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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10508642 No.10508642 [Reply] [Original]

Which touhou would you marry to start a loving family?

>> No.10508648

Whichever one would have me.

So, none of them.

Especially not with this half-assed attitude.

>> No.10508650

Youmu would be the best for such a thing.

>> No.10508655

None because I don't watch that piece of shit

>> No.10508657
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>> No.10508664
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>> No.10508672

>start a loving family

Does this mean I can have sex with her?

>> No.10508679
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>> No.10508675

Okuu, obviously.

>> No.10508686
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>> No.10508694
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Family means children and sex makes babies.
So yes.

>> No.10508708
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Tenshi because Tenshi

>> No.10508730

Who has the most resources to support me, Yuyuko, Remilia, or Kaguya?

>> No.10508770

Kaguya is a neet, and as soon as you are married Eirin will kick her of Eientei

>> No.10508778
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I want to see her pregnant, and every morning waking up near her

>> No.10508795


>> No.10508800

Maybe I should pick Eirin then since the real power of that household is with her.

>> No.10508917
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That's cute. Mamizou is cute.

>> No.10508920

I have already adopted Rumia as my daughter. I better not catch any of you creepers creepin round her back stair.

>> No.10508920,1 [INTERNAL] 

brilliant 10/10 post
great discussion taking place here
#wow #whoa #gamechanger
this is the best post on /jp/ since 2006
nice epic i like it
#youknowyouplaytoomuchtouhouwhen #otaku

>> No.10509542
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I want to marry Yuyuko, even if she can't cook or do housework

>> No.10509577
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>> No.10509596

I am undeserving of anyone, let alone the goddess I love most.

>> No.10509806

Perhaps you can still be together through a master servant relationship?

Do you think you could look good in a housekeeper's outfit?

>> No.10509856
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I would marry Yuuka

>> No.10509898
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grown up cirno

>> No.10509900
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Every single answer I make to a "wich 2hu" thread is Cirno.

>> No.10509907
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>> No.10509911 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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oh yes

>> No.10509919

wich 2hu do you hate with all your heart?

>> No.10509931
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Any objections?

>> No.10509939
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Good girl, not the best but still sweet.

>> No.10509942

fug u

>> No.10509962


I'd be drunken and abusive to her. But she'd stay because of a bed, hot food, and she wouldn't have anywhere else to go. And, she'd always hold in tightly to the thought of her changing me for the better.

Then one night, I'd come home drunk(as usual) and wanna fuck her little ass. She would say no, and that we need to talk. She wants me to get help. Marisa is worried for Reimu. They're gonna stay together while I get help. She would help me get through it, but she needs mending herself.

Fucking Marisa. As Reimu continues, I'd punch her right in her face as hard as I could. I told her to stay the fuck away from Marisa. Fuck Marisa! And fuck you too, Reimu! I hit her again and again. My knuckles would be sore, but I wouldn't care. Reimu, you need to fucking listen to your husband!

I'd go get a shower afterwards. And a fresh drink. Reimu would still be lying on the floor. Covered in blood and barely breathing.

After the rage subsided, I check in her. Oh god, she isn't breathing anymore! Oh fuck, I knew she could take a beating, but I went to far! Oh fuck oh fuck. What have I done!?? Reimu wake up! Reimu I'm sorry!

I didn't deserve you Reimu. You didn't deserve this! I'd call 911. Tell them to send help. Please hurry. Please. I'd call Marisa. Tell her what I did. And that I'm a monster. And I'd tell Reimu I'm sorry. And I love her. I love her so much and I wish she never met me. But she would never hear those words.

Then I would load the shotgun. Monsters don't belong in this world. I go into the bathroom. And paint the ceiling with my brains.

Poor Reimu. She never deserved any if this...

>> No.10509972

And then you wake up.
Reimu wakes up too, next to you, and asks what's wrong.

>> No.10509973
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>> No.10509991
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Ah...I've never even considered kids...

>> No.10510067

You sound like my dad

>> No.10510131

Marisa would run to our house, out of breath. And then she would open the door. Get on the floor. Everybody walk the dinosaur.

>> No.10510163

How do you choose your waifu? Is it based on look or personality?

>> No.10510186

Looks obviously

>> No.10510191

I choose based on how big of a slut she is, and how easily I could get my cock into her.

That's why your mom is my waifu.

>> No.10510188
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Aiming for 3-5 kids.

>> No.10510193
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Attraction to personality leads to attraction to all aspects, at least for me.

>> No.10510196

>How do you choose your waifu?
You don't. You can't just someday all the sudden say "This character is my waifu". Only your heart and feelings can reveal the answer to that question.

>> No.10510202

You might as well aim for the moon.

>> No.10510203


astsAli social

>> No.10510249
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>> No.10510278

My dick like Tewi
My heart like Tenshi
My mind like Sakuya
My interest is Miko
My teacher/master is Eirin
My lust like Yuyuko

At the end, the only one I got is a nice boat. Hello there Ms Komachi. You have such a large boob. Tell me any interesting story while we move to the other side. And how is this Yama person?

>> No.10510328
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I want to share my life with Yuuka!

>> No.10510414
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I chose mine based on how her personality reflected what I perceive my personality to be.

Aim for the virginity of a youkai first.

>> No.10510416
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>> No.10510430

Also this. I gave my reason in this thread, but after reading this it kind of smacks of a retrospective justification.

>> No.10510451

What makes a waifu different from just a favorite?

>> No.10510456

The marriage part.

>> No.10510471
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>not the best

>> No.10510752

In this situation I think I would pick practicality. I will pick a waifu that can support me as I take naps all day and take it easy.

So Probably Remilia or Yuyuko. Maybe Tenshi if I can just chill in heaven.

>> No.10511934
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I want to marry Shikieiki, even if i lost my freedom or i can make her a little less stiff

>> No.10511962


>> No.10511968

What the fuck.

>> No.10514648
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I don't deserve her though and never will get past that fact. So if she did come across me I'd be OK with watching or even helping her hook up and becoming happy with someone better than me. Then I'll blow my brains out since being with her even for a little while will have been the peak of my happiness. Been meaning to check out and it'll be perfect to push me over the edge.

>> No.10514683
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Stop having such a low opinion of yourself, anonymous!
Cheer up, please!

>> No.10514695
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Best 2hu

>> No.10514705

Might as well be marrying a trash bin at that point.

>> No.10514707
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And I hate kikes because of their shameless exploitation of the holocaust.

>> No.10514721

Hey now.
Fuck you

>> No.10514753

I love little Rumia

My love for her knows no bounds

Our bond is iron strong
I love her like I love life
Her darkness shades and hides me from the scorching violence of daylight

I love her

>> No.10514783
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...now that I think about it, how good a mother would she be? She doesn't seem the type that would enjoy a ball and chain, even if she loves that ball and chain. Free spirit, you know?

>> No.10515617
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Sakuya, I love her.

>> No.10515686
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>> No.10515742


>> No.10515762
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Aren't you worried that she would abandon you like she did her last husband?

>> No.10516264

Why are they all getting married in western wedding dresses?

>> No.10516432

They are pretty.

>> No.10517032

>how good a mother would she be?
Bad. A really slutty one. Better get a paternity test for any pregnancies yo.

>> No.10517052
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>> No.10517989

Wedding dresses are sexy, would fug

>> No.10518049

That's how weddings usually happen in Japan, actually.

>> No.10521578 [DELETED] 


>> No.10521593


>paint the ceilings with my brains XXX

luv lasts 4eva bby even if we burn it down the ash and reckage remain

>> No.10525513 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10525563
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Little Rumia and wedding dresses go together perfectly
She looks so pure

>> No.10528463
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Patche, i just hope she don{t die at childbirth

>> No.10528467


After a miscarriage in which Patchy almost lost her life, you decide that it's too dangerous for you to have children. Koakuma then offers to carry your child as a surrogate.

Do you inseminate her through magical meals, or do you give her the dick?

>> No.10528494
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Mokou&Keine. Threesome is the way to go.

>> No.10528496

Who in their right mind would want to fuck a Koakuma?

>> No.10528497

Magical, if she's a succubus, I don't want to lose my soul.

>> No.10528500
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Give her the dick.

Koakuma is Patchy's servant/familiar/slave.
By proxy, her vagina also belongs to Patchy and is technically hers. She owns it. She owns her. Her entire being is an extension of Patchy.

Besides, Patchy fucked up her health through magic and couldn't magically aid her own child-rearing. Why should we trust magical insemination?

>> No.10528504

Magic of course. Only Patchouli can receive my dick. I would also hope that we are using some form of insemination, whereby Patchy's fertilized ovum is inserted into Koakuma.

>> No.10528514

None. They deserve better ;_;

>> No.10528515
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>> No.10528632
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I would make Hina the happiest woman in Gensoukyo

>> No.10528637
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I already am happily married to Okuu, for 4 years now.

Please do, she deserves happiness.

>> No.10528652
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>> No.10528653

How does a /jp/sy make babies with a hell raven?

>> No.10528655

carefully and gently.

>> No.10528656

Marisa x Rinnosuke OTP

>> No.10528658

There's lots of books that teach that sort of thing you know.

>> No.10528663

It's not easy. You'll have to be the one incubating the egg all day while okuus working hard.

>> No.10528669

put your r◯d in her react◯r c◯re

>> No.10528674

Speaking of working hard, Okuu's already got a job. Would she be the one in the relationship that goes to work to make money for the family while the father stays at home with the child?

>> No.10528705
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Okuu works hard so /jp/ can continue to live the dream. Only with a wife and daughter.

>> No.10528713

Wouldn't the sperm be radiated to death before they could travel up her fallopian tubes? I'm assuming she has them, as she has the body of a human...

>> No.10528718

Well, more or less the body of a human, anyway.

>> No.10528719

If she was actually radioactive, maybe.

>> No.10528727

She works with radioactive materials. Unless her body can shield a zygote until it is ready to be laid as an egg, there is the risk that radiation would do irreparable damage.

>> No.10528739

Fusion reactors aren't particularly dangerous nor radioactive to work in, going by any of the potential designs we have today.

>> No.10528747
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No love for Kogasa?

>> No.10528759

I wouldn't really know. But isn't the former hell supposed to be notoriously inefficient? That raises a red flag.

>> No.10528762
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i love you so much

>> No.10528898
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Until death do us part

>> No.10528914


It's a known fact that KoG has completely ruined Kogasa on this board.

>> No.10528920

Well, seeings is how she _is_ dead, that would happen pretty quickly.

>> No.10528940

there's a hole in the contract here

>> No.10528959

I haven't seen that fool round these parts in a dog's age. I think it's time for Kogasa to be restored to her rightful place in the board circulation.

>> No.10529054

not if i have anything to say about it, reported

>> No.10529111
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>> No.10529262
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y u hate this

>> No.10530108

But... will she love me back?

>> No.10530109

Having children is very scary.

>> No.10530151

What about marrying children?

>> No.10530173
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I'd engage in an informal, affectionate relationship with Satori. Marriage is just a social construct anyway.
