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10491664 No.10491664[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does NEETism often implying alcoholism as well? How many of you NEETs are actual alcoholics?

>> No.10491666

I don't drink alcohol because I have drug tests at work. Being NEET is really hard sometimes :(

>> No.10491667

I'm the worst alcoholic ever. I like drinking, but I don't like being drunk. So I have maybe 4-5 pints every night. Any more and I feel bad.

>> No.10491668

I don't know if I am an alcoholic or not. I never get sick from drinking, even though I drink a lot every day.

>> No.10491669

I strongly doubt it
it's an extra, large expense that doesn't factor in well with the NEET lifestyle
Honestly, I think it's for normalfags

>> No.10491670
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Whaddaufg. I love being drunk but I hate drinking.

>> No.10491672

I don't drink because I do odd jobs involving transportation.

>> No.10491674

Not necessarily alcohol but drug abuse is pretty common among NEETS.

>> No.10491679

no. too expensive, and I dont like having my mind altered

>> No.10491680

Pure little girls don't do drugs.

>> No.10491695
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Do a good deed;
Kill an alcoholic NEET.

>> No.10491712

Go shitpost on your own "board".

>> No.10491713

I usually don't drink. In the rare times that I do, I pour myself a glass of whiskey. Then I rediscover how fun the internet is and forget all about getting drunk.

>> No.10491724
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>straightedge queers
>on /jp/

I thought you little nerds liked booze?

>> No.10491727

Too expensive dude

>> No.10491726
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x1024, fa9fe7806be1470373f591dbdb261e393cdd7891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But all the Touhous drink, Anon.

>> No.10491728

I'm 33 and been a NEET since I quit college 13 years ago.

I've never had any alcholic brevage, may it be minor or otherwise, not even a single beer or glass of wine. And I don't particularly feel like trying (not like I've tried anything new in the last 16+ years either.. routine is all I have)

>> No.10491730

Something tells me you're a NEET.

>> No.10491732

You should at least try alcohol. There's no reason not to.

I didn't for the longest time and told myself I was all high and mighty and moral for never having consumed an alcoholic beverage. Then I stopped giving a fuck and I was a lot happier.
Now I really hate the idea that drinking alcohol is bad. Not that it's bad for your health (which it can be), but that drinking is somehow intrinsically shameful. It's a dumb, misguided myth and I don't understand where it came from. Probably Disney or the Jews.

>> No.10491735

Don't drink too much anon. Do you want to end up like Sudo?

>> No.10491736
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I feel sort of bad for you.

>> No.10491745

My mom wont let me drink -.-
My dads cool tho cuz he let me drink some of his beer xD it tasted like pee :P

>> No.10491742
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I haven't been drunk in three weeks. It's just fun to do every once in a while.

>> No.10491747

I used to binge drink as a teenager like any other normalfag. However, I ended up drinking myself in hospital and couldn't stand alcohol until recently when I had a few bottles of cider. It was my first time drinking fair quantities of alcohol for any purpose other than getting drunk and I got ever-so-slightly tipsy. It was wonderful. I felt warm, a little happier, and when I masturbated later that night the orgasm was considerably stronger. I also had an excellent night's sleep afterwards.

However, my father's a functioning alcoholic, so I'm sure I'd become one too if I could afford to enjoy alcohol all the time.

Since getting into hospital I can no longer stand strong drinks (I feel sick if I even smell them), so whisky/vodka/etc. are out of the question.

>> No.10491750

I went in a pub today. This is the second time this week, though I'm less proud of this time because I fumbled my words a lot and didn't understand pub etiquette, which led to me having to prove my age and banter with an old man who spoke in gibberish.

>> No.10491753

If I could afford it, I would be.

>> No.10491772
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Well it is sometimes associated with homeless people, people trying to escape their problems and so on, I guess the shameful image might come from those associations.

To answer your question OP I used to drink a little, but then a little became every day for around a year. Realizing I had more or less turned into a genuine alcoholic scared me enough to stop drinking completely.

Not to get too serious or anything but please know your limits, guys. Have fun by all means but don't hurt yourselves...kudasai...

>> No.10491776


You went to a pub alone? Why not just drink at home?

>> No.10491776,1 [INTERNAL] 

Any pub otaku here?

>> No.10491776,2 [INTERNAL] 

The only drinking I do is the odd single bottle of craft beer from the beer store or some non-alcoholic beer from my fridge during the summer.

>> No.10491776,3 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10491776,4 [INTERNAL] 

>craft beer


That's just fucking dumb. Says nothing about the drink besides "it's from one of 98% of the breweries in the US".

You Americans need something like this.

>> No.10491776,5 [INTERNAL] 

It says right there that craft brewers are "small, independent and traditional". Most big name beer brands available widely in the US use things like corn or rice in their beer so naturally it tastes very bad, but like Wikipedia says, craft beers are more traditional. Most craft beers are ales and styles of ales, just made on a smaller scale and only available close to where they're produced. There are almost no ales made in the US that are available nationwide.

>> No.10491776,6 [INTERNAL] 

I wish there were more honest to god pubs here in New York City. Every bar on every corner is either a sports bar or a hipster dive. You literally have to travel north to Westchester or up Long Island to find decent pubs.

>> No.10491776,7 [INTERNAL] 

I can't buy alcohol. I'm only 18.

>> No.10491776,8 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.10491776,9 [INTERNAL] 

You are trying too hard. Also, I think you sound a little mad.

>> No.10491776,10 [INTERNAL] 

I know you are being ironic but still you are mad as HELL.

>> No.10491776,11 [INTERNAL] 

But just in case you are autistic....


>> No.10491776,12 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10491776,13 [INTERNAL] 

holy shit fucking owned

>> No.10491776,14 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10491776,15 [INTERNAL] 

Dude, you just stole my epic youtube video reply.

>> No.10491776,16 [INTERNAL] 

Gigs!bar getting trolled down into the earth's core.
