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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 190 KB, 1100x825, figure-ota-paradise_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10534393 No.10534393 [Reply] [Original]

>The latest survey of which male pastimes Japanese womenfolk find utterly unacceptable yields few surprises – idols and figures continue to be rated worse than compulsive gambling and such profoundly suspect pastimes as knitting.

1. Being an idol otaku
2. Figure collecting
3. Pachinko
4. Knitting
5. Horse racing

>> No.10534539

>4. Knitting
>5. Horse racing
These are the worst? What about, you know, drugs and stuff?

>> No.10534547

>4. Knitting

The fuck?

>> No.10534557

I totally understand 2. How can you marry someone who has such lack of financial sense as to spend so much money on pieces of plastic that don't do anything then litter the house with them?

>> No.10534564

>Being an idol otaku

Remember how disgusting these faggots were behaving when that idol had to publicly disgrace herself for having a boyfriend? Not to mention idol otaku spend all day deluding themselves into thinking none of them have boyfriends.

>> No.10534566

>1. Being an idol otaku
Because idols are prettier than you? I bet that 9/10 of you worship male idols.
>2. Figure collecting
>3. Pachinko
Also understandable.
>4. Knitting
Bitches are insane.
>5. Horse racing
As in betting on races or actually racing horses themselves?

>> No.10534570

knitting is pretty dope, fuck them.
guess who won't be getting a hand-made scarf knitted with love
those bitches

>> No.10534575

Most likely betting.

>> No.10534576

Any knitting otaku here?

>> No.10534578
File: 84 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Bakemonogatari_07_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[5A3F66DC].mkv_snapshot_16.53_[2013.02.24_15.08.57].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are the female pastimes that I find unacceptable.

1. Telling me what I'm allowed to enjoy
2. Being jealous of 2D girls
3. Voicing their opinions when I haven't directly spoken to them

>> No.10534582

>tfw horse otaku and virgin

>> No.10534583

Not everyone who likes idols behaves like that, though I don't see how different it is from celebrity sex/abortion drama in the US.

>> No.10534597

i have quite a few figures, but i wouldnt consider it a pass-time or a serious hobby. just a few here and there for decoration. when it gets to the point like in the OPs pic its a dangerously excessive hobby that is a huge financial waste. like how often do you even look at all of them when you have that many?

what im getting at is im sure the Japanese womenfolk dont mind it too much if a guy has a small handful of figures, as long as its not one of his primary hobbies.

>> No.10534658
File: 201 KB, 600x1000, nishizumicute1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, knitting IS for women and fags.

What about masturbating to doujins or getting drunk? Are those acceptable? What if I do them at the same time?

>> No.10534659

epic win sankakucomplex thread OP!

>> No.10534664

>what im getting at is im sure the Japanese womenfolk dont mind it too much if a guy has a small handful of figures, as long as its not one of his primary hobbies.

Japanese women despise otaku, you idiot. Even watching anime is considering sickening unless you're a child. Being an otaku is the lowest thing you can be in Japan, aside from chinese or korean.

>> No.10534677

1. Cultural Marxist Activism
2. Clubbing
3. Gambling
4. Driving
5. Politics

>> No.10534673

>caring what 3DPD gooks think

>> No.10534684

>Japanese women despise otaku, you idiot.
>50% of a country's population think in this certain way!

Here is the deal. Women tend to dislike unattractive guys. Unattractive guys tend to be otaku. Men tend to dislike unattractive women. Unattractive women tend to be fujoshi. If a man is attractive, well-off, and intelligent, no girl is going to give a shit if he watches anime.

It's a sad thing, but physical appearance rules the world everywhere, for 95% of people.

>> No.10534685


I thought women liked a guy that broke male gender roles.

>> No.10534694

>Unattractive guys tend to be otaku.
>Unattractive women tend to be fujoshi.

It's the other way around.

>It's a sad thing, but physical appearance rules the world everywhere, for 95% of people.
It's not just physical. Most otaku have bad personalities too.

>> No.10534705
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>1. Cultural Marxist Activism

>> No.10534710

He's right, cultural marxism is the worst of the worst.

>> No.10534711

I dont buy that. I've actually been there before too, unfortunatly it was before i was really big into anime/manga/ect. One of the girls I was staying with was an otaku, so ofcourse she was cool with it. Her sister was not an otaku however but was still pretty cool with it overall. same with their friends. Its pretty much like it is anywhere else in the world. As long as you arnt absorbed by it, have other hobbies, and are a functioning self sufficient human being they really dont mind/care. I mean sure, there are those that think anyone who watches anime is unacceptable, but thats the same in any culture with many things other than just anime.

>> No.10534720

>mfw unattractive guys tend to be fujoshi

>> No.10534730

Is anyone here afraid of knitting? It's really stressful.

>> No.10534725

>It's not just physical. Most otaku have bad personalities too.

That's true, but that isn't what matters. Remember that picture about people being 90% looks? It has nasty implications, but for the most part it's spot-on. Most people have the potential to be acceptably attractive, and not attempting to do so is indicative in itself of a bad personality.

Look at social culture in America. Does it really matter to the majority of men if a woman is a vapid whore, as long as she has a pretty face and nice tits? Does it matter to women if a man is a soulless sociopath as long as he has a six-pack and a nice haircut?

Nearly everything in the world is based on this. When someone is attractive, everyone automatically thinks better of them.

>> No.10534726


>> No.10534728
File: 63 KB, 407x450, dkslanvldkfnasflksn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cultural marxism

>> No.10534734

>What about masturbating to doujins or getting drunk? Are those acceptable? What if I do them at the same time?
I would assume those things would be kept private, and never become a public issue, which includes any women in your life.

>> No.10534739

Most guys are vapid manwhores so like vapid whores.

It's so easy to present yourself decently, but most otaku don't make any effort and complain that women are shallow.

>> No.10534760

You should try it. It is really rewarding after first steps.

>> No.10534761

>"cultural marxism"
It's a term that describes the devaluing of personal ambitions and societal traditions through revoking the right of personal opinion by substituting it with public opinion.

As opposed to "economic marxism" which describes the devaluing of currency and physical wealth through revoking the right of personal possession by substituting it with public credit.

>> No.10534754

No, you're delusional. Take off your /r9k/ glasses for a second and listen up. Women seeks men with high social status, which can manifest in different ways. Be it looks, money, political power, whatever. We've all seen the average looking rich dudes with plastic wives.

>> No.10534758

This has been true for me. I have a couple display cases full of figures and can name about 80 AKB girls, but I don't look or act like the otaku stereotype so it's never been a problem.

It's not so much that the hobbies are unappealing as the guys drawn to them are. If you look good and can at least endure being around people girls don't care.

I don't get knitting though, what's wrong with that?

>> No.10534767

High social status can be obtained by being attractive. Furthermore, most women will date men who are loners, given that they are attractive.

This isn't an issue of /r9k/, /fit/, or whatever. People appreciate aesthetics, whether they will admit it or not. It's nicer to look at something pretty than something ugly. That is really all life boils down to.

>> No.10534774

> Women seeks men with high social status

I think women realise that they're not all going to marry CEOs and will settle for a normal guy.

>> No.10534789
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>> No.10534790

>Women seeks men with high social status

I think you're the one who's been spending too much time on /r9k/. Everyone is different and what they seek in a partner is varied.

>> No.10534798

>People appreciate aesthetics, whether they will admit it or not. It's nicer to look at something pretty than something ugly.
It's not just physical aesthetics either.
The ability to "game" the positive emotions of others produces a virtual sense of 'desirable/admirable' just as physical aesthetics do, as can be attested by the man in the sharp suit being socially outdone by the man in rags who speaks with a cleverly jovial tongue.

>> No.10534803

>High social status can be obtained by being attractive.

Or it can be attained by being powerful, rich, or charismatic.

>Furthermore, most women will date men who are loners, given that they are attractive.

It depends. They are many above average looking "nice guys" that will never get laid, while ugly rich men have girls all over them.

> People appreciate aesthetics, whether they will admit it or not. It's nicer to look at something pretty than something ugly.

You're looking at life through the perspective of a male. Men are much more physical.

Women seeking men of high social status is much more varied than "women only care about looks", which is easily falsified.

>> No.10534813

>They are many above average looking "nice guys" that will never get laid

This is not true. Please leave /jp/ and go back to /soc/ or /r9k/ to complain.

>> No.10534817

>They are many above average looking "nice guys" that will never get laid
Well, getting laid also includes getting out of your basement and approaching some whores. Both are things that many ``nice guys'' probably don't do too often.

>> No.10534827

What are you talking about, junior? You're the one with the defeatist bitter attitude of "you're either born good looking or you're not, guess I'll never get a girlfriend". The fact is, looks are just one factor, despite what you may have seen in /r9k/ infographics.

>> No.10534844

No self-respecting woman would date anyone that comes here.

>> No.10534838

>They are many above average looking "nice guys" that will never get laid

This is because they are incapable of natural interaction with the opposite sex or are too stubborn about their standards.

>> No.10534839

He is right, but you need perspective:

Among a group of five guys and two girls in a schoolyard, the girls will normally internalize a complex ranking system based on which of the five guys is richer, cleverer, stronger, and better looking. One of those guys will receive top rank, but only with respect to those two girls.

If there enters in two other guys, one incredibly rich or clever or handsome, he will become top rank, and stay that way until he leaves the girls' social proximity in some long-term sense, at which point whoever had top rank will return to top rank, in the eyes of the girls.

It's all about Availability!

>> No.10534845

>This is because they are incapable of natural interaction with the opposite sex

But I thought all that mattered is looks? Are you saying other things like charisma are taken into account? No way.

2D is better anyway.

>> No.10534849


What am I reading

>> No.10534860
File: 233 KB, 400x625, 79768 - alternate_hairstyle artist_request blush frog gizao green_hair gym_uniform hair_ornament kochiya_sanae ponytail snake touhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on a date before and come here. But I understand you - after all, you're a nerd and I am not.

>> No.10534858

A farfetched example.

It does happen like this, but more often in private school or boarding school environments, such as in the UK.

>> No.10534868

I think you misread his statement, or mistyped your own?

>> No.10534865
File: 37 KB, 516x337, Reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try slutnae, but we already know how many "dates" you've gargled.

>> No.10534866

Why are you making assumptions about me?
I consider myself very attractive, and I even said in an earlier post that nearly everyone has the potential to be good-looking if they spend time trying.

Looks are the most immediate factor to gauge the worth of a person. If someone is attractive, it is automatically assumed by people that they care about themselves and are probably worthwhile.

The person you are addressing is an imaginary figure that you have made up. When you actually start addressing my argument instead of saying 'lol, is that what you read on /r9k/ kid?,' I will listen.

>> No.10534870


Looks like you missed the "self-respecting" part.

>> No.10534874

>I don't get knitting though, what's wrong with that?
Men are supposed to be men, not bitches. Women want men. Our culture defines what being a man means, and knitting isn't considered manly.

Please remember that women are women, not high school girls. They have different standards. Being a cute and funny good-for-nothing stops being enough when you get older.

High school girls might want to practice sex and relationships with good-looking guys, but what then? They've been there and they've done that. That's when they want to start shaping the world in their image, and they may start wondering what kind of faggot would waste his time knitting.

Robert, whom she fucked when she was 20, was already busy with med school back then, and this guy 30-year-old guy KNITS? Why doesn't he play golf like all the other CEOs?

>> No.10534876

Just stop making excuses for guys who have shitty personalities and insecurity issues and complain on the internet about not being able to convince a girl to let it stick it in them. It's entirely their fault.

You'd be surprised.

>> No.10534879

Not everybody ends up marrying a doctor or a CEO or a lawyer.

>> No.10534881

>Looks are the most immediate factor to gauge the worth of a person. If someone is attractive, it is automatically assumed by people that they care about themselves and are probably worthwhile.

Yeah, and first impression are important. Men who are good looking at presumed to be higher status and thus worth approaching. But if the good looking guy stutters like and autist, works at mcdonalds, and drives a 20 year old car, suddenly the mediocre looking doctor at the other end of the bar is looking pretty hot.

>It's entirely their fault.

But I agree with that statement. Maybe you're confused.

>> No.10534884

>at the other end of the bar

Get the fuck out.

>> No.10534890
File: 697 KB, 992x1375, 29dbf219f4efe6b65d16bd5540d0026c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone said !bar?

>> No.10534891
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Bakemonogatari_09_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[94459939].mkv_snapshot_04.34_[2013.02.24_16.42.57].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"i know 100% what all girls want because i watched some youtube videos and was friendzoned in high school. stop having opinions i disagree with."

- anons after arguing back and forth about whether women prefer looks or social status

>> No.10534887

It's fucking hilarious when, in a fifty-post shit thread, somebody picks one stupid thing in one post to yell "GET OUT" for.

>> No.10534895


You have to start somewhere.

>> No.10534898

I'm not even arguing, and it's not limited to what girls and guys look for in partners. Aestheticism is a way of life that nearly everyone follows whether they are conscious of it or not.

>> No.10534899

Are you mentally retarded? I was talking about a hypothetical situation that normals interact in.

Stop trying so hard to fit in.

>> No.10534900

Maybe you should start with the whole fucking thread. It's like getting mad that there's a horse turd in your sea of pig shit.

>> No.10534910
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Nadeko is better.

>> No.10534904


I'm just being silly. I'm not even the guy that said it.

>> No.10534907

Indeed, but that's plan B. You switch to plan B when... you switch. We live in a world where the winner takes it all, so going straight to plan B would be insane because trying your best is what healthy people with normal self-esteem do.

>> No.10534908

Explain ugly rich guys with "good looking" girlfriends, without ceding that social status or power matter quite a lot, and often is even more important than looks.

>> No.10534909

Only if you stop using ``epic /a/ memes," senpai.

>> No.10534915

What /a/ memes, you fucking tryhard? Oh, look, faggot quotes, just what I would expect from trying to prove how much he belongs.

>> No.10534916

Ugly rich guys drive nice looking cars, have nice looking homes, and in general live a much more aesthetically pleasing lifestyle to most than the extremely attractive writer who is poor as fuck.

>> No.10534920
File: 480 KB, 1414x772, 9c9846cf17c8f55137456b01ef31afb121417131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy knows

>> No.10534921

>Ugly rich guys drive nice looking cars, have nice looking homes, and in general live a much more aesthetically pleasing lifestyle to most than the extremely attractive writer who is poor as fuck.

So you're saying that an ugly charismatic rich guy will get the girl over an attractive poor autist? Thanks for proving me right.

>> No.10534918


Please, no faggot quotes.

>> No.10534919

> It's entirely their fault.
Hit and miss, there.
You dig into it, and you realize that men don't know how to be manly by default, most of it has to come from their own father and other men who provide role models and training required to learn from suffering and build personal manly character.

You can blame them for being inactive now that they've grown, yet any boy so deprived of training, physical hardship, and peer competition, would grow to physical maturity without growing into personal maturity, becoming a 'manchild' unable to do what he ought to do since he is now socially/emotionally retarded relative to his peers.

>> No.10534930


>Do you even know what autism is?

I see it every day.

>> No.10534926

He's not charismatic. He lives a glamorous lifestyle with a lot of physically attractive things.

Do you even know what autism is?

>> No.10534928

You guys haven't even talked to a single female in the last six months.

But of course you know exactly all about what every last one wants and the kinds of guys they chase after.

>> No.10534931

Stop describing girls as objects, ``onegai”

>> No.10534932

>He lives a glamorous lifestyle with a lot of physically attractive things.

In other words, the ability to purchase many luxurious things, also known as wealth, is often more important than physical looks?

>> No.10534943

>You guys haven't even talked to a single female in the last six months.
Assuming family does not count, and retail encounters do not count, you are right.

Wealth is more appealing than looks, because wealth automatically brings with it high social status, or at least the promise of it.

>> No.10534939


That's not true. I talk to my mom every day.

>> No.10534940
File: 701 KB, 947x863, 1354054493385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crash course in cultural marxism:
Jewish philosophy corrupts a bunch of minorities
The minorities band together and push their agenda on society
Society reacts to it
Gentiles are divided even further

See; feminism, genderqueerness, MLP autists, anti-white racism, 'privilege', etc.

For example, you give women the idea that there is a conspiracy against them to oppress them, and cherry pick some statistics that show certain instances where they earn less money than men, and then the women will demand equality, or as the case is, they are encouraged to demand preferential treatment, in order to 'make things fair'.

Another example, Ashkenazi jews have white skin, and were responsible for the slave trade a few hundred years ago, so now white gentiles are being manipulated to feel white guilt, and apologize for their 'privilege' of having above-average intelligence and a functioning society and culture. They are being made to feel as if their opinions matter less than those of "oppressed" minorities, so they don't get to comment on them.

Yes, it's cancerous (read: Jewish).

>> No.10534945
File: 39 KB, 499x446, 1344326991696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck makes serious replies in threads like these

i always imagine that they look like this

>> No.10534946
File: 103 KB, 500x281, 1359566121471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official power ranking

Kanbaru > Hanekawa > Karen > Tsukihi > Hachikuji > Monkey Feces > Slutjougahara > Nadeko

>> No.10534947

In some cases, yes, in others, no. I know just as many people who would go for the hot artist over the ugly rich guy, or even the hot artist over the hot rich guy.

The great thing about aesthetics is that they are for the most part subjective.

>> No.10534949


What's that weirdo doing outside? Being outside is gross.

>> No.10534951
File: 535 KB, 537x620, Koishi Time!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get it! I get it now! Thanks!

>> No.10534957

Close but I don't wear clothes and I don't go outside and I don't have glasses.

>> No.10534953

That's so wrong I could punch you in the gut right now.

>> No.10534956


Please tell me more about these "retail encounters".

>> No.10534960

While you can always blame things on jews, not everything that ruins society is frmo cultural marxism.
Stupidity and bad taste have existed long before the Jews started monetizing and subsidizing it.

>> No.10534963

>Wealth is more appealing than looks, because wealth automatically brings with it high social status, or at least the promise of it.

I'm glad you agree.

>In some cases, yes

You're ceding that wealth trumps physical attractiveness in some situations, thus disproving your statement that it's all about physical attractiveness? I'm surprised. You'll probably try to move the goalposts now.

>The great thing about aesthetics is that they are for the most part subjective.

So is status.

>> No.10534966

Yes this is true. These days, they are encouraged instead of discouraged.

>> No.10534973


Does it feel good?

>> No.10534969

>Please tell me more about these "retail encounters".
Ordering food from fast food places, buying groceries or other supplies, dealing with nurses during doctor visits, etc.

>> No.10534970

>strength/power level is relevant
>liking ugly men
>implying cute little nadeko who needs onii-chan's protection is not the best girl

>> No.10534976

the only bakemonogatari who matters is the one with the homu voice.

>> No.10534975

I'm more concerned by how much the jews are destroying our ability to protest it through any legitimate or grey market channels.

>> No.10534979

Wait, did you just copy and paste from sankakucomplex and then removed the sankakucomplex link?
We've got a devious one here, boys.

>> No.10534988
File: 55 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Bakemonogatari_09_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[94459939].mkv_snapshot_17.48_[2013.02.24_16.35.40].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The second worst magi is also the second worst bake. What a coincidence!

>> No.10534989

>Does it feel good?
I'd say yes, it feels good to be communicating with other people, to practice basic social interaction, even if it only a few words exchanged.

>> No.10534992

I was at the grocery store and came up to the noticed a man comparing tomato sauces in the pasta aisle. Now, I'm straight but I have to say that he had a really nice ass for a man and I took notice. But as I got closer I realized it was actually a woman.

I slowed and approached the woman from behind. Busy trying to decide whether to buy "Three Cheese" or "Garden Vegetable," she did not notice my approach. I came right up behind her, standing so that I could have reached out and touched her. That's when I brought the glass jar of "Onion and Garlic" down on her head, hard. Blood and tomato sauce mixed together as she collapsed to the floor. That was only my first of many such retail encounters.

>> No.10534993

>it feels good to be communicating with other people, to practice basic social interaction

falsie as HELL

>> No.10535000


Did she drop any loot?

>> No.10534998
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But that's wrong!

>> No.10535010

She had a cute skirt on. I claimed it for myself. Some sauce spattered on it, though.

>> No.10535002
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Actions speak louder than words. Not to flaunt my Japanese spirit too much, all things, considered, but accepting death like a Samurai would be an excellent first step. This would eliminate your fear of resisting. Non-compliance is my weapon of choice. I am the square peg in the round hole. I like to think that my continued presence in discussions of this kind only fuels the frustration those who would try to corrupt me.

To me, cultural marxism is like a troll thread. Every time you resist it, it's like putting a sage in the email field.

>> No.10535011
File: 207 KB, 522x680, Autism defined.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They'd rather be out getting gangbanged by niggers.

Also, not everyone one /jp/ looks like pic related.

>> No.10535005

Please stop discussing anime on /jp/.

>> No.10535013


I love you.

>> No.10535014
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>> No.10535019

I've learned to appreciate it.
The catch is, I have Adderall RX.
Thanks to it, I can finally be good at social interaction, and therefore being good at something makes me happy to do it.

>> No.10535016
File: 216 KB, 1024x855, 1361818921996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh from /b/.

>> No.10535018


Was the armor bonus affected by the blemishes?

>> No.10535022

I do, though.

>> No.10535023
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, [Coalgirls]_Bakemonogatari_09_(1280x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[94459939].mkv_snapshot_00.32_[2013.02.24_16.48.35].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, it would be a crime to derail this quality on-topic thread with something totally unrelated to otaku culture, like anime. I sincerely apologize, it won't happen again, officer.

>> No.10535026

It's not exactly a good thing when a tumor starts growing cancer.

>> No.10535027

I wish I could be good at social interaction, but I have a genetic speech impediment that makes me stutter on some 'w' and 'r' sounds. I'm learning Japanese because the 'r' sound in that language uses the tongue instead of the lips and I don't stutter on it.

>> No.10535025

I hadn't tried it on before cleaning it. I'm very meticulous about my gear.

>> No.10535028


Why won't fat black chicks accept my advances!?

>> No.10535029

woops, meant *XR

I severely appreciate this board's willingness to sage constantly, to prevent off-topic discussion from bumping the thread, while still allowing off-topic discussion to flow freely.

>> No.10535030

The kind of political discussion that goes on /jp/ is pretty fucking cancerous already.

>> No.10535033

>I wish I could be good at social interaction


>> No.10535034

Women who actually think like this and voted on this aren't the women you want to be with anyway. these are the women most men avoid by default, at least in America. they are called bitches with princess syndrome. whores are better then these types of women who never grew up.

>> No.10535040

Please stop discussing anime on /jp/.

>> No.10535042


Isn't /jp/ already hopelessly awful? .

>> No.10535043

Drugs are cool. #YOLO

>> No.10535046

Are you American by any chance?

>> No.10535047
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>> No.10535048

Nah, most other threads are only just somewhat awful.

>> No.10535050

sick burn

>> No.10535051


I wish to be a great adventurer like you one day. I haven't been able to leave the tutorial zone, though.

>> No.10535052

By some chance, I am.

>> No.10535057
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Get off this American website, yuropoverty.

>> No.10535062
File: 922 KB, 1000x784, 90e64efcd3c5590501e3af1479496314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll knit how I want, where I want, when I want.

And you should too.

>> No.10535060 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10535063
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>> No.10535068

What if the cancer grows so big that it bursts out of the windows and covers the entire house? Everything in moderation, onegai.

>> No.10535077


>> No.10535073

Seriously guys, just go out and find a girl with daddy issues. Pump, dump and move onto the next one.

>> No.10535074 [DELETED] 
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As long as it doesn't say sex dolls, then I am in the clear... also onaholes, and black children

>> No.10535080

It's better to mix them. If the thread were purely political or purely anime, some poor souls might think those discussions were not shit and earnestly contribute. When you mix them together it's clear as day what's going on.

>> No.10535087

And this is when another problem arrives: I genuinely don't give a fuck. Let me write closures in peace, please. I'll promise to fade away when I die.

>> No.10535100 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 294x361, AH_HAHAHA_FAGGOT-s294x361-140964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a problem, LJ cunt?

>> No.10535118
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>> No.10535140

is reading manga acceptable?

>> No.10535143 [DELETED] 
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>black children
Do you collect nubile slave children

>> No.10535151

I can understand 1,2,3, and 5
But 4 just seems ignorant

Men can't have certain hobbies because they aren't manly?

>> No.10535154

Maybe it's Madona.

>> No.10535156

Only Japanese women who associates with pig disgusting white weeaboos would find your hobbies acceptable

>> No.10535167
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>> No.10535232

I need one of those vitrines for my warhams.

>> No.10535282

I found that sex isn't all that great without an emotional connection. Maybe I just want what I can't seem to find.

>> No.10535295

Holy shit I think I just cut myself reading this post.

>> No.10535302 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10535304
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>> No.10535315

No bullying, fucking idiots.

>> No.10535321 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10535330

Probably both. Betting because it shows they are reckless with tier money and women want someone who will spend money on them, not horses. And also because horse jockeys are like 4'5" small.

>> No.10535345 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10535451 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10535455
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>> No.10535458 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10535462
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>> No.10535467 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10535468

What useful purpose does this serve to /jp/? Fucking none?! Cut this shit out, dude.

>> No.10535522


>> No.10535605

Doing drugs ain't a hobby it's a full-on lifestyle

>> No.10535627

And girls.

Just saying.

>> No.10535711

Idol otakus really are disgusting. Just check all the idol threads on /jp/.

>> No.10535717

>self-respecting woman
There's no such thing, though.

>> No.10535731

>1. Being an idol otaku

First time in my life I agree with women.

>> No.10535797 [DELETED] 
File: 259 KB, 645x430, Oh shit I can feel meido breathing right down my neck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10535803

Is knitting really that common among men over there? It seems like to be in the top 5 a lot of men would have to do it.

>> No.10535858


Not anymore, remember that magazine article about 'Which type of otaku to date?' in that women's magazine?

Otaku is equal to 'SO NERDY <3' in the east

>> No.10535873

Figure collecting is 100% harmless, unless you allow figure collecting be financially harmful.

I will never understand the social stigma towards it. Frankly I think it's a lack of respect for the heavily dedicated in general.

>> No.10535927

This list should have one item.

Liking something while being ugly.

An attractive man could knit a sweater with an idol on it for one of his figures while sitting in front a pachinko machine at a horse track and women would still talk to him.

>> No.10536041

Exactly. Otaku is pretty much a marketing term. The term hasn't really meant anything since the 80s. The term "otaku" pretty much died when Japan's economic bubble burst in the earlier 90s. It's like someone from another country watching the big bang theory and thinking that that how we act.

>> No.10536105

Can you post the picture?

>> No.10536178

ヲタ are pretty much the worst scum on earth. Everyone hates them. And rightly so.

>> No.10537187

>2.Figure collecting
I only have a few and no plave to display them, so maybe a Japanese girl wouldn't mid that about me so much. I am content with the little I have, so I don't really spend money on them.
>1.)Being an idol Otaku
I have saved photos of idols, but most of them I don't know the names of nor do I litsen to most of their music, if you want to call it that. I really wobder how a Japanese woman would react to my Otaku belongings, if I have never come off as an Otaku outaide of my room and computer. Anyone have any story that relates to this?
"King of /jp/" is getting marrird to a Japanese girl and he is the biggest Idol here on /jp/. I want to hear what he has to say about all this.
This is true.

>> No.10537203

These are also the kinds of women black guys tend to date.

>white American women are entitled cunts
>men move on to god-tier asian and hispanic women
>white women turn to black men out of desperation

>> No.10537245
File: 257 KB, 626x792, 21107762_666aaadf78_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not Alpha as fuck

>> No.10537265

So so so true. American women do indeed have the princess syndrom accompanied by their oversized bag of daddy issues. Some men could or might call you beta for not being able to bag such women, but they get whiped as HELL, complain, and are always fighting with these strait up bitches. These women with Princess syndrom and bitch attitudes exist in the countries we weeb out out for or flock to for their media, but America is much worse.

>> No.10537279 [DELETED] 

>she doesnt want to swap genes with some nasty ass wota or people that flush money like toilet paper on worthless shit
>raging bitch princess
yall are fucking delusional lol

>> No.10537297

I'm not sure we were talking about extreme otaku collecting of figs though. Maybe 2 - 5?

>> No.10537293

you know you shouldn't take things so personally

it's easy to dismiss people when they're a hypothetical ideal partner

and you should appreciate why they don't want to date a guy that gambles or buys figures, the figure thing is a very one sided thing.

>> No.10537306

Who might you two be quoting?

>> No.10537308

So is knitting.

>> No.10537413

>Some men could or might call you beta for not being able to bag such women

Protip: People who use words like "beta" and "qt314" are insecure losers who read PUA manuals and only date women to elevate their own social standing.

>Hey BRO, check out the pity fuck I just scored with my incessant negging! You jelly? A-alpha as fuck ;_;

Real alpha males don't consider themselves alpha, or you beta, or even know what those words mean. They don't know any of the PUA lingo because they don't need an instruction manual to get laid.

>> No.10537474

>1. Being an idol otaku
AKB/Idol M@ster fanboys are comparable to "twilight moms" but much worse. It'd be like a grown man, still living with his parents, obsessing over Miley Cyrus.
>2. Figure collecting
Waste of money and space.
>3. Pachinko
retarded waste of money
>4. Knitting
/jp/ sees nothing wrong with becoming Madoka's mom because /jp/ is 'omega'.
>5. Horse racing
see 3

>> No.10537484

I know that feel /b/ro ;____________________;

>> No.10537479 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 200x253, Le feel face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice /r9GAY/ thread guys.
>Tfw Nip girls don't like me
>Tfw women are shallow bitches

>> No.10537518


>I don't get knitting though, what's wrong with that?

This is why some people will always be clueless virgins.

>> No.10538455

Guess you aren't truly OTACOOL then. Or just don't have enough money like the Choo.

>> No.10541381

Answer here King Of /jp/ >>10537187

>> No.10542716

What if I'm an illegal drug otaku?

>> No.10542724

Of course.
