually a thread about it anymore, >>>/d/

>> No.10552952

/jp/ doesnt need a general for individual games. We're usually a slow moving board anyway so condensing our threads work fine.

please go back to /vg/ with your gayness.

>> No.10552955 [DELETED] 

I didn't say anything about a general. You can have threads without constantly chaining them.

>> No.10552957


I mostly just spam

I'll probably start posting seriously when/if there's no more janitors left for moot to burn out

>> No.10552961

Such is the life of a third-rate otaku.

>> No.10552964

op mad as HELL that his thread is shit.

>> No.10552962

not when there's shitposters like you that derail threads

>> No.10552965

The proper place to discuss it is in /vg/ or /v/.
/vg/ usually has a thread about it, so having one here is kind of redundant.

Not that we don't like Monster Girl Quest, we just get autistic about proper thread location.

Also make sure to buy the game to support the artist!
He sells it on the english DLsite too.

>> No.10552972

Don't try to defend /jp/. It's shit and deserves the hatred it gets.

>> No.10552976

Content can be discussed on multiple boards. If having a thread on another board was enough to disqualify something from /jp/ then the board wouldn't exist in the first place.

>> No.10552975

fuck off, /jp/ is the best board.

>> No.10552978

Everything about it is shit apart from the general threads.


>> No.10552983
File: 52 KB, 393x591, 1342689659974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But when people wanna talk about Japan here you send them to /int/.
Even /a/ has more productive Japanese language threads than us.

>> No.10552988

The fact that this thread is still here means it belongs here ... except it's discussion is about whether or not is belongs here ...

>> No.10552993


Everyone has more productive discussions about everything than /jp/. I've seen touhou threads on /a/ that had better discussion than /jp/

>> No.10552991

When did he say anything about Japanese language threads? What he meant was if he wants to discuss VNs he better be able to discuss the Japanese-only ones. Japanese language threads don't belong on here OR /a/.

>> No.10552992


>Even /a/ has more productive Japanese language threads than us.

I didn't know that was a problem.

There's always


>> No.10552996
File: 159 KB, 472x630, 20692502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Am I the only one who completely and utterly hates general threads?

They drag on too long. Threads are meant to exist momentarily, with a single subject, then die out when interest evaporates. They are NOT supposed to shamble along, tediously bumped and stretched out until they barely resemble their subject matter at all and nobody wants to join in.

I want to go back to the old way of posting before "generals" existed. /vg/ is my most despised board.

>> No.10552998
File: 47 KB, 393x591, 1355753512090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10553002


No, I hate them, too.

>> No.10553011

>But when people wanna talk about Japan here you send them to /int/.

Only when it's about things that aren't related to the otaku medium and translations requests.

>> No.10553014

You're not doing a very good job of it going by the front page.

>> No.10553017

Sadly, single subject threads wouldn't work on /jp/ though.

>> No.10553030


They do work. Not every thread has to be on the front page all the time, you know?

>> No.10553028

He didn't, but he did mention Japanese and learning it.
And on a thread that's board initials are that of the country Japan you'd think we'd atleast have a decent thread or two.

Yes, but for /a/, a board for just anime and manga to do better than us, is rather annoying.
I'm just start visiting /a/, rather than complaining holding expectations for /jp/.

>> No.10553029

The real problem here is that you started your thread the wrong way. You never start a thread asking people why they don't discuss this or that more often, it will always devolve into meta discussion.

You can discuss almost anything in /jp/, you just need to be subtle enough. When writing your question assume people already know full well what you're referring to. If you want to talk about a RPG, avoid mentioning the title/artist/author/developer in any way, don't refer to the characters by their names or explain any plot details at all. It also helps if you don't use official art in the OP. Most of the hipsters that populate the board as well as the janitors don't know much about anime and videogames in general, and if they see there's a lot of discussion on something that looks anime-ish, they'll just assume it's from a VN and let it be, they'll be too embarrassed to ask what you're talking about.
If the game or anime you want to discuss is too popular to fly under their radar, you might want to use a tangential approach, such as "would you read a VN about girls doing _____?"

I start my jRPG and anime threads like this and they always get 200+ replies.

>> No.10553032
File: 1008 KB, 1024x768, 1308762150359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No way, I love /jp/.

>> No.10553033

>5 minute demo

>> No.10553034
File: 176 KB, 723x871, 1277698177073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is basically just touhou and ironic shitposting.

Theres also those idol guys but they keep to themselves.

>> No.10553035

update on >>10552909
Was just over on /a/, and the /a/ general is up right at the moment. >>>/a/80912008
400+ replies

>> No.10553038

>And on a thread that's board initials are that of the country Japan you'd think we'd atleast have a decent thread or two.

No. That's not the topic of the board. Those initials are just moot being an idiot.

>> No.10553039

>Theres also those idol guys but they keep to themselves.

That's what they want you to think.

>> No.10553046

good answer

>> No.10553043

because we don’t care.

>> No.10553044


I'll never forgive moot for not giving us /dg/.

>> No.10553045


God I want a corn dog now, but there's no way to get one in this third world country. Fuck you asshole

>> No.10553048

>Yes, but for /a/, a board for just anime and manga to do better than us, is rather annoying.

That's mainly because of them having a much larger user base and partly because they're actually interested in the scene, apart from the 80% of the lazy poser otaku we have here.

>> No.10553050

I care

>> No.10553052



>> No.10553053

That's not about the VN

>> No.10553059
File: 130 KB, 480x320, 1359168870343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


But I hate hundreds+ posts general circlejerks.

>> No.10553058


I thought /jp/ stood for Just Pedophiles

>> No.10553061


I don't like using the terms "newfag" and "oldfag" but come on, Anonymous.

>> No.10553066

Meta discussions is the greatest thing that has ever grazed /jp/.

>> No.10553065

Even if it did, people would still assume it meant Japan and we'd still get a ton of threads about places to go in Japan as a tourist and translation requests.

>> No.10553073
File: 227 KB, 630x420, corndog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, that must suck.
You can't even get them at the super market?

They're pretty easy to make though. Essentially just deep fried hotdogs on a stick.

>> No.10553125

/vg/ talks about it.

/jp/ is just 2d random, so don't except anything good here.

>> No.10553135

That's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

But we're in the process of fixing this and throwing you fags expecting 2D/Random away. Go to /ota/ or something.

>> No.10553143

If only that were actually true...

>> No.10553144
File: 5 KB, 217x218, s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you guys ever draw this in school?

>> No.10553150


Dick gobblers? Dick girls? I know it has something to do with dicks.

>> No.10553151 [DELETED] 

/jp/ has been shit years now. You can't fix a community like this, not anymore. The old times are gone.

>> No.10553152


Yeah, why?

>> No.10553164

If you legitimately don't know then fuck off.

>> No.10553160

That kind of attitude will get you nowhere.
I am still optimistic for brighter times.

>> No.10553165
File: 7 KB, 217x218, 1362186848405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's like this, fag

>> No.10553171


I fucked your whore mother off, pseudoelitist

>> No.10553181
File: 11 KB, 217x218, 12345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did it like this. Cuz it's all about that 3D shit.

>> No.10553179

Is the only appeal of this game seriously just to jerk off?

>> No.10553185


I don't think you know what the prefix "pseudo" means.

>> No.10553182

No, it's also pretty funny.

>> No.10553199


>> No.10553203

Sudo is my friend.

>> No.10553219

Fuck off, Sudo.

>> No.10553241

That makes it an 8, not an S, fagstorm.

>> No.10553263
File: 7 KB, 316x208, drugs suck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought it was cute when the class was asked to draw a poster or whatever, and people would draw those "S"s but do the rest of the lettering in a completely different style.

>> No.10553281

I'm so white I've always thought these were somehow gang-related. What's with these things?

>> No.10553288


>That makes it an 8

Cool dickslecksia faggot

>> No.10553282
File: 497 KB, 848x992, 1359012398677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're cute ;3

>> No.10553297


It's not really that hard, all you to fucking do is flatten all the sharp ends once. Were they retarded?

>> No.10553299

Basically at some point in the 70s or 80s somebody discovered you could make an S if you drew six parallel lines and joined them up. Then every kid on the playground copied it and it spread throughout the world memetically. Some nerds invented urban myths like "It's the Stussy logo" or "It's a gang symbol" but they're all just attention seekers making shit up. Meanwhile the original inventor probably killed himself for not patenting or trademarking it or whatever it is you do with abstract symbols.

>> No.10553315


Thank you so much. I've wondered this since a kid drew ~7 of these on a desk next to me in 4th grade.

>> No.10553322


>> No.10553327

Yeah. Remember that time we blew each other behind the gym? It's still so fresh in my mind.

>> No.10553357

I except your resignation.

>> No.10553367

One of my teaches let a kid from the Philippines draw it on the board one time and had us all watch, she said it was a "Chinese S".

>> No.10553370

>Monmusu Quest 3
More reverse rape by MonsterGirls?, sign me up.

And here I thought I would never fap to zombie shit...

>> No.10553372 [DELETED] 

/jp/ is for shit posting with 2hu pictures and shit posting without 2hu pictures.

>> No.10553374

Zombie scene in the first one was easily the most erotic in the game.

>> No.10553375

I actually did this to a boy in my class, but his name wasn't James.

Also it was the "sports hall", not really a gym, but whatever.

>> No.10554008

Another update, looks like they're running a continuous general now. >>>/a/80936274

>> No.10554121

That's a monster girl thread not a monmusu quest thread.

>> No.10554159

It's a very thinly veiled MGQ general on the anime board, to go with the porn link general etc.

/a/ is for "ashtray" rather than Anime/Manga, I guess. Fuck it. The rest of the threads are for shit like running the swirl filter in photoshop on images, so it's not like there's anything important on the board anyway.

>> No.10554249

How old were you.

>> No.10554505


>> No.10555137


>> No.10555143


>> No.10555168

/jp/ is apparently the board you go to if you want to do nothing but sage threads and be a gigantic faggot all day

as somebody else said earlier in this thread, other boards seem to have better discussions about virtually everything than this shithole.

>> No.10555177

>sage threads


>> No.10555228

Don't look at me. Look at the other people in this thread. I'm just posting my observations (I usually lurk this board rather than post in it).

I personally don't really see the problem with discussing Monster Girl Quest 3 here. I feel like the people who have an issue with it have no idea what this board is for and think it's some kind of fucking secret club.

>> No.10555232

I abhor anyone still arguing this shit all over the place. Including you.

FUCK you if you don't like related content that's also seen in other places, but FUCK you if you come here with /v/ tier arguments too.

>> No.10555238 [DELETED] 

He isn't wrong, /jp/ is a piece of shit and has been for a quite a long time now. I have yet to see any sort of improvements in the userbase and it seems to only get worse and worse. Even /a/, the board that so many poke at here, is much better off than /jp/ is.

>> No.10555243

He's pointing out you're thinking sage is either an insult or a downvote, a mistake even /a/ learned not to make nowadays. And we know perfectly well that you /v/ crossboarders only "want to do nothing but sage threads and be a gigantic faggot all day" here, that's why we want you out. Get out.

>> No.10555261

Strawman arguments? Really?

I literally said none of that. Also, I don't care if people sage in of itself. I care if people sage and act like gigantic faggots (exactly what I said earlier), which is what most of the people in this thread have been doing. It's just getting tiring seeing a constant stream of ironic shitposts on this board, with people saying "fuck you nerd" or whatever other stupid crap that was being spewed in this thread.

>> No.10555272

>I care if people sage and act like gigantic faggots

Would you rather they bump and act like gigantic faggots? I guess you would, seeing as you don't even have a decency to sage the meta crap you're sprouting here instead of taking it to /q/ like you should.

>> No.10555280

dont cry its just a wall of text, it wont hurt you

>> No.10555343
File: 169 KB, 457x381, 74088915032925ae790d4aac8fa5e50a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, let's be real here because this whole defending sage and putting down bumps is fucking ridiculous.
I understand that saging to you is some "Japanese" thing you use to be "humble", But here's the hard truth anon, no one fucking cares.
Also, I'm looking at a bunch of threads on 2ch and hardly any of them are getting saged, with the exception of maybe 1 or 2 in a thread, so you are COMPLETELY wrong along with the handful of other /jp/ users who think it's fucking Japanese and polite to do that, so my suggestion is to stop being an cocksucking elitist weaboo.

and just in case, inb4 "I don't do it cuz its japanese i do it cause its polite"

Because it isn't polite, what's polite about saging a good topic or one for discussion, while all the shitposts that are getting slow replies are being bumped up and covering the first couple of pages while a more interesting topic is going on on fucking page 10, that no one outside of the time period it was created would know about because it's on page 10, ready to 404 under the shitposts.

And before you go "You don't even go past the 1st page"

I do, and it's bullshit to have to go through 10 pages of shitposts looking for a good one inbetween.

>> No.10555358


>> No.10555376

I still laugh at how 4chan doesn't understand what sage means.

If only I knew moon so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using sage as a way to "insult" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in sites like 2ch and Futaba. Fuck, iichan and 4-ch do it right. It's just 4chan and 4chan's lame knockoffs that fail at using sage.

The true meaning of sage means that YOUR POST isn't worthy enough to bump the thread. It's ironic, because you think that you're insulting others while you're just, in fact, insulting yourself. Yes, sage can be used when posting a derogatory comment in a thread that you don't want to bump, but posting with just the word "sage" accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board. The trend of replying with the name of a tripfag and sage is even worse, as it accomplishes nothing and only serves to increase the e-penis of whoever you're "attacking".

The sage feature was never meant to serve as an implied insult or general disagreement! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose not to bump a thread with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using sage instead.

I want to use sage, yet I almost never do it on 4chan because people will jump on me thinking I'm insulting their post or something.

>> No.10555624

Yes, everyone already knows you fucks from /v/ don't care about any kind of humility or about respecting other boards' customs. That's why you're being repeatedly told to fuck off. What's so hard to understand about this?

>> No.10555624,1 [INTERNAL] 

Just delete this fucking useless board.
