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10521831 No.10521831 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10521845

it's saturday and i drank a bottle of sake, 2 beers, 2 rums and coke and now i feel reall worried that it's a problem and besides i feel sick

>> No.10521855
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>> No.10521856

You're cute.

>> No.10521857

That's really not that much.

>> No.10521858
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My sister tried to have sex with me again even though we're both girls

>> No.10521865

btw im a girl

>> No.10521868

really? that makes me feel better i guess.

>> No.10521884


Sake tastes terrible and isn't a very good transporter of alcohol to make up for that. Safe travels while vomiting.


wow so am i

>> No.10521885


please post the epicest version

>> No.10521887

with /jp/ friends@sunday

>> No.10521898

>Sake tastes terrible
what did you just fucking *say* to me about sake?

>> No.10521894
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pardy thred
everybudy danse !!!

>> No.10521900

As long as you aren't developing a dependence on it, it's not a problem. Some people like drinking more total than others.

>> No.10521899 [DELETED] 
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>be today
>get done with gym and have soar shoulder
>mention that and people at the gym kid around about the massage shop next door giving happy endings
>whatever I just want a massage
>walk in and lady comes up to the sliding mirror glass wall, asks me what I want and tells me how much it'll be
>15min chair massage sounds good
>the door next to me unlocks and she brings me into a room
>she is about 5ft 100 lbs mid twenties 7/10
>she keeps saying things like, "oooooo your back need work... I give you 20 more min for 10 dollar... And, "ok lay down now 10 more min just 5 more dollar..."
>so before I know it I'm fully clothed and getting a massage in a chair to being butt naked face down on a table
>keep agreeing to her advances because she is hot and thought I might as well keep going because this feelsgoodman.jpg
>before I know it I'm face up and she's putting a condom on me with her mouth
>so here I am getting my dick sucked with a condom on
>feelsgreat.gif even with the condom on
>you fuck me.for 30 more
>don't even care by this point and agree
>she says she needs the money first
>$190 total... Fuck
>she comes back in saying, "card no work, show me how..."
>she gives me a towel to wrap myself in and leads me to the card machine

>> No.10521908


>> No.10521909

Even if this image is ironic, it still cheers me up whenever I see it.

>> No.10521912 [DELETED] 
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>it says to enter password and I say ask her what it is
>she says she doesn't work there. Just temporarily
>holy sex trafficking batman
>insist on paying cash and we go back to the room
>damn straight I kept my boner without skipping a beat. Even when I was at the register
>she takes off her close and lays on the bed
>ok then
>Start fucking her and it sounds like she's crying
>ask if she's ok
>holy fuck that's not her pubic hair it's a tattoo of a rose right above her vagina
>She gets in doggy and it only lasts 5 seconds before I stop
>you too big. I finish with Hand and mouth. Sorry.
>inb4 lying on the internet.
>she beats me off with the force of 1000 suns
>maybe she thought I'd still give her a tip. Nope you couldn't hang bitch
>she tells me to warn her when I'm about to bust
>tell her
>She aims my dick in an angle away from our faces
>think about how many times she has been blasted in the face or given a dude a dose of his own man juice for her to come up with this finishing move
>let out an audible laugh so she stops saying sorry
>NO KEEP GOING! She does, good bitch lol
>apologize for somewhat yelling only because she jumped when I did
>think about the beatings she must have received to be so obedient while I was mid bust
>it's over before I know it
"My name is candy tell your friends"
>leaves the room
>put clothes back on and leave just as the worlds ugliest looking Arab comes in
>almost trip as I leave
>here I am $190 later plus the $20 I felt obligated to put in my gf car (she had mine because her windshield wipers don't work)

ask me anything

>> No.10521916
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i did a vomit all this morning from hangedover.
very crappy situation

hope you get fine, drink some waters before you go into sleep tonight!

>> No.10521917


back off buddy dont make me call my brother he works for touhou

>> No.10521921 [DELETED] 
File: 299 KB, 1500x1375, 1351569661122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my last escort encounter a few weeks ago
>go to meet her
>calls me whilst i'm driving
>tells me if it's okay if we switch hotels
>says the one she's in now is shit
>get there and she gets in my car
>small talk on the drive to new hotel
>park at new hotel and she goes to pay for the room
>comes back and says it's gonna be 30 mins before room is ready
>we hang out, talk, and listen to music
>room is finally ready
>get down to business
>starts undressing me
>then i undress her
>both in underwear at this point
>she mounts me and rubs up against my boner
>she bends over and tells me to help her with her panties
>she's got a nice juicy booty
>give it a quick kiss
>she quickly busts out a condom and puts it on me
>jerks me off real hard which felt amazing
>lays back and i put it in
>make out a little whilst i thrust away
>after, bend her over and fuck her doggy style
>grab her hands and pound away
>cum on her back
And then we just hung out for a while and watched some tv. She was pretty cool.

>> No.10521924

you don't even know what you've started here, it's world war 3 and you're basically France. That's the situation here.

>> No.10521926

He drank a bottle of sake, dude.

He has drank at least 12 units of alcohol overall. Unless you're a teenager with something to prove, that's quite a lot.

>> No.10521946
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sooo, don't do it?

>> No.10521942 [DELETED] 
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Anyone else in here has trouble speaking?
I can talk to almost anyone through chat. I come off as a really cool guy with a happy vibe.
But I'm fucking retarded when it comes to talking face to face.
I stutter, forget words, think of what I'm going to say next. It's very stressful and I find myself just avoiding people or giving a hurried talk and leave.

My social life is falling apart because of this. You can never truly know someone through the internet. I have a hard time finding friends because of this.
Haven't had a best bro in years.

Regularly chat with online friends on Skype even, take part in a forum, can barely hold conversations face to face even with family I've known all my life. Shitsux but I do try sometimes.

I also lost the ability to laugh at peoples jokes. It's like they are just not funny to me or I miss the joke.

I have to force my laughter.

>> No.10521954

I feel like crying now, that's exactly what's happened to me.

>> No.10521957
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I don't have trouble speaking, but after some shit went down in my life i've been unable to sound or look happy and it's pretty tiring to do anything. And nobody wants to hang out with someone who's always a downer.

>> No.10521960
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Damn this week went by fast

>> No.10521961

I missed you, feelspammer.

You're so many -spammers and they're all wonderful.

>> No.10521962 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 200x267, tumblr_m842mkCvfX1qm3dx3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists of various stripes for about twelve years, beginning around the 4th grade or so.

I suppose in the early going it might have helped having someone to talk to, but by the time I was in high school any benefit I might have derived from it had been long since exhausted. Eventually it degenerated into either normalfag advice ("just go out and do things, anon") or weirdness (I had one therapist who was sure that a career as a research biologist was where my life ought to go. I have no idea why.)

So I quit going. I'm still depressed and anxious a lot, but I've been pretty-much making do in life. I don't like it, but I mean, geez. I spent over a decade banging my head on that particular wall. I'm 26 now. At some point, you just are whoever you are. I tried for a long time to change who I was with therapy, but eventually you just have to accept that one more go-around isn't likely to work.

>> No.10521974
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Hello, I'm a depressed lonely slutty transgender girl who wants friends. Please add me on skype, my name is milky.girl4.

Please be my friend and fall in love with me!

>> No.10521983

milk was a guy? that explains everything.

>> No.10521986


get this shitty spam out of my thread

>> No.10521996 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 600x600, 1350255366026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took a kid in, got him through HS, right through half of college and he re payed it by becoming a drug dealer, stealing shit from me and nearly getting thrown in prison again.
the kid was on a one way ticket to life in prison.

Gave a guy a room to stay in while he collected the pieces of his life after being in prison. He didn't listen to some simple rules I told him and he destroyed my geothermal heating/AC.

helped a girl out, to pass school. told me to fuck off after helping her pass. also gave her some money every week for food
>inb4 nice guy bullshit
nah she needed help and was dirt poor at the time. She was alright looking I guess. But was definitely in need of some support

Saved a kids life from choking when i was a kid. re-payed by not watching my back while in a fight only a little while later when i was attempting to defend a girl against some faggots.

people are disgusting ignorant monsters and unless they have respect for you, they will simply walk all over you and do what they want.

>> No.10522018

why do you break my heart

>> No.10522031

tnx janny !

>> No.10522037

itt: fat fucks

im 1/10th through a handle of vodka and im drunk as heck, cheers to being anorexicNEET :)

>> No.10522056
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>> No.10522090

>Not being an alcoholic.

Sake's very low proof, I think it's only slightly stronger than wine. You barely drank anything.

>> No.10522230


The 1700s called, etc.

Sake contains at least 15% ABV. If he drank a whole bottle (a standard bottle of sake is 720ml, according to Wikipedia) that's 10 units. Plus 2 beers (assuming he means pints, that's 4 units) and two rum and cokes (that's 2 units). 16 units, give or take. At 12 units, a typical man of average build is "unable to walk straight" and has a "loss of memory". at 18 units, he's "approaching toxic levels" and "continued drinking will lead to unconsciousness".

Maybe you're a super heavyweight, good for you, but >>10521845-san has a right to feel concerned and ill. You're not 15 any more, so you don't have to qualify yourself as a truALCOHOLIC.

>> No.10523052

Please stop posting about alcohol, sisters, sex, having sex with your sister, etc. I believe NEET is not having sex, not drinking, not having a sister, etc. and living an austere life free from the polluted stuff in this world like sisters, sex, etc.

>> No.10523643

Who cares what you believe? We're all going to die anyway.

>> No.10523654

oh fuck its friday

>> No.10523655

I never know what day of the week it actually is.

>> No.10523670
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>> No.10523674

"Nowadays I often forget the day of the week"

>> No.10523682
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>I believe NEET is not having a sister

Thanks for the laugh.

>> No.10523690

Saturday morning here now
still awwsome

>> No.10523692

Sisters are bad, sex is bad, but sex with your sister is somehow good.

>> No.10523728


Two negatives make a double positive.
