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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10537514 No.10537514 [Reply] [Original]

So I remember when I was a kid, Japanese phones were WAY better than anything you could get state side. Im actually out here now living in Japan and was wondering if ANY of the exclusive phones were worth getting anymore. I'll be out here for a couple years and Japanese companies don't do unlocked phones so Im looking to buy a new one.

Im open to any company on any network, but briefly looking around it seems that the worthwhile phones are available globally now. I already have an S3 and was looking at the Note II so I don't have to buy the same phone twice. Willing to spend top dollar though since I'll be using it for the next couple years.

I'm more interested in getting the best phone for my money and don't care if its Japanese exclusive or not. I just want to know if any of the Japanese exclusive phones offer anything that would make them worth looking at. Its hard to find English reviews of the Japanese phones

>> No.10537565

lol are you fucking serious?

>> No.10537632

No phone discussion?

>> No.10537681

smart phones have basically decimated any advantages that japanese phones have unless you require direct button input for japanese. in any other case predictive keyboards like swype or swiftkey will be more effective.

>> No.10537672

Actually, nowadays, it's turned in the opposite direction with the rise of smartphones. Not to mention the things that make Japanese phones good, the range of services available, aren't accessible outside of Japan.

>> No.10537688

A phone is a fucking tool used to call people. I don't understand all the obsession about getting 'better models.' If you want a miniature computer, buy a fucking miniature computer.

>> No.10537695

get an iphone dood

>> No.10537714

>Using a miniature computer to get the train schedule and keep track of your spending through out the day
>Carry a big fucking computer around when your phone can do it

>> No.10537719

basically that means stuff like phone wallets or using your phone as your train pass. if you can live without that, there's no need for a japanese phone. yeah, it's handy, kind of cool, but i'm over in america and i don't mind at all that i have to whip out a card for my transit (or come in range of the rfid reader) or pull out cash or credit. if i was in the tightest pants possible that might be more appealing.

smart phone demographics in japan are growing for a reason

>> No.10537731

They are buying miniature computers. That's what they are.

>> No.10537757

LG Optimus G Pro out in April on docomo. think I will replace my galaxy nexus with that or galaxy s4 just confirmed for march/april too but no specs yet.

>> No.10537765

dumb ass if you can have a computer on your wrist then you take it, idiot. as technology progresses you can compress it further and it becomes more powerful. are you trying to be a luddite or you're this this impaired?

japan is the leader in nothing worldwide. buy a nice samsung or something along those lines. japcrap is just that, crap.

>> No.10538754

All phones are exactly the same now. No fun allowed.

>> No.10538760

just epic :)

>> No.10538767


A super computer watch would have a tiny screen. Why do people love tiny screens?

>> No.10538771


I can remember what time I need to catch my train and how much money I spent.

>> No.10538783 [DELETED] 

This is Otaku culture faggot,not "Japan General"

Sage in all fields and reported

>> No.10538789


>> No.10538795

i forgot the sage

>> No.10538796


Saging and telling people you saged. That's extra hardcore.

>> No.10538800

When will it be mine turn for hardcore?

>> No.10538806


Give me a few minutes to recover.

>> No.10538809

I heard the S3 is supposed to be good, but gimmicky.

Is it worth upgrading from the SII?

>> No.10538814


They are all the same. They all run the same OS. They all run the same programs. You should buy a normal phone and pay $10 a month to call people and use you "smart phone" for the fancy mp3 player it really is.

>> No.10538822

I bought my smartphone to be a phone, as well as a minature computer, as well as a phone. Why downgrade to a shitty normal phone with no Web access?

>> No.10538834


Because spending $50 a month to use the internet the 3 times a month you leave the house is stupid.

>> No.10538843

Except that's wrong. I'm only home and awake for a few hours of the day.

>> No.10538848


You really need to reevaluate your life choices then.

>> No.10538853

OP here, I have an S3 and don't want to buy the same phone. Might as well upgrade since I like to make apps and program in my spare time

>> No.10538856

But I use the internet an almost equal amount of time on my phone.

>> No.10538860


If you use it that much wouldn't a tablet be better?

>> No.10538863

>Implying I don't have an iPad and an Android tablet.

Although I don't have a plan on either.

>> No.10538868

So going to college and getting a part time job were bad life decisions?

>> No.10538874


I just don't understand peoples love for tiny screens I guess.



>> No.10538884

I have all the devices and find they all serve very different purposes. Android phone is good because I always have it on me. iPad is good because the developers actually take the time to think about how their apps should work on a large screen and make the experience better. I have the Android tablet mostly for development purposes but the market is freer so whenever an upgrade comes around I don't have to worry about whether my apps will still work or not unless the developer is particularly shitty. I forsee in the future not needing the ipad once people realize how shitty a locked down iOS is and switch to android, but currently iOS users are willing to pay more than 3x as much for the same app so I forsee the iPad being useful in the immediate future.

>> No.10538890

>I have the Android tablet mostly for development purposes but the market is freer so whenever an upgrade comes around I don't have to worry about whether my SHADIER apps will still work or not unless the developer is particularly shitty.

things like my PSX and other system emulators

>> No.10538906

i'm 100% sure the autist who is arguing against smartphones probably plays garbage like ds and psp and carries them around in public like a manchild.

on the go and want to look up something? use the smart phone.
directions, emails with addresses, files with information, videos, recording video, audio, and taking pictures. the list goes on and on.

a laptop or tablet don't fit into your pocket. you retard and being outside somewhere doesn't mean suddenly computers lose their usefulness.

>> No.10538930


I am an autist because I am capable of leaving my house and going without the internet for a few hours? Do you realize how backwards that is? How can you not remember an address or directions?

>> No.10538948

I dislike how outside of Japan flipphones have practically died.

Not that I really need a phone for never leaving the house.

>> No.10538966

your inability to use basic logic and childlike perception of the world make you autistic.

what you're able to do has no bearing on what's useful for others, or what others need to do. i know you're autistic so you struggle with these basic principles of reality.

>I am an autist because I am capable of leaving my house and going without the phone for a few hours? Do you realize how backwards that is? How can you not remember an address or directions?

using your grade school argument you shouldn't even need a phone in the first place. can't you just use one when you reach the location of your travel?

>> No.10538982


Actually yeah. I would prefer not to have a phone at all. My girlfriend bugged me to get one because she is worried I will die and won't be able to call an ambulance or some shit.

>> No.10538992





>> No.10539025 [DELETED] 

>if i don't use it it's not useful for anyone so you shouldn't use it either
you're autistic and not cognitively impaired. accept it and move on.

>> No.10539029

>if i don't use it it's not useful for anyone so you shouldn't use it either
you're autistic and cognitively impaired. accept it and move on.

>> No.10539045


It would be useful to wear diapers so you can shit wherever and whenever you want but it would still be retarded.

>> No.10539076

no it wouldn't be useful actually. diapers stop being useful when you can control your bladder and bowels. you wouldn't know this since you obviously still wear them though.

>> No.10539086


Obviously, I said it would be retarded but I was just lying.

Also everyone that doesn't like what you like has autism too.

You are really smart.

>> No.10539100

Music player and a phone for emergency plus you can shitpost on 4chan anywhere now.
This is what smartphone is now.

>> No.10539113

Soon enough it will be common for smartphones to plug into docks that adapt them into fully fledged computers with a screen keyboard and mouse and most people won't even have a regular desktop computer.

>> No.10539119


They need to put them on a separate internet with all the other normals so we can have the old internet again.

>> No.10539127

Newsgroups and gopherspace still exist and are still active if you think the web is too mainstream.

>> No.10539140

the usefulness of a smartphone isn't even a serious question. if you can't think of near infinite examples of how it would be useful to the majority of people then you're simply brain damaged.

not everyone needs a smartphone. suggesting others should make use without one since you don't need it for whatever garbage reason you shit out is what makes you autistic.

sane response - i don't live a lifestyle where it's useful for me
autistic response - why would anyone want a smartphone? i don't need one and they're not useful blahblahblahblah

i hope you can understand now. you're autistic so simply keep on trucking, junior.

>> No.10539149


I am talking about the period after text only and before social media. I know it's not going to happen, I just miss the time when everyone's mom and grandma wasn't on the internet.

>> No.10539161


I didn't ask for a ban of phones. I just think they are stupid and people should be able to 15 minutes without a phone. Going somewhere and having to listen to some dumb ass talking about their dumb life is annoying. People that can't go an hour without sending messages to people or twitter or facebook or whatever annoy me.

>> No.10539238

>The only use for being able to use the internet anywhere is facebook and twitter

>> No.10539259

I don't know whom you're quoting, but what he said is a perfect description of smartphone user's mentality.

>> No.10539264

What is wrong with that mentality by the way?

>> No.10539265

Im quoting you. If you can't find a use for the internet outside of 4chan and facebook that's pretty sad

>> No.10539291

I never said that. Hallucinations may be symptoms of serious health problems.

>if you can't think of near infinite examples of how it would be useful to the majority of people

I can't think of even one that doesn't consist of "does what some other existing device does, only worse".

Maybe I'm just brain damaged. But then again, I'm not the one hallucinating here.

Nothing, I guess. It just demonstrates the shallowness of it.

>> No.10539304


That wasn't who you were quoting and finding a use for the internet isn't the same as needing it beside me 24/7.

>> No.10539308

>demonstrates the shallowness of it
I don't follow how that is the case? Regularity of interval of checking it indicates shallowness?

>> No.10539313

I thimk we can all agree Korea makes better phones.

>> No.10539325


Not the guy you are responding to, but yes that is exactly right. It seems like that should be common sense.

>> No.10539327

So you don't have a job and just look at anime right?

>> No.10539336


I am not sure how thinking overuse of a telephone to check your social media got you to that conclusion, but sure if it makes you feel better.

>> No.10539337


>> No.10539349

>Regularity of interval of checking it

We're indeed not on the same page here.

>> No.10539348

If you think the only use of the internet on a mobile device is to check social media then talking to you makes me feel better because I know I'm outright smarter than someone on the planet

>> No.10539357


For most people that's all these use it for. Do you live on this planet?

>> No.10539362

Except even that "dumb" girl who told you she wouldn't date you because you're fat uses the internet for something other than facebook.

>> No.10539385


Sorry I am not fat and I have a girlfriend. I have also had many before that. I am not sure how thinking phones are stupid makes me a fat loser? I don't get that I always see typical fat American types glued to their phones.

"Hold on checking mcdonalds.com need to see which item on the dollar menu will get me the most calories."

People functioned before smart phones and people are now capable of functioning without a smart phone. A smart phone is essential a grown up version of a Game Boy for most people.

>> No.10539398

Pics please

>> No.10539419


I don't want to post her picture on 4chan. I doubt that would make her very happy.

>> No.10539430
File: 59 KB, 331x319, 1349069098184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides have amputated themselves from my body!

>> No.10539450

"Hold on, checking checking the market"
"Yeah, I got that email you sent with the pdf"
"Ah, so that's this location is"
"I don't have that phone number, let me check online"
"3:00pm is the appointment I scheduled 2 months ago"
"That breaking news story was incredible"

The fact your thoughts all involve social media is because that's the limit of your intelligence. Adults think of things like how incredible it is jobs, information, and practicality.

Have you ever had to use a laptop in a car because of work? No, you haven't since you're an stupid edgy teenager. Don't talk about what's useful for adults when you're a child still.

>> No.10539460

>People functioned before smart phones and people are now capable of functioning without a smart phone
People functioned before agricultural farming and people are now capable of functioning without agricultural farming.

>> No.10539466


So using it as a PDA, which most people don't need. Okay yeah everyone needs a smart phone up their ass at all times because some business people need it.

>> No.10539471


Fast food would better comparison.

>> No.10539479

The example chosen was by far the least important part of that sentence. I was merely aiming to demonstrate that this could be said for any technological advance since the dawn of time and be just as true.

>> No.10539482


No, that could be used for the internet. Smart phones are Burger King.

>> No.10539483

Even a truck driver may benefit from a smart phone unless he has a nice, solid and expensive navigation system bolted on the dashboard (which, to be honest, is the norm in first world countries).

>> No.10539489

>People functioned before agricultural farming and people are now capable of functioning without agricultural farming.

This statement is true. Yes?

I am stating that any sentence.

People functioned before X and people are now capable of functioning without X.

Will be true where X is any technological advance as people must have once functioned without it.

>> No.10539487
File: 153 KB, 631x892, yes its a shitty pic but the idea behind it is good.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>diapers stop being useful when you can control your bladder and bowels
Enjoy holding it in for hours on airplanes and missing parts of the movie at the cinema because you need to use the bathroom, toilet-using pleb.

>> No.10539493

You shouldn't be allowed to touch a computer, honestly. You're the equivalent to those smartphone users you mock. Let's see what you do on a internet: Masturbate, rant about nonsense, and entertainment media.

Those people using their smartphones for very minimal stuff still are more deserving than you.

>> No.10539497


Truck drivers have destinations set before they leave. They also have dispatchers to take care of any bullshit for them. People that get lost easily don't usually get in to that sort of work.

>> No.10539516


I rant about nonsense when I am bored. I don't masturbate to computers and I hate watching video or anything like that online. One out of three isn't bad. I do work on computers so it is useful for me. People using their smart phone for work, sure it's useful. For most it isn't.

Have fun with your Angry Birds.

>> No.10539526

You are placing your own subjective values of usefulness onto their choices and failing to be able to remove yourself from your own mindset to try to perceive the situation with an ounce of objectivity.

>> No.10539529
File: 9 KB, 233x25, www.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10539539


For most people it's still a grown up version of a Game Boy. I don't care how far I remove myself it's true. Pulling your Game Boy out in public is stupid.

>> No.10539545

The way I portrayed you is correct. If I wasn't then you'd give examples of what you do instead of trying to deny it. You tried to imply the applications of smartphones are more useful for working adults. It's the exact same for the internet and computers in general.

You're nothing but one of the trashy internet users who just use it for entertainment media and masturbation.

>> No.10539551

I don't think you understood a word you just responded to.

>> No.10539553


If it was true I would admit. I really wish video was never introduced on the internet. I prefer reading over watching things. I also don't enjoy masturbating in my computer chair. It is true I masturbate but everyone does.

>> No.10539555

>Truck drivers have destinations set before they leave. They also have dispatchers to take care of any bullshit for them.
It varies and shit happens. In the end, navigation systems offer an additional source of correct information.

>> No.10539557


I understood fine.

>> No.10539573

So you are claiming then that people who use their phones for such functions do not find it useful? That is nonsensical. The very fact you are occupying yourself willingly with an activity indicates it is aiding you in fulfilling some kind of function you desire the outcome of and that in and of itself serves as a definition of that which is useful.

>> No.10539575

Off to lunch! Hopefully I can find it without a smart phone to guide me.

>> No.10539580


So does a Game Boy but I still think you should leave it at home.

Okay that was for real last post.

>> No.10540125

>I can't think of even one that doesn't consist of "does what some other existing device does, only worse".
i can think of one.

is portable and can do stuff hundreds of other devices can do. instead of carrying hundreds of bulky devices with you, and basically inviting mugging you only carry a small box, that can do everything all those other things do.

>> No.10540148

>he doesn't take care of his toilet-related problems before doing something that'll take hours.

>> No.10540537

You don't always know if it will take that long. A 30-minute ride can turn into several hours if there's a traffic jam, and you might need to go again later even though you went before you left. Wearing diapers is both comfortable and convenient, so you reallly should try it.

>> No.10540572

I don't get why people make out smart phones out to be a new things. It's like everyone decided to forget about phones that ran the Symbian OS once the iPhone was released. Many of which could browse the Internet (not just WAP). Of course, the current generation of smart phones are far more advanced, owing to improvements in technology and infrastructure, but it's not like smartphones came out of nowhere.

>> No.10540883 [DELETED] 

Please do not misuse the quoting function.

>> No.10540895

>on the go and want to look up something? use the smart phone.
>directions, emails with addresses, files with information, videos, recording video, audio, and taking pictures. the list goes on and on.

Meanwhile you forget where you're going and what you want to do because you got distracted with brainless entertainment and shitty app shopping.

>> No.10540915

Do not mistake technological advancement with badly wrapping together a bunch of different technology.

>> No.10540933

Are there people in /jp/ who honestly defend smart phone usage or am I being epically trolled?


>> No.10540972 [DELETED] 

It's funny how marketing keeps working. They say that people are nowadays too civilized to resort to war, but I dare to doubt it. Try watching television for an hour. The commercials are there because they work. Yes, they do indeed work. Business people know how to make money and they appreciate marketing professionals.

Please remind me why I'm alive.

>> No.10541575

Whats the point of a gameboy if you don't take it out in public. Consoles are for gaming at home

>> No.10541634

if you're truNEET you don't need a phone at all
the fuck are you going to call
the fuck are you doing outside
niggah get back in your room

>> No.10543217

Developers used to not care about the UX or the UI until iOS and Android
