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File: 83 KB, 640x400, sarihumaned0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10550131 No.10550131 [Reply] [Original]

Sari si the best Illusion. Don't you agree, /jp/?

/a/ didn't even know who she was. Pathetic.

>> No.10550137

Too big to be a fairy, but I like her expression there.

>> No.10550136

I don't know who that is

>> No.10550139

Why would you post about an eroge character on /a/? Why would you expect them to know who she is?

>> No.10550147

``I've played this one game that wasn't even all that popular therefore everyone else must have, or they're noobs.''
- u while eatin cheetos nd downloadin pc-engine emulators nd cryin coz atlas doesnt work with ur retro 90s eroge so u have to search the kanji by hand bcuz ur too lazy to do ur reps

>> No.10550149
File: 92 KB, 640x400, sendingnn3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was a pretty common game to have played. At least that's what I remember from like... 12 years ago.

>> No.10550197

I can only see a flower.

>> No.10551309

I like the Mistress and Mermaid more.

>> No.10555885

>The first anniversary!
>Submitted by BaSF on Mon, 12/12/2011 - 20:39
Rip in piece, ViLE

>> No.10555926

I really liked her good end where you have a kid with her.
And demon sex with her was pretty hot.

I never did like the fact that she was essentially waiting for someone else, her soldier. Yeah, you come in and break the spell and make her not lonely anymore, but it still felt odd to me.

Mistress was my favorite girl though. I'd place Sari second.

I'm sad that they don't make VNs like this anymore, with exploration and such.

>> No.10555948

I am mAster otaku because I know this character, rispect me!1
regards OP

>> No.10555952

The spunky red-head with the bushy eyebrows was cute too, but if I recall correctly, you never got to properly penetrate her, which frustrated me as a kid.

Mistress had an extra sex scene at the end. I was expecting one for the red head girl too, but I was disappointed. In fact, I think no other girl had an extra ending sex scene.
This just proves that Mistress is best Illusion.

>> No.10555955

Her fiance was dead, and she was going to literally wait forever for him to return. Nothing wrong with helping her move on.

Agreed, it's a shame that VNs aren't like this anymore. Exploring the mansion and checking out its mysterious happenings was the best part of the game. The sex scenes were just a bonus.

>> No.10556046


Have a gift.

>> No.10556055


>> No.10556058

I actually downloaded it already though, someone posted a mediafire link with the soundtrack earlier.

>> No.10556065

Is it possible to make the games on here full-screen?

>> No.10556074

>168kB torrent
What is this I don't even. Have this instead (grab it while it lasts, MF likes to kill my files):

>> No.10556084

Well that's a little better. Thanks Anon.

>> No.10556091

Oddly enough, the only reason I know about that game is because of Yahtzee said that he got the idea for 5 Days a Stranger from it.

>> No.10556204

Eyes like that always spooked me out.

You should have realised games like this (age-wise) wouldn't be known that well. even if /a/ does talk about eroge nowadays

>> No.10556222

My favorite was the ending where you turn into a flower demon as well and have magic sex for all eternity. For my young self it was like a whoa shit ending.

>> No.10556281
File: 3 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least OP knows that NI is older than majority of /a/ now.

At first I was like "holy shit, how did I miss that ending?" but then I realised that it was my favourite ending too, it's just that "magic sex for all eternity" part in my memory was overwritten by how romantic that scene with two flowers was.
I swear that I'll reread it if somebody rips and uploads http://vndb.org/r21557 to TPB/UG/elsewhere (but not to Nyaa)

>> No.10556361

isn't that version the old windows 95 release though?


renewal one looks and sounds much better, with remastered music, updated graphics, voice overs and new cg.

if your browser supports zooming, you can zoom it in enough to get looking like full screen too.

>> No.10556388

>that "magic sex for all eternity" part in my memory was overwritten by how romantic that scene with two flowers was.
Of course I was just joking around, that's what made the ending stand out for me too.

>> No.10556506

I'm sorry to break your fun OP. But I'm a normalfaggot and I've known of this game for a long long time and I'm not even American.

I don't know how this will affect my ego though...

>> No.10556549

Most people who aren't 12 years old know about this game.

>> No.10557574
File: 357 KB, 640x400, Mu096a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

higher quality picture

>> No.10557616

This is what I don't like about 90s/early-2000s higher-quality rereleases of eroge.
The art isn't really better, it's just more vectory instead of pixely, and they use gradients instead of flat shading. I honestly prefer the pixely/flat look more.

It isn't so bad here, but it's apparent in other games. May Club/May Club DX is a good example.

>> No.10557694
File: 964 KB, 1122x800, backgrounds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

art probably isn't that much better, but at least the game feels fresher. the redone and expanded music and voices help a lot with that.

also, i think the backgrounds look nicer in the remake at least.

>> No.10559676

>isn't that version the old windows 95 release though?

Well, if VNDB is correct,
>Bonus features include:
>-Windows XP and Vista 32 & 64 bit support
>-Improved graphics and music (option to switch back to the original versions also exists)
>-CG gallery
>-Music gallery
>-Various new system options such as being able to change the game window, etc.
None of these are ground-breaking improvements, but it's still technically different from Win95 release. Besides, it's nice to have other 4 games in updated, considering that they didn't have remakes.

>> No.10559908
File: 32 KB, 640x400, miwako.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. Babby's first eroge.

My favorite was Miwako.

All the scenarios are coming back to me now. Was the game really as good as I remember?

>> No.10560431

I'm currently playing this game. The fuck do I do after I become the tree-climbing girl's "bokkun"? I've explored pretty much every location.

>> No.10561723

Miwako was good. I don't think there was a bad girl in the whole game. I liked all of it except the sex scenes between that demon and his "sister." Even that wasn't too awful, and it was quickly remedied with that old sword.

I don't remember exactly what to do after that, but try going through the hallways or back to your room. There are a few events that are triggered by visiting places that you don't normally think to go.

>> No.10564498

Oh man, I remember playing this game only for the story. the sex scenes were just kind of just "sealing the deal" in my brain at the time.

One day, mom came by the p.c. during one of the sex scenes and asked to use the p.c.

I force shut down the whole thing, and she got pissed because it was redundant. I just didn't wanna get caught.

Regardless, damn good game... damn good game.
