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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.10517319

Thank you.

>> No.10517328


>> No.10517330

Are there any other links? I need adobe flash to view the ones in the OP.

>> No.10517335

Why did you come to Japan?


>> No.10517343


sage sage sage sage sage sage sage

>> No.10517366
File: 20 KB, 360x201, 1361372837720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10517371


>> No.10517379
File: 34 KB, 426x240, xxc9u6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10517381
File: 27 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10517388

When they asked me I told them I was doing research on Hirohito's war crimes.

>> No.10517389 [DELETED] 

ITT crossborders.

>> No.10517394

Sorry, I can't use adobe flash on my computer.

>> No.10517426

Did you know this is /jp/ - Otaku Culture, not /jp/ - Japan.

>> No.10517518

I had a laugh at the guy who stumbled around Akiba looking for a Shinji figurine.

Why didn't he just order it?

>> No.10517519



>> No.10517519,1 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ - Japan/General

>> No.10517519,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10517638

Akiba is short for Akihabara.

>> No.10517700

I can't understand what the fuck they're saying, as I'm sure most of /jp/ can't, so what's the point of watching this?

>> No.10517732

Oh dear, the "I'm mad because I'm too stupid to learn Japanese" squad has arrived.

>> No.10517738

Get thef uck back to your weeb board loser. We're normal here.


>> No.10517739


Most people here don't know Japanese. It's nothing to be mad about, it's just a fact you autist.

>> No.10517748

And some do, and have no problem watching the videos. If you're too stupid to, then fuck off.

>> No.10517760


lol 'too stupid to'

keep qualifying the years of your life you wasted on a useless language with the excuse that you have to be 'smart' to learn it (rofl)

>> No.10517764

Maybe one day you can get those grapes, Mr. Fox.

>> No.10517773


rofl @ this crossboarder meme shit

expect nothing else from japanese elitist cunts

>> No.10517786

Peasant please.

>> No.10517789

So are you shitposting just for the sake of shitposting, or is it something else?

>> No.10517793

Are we being raided by these dumb gooks from Gaia? Fuck off back there.

>> No.10517798

Please answer my question. I'll even answer yours. No.

>> No.10517803

Send it to my agent, kid.

>> No.10517805


1) Please take your epic /v/ memes back where they belong.

2) Grapes do not grow on trees.

3) Nobody is envious of your ability to read untranslated eroge. None of it is good. I'm guessing you've realized this too, which is why you constantly spam the board with Japanese language elitism to make yourself feel better about the decision you made to learn Japanese.

>> No.10517812

Why is it that being in any way elitist about knowing Japanese always causes at least one person to throw a tantrum? Every thread where someone does it you always get the same whining, e.g.


>> No.10517817

I keep doing something obnoxious and I have no idea why people are reacting negatively!!

>> No.10517818

>None of it is good.

Says the person incapable of reading any of it.

>> No.10517819

The same reason that claiming that "nobody in /jp/ knows Japanese what are you doing" always ignites a shitstorm.

People are bored and can't leave well enough alone.

>> No.10517825


Pretty much everyone is tired of you. You need to be more self-conscious if you can't understand why.

>> No.10517829

Step 1. Say something astoundingly dumb.
Step 2. Watch autists jump on you.
Step 3. Repeat step one.

Fifty replies, guaranteed. Half of /jp/ acts like it's never encountered a troll before.

>> No.10517836

I think these people are actually frustrated that they don't know the language. I mean, if your hobby is things that are in Japanese, and you are cut off from everything but what people decide to translate for you; and then you have to encounter people who aren't limited in such way, I can see why it would make them angry.

>> No.10517838

so much good trolling in this thread

jimmies rustled as HECK! epic

>> No.10517844


Please stop responding to yourself. This is psychotic behavior.

>> No.10517841

>I think these people are actually frustrated
There's a small chance they are. There was also a small chance that the guy whining about EoSD bomb delay genuinely thought it was an issue and that the guy who keeps insisting he doesn't know what to do with an ISO genuinely has no idea what he's doing. These people are probably trolling. On the off chance they really are that retarded, you should just leave them alone.

>> No.10517852
File: 240 KB, 653x446, Thread fixing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10517848

Go back to your translation begging thread, scum.

>> No.10517849
File: 29 KB, 125x405, Fix the thread button.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10517850

Congratulations on your great shitpost, dude.

I'm trying to nurture my psychotic tendencies. If it spills over into full blown lunacy maybe I'll get money for it.

>> No.10517859

It would probably be translated *click*.

>> No.10517854


translate it woboos

>> No.10517856
File: 121 KB, 512x512, GOLURK MORE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit, wrong button

>> No.10517863
File: 90 KB, 543x261, thread fixing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10517890
File: 205 KB, 1179x742, 1360493952324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't I be as interesting as this?

>> No.10517895 [DELETED] 
File: 415 KB, 975x768, 1359827103729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10517907

Bottom left is too small looking and those veins are repelling.
Top left is too skinny and the red head is unlikable.
Top right is subpar.
Bottom right is cute.
But they all have foreskin so they're by default terrible.

>> No.10517909


>> No.10517916

I like the bottom left the most.

>> No.10517918
File: 84 KB, 900x300, Take on me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10517927

Those hosts are so insufferable, Himura is the worst.

>> No.10517933

Did you get yours cut off and now hate it?
Why do you hate?

>> No.10517934
File: 420 KB, 596x335, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10517943

I was cut and my penis looks a lot like those? How can you tell if they're cut or not?

>> No.10517953

It's called personal preference, Anon.
There is a diverse array of cocks in the world and people are free to chose their favorite attributes of them.

>> No.10517959

>But they all have foreskin so they're by default terrible.

Please stop supporting the genital mutilation of male infants.

>> No.10517964

That's very open-minded of you. You're a good person.

>> No.10517983

Yes, why would anyone hate being strapped down to a table and having part of their genital cut off without their consent. Why indeed.

>> No.10518057


It's funny because arc is black.

>> No.10518117

meido pls

>> No.10518395

I've been watching this for the last 3 hours.
thx op

>> No.10518417

Fuck off.

>> No.10518420

I see the person who was mad that he can't understand the videos is still here.

>> No.10518426

I see that the shitposter who knows nothing he`s talking about is still here.

>> No.10518431

Calling your betters "shitposters" isn't going to make you less of a peasant.

>> No.10518437
File: 1.84 MB, 1366x768, GAIJIN age-51 JapGirl-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck? I don't care what the Japanese say about racism. They want fucking green cards.

>> No.10518448

Are you still roleplaying?

>> No.10518458

The yellow fever jew is living the dream...

But, I thought jews weren't supposed to copulate with other races?

>> No.10518464
File: 1.62 MB, 1366x730, Very Nice! - Gaijin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only the high leveled or powerful Jews stick to that rule these days. Otherwise the lower Jewish ranks, such as small bank owners or small time accountants, will often marry outside of the gene pool.

>> No.10518472

All these weebs...
Fug otaku. sageru4u

>> No.10518501

Times are changing anon. Most Jews are lured by secular society and are neglecting their Jewish duties. Why do you think the banking system is so crazy? All of the normal Jews that were supposed to run the banks and keep them running became cultural Marxists and got degrees in philosophy and underwater basket weaving and married filthy non Jewish women thus forever tainting them. Because of that the only tru Jews left are the crazy hardcore Jews that wear funny hrs and eat nothing but bagels.

>> No.10518524


>> No.10518553

Wow, that show is pretty fun to watch. Thank you!

>> No.10518563

Stop pretending Jews are victims of the system they created.

>> No.10518606

systems aren't created. they just coalesce through hundreds of years of occurrences.

>> No.10518636


>> No.10518695


>> No.10518765

What's you favorite Japanese food?

What's you like speaking Japanese?

>> No.10518766


I can only understand little bits and pieces of this and im still laughing my ass off. don't complain because you don't understand , wither watch it or don't watch it.


>implying if we had it your way /jp/ wouldn't be the exact same 15 threads forever.

>> No.10521146

So many people that came over for their animes and mangas. What would you say when they asked you wht you came to Japan, /jp/?

>> No.10521152


>> No.10521157

Business trip from my large successful American company.

>> No.10521237

I love this show, it's hilarious!

>> No.10521241 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 553x546, notvidya4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10521249

Does anybody else know any interesting japanese variety like this?

>> No.10521254 [DELETED] 

please someone make a 'not otaku' variant

>> No.10521278 [DELETED] 

there's a version with travis saying 'not moe'
but i don't have it

>> No.10521280 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 553x546, epic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally took all my sides to make this.

>> No.10521295 [DELETED] 
File: 182 KB, 996x832, jp at the store.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


my fugin sides just reachd infinidy

>> No.10521301

That was original content...

>> No.10521312

I got on the wrong plane.

>> No.10521381

they stalked the fuck out of the hawaiin guy

>> No.10521396

Why are there no subtitles?
How am I supposed to watch this shit?

>> No.10521400

By not being a secondary.

>> No.10521401

>he doesn't know Japanese


>> No.10521424

This show would be enjoyable if they got rid of the terrible narrator.

>> No.10522886

why do they keep playing back to the future music

>> No.10522998

Who is the fat guy with the bowl cut co-presenting the show? I keep seeing him on everything

>> No.10523065

"I am a communist agent of subversion come to undermine the cultural autonomy of Japan!"

>> No.10523068

Why do they get bald black men to do the intro?

>> No.10523080
File: 530 KB, 1440x810, 6y45ge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

himura yuuki from bananaman

>> No.10523115

inst that the guy from Akiba@deep?

>> No.10523145

jap spotted.

>> No.10523173

I am sampling every KFC restaurant in the world.

>> No.10525847

>3) Nobody is envious of your ability to read untranslated eroge

Speak for yourself. I envy people who can play JRPGs and such without waiting for companies to localize them.

>> No.10525995

Pachy scetch!

>> No.10526175

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10529037

"I heard dem chinamen make some fiiiiine rice and spaghetti."

>> No.10533510

She is Vietnamese.
