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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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1051837 No.1051837 [Reply] [Original]

Independent game developer here.
What kind of game does /jp/ want to play most?
I have tons of ideas and concepts but we really only have the resources to develop one. So I thought: Why not ask the target audience. Anyways, now that I'm here: What kind of game would you guys like to play? Preferably something that you think is fun and may even buy.. something you don't think would be produced in a similar fashion anytime soon. We have resources for both 2D and 3D development, but 2D would create a faster turnaround so you get to play sooner.

tl;dr: What would /jp/ REALLY like to play?

>> No.1051841


>> No.1051842

An Epic Mecha MMO fighting game with GOOD controls.

>> No.1051846

Touhou mmo

>> No.1051849

Yume Nikki FPS

>> No.1051858

Interesting. Good as in complex or good as in great response. We could try to do something simple to use and tight like gunmetal if we go that route. The network coding is a downside but our engine does have naitive support for online multiplayer. It would likely end up being instanced battles and cities in a consistent world. Still sound fun?

Would love to hear some other options too.. we'd like to keep it fairly soft on the network coding side.

>> No.1051870

I like this.

But at the same time, >>1051841
I desire Touhou multiplayer shootan.

>> No.1051871

A Touhou-based Myst-like.

Without any Touhoues.

>> No.1051872

We thought of something similar.. the design challenge seems too intriguing to pass up.

>> No.1051875

They got that its called flyff

>> No.1051876

A touhou-style danmaku game, with the moe charactersm but instead of 100% scripted stages the gameplay is partly random and you go through one long stage where you can fork in different paths and find secret bosses and stuff. Sort of like Danmaku Dungeon.

>> No.1051878

I can't see how it would actually turn out to be a good MMO without blatantly relying on blind Touhou fanboyism.

>> No.1051879

Anything that's not like Touhou but that's a FPS game without a plot and that's mainly multiplayer.

>> No.1051882

Game set in Japan realism style

>> No.1051884

An eroge with American girls instead of Japanese ones. That is all, easy to program and cheap to produce as it is. Just a good moe VN that isn't all weeaboo "MY NAME IS SAKURA MINNAMOTO DESU".

>> No.1051886

Oh oh oh ok get this.

A touhou MMO... with mechas!

Eh?! Sounds good right?

>> No.1051889

Noone cares.

>> No.1051895

A game where the main character interacts with several females in a high-school environment, with the objective of developing a love relationship with one of them.

>> No.1051896


>> No.1051898


>> No.1051894

Jade Empire with Touhou.

>> No.1051899

I was going to say they already did that, but Silent Hill wasn't FPS.

>> No.1051904

Ghost Slide.

>> No.1051906

I said a GOOD vn.

>> No.1051907

sounds like an interesting concept to support our funding. certainly easy enough.

>> No.1051911


Whoa, let's not get too hasty here.

>> No.1051912

iamp + swr characters - swr bullshit

>> No.1051916


>> No.1051917
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>> No.1051913

Whatever you do, don't make a mmorpg.

Worst game genre ever.

>> No.1051922


But we already have Persona 3.

>> No.1051924

Don't forget a moralfag character...the number one moe archetype that Westerners love, but the Japanese moe industrial complex has no conception of.

>> No.1051925

I'm pretty sure the thread proves you wrong.

>> No.1051927

In retrospect.. -would- anyone be interested in playing a primarily 2d/3d actually interactive eroge. Actually walking around etc. while developing relationships.. or is that more of a hassle or turn off?

>> No.1051930

Basically, we'll play anything as long as it has cute lolis in it.

>> No.1051932

Interesting, to say the least.

>> No.1051935

CGI is pig disgusting.

>> No.1051938

An eroge you say? I'm interested.

>> No.1051933

No thanks.

>> No.1051939


Depends on how it was implemented. It certainly couldn't be any worse then sitting through reams of dull narrative.

>> No.1051940

sounds like lot of pointless extra work for something that doesn't add much to the gameplay, nor would be utilized to it's fullest extant.

>> No.1051943

a game like god hand only harder and bloodier

>> No.1051953

I really want a good survival post-apocalyptic zombie game where you need to get food, raid old buildings, recruit survivors, and build forts and stuff all done in an RPGesque fashion, but since this is /jp/, it'll should probably be touhou or some VN.

>> No.1051949

We have a number of concepts regarding something similar(hence posting in /jp/).
Just what style of game would you be primarily shooting for. Something fast-paced or something to kick back and enjoy the scenery? From that we could give out a few details without hinting at too much.

>> No.1051950

Sounds more like a dating sim... kind of like those flash games on newgrounds I used to play years ago.

>> No.1051951


But we already have Persona 3.

>> No.1051945

/r/ing email address. Let's join our indie manpower and conquer teh Internets. What languages do you know?

>> No.1051960

I've been seriously thinking about making my own videogame lately. I can program, I can create good music/sfx, I have my grand idea/plot in place... but the graphics.

Anyone have any tips for creating attractive 2D sprites?

Then again, I'm still developing my drawing skills. Any artwork tips in general? Draw-friends?

>> No.1051959
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Go play the Ur-Quan Masters (Star Control II) if you haven't already.

That's a great game, and the thing about it is, it still holds up today as a great game. Great story, great characters, great gameplay, yet 2D and from 1993.

That's an adventure game. They don't make those anymore. Make one. People will play it.

>> No.1051961

We have many threads like this.
Nobody ever delivers.
Do not come back until you are 80% done.
I would easily pay $20 for a physical copy worth 20 hours of gameplay.
2.5d is the most charming type of game for me; Radiant Silvergun, Ikaruga, etc. Simple models like Final Fantasy 4 DS would make me cream.

Gameplay: be unique. there is no point in making a game that has been done before.

Story: create a complex alternate reality. make a well structured story (higurashi has very good structure, so does KnK). Give the protagonist balls.

Art Direction: no moe shit.


>> No.1051965

Don't make any scrolling shooters or dating sims/VNs, we have enough.

I recommend that you make an action game. A mech game is good because most of the ones out now are quite clunky.
Things I want:
-Third person perspective
-WASD for movement, Space to jump
-Dashing and airdashing via doubletapping a direction
-Diverse weapon variety (not just pistol, rifle, shotgun, melee)
-Sleek controls
-N64 level graphics
-online play if you can handle it

A God Hand is fine too.

Why don't you tell us some of your ideas, OP?

>> No.1051966

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: THE GAEM

>> No.1051968

We're a bit picky on our co-op projects but getting in contact can't be a bad thing, who knows maybe it's a perfect fit after all. In order to prevent spamflood™ give me a sec and I'll make a temporary account we can use to communicate.

>> No.1051973



Mindfuck-ish story on the level of Ever17 or similar (easy way to do this: have either a time loop or time paradoxes/similar. Borrow from a mix of Haruhi stories and VNs if you need to).

Combine this with the early-90s-style adventure game atmosphere and you have yourself a recipe for awesome.

>> No.1051975

2d fighting game with one hit ko

oh wait thats hokuto no ken

>> No.1051977

Anything that is original, alternative, thought-provoking, not very well known.

Yume Nikki is a good example of this.

>> No.1051980

I would love to see an RPG loosely based off Planetarian, where the player is a junker. Put an emphasis on exploration, post-apocalyptic economics, and cultivating the bleak setting.

Failing that, give me something with adorable lolis.

>> No.1051981

>I can create good music/sfx

Elaborate. How does one create music/sfx? What software do you use?

>> No.1051984


>> No.1051987

Create a TYPE-MOON skinpack for WoW, I want my rogue to look like Nanaya Shiki.

>> No.1051989


Hmm, thinking more about this.

Think something on the level of Planescape: Torment or Fallout-style; the amount of resources required to make a 2D adventure game are rather reasonable for a small game developer. The real trick will be combining it with the mindfuck; I don't know any adventure game that has truly given me an Ever17-style mindfuck.

>> No.1051990

I don't believe you have the capacity to make a good 3d eroge; no offense, but even Japan has not truly succeeded there.

A 2d sprite (or vector) game of that sort, you might be able to pull off. I'm not sure if you are thinking of something like The Sims, or more like Harvest Moon, or some other type of gameplay entirely. If you have a walk-around environment, the gameplay should take advantage of that; it shouldn't be like one of those strip-poker games where the game is completely unrelated to what the player is interested in. (The moe and/or porn action.)

>> No.1051997

Don't listen to those asking for VNs or shooters. We have enough of those. Your shooter is not going to be as good as Touhou, and we have enough VNs. We have enough sprite FIGHTAN GAMES too. MMOs are of course way out of your league. Do something creative.

>> No.1051998


YES YES YES. Either of these would be amazing.

>> No.1051999

Oh my god, just please kill yourself cancer.

>> No.1052001

If possible, including something similar to the moon gates in elona would be awesome. Allow for user-generated content/areas through some kind of editor. Make an option for random selection, maybe allow players to get to a specific place with a random code or something. Restrict it as much as you want, but allowing people to modify small aspects of the game (and fill it with the meme-of-the-week, or whatever) gives it a lot more replayability.

>> No.1052002

I don't know, that sort of goes against the theme of isolation that's more or less central to a lot of post-apocalyptic scenarios.

>> No.1052005

>Art Direction: no moe shit.

I think this is horrible advice.

There are thousands of Western games produced with "no moe shit" already. On the other hand, I can't think of a single quality Western title with a good moe element. Don't aim your product to a market that is oversaturated and made up of normalfags who'll probably just pirate it already, aim it towards the unserviced but frivolously spending (read: otaku) minority.

>> No.1052008

I really didn't want to lose my noko, but there you go.
If the flood stays small we'll be accepting feedback and suggestions over this email as well. We will reveal our company name upon release or at beta.
/jp/ will be the first to test, it's the least we can do after the great feedback here.

>> No.1052017

Dude, you can never have too many VN's or shooters. There just a tried formula that works well, and no matter how many you play, they'll always be just as fun.

>> No.1052020
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Persona/Stay Night

>> No.1052025


>> No.1052026


Highly seconded.

>> No.1052027

I do not like Rakki Suta

>> No.1052023
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Why don't we all put our manpower together and start a doujin group? I'll be the leader of said group.

>> No.1052029

Have a website to keep us updated. Doesn't need to be too complex. A few screenshots and an update log would be fine.

Don't crap out though. We've had too many of those...

>> No.1052037

Proof that you already delivered in the past or get out.

Seriously, I know WAY too many kids who call themselves "game developers" because they "totally have this project to make a game in Sepples for the xbox" when all they can do is a Pong clone in Flash.

>> No.1052046

Honestly, here is my best advice:

Look through the 'tons of ideas and concepts' you have, maybe write a few quick 'flatshaded blue and red cube' gameplay tests. Choose the one with the best gameplay, and get that gameplay polished.

THEN add memes and moe.

>> No.1052049


Get together with Croatia and Columbia and you can be the retard trio.

>> No.1052052

Creativity isn't so much the problem as too much creativity.
We have a lot of bright heads and enough of them are good enough to give them a shot. The problem is funding: we have just enough for a single title. So we want to give it our best.. but also make it what our target audience -really- wants to play. Who knows, maybe what we think would be the funnest and what /jp/ believes is the funnest are entirely different concepts: And that's why we're here. This thread will help us focus our efforts, and we may return at key points during development for feedback as well. I'll be presenting the general consent and the best/most liked suggestion and give them back to the team, then we'll go from there and poke back with the game concepts that are a compromise of whats funnest for you, and what fits in our scope. I'd hate to announce: "we're working on x" and have it never see the light of day.

>> No.1052054

I refuse to work with anyone. Look at mirrormoon faggotry; big teams just slow things down. I admire Zun and Pixel.

>> No.1052065

>I know assembly faggots. Me > You
Such childishness is unscientific and ultimately destructive.

Plus, knowing how to divide a number by two and store it in the stack is now "knowing assembly." "Knowing assembly" means having worked on projects like gcc, ZSNES, Valgrind, etc. (or having read SICP and completed all the exercises) "HOLY SHIT I CAN TYPE MOV, ASSEMBLE THIS SHIT WITH NASM AND IT TOTALLY MOVES THE CONTENTS OF A REGISTER TO ANOTHER, I AM GOD," is not "knowing assembly."

You will never reach Satori that way.

>> No.1052068

Thanks, that was really helpful for what direction. We've been throwing around 2.5 d for a while as one our engine-choices specializes in that, we know the mainstream isn't too hot on it, but they're not what we're shooting for anyways, aside from Touhou shootan does /jp/ generally like 2-2.5 D or prefer 3D? Gamplay aside.

>> No.1052076




>> No.1052069

Whatever you do, please put the Wyld Stallyns in your game. I don't really care if it's a major role or just an NPC cameo.

>> No.1052080

Depends on the genre.

>> No.1052085

>THEN add memes

>> No.1052078

Do what the best do: Steal sprites that other people have made for you! Seriously, it's what the guy that made Elona did. I hear it's gotten pretty popular on an imageboard or two, so I think it might work.


Go make a prototype using sprites taken from these websites; we can talk about getting better sprites when you actually have a game for them to go with.

(Alternatively, you can go all Dwarf Fortress and render everything in ASCII.)

>> No.1052086

If the 3D is done well, then I prefer 3D. We've had a lot of 2.5D thrown at us lately.

Seconding Wyld Stallyns request. No, not really, it's still the same guy.

>> No.1052090

2D, you say?
Can you do the linear-storyline adventure game, to the tune of early LucasArts games? It would incorporate challenge as well as well thought-out storyline.

>> No.1052094

I want a 3d magical girl adventure game.

>> No.1052098

I want a 3d magical girl adventure game.

>> No.1052102

Nanoha fighting game.

>> No.1052105

3D is to the video game industry as flash is to the animation industry as superheroes are to the comic book industry.

IE, shit.

>> No.1052108

We'd have to take a step away from planeterian for legal reasons, but the concept certainly seems interesting. and possible.

>> No.1052109

Already been done, kinda. (that one with Nanoha and Lina Inverse in the demo)

>> No.1052110

I tend to prefer 2d, although that is more due to the fact that my computer is always a five to ten years old laptop so there are limits to what I can run. (Although I have been known to play games like NetHack and DungeonCrawl on the eight-core processor computers at my college's computer lab, so go figure.)

>> No.1052112

I'll agree with you on flash but you're still a fucking retard.

>> No.1052120

A good Deus Ex sequel.

>> No.1052145

2.5d dwarf forteress that'd be awesome

>> No.1052151

If you're an indie developer, I'm afraid to say that while paying homage to /jp/'s favorite games is all good and well, it is probably not a good idea to make your one shot at the game as, well, doujin games (i.e. we will use the Touhou characters to do some other different type of games). Concept of genres and gameplay appealing to /jp/ would be fine, but using other well-known characters (or even rather obscure ones) from other games or anime without license is guaranteed to make the game either (1) brushed off as a fanmade crude game, or (2) LOL COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT.
That's what I think, anyhow.

>> No.1052152

You know those mech games where you fuck shit up with missiles and lasers and shit? Yeah, like that but with magical girls.

>> No.1052154

>>Elaborate. How does one create music/sfx? What software do you use?

I'm not sure how to answer this. Everyone does the music creation thing differently. But I'll try to keep things simple. Your question is extremely broad, so let me know if I'm replying with incorrect info. I'll try to keep things simple:

I use Cubase, one of the many music production progs, and lots of high-quality plug-ins/VSTs (basically, software sound instruments). I write my "MIDI sheet music" in Cubase (or any old music MIDI writing piece of shit, like Cakewalk), then apply my VSTs software instruments to the sheet music in Cubase.

From there on, it's all about tweaking your "sheet music" to seem like it's real. Adjusting volume, adding different expressions (staccato, legato, etc) at the right time. Then adding the effects (reverb, compression, adjusting EQ, etc.) so it sounds nice.

Live instruments is done in a similar manner, except replacing the MIDI/tweaking/VST adding expression part with "recording shit with mic".

Some nice VSTs (for buying, or buying):
orchestra instruments - EastWest Symphonic anything
drums - BFD drums
mastering effects - anything by WAVES

>> No.1052158

/b/ is just a bit too close for that. The last thing we need is a DDOS on our servers or invasion of our private lives when we're focusing on a project. Screenshots would be linkable to their creators, so that is out of the question for now. However you will be kept updated about anything specifically made for this project. Concept art and render stills will be provided when available(render stills if 3d or as supplemental)

>> No.1052159

>>Elaborate. How does one create music/sfx? What software do you use?

I'm not sure how to answer this. Everyone does the music creation thing differently. Your question is extremely broad, so let me know if I'm replying with incorrect info. I'll try to keep things simple:

I use Cubase, one of the many music production progs, and lots of high-quality plug-ins/VSTs (basically, software sound instruments). I write my "MIDI sheet music" in Cubase (or any old music MIDI writing piece of shit, like Cakewalk), then apply my VSTs software instruments to the sheet music in Cubase.

From there on, it's all about tweaking your "sheet music" to seem like it's real. Adjusting volume, adding different expressions (staccato, legato, etc) at the right time. Then adding the effects (reverb, compression, adjusting EQ, etc.) so it sounds nice.

Live instruments is done in a similar manner, except replacing the MIDI/tweaking/VST adding expression part with "recording shit with mic".

Some nice VSTs (for buying, or buying):
orchestra instruments - EastWest Symphonic anything
drums - BFD drums
mastering effects - anything by WAVES

>> No.1052160


Fuck you, we're not /b/.

>> No.1052166

I'll need to head off in a few. I will be saving this thread when I leave and cleaning it up for submission, so any final thoughts would really be appreciated. I'll report back tomorrow(11:30 PM CST) or thursday at the same time depending on how the meeting goes.

>> No.1052173

Hey now, don't go putting Colombia in the same league as ZUN and Croatia.
He's better than that. All ZUN does is troll and act like a retard and all Croatia does is troll by being his retarded self. At least Colombia is making a VN(that will most likely be shit) for us.
And did you just type Columbia? Seriously?

>> No.1052170

"doujin" doesn't mean using other's characters, it means "made by a circle of like-minded people and not professional"

>> No.1052177

I felt the need to say this: We're certainly aware that /jp/ is not /b/, but it's not like /b/'s users constrain themselves to one image board only. We obviously have a level of trust in /jp/ (thus posting here), so please don't take offense to the initial secrecy.

>> No.1052178

Dude, this is /jp/. Unless your stuff gets linked to /a/ (they can act like little kids sometimes there), you have nothing to worry about, everyone here is sick and tired of invasions and shit.

>> No.1052180

Protip: Touhou games are doujin games.

>> No.1052181

You mean a mahou shoujo game like this?


>> No.1052193


>> No.1052198

Anonymous of Columbia is making a VN? I have not heard of this yet. Is there a site for it?

>> No.1052199

well something like DF would be awesome if done with 2.5/3d otherwise a I wouldn't mind a good rts in an anime setting magical girls vs mecha vs esper would be a good base imo add destructive spell mass destruction weapon and an original tech tree ( or even better customizable unit/squad) anyway this is the opinion of one anonymous for what it's worth

>> No.1052204

This is why I will never play shit like that.

>> No.1052202

It's being released at Comiket 74. August 16th, I believe.

>> No.1052209

>magical girls vs mecha vs esper
You have my attention, Anon.

>> No.1052211

>I have not heard of this yet
You've got to be kidding me...

I like Colombia, but come on, he's an extreme attention whore when it comes to his VN.

>> No.1052212
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I don't think you have servers. Enjoy your meetings with your dolls.


It appears that I did.

>> No.1052214

Awesome, I can't wait. It will be a nice thing to come back from vacation to.

>> No.1052215

Man, screw RTS.
Go for turn-based. It's probably cheaper to develop, to boot.

>> No.1052221

This won't happen anyway, as always.

>> No.1052228

Touhou robot wars series.
Think of the possibility.

>> No.1052229

Oh ho, what have you got, Mr. Zergling Rush?

>> No.1052225

turn-based games are shit

>> No.1052235

/r/ing tutorials if you have any.

>> No.1052237

Heading out now, I'll be back here latest Thursday to report back on the meeting. We'll run any concepts by /jp/ before finalizing them. Thank you all for your input. this was largely more successful than I would have expected. Thank you everyone who have constructive feedback or input. If anyone finds this thread later and wishes to contribute, feel free to contact us at our temporary email.

>> No.1052236

Super Robot Wars parody + Touhous. Do want over the top battle animations.

>> No.1052244



>> No.1052240

rts anon idea here
but you don't get the same feeling as with real time (can be replaced with nice film for MDW or spell though) and I imagine a setting a bit like besm (less the fury) with war for control of a plane/dimension and gameplay a bit like Supreme Commander (map that start small and that get bigger and bigger as the game advance in campain mode)

>> No.1052266



>> No.1052279

Shit I'm a bit late but... I've been seeing a lot of people suggest some kind of rpg or 3rd person shooter, and I like both. You could try to incorporate a bit of each sides.
While not in town, you can try a turn based environment like the grid map in the super robot wars series. An encounter with an enemy will direct you to the combat area where the real time action comes in. Many people have already pointed out good mechanics for the action part. Just make sure that the fights actually take skills instead of just making you sit there and hold a button for god knows how long. If you can make it good enough to make people actually train and allow for online play then that would be awesome.
Variety is another matter, there should be many different types of characters that the player can choose to fight on their side. Think of a factory area where you can pay to construct lolis, mechs and tentacle monsters. Each with different weapon sets and different advantages (sniper, melee, mid range oriented etc.)

From my experience some kind of online feature, no matter how small (say something like a chat box), holds people's interests far longer than a purely offline game.

>> No.1052297

Seriously dude. If you really wanna make /jp/ happy? Just translate shit.

>> No.1052306


>> No.1052310


Please do Muv Luv.

>> No.1052312

Such animations already exist.

The PA guy pauses. "It's marked as coming from the Adjutant herself on Serenity Station, but that could be a forgery. We just left a day ago."

The Adjutant... Lady Yagokoro. You try to think, still stuck in the cloudy daze of sleep. It's not working very well.

She heads the Guard, doesn't she? Or was that the Princess?

"Did you check the signature?", you ask automatically, changing out of your nightgown and into your uniform. The locker shuts moments later.

"Ah, I didn't. Sorry. Uh... hash signature checks out."

>> No.1052327

Turn-Based Strategy Mechan gaem with epic plot is epic, something in a mix of Jagged Alliance + Mecha + VN based storytelling

But then again, it wouldn't sell because ADS kids wanna play fast-paced FPS or RTS. Just fuck off faggots, you are the cancer willing to destroy the western vidya industry

>> No.1052339

Turn-Based Strategy Mechan gaem with epic plot is epic, something in a mix of Jagged Alliance + Mecha + VN based storytelling + base building and UFO like game structure to make it distinctive from the Front Mission franchise

But then again, it wouldn't sell because ADS kids wanna play fast-paced FPS or RTS. Just fuck off faggots, you are the cancer willing to degenarate the western vidya industry

>> No.1052343
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>> No.1052361

Danmaku-game where danmaku is generated from music-file.

>> No.1052384
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>> No.1052382

If we are the target audience you might as well go for freeware. Anonymous is a shitty target audience for commercial software.

>> No.1052397
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>> No.1052913

Your post matches with your posting name.
