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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.89 MB, 2629x1200, ユイ翼装備.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10538432 No.10538432 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>10520022

What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.10538439

Is this from a VN?

>> No.10538440
File: 1.95 MB, 2400x1234, 小鳥と一緒に歌うユイ2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yui was delicious

>> No.10538441


>> No.10538452

Yes, named その光その翼~アザトースの遺産~

Also to answer the question there >>10538366
Since it's the first game out of 3 you can't really judge it yet, this first part just introduced the admittedly very interesting setting.
Honestly I thought the pacing was off at time and the game ended up being far too long for what it was, the characters are nice though and the writing is pretty good for a doujin game.
But the art is the best things about it, all the characters have an ungodly amount of Tachi-e all beautiful, you have stuffs like a character picking an object and you actually see it in their hand.
The artist really did an amazing job.

I don't know if it will reaches JQV level to me but at least I hope shit will hit the fan in an epic way in the following chapters, it has the setting for it.
But personally 蟲ノ目 impressed me more for a recent doujin game.

>> No.10538460

Did you buy it? I can't find a torrent.

>> No.10538465

Only a monster would pirate the game at this point.

Since I'm in stema mode, go buy this too you won't regret it

>> No.10538468

Wow, that's even cheaper than I thought. I might actually try this out.

>> No.10538470

Funny since most of the sales for Sonosono in DLsite are probably from gaijin.

>> No.10538506

>doujin game.

>> No.10538508

Just finished Umineko and Rose Guns Days.

Give me a mystery novel to read. Without routes, if possible, I don't want to be forced to walk to my computer to read it.

>> No.10538511

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.10538513


>> No.10538516

Please don't reply to shitposts.

>> No.10538519

Was a request a shitpost? If so, I'm sorry.

>> No.10538528

They were talking about the other guy, probably. Try Kara no Shoujo or Innocent Grey stuff

>> No.10538533

>Innocent Grey
I'll try that. Kara no SHoujo, I tried it, it's a Trial and Error kind of game.

>> No.10538534

YU-NO is the best mystery VN. Read that.

>> No.10538554

The other Innocent Grey games are even worse in that areas, none of them have a good mystery anyways.

Try this, it's a 30 minutes long mystery game you actually have to solve

>> No.10538583

>下倉バイオ ‏@shimokura_vio
I don't really like his games with a single exception, but I can respect the guy

>> No.10538586


The thread is 100 times better like this.

>> No.10538591

>Innocent Gay

>> No.10538595

Sakurai always had a cool message on her twitter.
I definitely respect the guy more now, I thought Axanael was mediocre but I guess I'll try his new game

>> No.10538599

It's a genre shift, isn't it?

>> No.10538607

The genre shift is that, despite everything hinting to it, there's no genre-shift.

>> No.10538614

Maybe if, you know, companies were actually releasing good games, people wouldn't be saying that the industry is dying. But instead it's just the same thing every month, a bunch of generic eroge with forgettable characters or settings, or it's poorly written.

>> No.10538617

I like generic eroge but my opinion is probably in the minority so don't mind me.

>> No.10538623

I'm pretty much the same as >>10538617 but if all the games were good then wouldn't people just ask for even better games?

>> No.10538631

I know that there are people that like generic eroge, and I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that. But when somebody says the industry is dying it's just like, yeah, no kidding. 10 formulaic high school harems each month is not going to breath life into the industry.

>> No.10538642

This is not something that's exclusive to eroge. By your logic the LN-industry should be in shambles.

>> No.10538645

Many other industries as well for that matter.

>> No.10538656
File: 113 KB, 1815x2154, eroge ranking 2ch 2012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2012 is a shit year, no wonder people think it's dying.
Hopefully this year would be better.

>> No.10538658

LN novels are the equivalent of the trashy novel industry in the west. And both industries rely on people spewing out the same formulaic, crap with a new and exotic twist.

>> No.10538662

Isn't this true for all industries? Once you find a working concept you stick to it until people get tired of it.

>> No.10538663

Hardly. The LN market is huge. Many series sell over 100k copies a volume, and the barrier to entry is only about 500 yen. The eroge industry isn't that big, and has been shrinking.

>> No.10538668

How many copies does the average VN sell?

I've seen best-sellers lists but I've never seen any numbers.

>> No.10538679

Some Japanese computer magazine used to publish a monthly chart, but I forgot its name.

Since then the big stores put charts online, but I forgot their names.

I linked these to someone about a year ago.

Someone might know what I'm talking about.

>> No.10538683

No, but if people come to expect it, then they never tire of it. When people come to expect better, when someone breaks the tradition, that is when things begin go downhill.

>> No.10538685

Well, it wasn't what I was thinking of, but apparently PUSH!! publishes figures.


>> No.10538686

Yes, we heard you the first 34 times. Man, you're really in love with that image. And everyone managed to survive 2007 somehow!

>> No.10538688

Push points aren't actual sales figure.

>> No.10538705

It's just like the people who shout that anime is dying (and have been doing so for the past few years if not decade)

>> No.10538708

What? It's my first time posting that image.

>> No.10538710

It's already dead though.

>> No.10538714
File: 17 KB, 794x595, 20130129203159.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Low priced eroge is the future.

>> No.10538718

If they can make it enjoyable still like some doujin games then I'm all for it. If they're all going to be like those shitty low quality nukiges then it sounds like a terrible future.

>> No.10538761

Been playing Danganronpa. Do I need to put much thought into choosing who to spend time with, what presents to give etc.
Because that's kind of annoying and the skills don't seem to be very useful anyway.

>> No.10538828

Well apparently はるまで、くるる only sold 2,900 copies.
It was no 17 on the sales ranking here: http://www.getchu.com/pc/salesranking201204.html
We could infer that everything below it sold less than 2900 copies

>> No.10538833

No, the game is perfectly doable without skills, just spend time with the characters you like.

>> No.10538835 [DELETED] 

Because getchu is the only place that sells that game.

>> No.10538841

The 2,900 sales figure isn't from getchu.

>> No.10538987

for some cheap laughs and self-irony

>タカヒロ儲  「売り上げとランキングが1位なんだから面白いに決まってる!」(ハンバーガー)
>るーす儲   「るーすは伏線だけじゃなく人間ドラマを描いてるんだよ。わからんのは幼稚なんじゃね?」(厨二病)
>健速儲    「日常がつまらない?ラストが良ければいいんだよ。この良さがわからない人は人生経験足りないんじゃない?」(自演)
>曲芸儲    「俺らは終わりのないエンターテイメントを支える選ばれし者!」(床に伏すほどの重体者達)
>嘘屋儲    「一部の人にしか合わないかもね…また機会があったらやってみてよ…」(遠望)
>ブサイク儲  「初心者にはちょっとキツかったかw まあ、その内に好きになるよ」(体育会系)
>ニトロ儲   「アニメ関連ばかり進めるのはエロゲの次回作のためだから(村正)」(瀕死)
>minori 儲   「でも、あのムービーはエロゲ界随一だろ?」(新海儲)
>ゆず儲    「エロゲ史に残る最高傑作だよ。え?古いエロゲなんて今更やらねえよ」(ゆとり)
>light儲  「えっ?怒りの日は未完成なんかじゃないよ?常に進化していくコンテンツ!」(管理されたユーザー様)
>AXL儲     「良くも悪くもいつもどおりの安定のAXL!70点!え?新作?あれは世界観がたまたま悪かった」(停滞という名の下降)

>> No.10538989

>Rococo儲   「世界観は良いんだよ。次こそカタハネ超えるはず」(現実逃避)
>緑茶儲    「これがいつもの緑茶なんだよ、ライター調べてなかったお前が悪い」(情弱扱い)
>ぱれっと儲  「くすくすはもしらばの頃が一番良かった」(回顧)
>ケロQ儲   「理解できないのがいいんだよ。理解できることやってどうすんだ」(電波)
>おるごぉる儲 「ちょwおるごぉるは相変わらず変態すぎるw」(誇張)
>CUFFS儲  「俺達は完成をいつまでも待ってるから」(目の焦点が合ってない)
>きのこ儲 「新作が出ない?出てるだろ?Fateが(CS)」(使徒)
>瀬戸口儲 「 人間の内面っていうのかな?そこらの萌えゲーにはないリアリティが……以下省略」(長文説教)

>> No.10539266

Mind translating?

>> No.10539276



>> No.10539280
File: 157 KB, 728x655, s11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ur a faget. Have a cat.

>> No.10539281


>> No.10539690
File: 432 KB, 800x1200, 1361199448075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10539821


Is it even possible to have more awesome antagonists than Dies Irae?

>> No.10539817
File: 84 KB, 1152x648, 31531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far this has been an enjoyable VN. Pretty nice setting although the art is honestly hard to get used to.

>> No.10539935

Hikaru was about the same level for me.
But yeah Dies opera like nature allow a lot of great monologues which really adds to the overall awesomeness of the cast

>> No.10539942


>> No.10539943

That's a K, you can see that it goes inside a tiny little bit.

>> No.10540084
File: 244 KB, 810x632, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished Oretsuba including Kouda route.

I have to say I was really impressed how well the setting and characters were done. I don't think I've had such great time reading something that doesn't rely on (overly complicated) plot twists/devices or drama before. Chapter 4 and beginning of Kobato route had me in tears.

Was also happy the game wasn't afraid of including girls without a route. It's happened to me too many times before in game where you have a route for every girl but in the end I only end up caring for one or two, if even that. Kouda was pushing it though so I'm happy they included her a route, even if there are sadly no H-scenes. Kazuma was also such a great character.

One thing that bothered me a little is how it seems the whole thing was made with the fandisk in mind. Apart Kouda route and maybe Takashi routes the game really left me wanting for more. About to dive into the fandisk in a moment so as long as the routes leave me satisfied I'm not really complaining.

Glad I decided to read read Kouda's route before the fandisk because how much it hurt seeing Asuka in that route. Goddamn

>> No.10540100

How I wished the fandisk had added routes aside from adters and side stories. A Kinako route for Shuusuke, and mayb e throw a bone to Karura and have a route with him, should be hilarious at least.

>> No.10540127

>and mayb e throw a bone to Karura and have a route with him, should be hilarious at least
Imagine Karura route with Takauchi as heroine

>> No.10540134

Takeuchi is meant for cosplay sex with Takashi from the moment she got obsessed with being moe.
Karura needs a woman like Tamahiyo to set him straight, going by the fandisk.

>> No.10540145

I would've like a Eriko route for Shuusuke. There was that hilarious part where you can choose her as his ideal girl and they just stare at each other like they're weighting each other, then they all joke and tsukkomi, then they keep staring at each other.
Also yeah Karura needs more love (paradoxically?)

>> No.10540235

How about Miyako route?

>> No.10540343

What about her route? To be honest I wouldn't have minded if she didn't have one. Then again it was short and had some interesting scenes. Personally did not care for the character and to be honest I'm glad they dropped her route for the fandisk.

>I would've like a Eriko route for Shuusuke.
Yeah this would've been probably quite interesting, at least compared to a route for Kinako. Kinako didn't really seem that interesting character to me, even a Yoneda route would've probably been more interesting for Shuusuke, however that would've worked.

Anyway started the fandisk now, glad to see the main characters are fully voiced now. Although it's not a big deal, would've liked if they had fully voiced everyone in the main game, apart from Kobato route and H-scenes.

>> No.10541173
File: 358 KB, 1920x1200, 1352388319776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10541807


    TG  PUSH     発売日      タイトル・ブランド
1.  4191 59,272 2012年01月27日 真剣で私に恋しなさい!S みなとそふと
2.  2693 33,780 2012年03月30日 DRACU-RIOT!(ドラクリオット) ゆずソフト
3.  1967 79,120 2012年04月12日 魔法使いの夜 TYPE-MOON
4.  1828 24,336 2012年04月27日 創刻のアテリアル エウシュリー
5.  1620 27,696 2012年02月24日 グリザイアの迷宮 -LE LABYRINTHE DE GRISAIA- フロントウイング
6.  1403 18,412 2012年09月28日 辻堂さんの純愛ロード みなとカーニバル
7.  1351 21,800 2012年12月21日 夏空のペルセウス minori
8.  1323 15,740 2012年07月27日 Rewrite Harvest festa! Key
9.  1173 16,216 2012年10月26日 花色ヘプタグラム Lump of Sugar
10 1161 18,236 2012年02月10日 ティンクル☆くるせいだーす -Passion Star Stream- Lillian
11 1090 15,004 2012年02月24日 はつゆきさくら SAGA PLANETS
12 1022 11,728 2012年01月27日 学☆王 -THE ROYAL SEVEN STARS- Lump of Sugar
13 1004 13,988 2012年11月30日 ウィッチズガーデン ういんどみるOasis
14 0974 13,152 2012年10月26日 恋色マリアージュ ま~まれぇど
15 0899 16,024 2012年03月30日 英雄*戦姫 天狐
16 0897 12,760 2012年10月26日 祝福の鐘の音は、桜色の風と共に すたじお緑茶
17 0852 12,848 2012年10月26日 月に寄りそう乙女の作法 Navel
18 0846 05,224 2012年04月27日 D.C.III~ダ・カーポIII~ CIRCUS
19 0794 12,184 2012年03月23日 マテリアルブレイブ 戯画
20 0788 07,916 2012年04月27日 星空へ架かる橋AA feng

>> No.10541820

21 0747 11,596 2012年08月31日 イモウトノカタチ Sphere(スフィア)
22 0729 11,408 2012年06月29日 初恋1/1(いちぶんのいち) tone work's
23 0728 10,944 2012年05月25日 この大空に、翼をひろげて PULLTOP
24 0710 07,052 2012年02月24日 ランス・クエスト マグナム ALICESOFT
25 0707 09,384 2012年08月31日 いろとりどりのヒカリ FAVORITE
26 0677 09,900 2012年04月27日 デモニオン ~魔王の地下要塞~ Astronauts
27 0671 07,772 2012年04月27日 俺の彼女のウラオモテ Aries
28 0660 10,300 2012年09月28日 ピュアガール フロントウイング
29 0657 09,856 2012年12月21日 Justy×Nasty ~魔王はじめました~ Whirlpool
30 0650 09,516 2012年04月27日 ものべの -MONOBENO- Lose
31 0626 08,304 2012年06月29日 Dolphin Divers AXL
32 0622 10,192 2012年12月21日 隣りのぷ~さん たぬきそふと
33 0618 07,068 2012年01月27日 同棲ラブラブル SMEE
34 0603 08,544 2012年09月28日 門を守るお仕事 ソフトハウスキャラ
35 0556 09,260 2012年07月27日 てにおはっ! rootnuko+H
36 0543 06,804 2012年03月30日 ‘&’-空の向こうで咲きますように- 暁WORKS
37 0529 10,472 2012年11月30日 倉野くんちのふたご事情 CUBE
38 0519 11,228 2012年06月29日 フォルト!!S(サービス)~新たなる恋敵(ライバル)~ Ciel
39 0519 08,956 2012年07月27日 すぽコン!~SPORTS WEAR-COMPLEX~ アストロノーツ・アリア
40 0517 08,080 2012年12月21日 恋剣乙女 eufonie(ユーフォニー)

>> No.10541829

41 0493 08,044 2012年12月21日 あっぱれ!天下御免[祭] ~恋と嵐は大江戸の華~ BaseSon
42 0483 06,000 2012年05月25日 神がかりクロスハート! ういんどみる
43 0480 08,244 2012年08月31日 中の人などいない! トーキョー・ヒーロー・プロジェクト ALcot
44 0469 11,176 2012年06月29日 1/2 summer(ワンサイドサマー) ALcot ハニカム
45 0466 03,564 2012年08月10日 学☆王 It’s Heartful Days!! Lump of Sugar
46 0463 06,612 2012年05月18日 すぴぱら STORY #01 - Spring Has Come! minori
47 0462 07,340 2012年09月28日 竜翼のメロディア -Diva with the blessed dragonol- Whirlpool
48 0461 09,348 2012年02月24日 ホチキス 戯画
49 0451 06,160 2012年12月14日 キスベル 戯画
50 0450 05,784 2012年12月14日 彼女と俺と恋人と。 PULLTOP LATTE
51 0449 05,160 2012年10月26日 ぜったい最胸☆おっぱい戦争!! ~巨乳王国vs貧乳王国~ softhouse-seal GRANDEE
52 0432 04,992 2012年08月24日 さくら、咲きました。 SORAHANE
53 0432 04,792 2012年03月23日 ぜったい猟域☆セックス・ロワイアル!! ~無人島犯し合いバトル~ softhouse-seal GRANDEE
54 0430 05,920 2012年01月27日 BUNNYBLACK 2 ソフトハウスキャラ
55 0423 05,884 2012年09月28日 特別授業3SLG BISHOP
56 0422 07,244 2012年06月29日 えれくと! アストロノーツ・スピカ
57 0419 05,060 2012年07月27日 紅神楽 -くれないかぐら- でぼの巣製作所
58 0409 04,740 2012年11月16日 炎の孕ませおっぱい乳同級生 SQUEEZ
59 0402 03,244 2012年12月14日 いますぐお兄ちゃんに妹だっていいたい! fairys
60 0395 05,840 2012年04月27日 VenusBlood -FRONTIER- Dual Tail

>> No.10541838

61 0392 06,264 2012年09月28日 LOVELY QUEST HOOKSOFT
62 0390 07,860 2012年03月30日 放課後☆エロゲー部!~エロゲー制作のため女の子たちとえっちしまくりな毎日~ MOONSTONE Cherry
63 0389 04,524 2012年06月29日 fortissimo EXS//Akkord:nachsten Phase(フォルテシモ エグゼス アコルト:ネクステン ファーゼ) La’cryma(ラクリマ)
64 0381 06,260 2012年07月27日 Tiny Dungeon~BRAVE or SLAVE~ Rosebleu(ロゼブル)
65 0372 07,880 2012年07月27日 美少女万華鏡 -忘れな草と永遠の少女- ωstar
66 0363 05,380 2012年06月29日 アステリズム -Astraythem- チュアブルソフト
67 0361 05,720 2012年04月27日 SHINY DAYS オーバーフロー
68 0358 04,748 2012年11月22日 毎日しゃぶっていいですか? ~1部屋-魔乳家族~ OLE-M
69 0357 04,856 2012年03月30日 マブラヴ オルタネイティヴ クロニクルズ03 アージュ
70 0352 04,296 2012年05月25日 恋妹SWEET☆DAYS Parasol
71 0346 04,208 2012年05月25日 巨乳ファンタジー2 WAFFLE
72 0342 04,248 2012年09月28日 Zero Infinity -Devil of Maxwell- light
73 0336 04,280 2012年05月25日 しあわせ家族部 パープルソフトウェア
74 0335 04,976 2012年12月21日 百機夜行 G.J?
75 0334 04,768 2012年02月24日 死神のテスタメント ~menuet of epistula~ 3rdEye
76 0331 04,764 2012年11月22日 魔王と踊れ! CODE:ARCANA catwalk
77 0328 03,956 2012年11月22日 女系家族III ~秘密HIMITSU卑蜜~ シルキーズ
78 0326 03,212 2012年08月31日 リヴォルバーガール☆ハンマーレディ KAI
79 0320 04,708 2012年06月29日 紅蓮華-ぐれんか- エスクード

>> No.10541845

80 0320 04,948 2012年12月21日 ヒメゴト・マスカレイド ~お嬢様たちの戯れ~ エスクード
81 0313 03,516 2012年08月31日 東京バベル propeller
82 0311 04,572 2012年03月30日 乙女が紡ぐ恋のキャンバス ensemble
83 0309 04,428 2012年12月21日 Chaos Labyrinth -ケイオスラビリンス- でぼの巣製作所
84 0307 03,028 2012年10月26日 あなたの事を好きと言わせて プラリネ
85 0306 04,572 2012年06月29日 フツウノファンタジー EX-ONE
86 0301 03,972 2012年03月23日 しりこん☆まじっく ~生まれる前からあなた専用?!~ BISHOP
87 0295 03,104 2012年10月26日 催眠遊戯 スタッフィング
88 0284 04,268 2012年06月22日 LEWDNESS~Vita sexualis~ Empress
89 0284 03,576 2012年09月28日 母娘乱館 ALICESOFT
90 0284 02,428 2012年08月24日 貧は僕らの福の神 ~貧乏の神さまだって幸せになりたいと思っているのだ~ ボンボンカンパニー

TG   : TECHGIANトップランキング(2012年上半期、期間内各月2012年01月01日~2012年12月31日)
PUSH : totoPUSH!!売り上げランキング(2012年01月16日~2013年01月15日)

>> No.10541870

A good way to estimate sales figures is to multiply TG by 10 and add it to PUSH. It's not accurate but it's going to be near it.

For example for MajikoiS:
(4191 x 10) + 59,272 = 101,182

>> No.10541941

How much do producers make off one full priced unit? Getchu sells a full game for about \8,680 so for MajikoiS it made a little less than $9.5mil? That doesn't sound bad for an eroge.

>> No.10541953

What VN is this? Is that the actual art, or an ingame joke?

>> No.10541965
File: 376 KB, 1152x648, 3123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

木洩れ陽のノスタルジーカ, it's just a joke. The setting makes me wish I was born a few centuries later.

>> No.10541963

Depends on the company but mostly they only get half of it.


>> No.10541971

Wow, shops get half the cut? Eroge makers need to make their own Steam.

>> No.10541974

You know, that's actually not a bad idea.

>> No.10541982

Is that sort of thing supposed to be normal in businesses? It sounds amazing that the developer who shoulders most of the costs can barely get half of the money out of the sales.

>> No.10541993

Sadly it is, and is often worse.

>> No.10542113

Well, buyers do want their physical goods too

>> No.10542185


Not all of them. If i had a lot of money, i would still pirate eroge's, but i would send donations to my favorite companies. Physical goods are a pain, and so is the shipping.

>> No.10542256 [DELETED] 

I would buy my favorite eroge for $50-$70 (assuming they drop prices so they don't have to deal with middle men and the fact that you get bonuses with your purchase) if I could use something like steam. My money straight to the developer's hands, like it should be.

>> No.10542264

I would buy my favorite eroge for $50-$70 (assuming they drop prices since they don't have to deal with middle men and the fact that you don't get bonuses with your purchase) if I could use something like steam. My money straight to the developer's hands, like it should be.

>> No.10542271

Steam takes around 40% of the sale.

>> No.10542284

20-30% idiot

>> No.10542508

You can already do that. Go look at DMM.

>> No.10542985

following the bleak trend of revelations of past days
>正直な話、商業作品としてのゲームリリースはおそらく僕天で ラストか、あと1本行けるか行けないかぐらいだと思う。別に会社が倒産するとかではなく今の業界スタイルで作品を出すにはもう限界って事で

>> No.10542992

Maybe it's not due to the industry but simply because they keep releasing shitty stuff

>> No.10542999

Unfortunately Japan isn't big on digital distribution yet.

>> No.10543007

Thread is pretty dead these days, I guess there was nothing interesting this month

>> No.10543008

well, hapymaher is supposed to be released tomorrow, so hopefully there will be some people discussing that soon.

>> No.10543014

Except the big games don't get released until tomorrow. Though I do agree nothing looks interesting. I think I'll at least read overdrive's new game.

>> No.10543024

Did anyone bother reading moteore in the end?

>> No.10543041

Oh it's by the writer of Re:Birth Colony.
It wasn't on my radar before but I guess I'll try it
Talking about Re:Birth, anyone tried Komorebi no Nostalgica? Setting is a bit similar but the trial of Komorebi had a bit too much bland infodump for me liking.
Does it get better?

>> No.10543049


if you follow the quotes back he says it's pretty good or something.

>> No.10543050

Only had time to finish Pricolle this month and now that new stuff is coming tomorrow I'll just forget about it. Not too much into shuraba anyway.

>> No.10543058

I was planning on playing it and had talked about it a few times here but I decided not to in favor of reading some things on my backlog. Also the protag seems to be pretty shitty:
Now only Hapymaher and the new Overdrive game to look forward to, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

>> No.10543061

So he is a handsome man and a man who has sex with a lot of women but in front of the heroines he becomes a good-for-nothing and that's relatively annoying? I am glad I skipped out on reading it too.

>> No.10543086


He is suggested to be capable but the fact he slept with all four of them in the beginning seem to be out of play with how he acts during school (a whimper). I was really hoping for more of a swagger type (like say, playful like Yuuji in Grisaia) thus dialogue not really upto my expectation.

>> No.10543106
File: 1.13 MB, 1187x719, swordofvirgin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started this, seems fairly generic so far but i'm only 15 minutes in so i cant really judge anything.

>> No.10543155

It is generic.
I was disappointed to be honest, I was expecting battle stuff.
Instead I get a moege.

>> No.10543201
File: 417 KB, 1286x764, titty recollection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sayaka's mom route when

>> No.10543205

Sayaka's mom sprite when.

>> No.10543229

Is this translated yet? I feel like getting back into VN's.

>> No.10543232 [DELETED] 


>> No.10543234


>> No.10543235

To be honest, I doubt that it will ever be translated unless it's by someone who doesn't know what they're doing and doesn't give a shit about pissing off moogy

>> No.10543263

So tempting to machine translate the script, and create a patch. It might actually provoke some discussion as well.

>> No.10543273

Moogy's Words of True Wisdom

>N1 is really easy and anyone who can read an eroge in Japanese can pass it no sweat

>as a whole the JLPT is basically just designed to make gaijin feel good about themselves, the only level with any merit at all (and any value in the real world) is N1 and that's basically "can you read and interpret normal Japanese" with a ridiculously low threshold for passing, what the fuck is 100/180 (I got 176/180 when I took it, no studying beforehand etc.)

>> No.10543301

There you have it. He has the balls to say how difficult things are when you spend your days doing nothing. It's the NEET perspective.

I would say that I understand that you want to ridicule him out of this universe to make yourself look better, but I don't, so I won't.

>> No.10543317

? These are from his vndb posts.

Did you think my calling it wisdom was a jab at him? well it was

>> No.10543470

Baldr Sky Zero still has no trial...
Since GIGA's not releasing one I guess it's almost guaranteed to be a landmine. Even Material Brave had a trial...

>> No.10543475


Well me too, I want hoping for them to bring back the alien that supposed to been extinguished so the school kids go play "Save the world". I mean, those aliens just fell from the sky.

>> No.10543488

I didn't know that gizoogle was back, I thought tey were still gone like elgoog

>> No.10543491

Read the about, linked at the bottom, it's not back - just revived by people who loved it.

>> No.10543494

The art and system was pretty good. The setting was alright as well, but while it's nothing new for the protagonist to be a walking plot device, I especially hate that sort of protagonist.

And yeah, since it was mentioned I was hoping for the aliens to show up again but they never did.

Though it's a little too early to be saying this, lately there seems to be a fair bit of hyped up gameplay which end up as landmines once released.

>> No.10544422
File: 486 KB, 2744x1544, wallmanga_wallpapers_grisaia_no_meikyuu_0023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10544745

Oh man, I didn't realize you could save your game during the trials in Danganronpa until chapter 3. Kind of makes them less exciting though.

>> No.10544808

I was grateful as hell for it though. I've made a lot of silly fuck ups during trials.
I hate timed minigames.

>> No.10544837

The timer has been very generous so far. You get minutes for stuff that takes seconds.

>> No.10544879

The DR ones aren't hard, but I aim for perfect scores in trials so I still end up resetting a lot.
The only one that's been a real pain in the ass for me so far is the sword minigame in the second game because the controls suck for it.

How far are you in the game? Which character is your favorite? Have they died yet?

>> No.10545010

>How far are you in the game? Which character is your favorite?
Just started chapter 4 and my favorite character is certainly Monokuma.
Also, time to look for some doujins featuring Aoi. Tanned genki girl with big tits. Perfect.

>> No.10545923

New Overdrive and some other stuff looks like it's out on Share now.

>> No.10546197

So he was just a regular MC that happened to be to spineless to stick to one woman? I kinda wish it was a yandere game at this point, sounds like a bad read.

At least hapymaher is out tomorrow.

>> No.10546487
File: 878 KB, 1280x1024, 1280-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tanned genki girl with big tits. Perfect.
You ain't seen nothing yet.

>> No.10546519
File: 37 KB, 379x376, 1354775877526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10546520
File: 134 KB, 536x318, cdown (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Please support bamboo ;_;

>> No.10546526

Akane was one of my least favorites in SDR2. Aoi was better.
The staff must have a fetish for their tanned big breasted girls considering they both lived until the end.

>> No.10546534

I don't think the all of 68 cents in my bank account would help him much.

>> No.10546536

Maybe if he called Tammy again to livestream.

>> No.10546557 [DELETED] 



>> No.10546562

If I were to pay for an eroge, it certainly wouldn't be an Overdrive game (well, maybe Kirakira, but not this one anyway).

>> No.10546575


Was the trial good?

>> No.10546585

Tamiyasu Tomoe. She's been rather popular lately with her role as Makina in Grisaia and Rin in Little Busters. Incidentally today she's livestreaming an event for PR of her new music album in nico.

>> No.10546593


Yeah, I know who she is now, thank you! Didn't now her well enough to know they called her Tammy, though. There's much for me to learn, apparently.

>> No.10546901

So Baldr Sky Zero has been delayed till July.
March keep getting better

>> No.10546905
File: 440 KB, 1038x384, 1362026805174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well it will probably be shit anyways

>> No.10546963
File: 256 KB, 1018x567, ラヴレッシブ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I nearly spat out my drink... Not to mention the beginning bed scene.

>> No.10547065

How many notable releases are left for March? Lovesick Puppies is the only one I can think of.

>> No.10547068

I don't think there's much to expect in terms of plot so, is the comedy good?

>> No.10547085
File: 800 KB, 2560x1440, bokusora01_2560-1440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am kinda of interested in 僕らの頭上(うえ)に星空(そら)は廻る

Has anyone played the trial?

>> No.10547115

So far there hasn't been a single dull moment. The comedy is 9/10. I can't say much on the plot yet, though. This is the funnest VN I've played all year, so I'll more then likely give my thoughts when I finish a route.

>> No.10547152

Looks like the writer is new.
I'll try it

>> No.10547159
File: 23 KB, 241x300, S-bu kisaragi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's not much notable, most that I'm gonna' read are fetish pleasers like love-ressive

and clockup's new game where the hottest girl is probably not bangable

not much that reliably looks like it will have good drama material imo other than >>10547085

>> No.10547165

scratch that, talking about love looks like it has a chance now that I went back and read the lists, but not too much of one, has anyone actually played anything by ID? they're kind of young

inpyuri looks cute
and happymea looks like it could be interesting

>> No.10547168

Didn't even know a new waffle game was coming out. What a pleasant awakening for my dick.

>> No.10547185
File: 34 KB, 595x335, t398nfdjkth3q9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new company's debut vn
>kiritani hana

>> No.10547458
File: 296 KB, 652x892, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New raiL for me, although I'm not sure whether I'll buy the package version since I already bought the first game and supposedly they'll release the new content as a DL version not too long after March.

The game in >>10547085 seems to have rather nice art, I might try it if the trial is any good.

>> No.10547496

Yeah I forgot about this, seem like the only thing that could interest me in March.
I guess I should buy the first game, is it worth buying the 淫乱譚 version? I don't really care about the ero but I don't want to miss anything plot related.

>> No.10547505

Nope, most of the content in 淫乱譚 is straight from the main game anyway. It does introduce a tachie and voice for a character without either of them in the main game, but she seems to appear in a more proper role in the upcoming game anyways.

>> No.10547530

Anyone else having problem with デデンデン!?

The controls aren't working.

>> No.10547532

Do you use Amazon with proxy or something else?

>> No.10547538

First part is available on DLsite

>> No.10547551

Works fine for me with a Dualshock.

>> No.10547556

I'm not using a joystick.
What are the controls for this game? Arrow keys doesn't work and the mouse isn't responsive.

>> No.10547564

As >>10547538 said, but other than DL stuff I usually buy from either Amazon, Sofmap or Amiami, depending on how much stuff I want to buy at once and whether there is a particular preorder bonus I want or whatever.

>> No.10547573

Dunno, arrow keys and mouse work for me too.

>> No.10547603

Hey tell me the AGTH code

>> No.10547613


>> No.10547626


>> No.10547631

New Makura.

>> No.10547686

Nevermind I managed to fix it.
If anyone else encounters the same problem just edit Setting.ini in the game folder and replace KEY_06-09 entry with the following:
For some reason this was set to 0 in mine.

>> No.10547705

>ジャンル: 青春すぎて死にたくなる学園ADV

I cringed just from the description.

>> No.10547716

throw in some swords and guns and it'll be edgy enough to be the new F/SN rather than just the new yume miru kusuri

or is suicide some common that japs take it as normal now?

>> No.10547725

What are you talking about?

>> No.10547731

oh misread that, thought I saw something else
yah, I'm not good with mornings

>> No.10547736

thought it said oretachi at the end for some reason, I don't even know why

>> No.10548017
File: 374 KB, 1152x648, 531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going out with your (android) waifu and picking gentials to install onto her so you can have sex. This is a pretty romantic story alright.

>> No.10548045

Well this peaked my interest. Is the android/human relations part part of the focus of the story and well written or is it tacked on?

>> No.10548046



It's not that I'm correcting you but I want you to learn about this word.

>> No.10548047


>> No.10548048

Yes, one of the main plot points is the relationship between humans and androids overall. Well written or not I don't really know how I'd judge but at least it covers the basic points of how androids will live much longer than humans and some other obvious differences.

>> No.10548053

Please go to r*ddit and don't come back. They'd love you there.

Guess I'll at least try the trial.

>> No.10548064

>Please go to r*ddit and don't come back.
What the fuck does that site have to do with anything he said?

>> No.10548074

Apparently, where that Anon came from Ribbit is perceived as a bastion of intellectualism.

Which makes you wonder what kind of shithole it is that he came from. But I don't think I really want to know.

>> No.10548075

Anytime a grammar nazi (who's actually a spelling nazi) comes along on r*ddit, a giant circle jerk develops around him that completely derails the original thread. I was suggesting that they'd appreciate his efforts there more than here where I'm not even sure half the users are native English speakers.

>> No.10548079

Shut the fuck up loser.

>> No.10548095

What kind of a retard you need to be to reject help given to you by native speakers of the language you're trying to learn?

>> No.10548109

Maybe it's you who should head back there with the rest of the ravening idiots if you can't handle people correcting your English.

>> No.10548115


Take it easy and don't talk about that site which must not be named.

>> No.10548131

The person who redirected someone to that site over something entirely irrelevant turned out to be a user of that site. The irony was too good to pass up.

>> No.10548152


My telling you to go to r*ddit is not an insult, but a simple suggestion as to where you might find your pseudo-intellectualism and off-topic shit is more appreciated. Also, you might want to look into want "irony" means.

>> No.10548159

posts about visual novels are my favorite posts in the visual novel thread
let's talk about visual novels. Trial for Lovelycation 2 was just released for people interested

>> No.10548165

Awesome. Thanks for telling us.

>> No.10548172

>My telling you to go to r*ddit is not an insult a simple suggestion as to where you might find your pseudo-intellectualism and off-topic shit is more appreciated.

>Also, you might want to look into want "irony" means.
Your post is dripping with it.

>> No.10548183

Okay, here are the mirrors since they have gaijinblock on:




Please stop shitting up this thread, I'm begging you. Just take one look at r*ddit. You'll love it there, trust me.

>> No.10548188

>Please stop shitting up this thread, I'm begging you. Just take one look at r*ddit.
None of this would have happened if you hadn't desperately trying to get people to visit the site you love so much, or if you stopped after people called you out on what a faggot you're being.

>> No.10548189

Playing Kajitsu for the first time here, interesting read and I am loving Yuuji's little anecdotes.

Someone told me that the heroines would take a while to warm up to Yuuji but I am 3~ hours in and they already seem to be interested in him.

Is this a good route order?

>> No.10548193

Fucking typos

>> No.10548197

It's pkay, everyone here has had sex with her already so we already know her name.

>> No.10548201

Looks okay.
It's usually recommended to read Amane's last (both endings) as it connects best to Meikyuu's Grand Route.

Or just read in the order they're presented, though Yumiko's is a bit weak as a finale.

>> No.10548202

I'd swap Sachi and Michiru, but the order is good.
As long as you finish with Amane or Makina, it's fine, never Yumiko no matter how much of a main heroine the op movie hints her to be.

>> No.10548207

Look fine I guess, be aware that Sakaki's is like a downgraded version of Makina's, and that Makina's and Amane's are the most "plot-relevant" routes. Makina's also includes more Yuuji's background material.

>> No.10548208


I read Makina's and Amane's routes, skipped over the rest of girls, and read some spoilers regarding their stories and I didn't feel like I was missing anything when reading the Meikyuu grand route or the Rakuen trial. So there's always that option if you get bored since Kaijitsu is a really long game.

>> No.10548209

What is wrong with her route? Did a different writer write it or it just doesn't fit in with the grand scheme of things? Also I just like Sachi so that will be my first aim, maybe I will do Michiru's second.

And half the town, it would suprise me if she was a nympho or used goods.

>> No.10548212

>skipped over the rest of girls
can i hate you

>> No.10548214

Sorry, while the other girls are great and all, after Amane's route, the only girl I had my heart on was Kazuki.

>> No.10548217


It's okay, I hate myself, too.

>> No.10548222

I won't skip because I have until late May to finish Kajitsu and Meikyuu. Not much will interest me until then anyways.

>> No.10548225

Well besides the plot-relevant information you missed a few pretty good moments, especially for Michiru and Sachi.

>> No.10548230

*wouldn't surprise me

>> No.10548238

>plot-relevant information
What plot-relevant stuff are in the other girls' routes besides Makina and Amane?

>> No.10548254

What he probably read up about, for starters Michiru's condition, one scene in the Rakuen prologue is going to be a pretty wtf moment without that knowledge. Also the political background in Yumiko's route might be referenced I guess.

>> No.10548414

Finished HaruKuru a short while back, and it was pretty good after the OP played.
I liked the character interactions and how well the story actually unfolded.

I heard it sold really badly though (and with the initial description, I'm not surprised).
Does anyone have a figure on sales, and did Sumikko actually break even?
I see that they are making a similar thing, and not even trying to hide the mystery this time.

>> No.10548428

Harukuru did manage to break even eventually, it got the word of mouth and a good place in the moege ranking to help.
But yeah it did sell pretty badly at first

>> No.10548458

I see 創刻のアテリアル has NTR in it. Is it worth playing if you're just in it for the NTR? Can all heroines be NTR'ed?

>> No.10548465

It was less NTR and more protagonist going down the wrong side of the road for the most part. I actually liked it more that way though.

>> No.10548470

What do you mean? There is no real NTR in it?

>> No.10548476
File: 234 KB, 1147x645, 111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10548475

That's good then, it's pretty surprising to see that it wasn't even in the TG top 100.

Hopefully the next game should sell better.

>> No.10548481
File: 8 KB, 525x24, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10548485

Didn't you post this a few threads back? It would probably have been faster to just download from free direct downloads at this rate.

>> No.10548490


This has 16 seeds. Are you one dial up or something?

>> No.10548502

Looking at the CG set she has no ero scenes.
Is she not the main heroine?

>> No.10548503

Suck my dick nigga.

>> No.10548505
File: 78 KB, 347x204, eugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, I did. Don't remind me ;_;
Current only has 7. Nah, I have a hub. Just my brother is being a shitniggercunt and is torrenting all sorts of shitty movies atm.

>> No.10548517


You should spend some quality time with your brother and watch movies with him.

>> No.10548529

Would you please stop doing this. "Looking at the CG set it looks like so and so".

At least use the spoiler function when you proclaim your fucking CG set findings on who is a main/sub heroine, who has or hasn't H-scenes etc.
Fucking hell.

>> No.10548534

Come on son take it easy.

>> No.10548535



>> No.10548544
File: 12 KB, 251x251, 1334094744651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10548548

It's not big enough of a deal to be worth using spoiler tags who is a heroine and who isn't.

>> No.10548550

Wait, really? Well, there goes my motivation for starting this game.

>> No.10548554
File: 132 KB, 272x401, guishen_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No can do, he has a 3dpd in there and that would also disrupt my plans to fight some historical loli's.

>> No.10548563 [DELETED] 

Still have not finished the download?
I enjoying for you.

>> No.10548566 [SPOILER] 
File: 215 KB, 1284x761, dat ass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Still have not finished the download?
I enjoying for you.

>> No.10548572

Whoa, slow down there champ, that can be a massive spoiler.
And I agree with >>10548529, I really would have liked to discover that the student president in Daitoshokan has a mini-route for myself but a 'looking at the CG-sets' -post took care of that.

>> No.10548584


>> No.10548590

Ironically, you just spoiled said discovery there, but I don't disagree with you. To make an extremely bad joke, I also ring on your way.

>> No.10548751

Just started Refrain in LB!, the first line that Masato shouts has a different voice, is there a massive mindfuck awaiting me? I'd like a yes/no. But so far so good, I had fun playing all the character routes (Kud's route was bad IMO but still kinda fun) so I guess it's time for me to feel down a litttle bit, eh?

>> No.10548755


His voice is the same

>> No.10548757

>I'd like a yes/no.


>> No.10548763

What the fuck. Can't be, I've been playing this like for a week straight, YOU CAN'T MISTAKE THIS MANLY "KYOUUUUSUKE'S BACK!". Or my speakers went full retard, I'll extract the files later then

>> No.10548774 [DELETED] 

holy shit what the hell Rin went full kid mode, fuck this posting better read

>> No.10548777

You realize that's not even Masato saying that, right?

Use spoilers you stupid fuck.

>> No.10548815

Yeah sorry my bad. Like what do you mean by that's not even Masato saying that? Like if you'd start the game that's the freaking first line you hear

>> No.10548857

The remake of Little Witch Parfait that was originally only released on PSP was just released in DLsite

Quite a uprising move.

>> No.10548890

Yeah, and it's some other guy saying it, not Masato. That's why it wasn't voiced in early versions of the game.

>> No.10548925

...now that you mention it...you just blew my mind. I was totally convinced it was Masato. I kind of assumed it was made to sound like being shout from distance because Riki was still half-asleep instead of someone else shouting that from the corridor for example.

>> No.10549159

I know this isn't the right thread but I can't find the anki or japanese thread and I just wanted to ask what does まい mean when it's following a negative verb like 居ずまい

>> No.10549201

I don't think I've seen the auxiliary "mai" ever used after a negative. Are you sure you aren't just mistaking it for 居住まい?

>> No.10549218
File: 26 KB, 256x361, kizuato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will be a slow 2 months so I am thinking of playing some games that have fallen by the wayside that aren't even in my back log.

One of these games is Kizuato, is it good?

>> No.10549224

nope it's the negative of 居る from the sentence
居ずまいを正し, I have not idea how it works but it's there

>> No.10549244


を can only attach to a noun, thus 居ずまい is a noun. The clause translates roughly to "correct your seating posture".

See here: http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E3%81%BE%E3%81%84

The suffix まい can only attach to verbs in their plain forms.

>> No.10549256

weird, I still don't really get it but thanks for the answer

>> No.10549260

Why don't you just post the entire sentence?

>> No.10549284


I know the basic outline, I was just wondering what the beginning meant, since verbs that end in ず and conjuncted sentences are my weakest point

>> No.10549304

There's absolutely nothing tricky about ず, you can replace it with ないで and you'll get the same meaning. And also, yeah, you definitely misread that. 居ずまい is 居住まい here.

>> No.10549311

oh shit I'm fucking dumb, my bad I just saw the ず and started thinking negatives, thanks for the help

>> No.10549594 [DELETED] 

So I've got to Rin Ending in LB! are they all fucking dead with save for Riki an Rin? Now I feel like ;_;. and fuck you KEY for giving Song for friends at then ending, seriously fuck you ;_;

>> No.10549698
File: 585 KB, 646x508, itake nakanojo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10549712

Calm down itaike na kanojo autist.
Also, >implying we are japanese

>> No.10549718

Yes, I don't think many of us here are actually Japanese. I think it's a mix of people who learnt Japanese, people who read Chinese translations, and people who use texthookers. I already stopped being optimist enough to think everyone falls in the first category, but I stopped caring I guess.

>> No.10549726

Being able to speak English is far more useful even if you don't get all the VNs.

>> No.10549735

I don't know how people can play with texthookers. All of them are horrid. I honestly prefer my current purgatory to playing games with machine translated drivel.

>> No.10549742

Once again, text hookers are not the same thing as machine translators.

>> No.10549774

Do I look like I care boy?

>> No.10549790

95% of the text hooker using population use it for machine translations. Yes, there's people that use them correctly, but the majority use it for ATLAS and Google Translate, etc.

>> No.10549799

>implying you can use cheating tools correctly

>> No.10549817
File: 657 KB, 797x598, shut up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we not have this argument again?

>> No.10549852

Translated only baby detected get back to /vn/ where you belong nerd

>> No.10549930
File: 247 KB, 693x800, f5e50264f68ddbeb0af346c64287fb19a238915c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use text hookers to look up kanji because i'm lazy

Other than that 2 years university Japanese. I think my teachers would be proud to know I use it to play pornographic visual novels.

I think many jpsies fall in a similar category

>> No.10549940

You think the majority of /jp/ has gone through higher education? I'm sure many have fallen off the NEET bandwagon and gotten low paying jobs, but university? That is for highly motivated individuals who probably wouldn't lurk here.

>> No.10549949

Going to college requires motivation? College is pretty much mandatory to get a job now, at least in the US.

>> No.10549964

That's not what it's like in the US at all. People are so afraid of the poor economy that they aren't willing to take out loans for education. So you get a bunch of unemployed people who eventually find work at entry-level dead-end jobs after years of half-hearted looking.

>> No.10550001

>2 years university Japanese
I wish i could go to one of those, that way i could accomplish my dream of learning the language just so that i can finally play my VNs though i don't think i can due to personal reasons such as developing social phobia due to bullying in school. fuck my life ;_;

>> No.10550009

To be fair, I said 'many'

>> No.10550012

Having a diploma probably means a guaranteed spot for a scholarship in Japan for me so that keeps me motivated. It's being able to buy tokuten and eroge and attend events first hand that keeps me motivated. I have the language already so that's why I say guaranteed.

>> No.10550027

I'm a fairly regular poster and I'm going to start university this year out of my own choice with diligence and motivation
please, don't make presumptions

>> No.10550026

>Having a diploma probably means a guaranteed spot for a scholarship in Japan
What am I reading

>> No.10550036

I fucking hate you so much... Fuck off this board and go somewhere else you piece of shit.

>> No.10550040


Get a load of this loser.

>> No.10550046

>guaranteed spot for a scholarship in Japan

Seriously, what the shit are you talking about? If this was true, I feel like I would've heard of it.

>> No.10550048

The new Overdrive game is up on nyaa. I hope this or Hapymaher is good otherwise this will be the first month in awhile that I didn't bother to finish any of the releases.

>> No.10550080
File: 621 KB, 920x690, Unknown 2013-02-28 22-28-43-74.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, guys, what'd you have your waifu call you?

>> No.10550081

I'm the idiot who apparently doesn't know the difference between a text hooker and machine translators. I'm currently in my third year of my geology degree and I'm even going to do an MSc next year.

I should go to bed now though. Good night.

>> No.10550109

what does geology have to do with knowing the difference between two kinds of software?

>> No.10550111

My country is really small, and the embassy of Japan gives people with an undergrad diploma 2 slots for anyone who wants to study as a Research Student in Japan (with a chance for a Masters depending on your dedication). For the last 2 years, nobody has stepped up to grab it, even though it's essentially free money.

Thus why it's practically guaranteed. It will probably be harder in countries like the USA.

>> No.10550117

Oh wow, the protag is voiced by Hidaka Rina. Tempted to get this

>> No.10550132

Wow, actual voiced custom names. I'd probably just use a shortened version of my nickname if it existed in that list.

>> No.10550189

What game is this?

>> No.10550206

Lovely x Cation 2

>> No.10550235

My name, just like the first Lovely x Cation.

>> No.10550322

Lucky. I wish I had a name.

>> No.10550348
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>> No.10550379

>no shigeki
dropped before it even came out

>> No.10550403

I actually do have a Masters MEXT scholarship. Ask me anything.

>> No.10550444
File: 33 KB, 256x363, 14178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Generic in my opinion, at least Eve was interesting though.
Also, has anyone tried Bokuten yet?

>> No.10550450

What a terrible ending with so little conspiracy. That's all I wanted to say.

>> No.10550461


...and Johann was such a nice name, too.

I do agree, though. It really dragged on three thirds of the way in and it was all pretty much for nothing.

>> No.10550492

Thank you, but I don't want to derail the thread too much. For now, I am content with knowing so far that someone has already succeeded in doing what I'm aiming for and frequents the VN General. I will probably make a thread for this topic alone when I am wondering about anything in particular, and when that time comes I will probably intrude upon your kindness.

>> No.10550861
File: 156 KB, 1019x567, Rejected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone in this is cowshit insane and on some kind of drug. Every heroine is yandere(in my mind), too.

>> No.10550885


The only one with sanity is Garuda even with all the things it says.

>> No.10550887

Is that from Love Ressive? I was thinking about picking it up since someone said it was funny.

>> No.10550903

What the hell does Ressive even mean? I keep looking up either Love-Recessive or Love-Recipe on google.

Guess I'll play it after starting LovelyCation 2

>> No.10550915


Yes it is, it's more on the comical side.


Shorten from Love X Aggressive

>> No.10550920
File: 141 KB, 800x600, fd05_026a02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile in the OEL community: http://epiloguists.com/?p=158

>> No.10550931
File: 222 KB, 1020x571, Drugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, and it's probably one of the funniest visual novels I've ever played, like I said last night.

>> No.10550937

Oh, I just looked up a walkthrough and realized that the girl I was most interested in but isn't a heroine, has some sort of extra omake scene or something. I'm definitely going to read it now.

>> No.10550961

I guess my Japanese isn't at a high enough level to understand what she's saying. I should study more!

>> No.10550971

I've never seen @ before and I couldn't find it when I looked it up on jisho. I should probably do the same.

>> No.10551010

I hope this helps http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/srch/all/%40/m0u/

>> No.10551013

now what does ; mean?

>> No.10551184
File: 211 KB, 1366x768, LxC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty impressed by Lovely Cation 2 interface so far. Granted, I haven't play the first one, but hopefully your character's settings (i.e. birthday, hobbies, etc...) will mean something in the course of the game.
I was rather surprised there are easy and normal mode in a dating sim eroge.

It's a shame you cannot get each girl to call you a different name. I like Seine saying "Nokkun" rather than "Nozomu"

>> No.10551198

>easy and normal mode
What do they change?

>> No.10551214

I guess the difficulty is about how hard it is for them to let you put you weewee in.

>> No.10551234

stat requirements and things like that? The first game was pretty basic in that regard, maybe they tried to develop the stat building a bit

>> No.10551234,1 [INTERNAL] 

What happened?

>> No.10551234,2 [INTERNAL] 

4chan is down

>> No.10551234,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10551337

Is there an H-scene for the fujoshi in Pastel Chime 3?

>> No.10551356

I spoilered it because some people got upset at being spoiled things like this earlier in the thread.

>> No.10551410

Ahahaha these people are realy fun.

>> No.10551521 [DELETED] 

Time to see how Overdrive's bokuten is like - will it be serious business?

>> No.10551524

Still no Hapymaher torrent? That's disappointing.

>> No.10551525
File: 76 KB, 1040x614, startsuffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to see how Overdrive's bokuten is like - will it be serious business?

>> No.10551631

I was just stating who I was, I wasn't trying to link them both together.

>> No.10551721

New thread: >>10551718

>> No.10551778 [DELETED] 

Ressive isn't well executed like, e.g., Lover Able, though.
Hayase Yuu is still at Hooksoft anyway.
