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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10525590 No.10525590 [Reply] [Original]

Why are eroges with gameplay so rare?

>> No.10525592

because they aren't games

>> No.10525593

Technically they are.

>> No.10525594


here u go dude

>> No.10525595

>mfw I played about 1/4 of these
My life is shite.

>> No.10525610
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Similar question: what are some good games that feature nudity and/or suggestiveness, but aren't really eroge or porn?

I'm thinking stuff like dress-up and raising games.

>> No.10525634

AWWWH SHIIIT I loved this fucking game.

>> No.10525650

I was so fucking proud of myself when I got the Queen ending. It took me over a year.

>> No.10525684 [DELETED] 

how is an erotic game not a game? fucking idiot.

>> No.10525785 [DELETED] 


>> No.10525787

>Why are eroges with gameplay so rare?

Eroge always have gameplay. Erotic game. Eroge. They're not Visual Novels.

>> No.10525789

A Visual Novel can be eroge, but not eveyr eroge is a Visual Novel, dude

>> No.10525791

here we go

>> No.10525796

No, a visual novel isn't a eroge. It's a visual novel. If it has gameplay, it's an eroge/galge/nukige/etc

>> No.10525813

What the tits are you saying? In Japan, eroge means an erotic visual novel in most cases. They rarely use the term "visual novel" outright. Of course, not all visual novels are eroge and not all eroge are visual novels (e.g. those 3D sex sims).

Visual novels are games. Just because they're text and clicking doesn't change that. You interact with them and in most cases you can win or lose, or at least have an effect over the outcome. There are games with basically no interactivity, like Conway's Game of Life.

>> No.10525835
File: 98 KB, 792x582, LunLunBlush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yearly reminder Lun Lun is best girl.

RIP Milfuelleismywaifu

>> No.10525851
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>> No.10525868
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I always loved eroge with gameplay, especially the ones where you are fighting or competing with girls you become gentle with later. I believe it is simply because it is much harder to add gameplay rather than some crappy filler text instead. I can't say they are very rare, especially in the RPG genre, though I certainly wish there were more ero danmaku and racing games.

>> No.10525876
File: 9 KB, 567x609, diagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys i know you all know this but i made a diagram anyway

in real life eroge should eat into visual novels more because the japanese are all perverts and sometimes that's a shame

>> No.10525881

Learn to use photoshop for fuck's sake.

>> No.10525886

Because we should call them eroge.

Fate/stay night is an eroge.
Shuffle! is an eroge.
Wanko to Kurasou is an eroge.

d w/ it N.E.R.D.

>> No.10525890

i did that's how i made the picture

>> No.10525910

>Why are eroges with gameplay so rare?

Because bad taste.

>> No.10525921 [SPOILER] 
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I also remember these threads, it was probably the most enjoyable spam to see. Though your statement is moot.

>> No.10525923

What is aroduc translating? is he almost done with both yet?

>> No.10525942

Will people ever get bored of masturbating? Isn't there enough porn software already?

This is probably why they're rare. If you want to make or play a proper game, you'll make or play a proper game.

>> No.10525952

>Will people ever get bored of masturbating?

Yes, immediately after finishing.

>> No.10525966
File: 16 KB, 500x335, stallman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a happy world where everything is open source and free to reuse. This way artists would be able to take any game they find most fitting, tweak it slightly, change the art and - voilà! - games with both solid ERO and GE will thrive.

>> No.10525984
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And then there was the one everyone forgot, who loved her friend but could never tell him.

>> No.10525992

There are plenty of eroge with gameplay, I have no clue what you are talking about. I personally like small indie eroge made in flash, you know, those little things dlsite is full of?

You're the rika nipah guy, aren't you?

>> No.10526007

Yet there wouldn't be nearly that much content because all the artists have 9-5 jobs.

>> No.10526014

What? No. You don't realize it. The world's welfare is already at the point where everyone doesn't even have to work. Some old-fashioned things and people just are holding the bright future back.

>> No.10526017

Game when?

>> No.10526027

The economy would collapse first.

>> No.10526028

Steam-Hearts is a shooting game with erotic cutscenes.

>> No.10526041

Explain how countries with lots of state-funded NEETs work and manage to have stabler-than-average economy.

>> No.10526053

You made me shed a tear, anon, and feel like a selfish bastard, even though I found her rather annoying. Also, how cruel Pulltop was by not making proper endings for the Princesses or a fandisc.

>> No.10526056

People who aren't NEETs. Less corporate welfare, most likely, too.

>> No.10526245 [DELETED] 


>> No.10526279

See, you can even rationalize why and how it works.

Everyone doesn't have to work in today's world and we could go much further if society was ready for it.

NEET is the future.

>> No.10526290

But if nobody had to work, then why would anybody?

>> No.10526300

Tell me, from the countries that are welfare states, how many of them produce video games and the like?

>> No.10526302

Not everyone has to work, but some people will have to. . Just like today. Some people are willing to go through all the extra hoops and sacrifice their lives just to have a little more money or whatever.

>> No.10526308

The answer may come as a major surprise so I've decided to spoiler it: All of them.

>> No.10526314

Bullocks. Really the only major producers are US and Japan and they aren't welfare states. Both are pretty economically conservative.

>> No.10526325

Sweden makes great strategy games, and the UK has tons of good game companies.

>> No.10526341

By Sweden you mean Paradox Interactive, who really aren't even that popular.

>> No.10526349

While Japan does produce all your eroge, I don't think that has nothing to do with their (lack of a) welfare system.

>> No.10526367

Loli is fueled by capitalism. Why else would they produce games where you can rape little girls other than pedophiles are sexually repressed and are willing to spend money for release?

>> No.10526366

Pretty much everyone has heard of paradox these days, their games sell fairly well.

>> No.10526390

Code isn't the problem, though. There are plenty of programmers.
The trouble is art, music, story, and other assets. Stallman believes art should be shareable, but it doesn't have to be free. That's why he isn't anti-copyright everything-must-be-in-the-public-domain like Aaeru. See the bottom of his website.

>> No.10526414

Why is a lot of loli art available for free? In fact, probably most of it?

>> No.10526510

Why are a lot of photographs of children being fucked available for free?

You may not pay directly, but your supply fuels their demand.

>> No.10526519

Why do people post pictures of dicks on 4chan?

>> No.10526526

First of all, notice that I did not quote him or anything. I just used his picture because he is the first thing that comes to mind when I think of sharing programming or art assets and all other high-tech communism in general.
Second, the scheme I described does not require art being free, it only requires making it possible for eroge artists and writers to adopt art of another category which is video games, whether it is free assets or some sort of agreement.
Third, on a more serious note, having this kind of symbiosis between ero and ge makers can be possible with the modern paradigm as well if game companies would license their engines for a humble price to eroge makers, but seems like an unlikely thing to pull off since porn would usually be the last thing an aspiring game maker would want to associate with as it could potentially make them bad reputation.

>> No.10526541

>Why are a lot of photographs of children being fucked available for free?
It's nearly impossible to find these days

>> No.10526621

Okay, fair enough. I agree with what you're saying. Sites like OpenGameArt are a neat idea for this reason. The only problem is when something becomes too "stock". There's a man called Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) who makes no-cost royalty-free music, and eventually you get sick of hearing it in every YouTube video. It's like using the default sprite set in RPG Maker or the default styles in Windows Movie Maker. If we can encourage more people to share what they make and create a big pool of resources, this shouldn't be a problem.

Altering an existing game can be a little tricky, though. There are already fan patches for games and if they don't distribute copyrighted content, they're not illegal at all. We know how NScripter, KiriKiri, Ren'Py, etc. games work. It's not too difficult to alter text, so if someone wants to create a diff file or a patch or something that lets you play Tsukihime with an alternative ending, it's not hard. I say it's tricky because it would get kind of annoying having fifty different versions of the same game in the same way ROM hacks or fan fiction of the same series get annoying.

As for your last point I think that's not all that necessary. There are good libraries and engines out there, notably OpenGL, SDL, Allegro, SFML, LÖVE, and a few others. I've never seen an eroge that was so complicated it needed a modern 3D engine, though there are a few of those too (OGRE 3D, Irrlicht, Cube, Crystal Space, Blender). Small eroge companies usually aren't too ambitious, so you can expect a Tetris mini-game or something but not an Elder Scrolls clone. But I would be interested in seeing some sort of grand scale eroge built on a state of the art engine. Something that says "eroge is serious business" to the people.

>> No.10526763

What kind of gameplay you guys like or would like in an eroge?

>> No.10526774

RPG elements

>> No.10526791

Ore no Yome Anata Dake no Hanayome

>> No.10526822

But that's game's really bad.

>> No.10526875

> I say it's tricky because it would get kind of annoying having fifty different versions of the same game in the same way ROM hacks or fan fiction of the same series get annoying.
That's exactly the downside. You either have unique games which can suck in a certain respect or you have hundreds of different versions of games which look like clones up to the point people won't be able to discuss anything as there will be so many different versions around with different endings and tweaks. So yes, I agree that only non-creative stuff like physics or graphical engines should be free to use (BSD-style) and while the creative rest should not be free(or even possible) to duplicate.

> I've never seen an eroge that was so complicated it needed a modern 3D engine
Well, there are Illusion games which do use pretty advanced self-made 3D engines. But they suck at storytelling and accent too much on erotica to my fancy. My dream is that they would license their engine to good circles to that would make games with good stories in proper 3D. There is also stuff like 「萌えろDownhill Night BLAZE」 which would certainly benefit from better 3D engines and physics.

>> No.10526892

Disgusting. All the characters end up looking weird in an uncanny valley sort of way.

>> No.10527614

>Why are a lot of photographs of children being fucked available for free?
>You may not pay directly, but your supply fuels their demand.

That didn't make any sense.

>> No.10527628

You supply CP therefore more people find it therefore more people want it.


>> No.10527667

You think producing CP is cheap? Do you know how much it costs to purchase a loli from slave traders? To get high enough quality equipment and a sound-proof bunker built? It's not cheap, kiddo. Every time you pirate CP you are taking money directly out of the wallets of the people that make it.

>> No.10527681


>> No.10527691

When did this discussion ever turn into CP and pirating? Back in >>10526414 I was referring to all the genuinely free loli art, not pirated.

>> No.10528422

>because they aren't games

Did you seriously just say eroge aren't video games? /jp/ is worse off than I thought.

>> No.10528439

We must do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian-Darwinian theory, he must justify his right to exist. So we have inspectors of inspectors & people making instruments for inspectors to inspect inspectors. The true business of people should be go back to school & think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along & told them they had to earn a living

- Richard Buckminster Fuller (1895 - 1983)

>> No.10528483

does dress up mode count as gameplay?

>> No.10530272
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She is not an heroine?
Fuck this game already.

>> No.10534335 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10534347


You don't get to have sex with Iris, either. I was very disappointed.

>> No.10534389

I missed those daily "Lun Lun is awesome" threads.
