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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10549231 No.10549231[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>dat /jp/ hamburger

>> No.10549235

Now I want a hamburger.
But I don't want to spend money, I don't have much left. What do I do /jp/? ;_;

>> No.10549238
File: 224 KB, 700x700, 29702448_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a meat lover too.

>> No.10549243

Which mahjong would you share your hamburger with?

>> No.10549245

that feel when no burger

>> No.10549247

Retard master, of course.

>> No.10549253

Now I do too.
I went a year without eating one, and I ate one a week ago.
My god it was the best thing i've tasted in a while.

>> No.10549265

It's called a "faggot," son

>> No.10549268
File: 92 KB, 578x615, burgergril.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10549276
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>> No.10549280


>> No.10549287

I ate one a week ago too at Red Robin because someone had a giftcard. It was a double mushroom and swiss cheese burger, and it was amazing. I'm going to Five Guys this weekend too but I'm getting a hot dog there like I usually do with cheese, bacon, mushroom, jalapeno, hot sauce, and mustard. Then of course a massive amount of cajun fries.

>> No.10549305

I hate all of you. I could do with a good hamburger right about now.

>> No.10549321

I'd share my hambagah with all the Achigas.

>> No.10549328
File: 333 KB, 800x600, jalapeno-turkey-burger-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burgers are a staple of my diet.

>> No.10549363
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>/jp/ - burger culture

>> No.10549404

I never liked burgers. I don't really like ground beef and the bread makes me barf.

>> No.10549420
File: 103 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Saki Episode of Side A - 14 [720p].mkv_snapshot_09.51_[2013.01.31_08.35.15].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want burger

>> No.10549428

I had homemade hamburgers yesterday, and hot dogs today.
Feels good to be American.

>> No.10549434

There are many diffrent types of buns. Try one that isn't made from cheap shit.

>> No.10549455
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Does anyone here actually make their own burgers?

>> No.10549454

Try chicken burgers.

>> No.10549460
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I have one of those grills, so it's easy.

>> No.10549466

Or turkey. Maybe lamb burgers if you don't mind the price.

>> No.10549468

It's decided. Tomorrow I will leave my house for the first time since june to get a burger. All I have in my town is macdonalds and burger king. Which one is the best? I heard burger king has the best overall burger and macdonalds has the best fried potatoes and desserts. Is this true?

>> No.10549471

Burger king has better fries but I actually don't like their burgers very much. Usually pretty sloppy and flavorless. Mcdonalds burgers are cheap grease balls of sodium but at least they're tasty.

>> No.10549474

How do you season them? I have one of those too.

>> No.10549478

vegan here

>> No.10549481

When it warms up every week or two my mom will grill burgs outside with the propane. It reminds me of popeye because there will be a neat pyramid of burgers for my siblings and me when she's done.

>> No.10549482

Are you sure those are the only two places? Those are tier 1 burgers and not very good.

I had a couple of big wendy's burgers last week and although I'm not afraid of grease there was too much. Also one was absolutely caked in mayonnaise.
