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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 503 KB, 452x499, sadman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10502337 No.10502337[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/, I don't want to live any more, but I also don't want to die.

How do I live the NEET life? I assume you need some form of allowance or something from your parents but that's not really something I can do. Is there a way to get money from the government for depression or anxiety or something?

Canadafag by the way. I've got about $10 000 in the bank, but I was thinking of getting a new laptop sometime because the one I'm using now is old and busted (I can still play my games on it, but it won't last much longer).

>> No.10502339

Welfare in any developed nation that isn't 'murrica is easy as fuck, you pathetic Canuck faggot.

Alternatively: kill yourself anyway.

>> No.10502348

What province are you from OP. Do you play videogames?

>> No.10502355

Ontario, and yes.

>> No.10502360


I'm from Alberta. Why don't you want to give up and die?

>> No.10502366

You missed the NEET thread you piece of shit

>> No.10502367

Lazy, plus I was planning to jump in front of the subway when the last train comes along but there's construction going on and it'd be a pain for them.

>> No.10502368

You can always move in with me, dude. My only requirement is that you become my cockslave and don't tell my mom about it.

>> No.10502369
File: 115 KB, 582x604, mr fish.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all dude try to get a goal that can keep you alive, or you life will end in suffering
after that try to look for a job you are good at, or something easy with lots of free time, even if it isn't well payed you can just pay your internet bill and food

You are a wonderful person, like all of /jp/ here so don't just find the easy way of self destruction
try to look in front of you and punch in the face the wall that is keeping you from your happiness

>> No.10502372

Jumping in front of a train sounds like it would inconvenience other commuters. You should try taking it easy instead.

>> No.10502374

My current goals in life are all videogame related, but more goals constantly get tacked on as more games are announced and stuff so that's pretty much why I haven't killed myself already.

That's why I was gonna do the last train; the only people on the subway at 5:00 AM are a handful of drunks and homeless people.

>> No.10502377

>I don't want to live any more, but I also don't want to die
That kind of mindset will lead to a very stagnant existence; I know because I was in the same boat. Taking time off helped a lot for me, as it gave me an opportunity to rest and do lots of thinking.

Fundamentally the need for money never disappears (though you can minimize it), so you'll need to procure at least some funds. How you go about doing that is up to you, I suppose. Does your country provide government aid? You could look into that. You should also use the $10K you've saved up wisely.

>> No.10502381

Did you hear about Destiny announced yesterday? That's the videogame I'm looking forward to most.

>> No.10502389

I'm very tentative about games like that. Very often they end up being an unplayable mess, but it's something that I've always wanted to see. I'm gonna wait until some gameplay gets shown.

>> No.10502392


You have shit taste

>> No.10502394 [DELETED] 
File: 290 KB, 800x600, 1352999235153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wonderful person
>like all of /jp/

my sides are in orbit!

>> No.10502404

I'm looking forward to Earth Defense Force 2025 which was confirmed to be released sometime in June in Japan but the North American release date hasn't been announced yet. It better not be another Fall game, I want something fun to play over the Summer for once. Fall releases suck.

>> No.10502407

Hey man

Shut up

>> No.10502414

Canada? Who gives a shit about you, then? Asshole.

All your country seems to be good for is smuggling unwanted dangerous things into the U.S., such as alcohol (back in the day), heroin (for a long time, now), other intoxicants and crazy, angry overseas foreigners.

>> No.10502421 [DELETED] 
File: 257 KB, 612x612, 1353192972202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my cock dude LOL

>> No.10502423

You are probably right, but I want to believe that Bungie can pull it off. What videogames do you play?

>> No.10502424

your anus orbits around my dick

>> No.10502434

I followed the Uncle Remus guide to autismbux, now I live NEET and free.

>> No.10502429

I like Canada, I think it would be a nice place to live in. Canadians though, they usually just piss me off.

Anyway, this should be in the NEET thread, though these posts are becoming progressively more /v/ and /pol/ and I don't think they'd appreciate that.

>> No.10502446


Is this some kind of meme or is it a real guide?

>> No.10502457

It is a real guide, although it varies state by state on how effective it is.

>> No.10502459

Who gives a shit what they want? Fuck 'em.

>> No.10502462

Become one with the depression. Your misery is your only friend.

>> No.10502467

Most of us are already there.

>> No.10502477

You are very bold. I like you.

>> No.10502480

Silly /jp/. I am your friend.

>> No.10502484


I'd rather die

>> No.10502496
File: 606 KB, 900x974, Kirisame.Marisa.full.1194848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find anything appealing on the NEET life.
I HAD to live that kind of live due to sickness/depression/attempted suicide and droping out of school. Its not neat at all.

Why are some people proud of their NEET life ? Can it be these people are actually ... *gasp* lying ?

>> No.10502535

Having a source of income is a form of slavery. If I had no obligations or responsibilities I'd take those 10000 and travel to Somalia, Syria, Pakistan, I'd buy a bag of heroin or camp out in the Amazonian jungle just to feel the thrill. Sadly I realized this too late. Now I'm now longer a NEET and my family is counting on the money I make at my minimum wage job, I can't just throw everything out the window.

>> No.10502561
File: 85 KB, 821x615, 92377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For $10 000 you could find yourself a nice basement, storage locker or forest hut to live in solitude for a long time. In my first-world country you could rent a basement for change or buy a hut for 1500, heat with meager firewood and never worry about rent again.

If you step outside the mindless Goyim mindset of "ima need mah 500/month apartment and mah 300/month food and mah new laptops and phones..."-etcetera, you could NEET on that meager pile of gold fairly comfortably for a while.

Alternatively, find a stay-at-home job. Alternatively, scam welfare. Alternatively, live in a car. The choices are endless.

>> No.10502577


>> No.10502579

No, don't give up on life yet! I was pretty much like you, until I met a really nice girl online and decided she became a major thing in my life, I got a small job and now we're together for 4 years.
Please anon, don't waste your lifetime like this.

>> No.10502586

Fuck you

>> No.10502590


But how will he get internet in his forest hut?

>> No.10502596
File: 17 KB, 177x202, 1332636058200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying anyone wants that shit

>> No.10502599

>until I met a really nice girl online
Where? How?

>> No.10502613

>implying anyone doesn't

>> No.10502640

Facebook. I had to shake her off her weeabooness first though

>> No.10502644


>> No.10502652 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 424x505, 1352876959078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10502648 [DELETED] 


lucky ;)

>> No.10502654 [DELETED] 

Cool epic meme bro

>> No.10502656

All you have to do is let her know you like her, thats it! Girls are shy, especially at your age. Ask her to go to a movie, to the mall, play in the park, go skateboarding, anything you two do in common.

Once shes comfortable with you (She may be already if she's playing with you. Thats a great sign!) just ask "Hey, will you be my girlfriend?" If she has a boyfriend she won't get mad or anything, she'll just politely say no.

>> No.10502656,1 [INTERNAL] 

SERIOUSLY?? Why not delete the normalfag girlfriend shit? Aight aight I gatcha janny.

>> No.10502659

You skipped the part where you meet.

>> No.10502660

The basis for a good relationship is good social skills and relationship skills. Become close friends with this girl and get her to tell you a lot about her, ask questions about her because people like to talk to people about themselves and their past experiences. Get to know this girl and there will come a time that you will both know that you are right for each other.

>> No.10502662

yo bro it is every eazy to get a girl First.go up to her n talk 2 her if ur shy wait until some u no talks 2 her then walk up there n started by shown ur friend a pic or a video then she would wanan c it too 2and make a rude but a little good comment to her like " wow u r a little needy

>> No.10502665

You skipped the part where you don't look like an inbred nerd.

>> No.10502670



>> No.10502673

/v/ here. Start by growing a set. Sounds like your already lacking self confidence so maybe you should bob for the smaller apples first to gain experience. Your going to be so let down if this girl doesn't like you and you'll think it'll be because of your weight. Then you''ll go around all hurt and feel depressed. Girls will look at you as being unapproachable. Test the water out with a simple HI to see what her reaction is towards you. If she looks at you and laughs, test over move on.

>> No.10502674

Nigga you sound 12 i'm out to get it wet noimsayin?

>> No.10502676

You shouldn't have to rely on just Facebook to get you a girlfriend. It may seem like a huge effort to get a girlfriend in real life but you get to know who they really are because some girls tend to lie on Facebook because of the advantage of taking a lot of time to figure out what to say next and not being able to see their expressions. I'm not saying that you wouldn't get a girlfriend on Facebook but it's just that you can meet some really dodgy people. You have more chance of getting a girlfriend at school and in your workplace and it is more than likely to last longer.

>> No.10502678

You know, the bag of copypasta is offensive, as intended, I bet.

>> No.10502682

don't try facebook. It will only make things worse. I'm speaking from experience. A seemingly perfect girl I fell in love with broke my heart.

>> No.10502693


Bro I know what you mean.My girlfriend gave me a series of passwords for her FB but recently she changed it and hasn't told me the new password. But today I was able to get my hands on it through her email. The reason I did this was not just to snoop but I was having a lack of trust in my girlfriend. We've been dating for almost a year now but sometimes I worry about her. She tells me all these emotional mushy things but I just read some one of her chats with an old bf that just happened in the past couple days. They've been talking a lot and they flirt a lot but this seemed like it was too much.

>> No.10502707

You need to learn the swing the bat /jp/, or else nothing will ever happen. All it takes is a little bit of willpower to accomplish something, then that accomplishment is there to give you more courage sort of like a positive spiral of motivation. You just have to take the first step.

>> No.10502706

Personally this is a kind of cheating and disrespect against you, do you really want to be with someone who does this to you?

>> No.10502715

Either way you are going to have to ask her about it. She is going to be mad if she knows about your snooping so I would be totally honest with her and tell her you dont trust her that is why you snooped.......then dump her. If this was all a game to her then she will grovel back to you, but you have to take control here of this situation.

>> No.10502718
File: 94 KB, 593x792, 1353396524741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go butt naked in the woods, woohoo! Yaaay

>> No.10502724

Dude. If you are not going anywhere it's pretty dumb to buy a laptop. You can get desktop that is more powerful and cheaper easily.

Just a friendly advice to a lazy dumb bastard.

>> No.10502733


This is the stupidest shit I've ever heard in my life. Obviously we no longer attempt anything because of previous failures. It's called conditioning idiot.

>> No.10502741

I know that. I wasn't looking for girlfriend honestly. It just happened. I got lucky, it seems.

>> No.10502748


government money or parents money, you must choose if you're a typical western middle-class young adult not wanting to get a job (or be homeless)

either way you're going to be a leach, so suck it up

that 10k you should spend wisely like someone else said. you're lucky to have a cashpile to sit on while you wonder about what you should be doing in life

I also get an "allowance" every now and then, I know it won't last forever, but still am trying to take it easy as long as i can while still considering future non-neet options.

>> No.10502753

It's some splat of quote from FLCL Furry Curry

The kid in that story is supposed to hit giant robots with a guitar.

>> No.10502754
File: 116 KB, 608x450, death-grips-deconstructing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm just sharing advice that worked for me. I was depressed and a shut-in for a solid three years. I quit smoking, got a job and started exercising all at once. Now I feel happier than ever and I'm going to move to a beautiful country next year with my savings where I can take it easier.

>> No.10502773

"If someone gives you advice, it is in his own interest." -- Tunisian Proverb

>> No.10502777
File: 25 KB, 720x480, amaro3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Doesn't matter. You still need to swing the bat if you expect change, you retarded fuck, which is his point.

Whether you're a loser conditioned by your previous failures or not, if you are in a bad situation, it really is what it comes down to. It doesn't mean everything will work out for you when you attempt something, but a Misaki of your own isn't going to show up and pull your bloated, whiny ass out of your own grime.

>> No.10502779

Fuck Tunisians.

>> No.10502781

That is correct, my interest is to motivate a /jp/er to have a happier life!

>> No.10502784
File: 37 KB, 225x349, 74879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's not that strange that someone can derive happiness from someone else experiencing it as well.

In fact, it's the ideal form of society.

>> No.10502786
File: 41 KB, 395x283, tunisia-sfSpan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10502796

Sigh. I was like that before I dropped out. I would do programming homework for other people for no reason, but wait until the last possible moment to start doing my own.

>> No.10502801


>You still need to swing the bat if you expect change
>Obviously we no longer attempt anything because of previous failures. It's called conditioning idiot.

Someone failed third grade reading comprehension

>you retarded fuck

We got an anal hemorrhage in the thread. We need a tampon stat!

Didn't read the rest of your retarded angry rant but I'll sure advice from a child throwing a temper tantrum on /jp/. You sure showed me!

>> No.10502799
File: 112 KB, 900x1067, croppity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bloated, whiny ass, out of your own grime

>> No.10502806

Are you in Toronto? I was looking for another person to do joint suicide for a while now. We can meet up and discuss the details as soon as tonight, if you want.

>> No.10502809

why the fuck would you want a girlfriend?
wouldn't you have to interact with her all day long?
why would you want that? when are you going to have time for yourself?

>> No.10502812

There have always been two types of NEET. One seems genuinely happy and content living a life with a dim future and minimal social interactions.

The other is pretty much the opposite in that they long first and foremost for social interaction. Most everything in their life is governed by their desire for interaction. Following that they would like a promising future, which usually means worrying about entering schooling or training of some sort eventually in the future. Finally, they're discontent with the labels society has put on them and would like to change their lives for the "better".

Disgusting people, that second group. They really are the lowest of the low. Especially all the people here wanting to get a job, longing for friends outside and being depressed about their NEET lifestyle. Just die already if you are so sad about your NEET life.

>> No.10502821

I have plenty of time for myself, but I don't do anything with it. Literally nothing is fun anymore after 2 years.

>> No.10502817

Anything anybody does is in their own interest, no exceptions. That passage is as useless as this board.

>> No.10502822


Yeah uhm, it's all copypasta to help get rid of the crossboarders. Sort of a pretend tactic to make them feel they're in good company. It worked pretty well in the past, you should of seen everyone's reaction.

>> No.10502827

What a terrible kopipe. It assumes that the only thing a NEET can get depressed over is a lack of social contact in real life. How about the lack of money? Or the fact that people that live with you bother you all day? Or that your health is declining? Or that you have terrible studying habits and can't get yourself to learn Japanese? There are many things a NEET can be depressed over.

>> No.10502832
File: 101 KB, 480x360, parasites11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ryan! Where's my cut, you son of a bitch?

>> No.10502835

Nice blog thread.

>> No.10502836


And it still works as you can see the idiots actually replied back.

>> No.10502841
File: 111 KB, 1280x720, hayatemaid1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Obviously we no longer attempt anything because of previous failures. It's called conditioning idiot.

That still doesn't change the fact that you need to initiate some sort of change, regardless of what you think is preventing you from doing such.

>Someone failed third grade reading comprehension

Such irony. Give your post, and then my post, a few more readings; it might enrich your ability to digest words in the future properly.

>> No.10502838

Money is a social construct. This has been covered already.

>> No.10502842

I wonder if you'll still believe that when your computer breaks down and you'll have no money to buy new parts for a new one.

>> No.10502843

Dude, somebody in Moronto's gonna kill himself

>> No.10502850


>to help get rid of the crossboarders.
>to make them feel they're in good company.

That doesn't make any cents

>> No.10502854


I only got 2 quarters.

>> No.10502862


Money is a medium of exchange. It is very literally a socially-constructed mechanism to allocate resources and overcome the limitations of a barter system. Whether he needs it to fix his computer or not is completely irrelevant.

Then again, I probably just got trolled.

>> No.10502860

If my computer breaks, I have at least four others in the house.

>> No.10502863


Didn't read the rest of your retarded angry rant but I'll sure advice from a child throwing a temper tantrum on /jp/. You sure showed me!

>> No.10502864

They got there with the help of money, silly.

>> No.10502869

So? Doesn't make it any less useful.

>> No.10502884
File: 518 KB, 1280x720, blushingnorichan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Of course it's useful. That doesn't mean it's not a social construct, and that doesn't mean it's not a necessary invention either.

>> No.10502888

Not mine.

>> No.10502892

He haven't said anything about it, he just pointed that it is "literally" a social construct so to mean that the one you were arguing with wasn't strictly wrong weither or not he knew what he was saying.

Of course it's not any less useful given that it is a social construct (and a basic one) and without it, people's life wouldn't be what it is today (was it good or bad). Whatever people can say, it helped a lot in human evolution.

>> No.10502893

Wow dude, you're a genius. Thanks for everything. I'll be looking forward to the day my computer finally stops working!

>> No.10502894


>> No.10502903

Disability monies. I get $2,000 per month and free rent. No, I do not live in America.

>> No.10502907
File: 190 KB, 1023x768, akinashi_020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it doesn't matter if you are taking it easy !!

>> No.10502908

What's your disability?

>> No.10502910

>vocaloid thread - 3 replies / day
>vn thread - 40 replies / day
>NEET thread - 300 replies / day
>tfw no gf thread - 50 replies / hour
>I am quoting my mind

>> No.10502912


In what country and what disability? You only make half that working 40 hours a week minimum wage in murrika

>> No.10502920

NEET thread is not this one, if that's what your greentext is trying to say.

>> No.10502916


>> No.10502917
File: 334 KB, 870x1024, ilya-mdd-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't even know what you're trying to imply. This is truly a new and inventive form of insult.

>> No.10502922

vocaloid and vns are for nerds i want to talk about my feels and you can't stop me

>> No.10502932

That's because /jp/ers these days don't actually play/read/do actual /jp/ related activities.
They just watch a secondary touhou video and think they fit in.

Plus nothing exciting is released lately, not much to hype about.

>> No.10502937


It's better than constant 2hu spam.

besides, being a socially-avoidant loser is very much otaku-culture related.

>> No.10502949

>tfw my mother is going to kick me out if I don't find a new job or a girlfriend soon

>> No.10502943

A bunch of crossboarders blogging about their depression is not better than Touhou threads. A thread like this belongs on /a/b/v/r9k/adv/.

>> No.10502947


Says you. I have one monitor up just for 4chan while I do other things. It's called multitasking.

>> No.10502956


And how exactly is that a /jp/ related activity?

Also, I doubt you can even do one thing well, how are you gonna multi-task?

>> No.10502957

>WOW WHY IS ____ SO PERFECT??!?!?!
Every single day
What a horrible board

>> No.10502961

2hu spam is not favorable, but it's better than these wannabe NEETs making stuff up to be cool.

I just miss when /jp/ was more /jp/ related.
To me it was defined by the retarded umineko theories, illusion game cycle bashing, artificial academy character sharing, secondary touhou game sharing, etc. None of that anymore.
Even the 3D threads are the only threads that are still keeping it together, even if they don't belong here, they respectfully keep to themselves.

>> No.10502962


>or a girlfriend soon

A girlfriend is a substitute for job?

>> No.10502962,1 [INTERNAL] 

Who neet here?

>> No.10502962,2 [INTERNAL] 

Complaining about Touhou on /jp/ is like complaining about food and cooking on /ck/.

>> No.10502962,3 [INTERNAL] 

Nah. Touhou is just a part of /jp/, while food and cooking are the sole reason /ck/ exists.

>> No.10502962,4 [INTERNAL] 

/ck/ often has shitty food and cooking threads and they get deleted.

>> No.10502962,5 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ was created to house Touhou and remove it from /a/. Sure, other topics of discussion also happen on it, but its main function is to house anything and everything related to Touhou.

>> No.10502962,6 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck touhou.

And all of you as well.

>> No.10502962,7 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ also has shitty Touhou threads that are deleted.

>> No.10502962,8 [INTERNAL] 

If any /jp/ from Ontario commits suicide and end up on the news I will be very upset. Make sure you do it where no one will find you.

>> No.10502962,9 [INTERNAL] 

Why are suicidal threads /jp/ related?

>> No.10502962,10 [INTERNAL] 

Because otaku are genetic failures and prone to suicide.

>> No.10502962,11 [INTERNAL] 

fuck touhou

>> No.10502962,12 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10502962,13 [INTERNAL] 

fuck touhou

>> No.10502962,14 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10502962,15 [INTERNAL] 

fuck touhou

>> No.10502962,16 [INTERNAL] 

You already posted that, cowboy!

>> No.10502962,17 [INTERNAL] 

90% of Touhou threads are shitty.

Maybe 30% of those threads are deleted.

>> No.10502962,18 [INTERNAL] 

Stop fighting about this. We're all warosubros here.
