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10514925 No.10514925[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ I think I'm done with my e-career.

I'm not interested in anything anymore.
There's nothing to read, nothing to watch, nothing to play.
Not even shitposting is remotely fun now.
I was hikiki & NEET for 5 years, sitting at home every single day of my life.

Is it the end?

>> No.10514928

time to get a job

>> No.10514930

There's always something to watch, play or read. You're just too depressed to notice it.

By end you must mean the end of your own life, because if you haven't the motivation to do those then surely you don't have the motivation to turn your life around.

>> No.10514934

heh faget

>> No.10514937

It's time to move on. Cherish the memories of /jp/.

>> No.10514943


Getting a job is the only option besides suicide, OP.

You need something to distract you from the absurdity of living. If you stop making it novel without a wife and kids, then there is really nothing left.

>> No.10514945
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>By end you must mean the end of your own life, because if you haven't the motivation to do those then surely you don't have the motivation to turn your life around.
People like us aren't qualified to be involved in a dramatic incident such as suicide. No matter how depressed you are or how much pain you're in, you have to return to your routine, daily life. Even if you don't come back, you'll just end up dying in vain. A dramatic death isn't befitting of us.

>> No.10514952
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>> No.10514956

Get a job, it will keep you depressed but time will go by much faster.

>> No.10514972

If he can't be happy anymore with what he already does, how will that make anything better?
