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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10509157 No.10509157[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The /jp/sies stand before the darkness, and Zunbar shall guide their hand.

>> No.10509171
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>> No.10509184

Fuck the patriarchy

>> No.10509177

ZUN!bar had nothing to do with this

The janitor went berserk because three different people were spamming the board then moot told him to stop deleting train threads

Source: IRC

>> No.10509194

Why can't moot find someone that isn't a complete fucking nutjob to moderate /jp/?

>> No.10509189

Man they really seem to be working themselves into an EDGY corner with this game.

>> No.10509203


Because he doesn't care.

>> No.10509204


The only people who want to be the board's janitor don't really belong here in the first place.

>> No.10509205


Actually Playing DA right now Leliana would probably be /jp/'s waifu but this is not /v/ or /vg/ also this is shitposting in light of the janitor getting tossed I won't allow this until a proper janitor stabilizes /jp/

fuck off kindly

>> No.10509218

I hope you don't forget to breathe while typing out sentences like that.

>> No.10509219

Who the fuck is "Zunbar"?

>> No.10509225


I agree with you. Leliana is waifu-tier, especially with her affectionate and sultry voice. Morrigan would be good to have a one night stand or two with, but Leliana is a keeper even if she is a bit crazy.

>> No.10509235


I smell some NASTY crossboarder miasma on this post.

>> No.10509237

Are you trying to ruse us again?

>> No.10509236

It's what happens when you take ZUN to a bar. He drinks so much they just give him the whole thing. A ZUNbar

>> No.10509245

What game is that from?

>> No.10509239

But Leliana was a slut. A professional one.

>> No.10509251


lol u tk him 2da bar|?

>> No.10509254


Did she actually have intercourse with people, or did she just sneak around, play, and kill people with her bow?

>> No.10509267

I think it's the new Tomb Raider, but I'm not entirely sure.

>> No.10509259

But ZUN!bar was nothing compared to even a lot of recent anonymous shitposts and I'm not even talking spam like niggy, etc.

I don't get it.

>> No.10509260

Zunebear was a respected member of the /jp/ community who was wrongfully permabanned by our former janitor.

>> No.10509276

I disliked her, just like I disliked every other DA:O character, with some exceptions

>> No.10509279


ZUN!bar was permabanned by moot personally after he received like ten emails in one night from people wanting him banned

Some of you will remember the thread where this happened

>> No.10509271


She's a bard there's a difference and there's no telling if she slept with anyone other than "possibly" Marjolene


Boku no Raider

>> No.10509284


>Boku no Raider


>> No.10509289

I don't know who the fuck this Zunbar or Zunebear is. I do know of someone named ZUN!bar though.

>> No.10509336

Zun!bar was fucking shit and all the people who like him should be banned along with him.

No, responding to this in a non-aggressive "no bully!" manner with the most otaku reaction image you can find in the most eloquent fashion does NOT excuse you.

I genuinely weep when I see all these people just fucking hanging off him.

>> No.10509339
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>that /jp/ feel when you first start using your phone's data, and no longer have to reset your router

>> No.10509345
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>> No.10509362

Totally agree bro!
With my new phone I can shitpost anywhere where I can find an unsecured or public WiFi!

>> No.10509371

Why do people like ZUN!bar so much? I've seem some of his posts on that ota site and he's not a bad poster per se, but his posts aren't anywhere near quality enough to warrant a persistent trip. He doesn't seem to really know anything about anything, and just makes noncommittal comments about things. Which, again, would be fine if it weren't for the trip.

>> No.10509373

I think he means tethering it to use the connection.

>> No.10509375


You obviously have not been here for long so it's excusable to not know about ZUN!bar or why everyone hates him.

>> No.10509384

He was nice
He actually likes his hobbies
He (usually) knew how to take it easy

>> No.10509389


yes haha we are friend on jp :)

>> No.10509391

IRC shitposter group.

>> No.10509399

But don't you remember all that great /jp/ culture, like making threads starting with some reaction image and saying >ZUN!bar every 5 seconds. Truly this should return. /jp/ would be finally saved if it did

>> No.10509407

Do people really still believe in this?

>> No.10509412


We believe in it because it actually exists. You're probably a member because nobody else would defend it or gigs!bar.

>> No.10509419

I really hate ZUN!bar too and everyone who likes him

>> No.10509422

What's the channel name?

>> No.10509427


It's a Steam group.

>> No.10509433

I said I don't know why people like him so much. Like. I don't think anyone needs a reason to dislike tripfags, that should be the norm. I just happened to miss this one due to other obligations so I was wondering why he seems to have garnered such a following. Maybe it's just a really vocal minority.

Plenty of other people do those things without using a trip.

>> No.10509442

Your obligations lasted 4 years?

>> No.10509445

Zun!bar would'be been the optimal /jp/ tripfag if the rest of /jp/ was able to take him at face value.

Instead, the reaction of about a dozen or so full-time posters was to immediately scream at him and derail the thread. It's the same thing with Sudo (although he obviously is aware of it) in that seeing that trip, combined with a trademark short and kind of off topic post, was enough to make a bunch of autists flood an otherwise "normal" discussion with invective.

I don't even get it. /mu/ has their scatterbrained tripfags and people there are willing to banter with them. Is it just /jp/ that needs an attitude adjustment?

>> No.10509462

We did that during the 2009-2011 era when trips ruled the board.

>> No.10509464


all tripcode posters are awful

you are a shitposter if you try to qualify your inane anime posts with an identity

>> No.10509467
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>> No.10509476

Yeah, if they got mad at them they must be some fucking nerds, right?

>trademark short and kind of off topic post

How can anyone else be blamed for derailing if he's off topic? The way he used to post demanded attention from idiots like 80% of people who post in NEET threads. Just fuck off to /mu/ and stay there.

Holy shit, how you can talk about having a bit of banter with some offtopic tripfags and blame someone else for derailing shit is frustrating.

>> No.10509481

I'm glad that's over. Half the threads on /jp/ near the end of it were
>[Tripfag Name]

>> No.10509492

/jp/ might be shitty but it got significantly less shitty once shit!bar got wrecked off the board
And now he is getting wrecked on /ghost/ too
Isn't it sad, Zunny boy?

>> No.10509500

From your hatred of tripcode users and your apparent 5 years of "obligations" I'm going to have to assume you're a /b/ or /v/ retard and kindly ask you to leave.

>> No.10509503

I was so happy when I read ZUN!bar's big whiny warosu post, capped off with that magical 'Smell ya later, 4chan' line following his ban. It gave me joy-giggles.

Then he started posting under another trip in like a month. rofl

>> No.10509507

I was going to say that there's no fucking way he'd been using that name here that long, but the archives say I'm mistaken. Looking through his posts only makes me realize how boring he really is. I'll use that as the excuse for why I never noticed him before he got banned and then go kill myself.

>> No.10509517

I sometimes think that i'm the only person on /jp/ who simply filtered people like ZUN!bar...

>> No.10509539 [DELETED] 

>from people wanting him banned
Ten emails in a night I can see, but not ten people.

>How can anyone else be blamed for derailing if he's off topic?
A few off-topic posts doesn't derail anything. huge shitfest does.

>Why do people like ZUN!bar so much?

>> No.10509547

You see this? Faggots like you are the people responsible for feeding attention whores. You respond to them (and are responding to me). You are giving them the Oxygen they need to breathe and live in this environment.

>> No.10509544

>from people wanting him banned
Ten emails in a night I can see, but not ten people.

>How can anyone else be blamed for derailing if he's off topic?
A few off-topic posts doesn't derail anything. A huge shitfest does.

>Why do people like ZUN!bar so much?

>> No.10509550

Wow you sure are clever. Why aren't you using a trip?

>> No.10509549

>. I don't think anyone needs a reason to dislike tripfags, that should be the norm


----put this in your signature if you're listening to deathcore metal while making tripfag hateposts----

>> No.10509552

Epic fake irony dude. Probably a post-2006-shitter.

>> No.10509553

I do it whenever I see someone trying to derail a thread or start the same thread for the 50th time. You aren't alone.

>> No.10509602

Maybe if i could ask the mod nicely to ban someone, it will come true

>> No.10509605

Is this guy gay or something? I bet he is.

>> No.10509607

how do i filter?q

>> No.10509611

Let's ask him to bring back yutanpo and prinny,

>> No.10509618

Shut the fuck up
