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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 25 KB, 315x472, 1362158831846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10551363 No.10551363[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well, well, well.

What do we have here?

>> No.10551363,1 [INTERNAL] 

With Jews, you lose.

>> No.10551365

What do they look like? I can't be bothered disabling my scripts.

>> No.10551370

Facebook/Twitter-style ads.

He jewed us out.

>> No.10551372

I knew this would happen, time to become a goon.

>> No.10551372,1 [INTERNAL] 

4chan came back but it's now even more dead inside.

>> No.10551377


Please dont joke about that.

>> No.10551375

>implying Lowtax isn't king of the jews

10bux m8

>> No.10551376

I enabled it but I don't see anything. I don't even see banners, actually...

>> No.10551380

I run my browse out of the box and haven't noticed anything.

>> No.10551381
File: 93 KB, 1280x720, [Mazui]_Tamako_Market_-_08_[C07E826C].mkv_snapshot_15.24_[2013.02.27_22.35.11].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it true that Tokiko tried to commit suicide?

>> No.10551385

Yes, it was one of those "failed suicide attempts".

>> No.10551391


Is it true you likelike Tokiko? Is it true to masturbate to Tokiko? Is it true you want Tokiko in your manwomb?

>> No.10551395


Heeheehee, yes goy, right into the web. Don't fall for those nasty advertisments, for just 10 shekels you could be free from such nefarious exploitation!

>> No.10551397
File: 123 KB, 367x358, 1332511301074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10551399


I guess its true.

>> No.10551400

tokiko pls go

>> No.10551402

I've never even talked to him personally!

>> No.10551406

The best part is lowjew still runs ads.

>> No.10551422
File: 202 KB, 1400x787, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only ads I see are the j-list ones and I like to keep them up becuase they are cute looking. I dont even click on them anyways.

I dont see anything about some facebook/twitter ads.

>> No.10551428


Gee, sex toy ads with half nude little girls on a "work safe" site ...good job jewt

>> No.10551434

Yes, he "tried" to commit suicide and then he bragged about being put in a mental hospital on twitter and IRC.

>> No.10551438


>work safe

This phrase needs to go.

>> No.10551447

Probably targeted ads, but everyone on 4chan is a weeaboo, therefore everyone will continue to see J-List ads anyway.

>> No.10551449

The script seems to point at adzerk.com. Their homepage is set up in the familiar pattern of
3. ???

I also see some references to 0x0 pixel objects for user tracking, iframes and a callback for text. I seriously hope this isn't what I suspect it is.

But, oh well, Adblock+.

>> No.10551459
File: 65 KB, 494x605, jewmoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10551506

What the hell does moot have against donations anyway

We have pseudo donations for 4chan passes
We have borderline pornographic ads for worksafe boards

What is he afraid of? Anons stealing credit cards and dumping stolen cash into his pockets?

>> No.10551511

It's funny how someone that noticed that would have google-analytics not blocked.

>> No.10551509

He likes to pretend it's high and mighty, when in real life it's completely selfish and arbitrary.

I want to donate to the site, not him.

>> No.10551517

Pick one.

>> No.10551526

What do you suspect it is?

>> No.10551531


>posting a nipple
>7 day ban

pick both

>> No.10551552

Do you think a corporate entity could run 4chan better than one man?

>> No.10551562

Shame he failed.

>> No.10551563

It doesn't matter. Servers pretty much run themselves nowadays.

>> No.10551568

Depends. The less direct intervention, the better. moot doing very little to interact with the community has usually been a benefit. If it was some big company that didn't give a shit about the site besides uptime and bugfixes, I would be happy.

>> No.10551583

Moot's hands off approach has worked WONDERS for quality control

>> No.10551590

You can't blame moot for the communities stupidity.

Don't post stupid threads, don't reply to stupid threads, don't reply to stupid posts. Eventually they will go away.

>> No.10551618

If only more people thought like this instead of whining that the moderation fix everything.

>> No.10551620

>Don't post stupid threads, don't reply to stupid threads, don't reply to stupid posts. Eventually they will go away.

You really underestimate shitposters.

When I spam or shitpost, I do it for myself, not for others. I honestly couldn't care less if nobody replies. It's like graffiti: you aren't really expecting a direct response.

There are people who have spammed the same things daily for months or even years, though it gets them nothing.

What you said does apply to run-of-the-mill trolls, but not to dedicated shitposters and spammers.

>> No.10551629

It's always been up to the boards to police themselves too so I don't know why anyone complains.

When moderators do step in people complain about that too.

>> No.10551630


It does not matter if everyone manages to successfully ignore a shit poster.

But if the posterity -themselves- continue to post, it would not matter either way then.

The only option is to permanently banned them from ever coming back.

>> No.10551637 [DELETED] 
File: 4 KB, 159x113, n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fellow is right.

>> No.10551638

This is a case where moderation is needed and we get it. The staff do a good job when they can but sometimes things slip through, it's up to you to not respond to such posts and to instead report them.

>> No.10551644
File: 1.00 MB, 320x180, 1360000601244.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't, and I've been doing what you have suggested for four years now.

There will always be someone who will reply to a troll. Often times it is another troll. It has gotten to the point where two assholes can derail a good thread, sometimes permanently.

I'm not even calling for stricter rules. I just want pre-existing rules to be enforced. Non-worksafe boards, /b/, and a range of other imageboards give shitposters choices other than /jp/. But they don't move on, because people respond to them here.

>> No.10551653

I wish they'd *only* moderate in these circumstances.

If someone wants a Japan/General thread, that's the sort of thing that should lie in the hands of the userbase rather than the janitors.

>> No.10551661
File: 92 KB, 987x1340, 1288293520432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There will always be someone who will reply to a troll. Often times it is another troll. It has gotten to the point where two assholes can derail a good thread, sometimes permanently.

The lesson to be learned here is that you, personally, should ignore trolls. Hide or filter them if you have some sort of compulsive disorder. If two trolls egg each other on, just have your regular discussion around them. A thread can be 99% trolling, but they're not "subtracting" discussion unless you get trolled by them.

>> No.10551660

>When I spam or shitpost, I do it for myself
Legitimate question. What's the gain?

You're ruining fun for posters like >>10551644 . Is that the end goal? To ruin fun for other people?

Trolling and such I can somewhat understand but only to a certain point. It's okay to joke around once and a while but it's getting out of hand.

I somewhat agree with this. Certain moderators (I mean the ones who lurk the same boards at the same time as me whoever they are) can be a little strict at times. I don't think it's bad yet or that it will get bad but I do see unnecessary moderation sometimes.

It's okay for them to make mistakes every once and a while.

>> No.10551665

>If two trolls egg each other on, just have your regular discussion around them.
This all the way.

On /g/ there's regularly people who spam threads they don't like with huge blocks of text but discussion remains on topic and pleasant, the spam is usually flatout ignored while the discussion thrives. It only takes away from your browsing experience if you let it.

I know it can be hard to ignore such things sometimes but with practice you can do it.

>> No.10551667

>It's okay for them to make mistakes every once and a while.

Janitors have erroneously deleted my threads and apologized for it at least twice, which is fair enough.

I think the rule of thumb should be "if in doubt, let it stay."
Sometimes there are references the janitors don't get. I don't expect them to be experts in every scrap of media out there, but I should be able to make an on-topic thread without sacrificing brevity by explaining that this is from series X.

As for borderline cases (like threads about Japanese culture), they should be given a chance as long as they don't get too excessive. It's nice once in a while to discuss Japanese food or customs.

>> No.10551669

When this type of behaviour is allowed to continue, it not only depresses potential quality posters (who are turned off by what appears, at first glance, to be a community of the autisitc and nihilistic), it also encourages others to believe that this kind of behaviour is somehow "normal."

You remember that saying that gets posted in flanfly, every night? It's 100% true.

I was a participant in the old habbo raids when I was an isolated teenager. It's hard to explain, but there is a certain addictive pull in ruining someone's fun. It's like pulling the legs off of an ant, one by one.

>> No.10551670

I don't understand trolling but I understand blatant spam. Spam can be fun to "read". When you spam, you can truly unleash your creativity.

>You're ruining fun for posters like...

This guy gets it.

>> No.10551675

>When this type of behaviour is allowed to continue

There's no type of way to disallow it, though. Too much mod intervention just breeds more trolls. If you flame or beg people to stop, congratulations, YHBT.

The only winning move is not to play.

>> No.10551678

It's funny you said that because it was never untrue to begin with. That little saying was once made by an actual serious poster but then someone took at and continued the tradition of posting it in every thread that night after like almost everything else.

>> No.10551687

>depresses potential quality posters
Mootles should delete /jp/. There's no room for quality posting. It's for their own good - this place is on 4chan and thus doomed to be shitty. It won't work; they're simply green if they believe that it could.

>It's hard to explain, but there is a certain addictive pull in ruining someone's fun. It's like pulling the legs off of an ant, one by one.
That's you.

>> No.10551682

>I think the rule of thumb should be "if in doubt, let it stay."
I like to think this is already the moderation policy but I have no idea.

I think report count factors into their decision as well. It's possible that the community has rejected a thread by reporting it which is impossible for you to see.

I do agree with you 100% though.

With spam and shitposting it's like a joke. It's funny the first few times but eventually it becomes lame and if it keeps up it gets annoying and people will just chose to not even try anymore.

You can effectivley kill a thread by shitposting/trolling in it and this can negativley impact the experience of others.

Like when an OP posts a thread and they're all happy with the way the threads going and everyones having a good time. Then someone gets doubles and the whole thread dies on the spot.

>> No.10551683

It's essentially getting someone to get a reaction from the stuff you do. Be it getting them pissed off or to argue with you or otherwise.

>> No.10551685

>Legitimate question. What's the gain?

You know, I have no idea.

Sometimes I also go in Omegle and say silly things then disconnect, either to offend or upset a person, or to make them laugh. I have no way of knowing their reaction, but simply doing it is enough.

>> No.10551689

/jp/... more like /g/........

>> No.10551688

The thing I don't understand with this is how you continue to get fun or pleasure out of it.

Doesn't this get boring insanely fast?

>> No.10551692

No offense, but that sounds childish as fuck. Maybe I'm just too autismal to get it.

>> No.10551693

>Too much mod intervention just breeds more trolls.
/jp/ of all places should know this.

Look what happens to page 0 when a single thread gets deleted by a janitor.

>> No.10551694

We're shut-ins and "boring" is pretty subjective.

>> No.10551694,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10551694,2 [INTERNAL] 

How ironic that we're discussing unnecessary moderation when this happens.

>> No.10551694,3 [INTERNAL] 


you say that as if you've never trolled anyone

>> No.10551694,4 [INTERNAL] 

Y delete, Janishit?

>> No.10551694,5 [INTERNAL] 

It is childish, but it's an anonymous board, so nobody cares.

It's like purposely pissing on the toilet seat in a public restroom.

>> No.10551694,6 [INTERNAL] 

That's horrible. What's the point.

>> No.10551694,7 [INTERNAL] 

I believe that he was being honest.

>> No.10551694,8 [INTERNAL] 

I was.
Trolling can be fine once and a while but when you do it all the time I don't get how it can be fun anymore.
My troll to serious ratio may be something like 1:20

>> No.10551694,9 [INTERNAL] 

>so nobody cares
Why is this relevant in any way? Do you not act like a total gimp because you're afraid of punishment or negative attention? Is this how some people really function?

>> No.10551694,10 [INTERNAL] 

I think they meant nobody cares enough to stop people from doing it.

Like littering is a problem but it's not a "serious" problem so nobody deals with it.

Trolling is a problem but the moderators don't deal with it despite it being global rule 3.

>> No.10551694,11 [INTERNAL] 

Yes? In private, I pick my nose and shit in the bath. That's not to say I don't have morals or standards, but some things you don't do simply because you risk your reputation or whatever.

>> No.10551694,12 [INTERNAL] 


Piss in the bath is one thing,but shitting in the bath?


>> No.10551694,13 [INTERNAL] 

Why the fuck does this jewbag shithead keep breaking 4chan?

I can't even post because his retarded ass can't just fucking leave everything alone. The users creating content are the only reason people come here, not his idiotic broken new features. He hasn't made a beneficial change to the site in years.

>> No.10551694,14 [INTERNAL] 

Shitting in the bath is fine if it's your own bath but pissing on a public toilet seat ring is simply not okay. It's a bad thing, and everyone knows why. Why can't they respect it? Nothing good will come out of it. It's not constructive. It doesn't make the world a better place.

I'm pretty sure that you can't try to twist this example 180 degrees with any kind of moral relativity theories. Even an anarchistic antinatalist shouldn't have a good reason to do something like that.

>> No.10551694,15 [INTERNAL] 

Obviously because Jews were mentioned.

>> No.10551694,16 [INTERNAL] 

To be honest, they don't even have to respect it - it's enough that they agree with it. If they agree with it, they don't have to force themselves at all.

>> No.10551694,17 [INTERNAL] 

Don't piss on the seat ring, please. Think about what you're doing and why.

>> No.10551694,18 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10551694,19 [INTERNAL] 

You can remove that "ADULT". It's not needed.

>> No.10551694,20 [INTERNAL] 

Well I generally get the impression it's middle-aged men who do it. They get a kick out of doing something so childish, whereas actual children have been taught to be well-behaved and respectful.

No idea what I'm basing this on, though.

>> No.10551694,21 [INTERNAL] 

I'm sorry for repeating myself, but good behavior and respect don't have to have anything to do with it.

You piss on a toilet seat ring. Now there's piss on it. It looks like there's piss on it and it smells like piss. People who use the toilet will have to a) realize that someone has committed such a completely mindless act b) deal with the mess.
Additionally, a cleaner has to do a certain amount of work to clean it.

Is this what people want? Is this what they wish to shape the world into?

>> No.10551694,22 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10551694,23 [INTERNAL] 

They don't think about the people in such concrete terms, they just think about what they're doing at the moment. People will do something simply because it's taboo and they can get away with it.

Maybe if they thought ahead like this, they wouldn't. But then again I wouldn't buy my clothes if I thought of the poor negro children who made them, and I wouldn't eat my cheap food if I thought of the various animals that were killed and then recombined to make it.

>> No.10551694,24 [INTERNAL] 

>But then again I wouldn't buy my clothes if I thought of the poor negro children who made them, and I wouldn't eat my cheap food if I thought of the various animals that were killed and then recombined to make it.
I like to consider as many things as I can. Kicking the piss bucket over because it leaks anyway doesn't sound very appealing to me.

>> No.10551694,25 [INTERNAL] 

Not everyone thinks the same way you do. It may be confusing, but different people approach the same situations in different ways. What may seem sensible or logical to you can be completely bizarre to another person. You don't always need to understand why people think a certain way, but it's a good idea to accept that they do.

>> No.10551694,26 [INTERNAL] 

I won't allow that. I'm a thought police.
