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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 801 KB, 560x812, Valntine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10486404 No.10486404 [Reply] [Original]

Happy Valentine's Day, /jp/.

What are you getting up to today?~

>> No.10486406

Cute writing dude

>> No.10486408

Terminal autism.

>> No.10486410

Oh look, a year has passed already. See you tomorrow everyone, I don't think I can be here today.

>> No.10486411

I'm actually about to go into the kitchen to make some caramels right now. Depending on how tired I am I might cover them with chocolate tonight.

>> No.10486412

I've never had a Valentine...

... anyone here lonely?

>> No.10486413


>> No.10486421

drinking whisky with my thoughts

>> No.10486419
File: 66 KB, 450x338, 43263731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valentine's Day sucks over here. Girls don't cook their own sweets for you, they expect gifts and romance and MAYBE they give you sex. Lazy women over here.

>> No.10486423

sounds terrible

>> No.10486424

I'll be acing a test and being other wise alone, like I've been all my life

>> No.10486430

Sticky that shit, mootles!

>> No.10486431

> Saber as Valentine

Damn it screen, move! I'm trying to get my candy from Saber!

>> No.10486434
File: 436 KB, 507x606, e87a2835ce5d084162c5597bb66414f3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What else is Valentines day about?

Delicious chocolates from your loved ones.

>> No.10486443

It's not Valentine's day yet for me, but I plan on buying some doughnuts just because. I'll probably end up hanging out with friends, I have 2 birthday parties I'm going to consecutively.

>> No.10486441

I don't have a loved one.

>> No.10486444
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>> No.10486446
File: 1.95 MB, 2862x2000, d9844989ce946316a71f659e5f9fe06c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course you do Anon.

Just pick one, look at all the wonderful loved ones there is to choose from.

You can have whichever one you'd like.

>> No.10486449

I want the Satori.

>> No.10486447



>> No.10486452
File: 598 KB, 1920x1080, wallpaper-2609666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very good choice!

See? No lonely hearts on Valentines day, /jp/.

You're never alone.

>> No.10486450
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1080, marisa_bg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excellent choice Anon!

Good taste.

>> No.10486454

Just soon valentine's day stuff. gonna make a nice breakfast soon.

Want to watch a kinda romance movie

>> No.10486460
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>> No.10486465

Going to work as usual.

I'd sell emergency roses and candy if the economy wasn't so poor.

Made a lot of money doing that.

>> No.10486466
File: 377 KB, 2400x1350, wallpaper-2705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okuu is extremely cute!

I imagine she will cure a lot of lonely hearts today, Anon.

Have a great day!

>> No.10486468
File: 58 KB, 405x412, 1354482416521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> You're Never Alone

When you walk
Through a storm
Hold your heeeeeaaaaad up high
And don't
Be afraid
Of the dark

>> No.10486472

I'm going to visit my sister in hospital today. Don't think I'll have time to do anything else.

>> No.10486478
File: 276 KB, 1340x1114, 1348191267750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im fucking you're 2hu

>> No.10486483
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I'd like to look forward to liqueur-filled chotolates with Yuugi.

>> No.10486484

I would love a parsee's jealous heart

>> No.10486489 [DELETED] 

Same here. Never had one.

Do you want to be my valentine, /a/non?

>> No.10486488

I got some kind of cake lollipop thing from a girl in class, since there will be no class tomorrow. It was good tasting.

>> No.10486490


Oh, I... kinda made arrangements a few minutes ago... I didn't think anyone was interested... sorry...

>> No.10486523

Aya's got a gift coming later.

>> No.10486529

Take good care of her!

>> No.10486534

He means sexually.

Take good care of her sexually.

>> No.10486540

Hittin' up the elementary school.
Then I'll be playing whichever touhou is the most Valentines day related.

>> No.10486577

I'll spend the day with my qt3.14 /jp/ bf.

>> No.10486581
File: 285 KB, 827x2000, SiG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This sucks, I'm feeling alone but I'm not autistic enough to treat my favorite Touhou as an imaginary girlfriend.

Well, at least tomorrow I'll be able to buy some cheap chocolate.

>> No.10486596

I always thought autistic people had trouble imagining things.

>> No.10486623
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Devote the day to belly worship

>> No.10486629
File: 48 KB, 600x800, rps20130214_153713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

taking mai waifu out for a nice meal

>> No.10486633
File: 52 KB, 800x600, rps20130214_153932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went to play a bit of ufo catcher

>> No.10486636

I should try to masturbate more often than the usual, but I'm feeling really unmotivated for some reason.

>> No.10486642

my mom sent me a box of cookies. I don't have anyone to share them with, and I can't possibly eat them all before they spoil. I also don't have a freezer/refrigerator to store them in.

>> No.10486644
File: 60 KB, 600x800, rps20130214_154056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

off to the cinema for some lame movie

>> No.10486650
File: 52 KB, 600x800, rps20130214_154323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot dessert

>> No.10486651

>lame movie

Well, the new Die Hard movie can be seen today in cinema at my place.

I expect tons of ronery fags today.

>> No.10486652

I'm making cupcakes tomorrow, can't today due to baking restraints.

Will post images when I'm done.
Captcha: ksometeT sugar

>> No.10486654
File: 57 KB, 600x800, rps20130214_154433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you jelly?

>> No.10486660
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>> No.10486661

that looks very sweet

>> No.10486672

Crippling autism.

>> No.10486673

Oh, man, your waifu is so small.

>> No.10486669


>> No.10486679

i come from /toy/. dakis are overrated

>> No.10486675

will /jp/ be my valentine

>> No.10486676

what sort of baking restraints? I look forward to observing the fruits of your labor!

leave them outside?

>> No.10486680

I'll be yours if you'll be mine

>> No.10486682


>> No.10486687

how did you get a blue name

>> No.10486690

you have to buy a 4chan pass

>> No.10486691

Taking cold medicine and seeing if I can break my sniffles before they become something worse.

Fuck, I'm tired and I ache. Not good.

>> No.10486696

Thanks for the blog update guys.

>> No.10486694

I know what you mean, I've had a terrible cold for the past 3 weeks and now its turned into sweats and dizziness.

>> No.10486697

Only if you bend over

>> No.10486729
File: 867 KB, 1024x1024, tumblr_lz9me6eq2l1r0nllio1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks dude, by restraints I mean I don't have all the ingredients.

>> No.10486737

interesting word choice.

>> No.10486740

sgfag detected

>> No.10486742

watching you guys interact is physically painful

>> No.10486744

stop slouching, its where your back pains come from

>> No.10486745

What about my neck/shoulder pain?

>> No.10486747

hunching and overall bad posture

>> No.10486765
File: 1.17 MB, 1024x641, riasenpaivalentine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this.

>> No.10486766

I'm going to get robbed of my internet connection when I wake up.
My family, some nigs and me are going to some place for 4 days and won't have jackshit to do for the entire duration of our trip.
If things take a turn for the worse, I'll be forced to deal with this until the 24th.
I'll kill myself now, not my blog, etc.

>> No.10486777

I forgot to make something for valentine's day.

>> No.10486781

Okuu's cake looks way better than the cake I just tried to make. It probably even tastes better.

>> No.10486782

Didn't even know it was Valentin's Day.

>> No.10486780
File: 538 KB, 1280x1280, 1349399419738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No you didn't. You made trips. And I accept.

>> No.10486783

Who the fuck are you?

>> No.10486786

Please share your cake anon, I'm sure your effort made it fine.

>> No.10486787 [DELETED] 

>Implying there's 14 months.

>> No.10486796
File: 542 KB, 656x780, 33560998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna spend all day waiting in my room for some cute girl to confess to me.

>> No.10486799
File: 1.29 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_1601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tucked Koishi in tonight, after all the fun we had, she got tired, so I let her go to sleep.

>> No.10486800
File: 443 KB, 1200x800, IMG_4238-20130214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quite a while later and I've got a big sheet of caramel that will cool into a nice chewy, smooth texture. There's also ganache for truffles that was made right before this. The caramel will be cut into squares once cooled and the ganache will be spooned into circles (or remelted, poured, and cooled into a sheet for cutting), and both will be coated in a slightly dark milk chocolate. In the end there should be between 150-200 chocolates.

Like last year I'm going to slowly eat them all.

>> No.10486810

It really is just an embarrassment, it's so bad and ugly looking I'm regretting even making something so terrible for her. I didn't have the right type of cake pan when I thought I did, It literally crumbled apart when I tried to take it out of the pan, I didn't have nearly enough icing, and it's just a big sloppy mess.

>> No.10486813 [DELETED] 

I'm sorry son, the doctors called. It's Autism and I'm afraid it's terminal.

>> No.10486825

I wrote a really lame poem. I was kind of in the spirit.

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
My heart is wide open,
So I'm sure that you knew,
That my Ten Desires,
All start with you.

>> No.10486827

What are your ten desires?

>> No.10486832

Nahh dude, I did it for this:
I found out and decided to entire for the heck of it.

It was fun though, except for the part where i almost dropped my tv.

>> No.10486835

I'll be going to a fancy restaurant and eat two times a normal person would. I'll pork -it-up and look at the jelous normies eating a meager dinner because they have to share.

>> No.10486837
File: 160 KB, 777x690, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My valentine is pretty good at figuring that out.

>> No.10486852 [DELETED] 


>> No.10486853 [DELETED] 

im fucking her too ;))

>> No.10486856
File: 52 KB, 400x360, 0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish MY Valentine would notice me...

>> No.10486857

Are you a girl?

>> No.10486858

That guy has too much on his plate to worry about that.

>> No.10486860
File: 417 KB, 1000x1000, 1358449928575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10486864

Already spent some time with the waifu and did the annual /a/ thing. Gonna lock myself in my room all day when I get up and spend the day in bed with her.

>> No.10486865

>/a/ thing
lock urself out of /jp/ too

>> No.10486867

I watched YuruYuri with my sister.
Probably gonna knock out season 2 tomorrow.

>> No.10486869

yuru yuri is the best, man

>> No.10486870
File: 304 KB, 600x780, get out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you just stay in /a/?

>> No.10486871

that sounds fun. i wish i could watch and chat about shows with my brother.

>> No.10486874

Anime (and for that matter, most other things otaku related) is a pretty broad spectrum. If he can keep an open mind, I'm sure you can find something he'd like.

>> No.10486889

i dont think so. he has zero interest in japanese stuff and a semi-normal. tv shows on netflix, battlefield, gears of war, nba games, sports center and PTI.

we did see the madoka movies because i didnt want to go alone and he wanted to go to downtown LA. i could tell he was bored and tired as hell, he just said it made no sense and weve never spoke about it since.

>> No.10486893

Not even something super cool and non-sexuality-threatening like Initial D or Hajime no Ippo?

>> No.10486895
File: 169 KB, 1000x1000, 5423423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both my sister and brother have absolute no interest in otaku-related stuff.

But my little 13 year old girl cousin. Damn, she's going on a cosplay shooting in 2 months and visits me nearly every day now.
And I just got rid of my incest fetish. ;_;

>> No.10486903

Yeah, how dare they expect you to reciprocate. Maybe acting like you're owed sex explains why you're so alone and bitter.

Also, eat me. I guarantee you couldn't tell the difference between handmade and storebought chocolates.

>> No.10486907
File: 105 KB, 464x550, 20120208tw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's cute.

>> No.10486916

Is... Is that Suwako's hat?

>> No.10486945
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, 63263282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I for one hope everyone has a wonderful day today!

>> No.10486949
File: 86 KB, 908x601, 1357117177213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually am taking a real life female I fancy out for dinner, first Valentines Day in my history I won't be alone, wish me luck /jp/. Or don't because 3DPD

>> No.10486950

Thanks kind fellow


>> No.10486952

good luck

>> No.10486956

Good luck man, tell us how it goes!

>> No.10486963


Thank you sirs, i'm sure it will go well, we both are aware we like eachother so there isn't a whole lot to fuck up. But here's hoping I don't come back with a classic greentext story along the lines of "Everything was going fine, then I farted really loud, got nervous, spilled dinner all over my date."

>> No.10486965

im gonna ntr you nerd what are you gonna do

>> No.10486976

good luck

>> No.10486978
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>> No.10486992

Thinking about my boyfriend

>> No.10487003
File: 57 KB, 625x900, 156275_10151302839234320_407891932_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got a weird hankering to play one of the Harvest Moon series, think I'll do that. I tend to do that when I'm not well.

>> No.10487028
File: 100 KB, 238x237, 1336549705623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember that you're not the only one alone, /jp/...

>> No.10487036
File: 82 KB, 421x292, Tear3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least I have you /jp/

> don't cry
> don't fucking cry

>> No.10487034

Could we be alone... together?

>> No.10487038


That is a play on words. Even though we could console each other over the Internet, both of us are still very much alone.

>> No.10487041
File: 780 KB, 1000x1000, 1895tu5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone wanna get drunk and forget this day ?

We can watch Redline or wank off in the bathtube.

>> No.10487042
File: 140 KB, 500x667, valke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10487043
File: 79 KB, 660x528, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Happy Valentine's Day, 4chan~

>I hope you will all join me in hanging out at home without pants on and eating ice cream whilst browsing 4chan.

>> No.10487044

Pure little girls don't do drugs.

>> No.10487047
File: 95 KB, 400x550, val2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10487045
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>> No.10487049
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>> No.10487048
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>> No.10487051

Why would you send a card to someone you like that says bucket loli has spare room? Unless you are bucket loli then you are saying the person should go be with someone else?

>> No.10487052
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>> No.10487050
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>> No.10487053
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>> No.10487055
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>> No.10487058

Was saint valentine a tru/jp/ that loved everybody?

>> No.10487061


>> No.10487065

oh gosh that looks good, so you have a link to a guide on how to do this or something?

>> No.10487071
File: 19 KB, 279x285, Flansmirk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad puns but this day the intention is what counts.

Is good to spend Valentine with you guys here. I genuinely mean it
ヘ(^_^ヘ) (ノ^_^)ノ

>> No.10487077 [DELETED] 

I'm gonna draw my partner something as I haven't gotten him a card yet, then spend the rest of the day in bed. He's hanging out with his best friend today for the first time in a pretty long time, and I didn't want to interrupt them. We'll just celebrate Valentine's day some other day.
I hope he isn't getting bored/sick of me though, but it'd be understandable ;_;

I don't know about getting drunk, but watching Redline with a bunch of /jp/sies sounds like a lot of fun. We could eat loads of popcorn, then have a pillow fight afterwards!

>> No.10487083

Do you have any ones of Youmu?

>> No.10487092

He, a presumably homosexual male, is out celebrating Valentine's Day with another guy despite being in a relationship? You don't have a problem with that?

>> No.10487094

I have tears in my eyes from reading that...

>> No.10487102 [DELETED] 

I don't have a problem with it at all, he's his best friend and said best friend isn't a homosexual. They haven't seen each other in a while, and we see each other all the time so it would be kinda rude to get in their way, you know? I know what it's like being away from your best friend, I only get to see mine one every two or three years, if that. I miss her so much! Staying up all night playing video games and messing around on the internet...

>> No.10487104

To be honest, I don't even care anymore. It's just another day now.

But even so I won't pass up an opportunity to get maudlin drunk in a sign of solidarity with my fellow losers.

>> No.10487103
File: 507 KB, 750x1000, 1359186498480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Valentine Date, /jp/!

>> No.10487106

hey guys
you all should just cuddle up in bed
and take it easy

>> No.10487107

I wish I had a partner. I wish I had a best friend. I wish I had any type of friend, really.

I h-hope you have a nice Valentine's Day...

>> No.10487105

I'm sorry anon.

>> No.10487115

I'd like the kind of friend I can talk to in person. I can't talk to people in real life so it's pointless but the option would be nice.

Perhaps a platonic cuddle-buddy. That would be so nice.

>> No.10487113

What do you mean? We're all friends here, no need to feel down.
Happy Valentine's day anon, let's all celebrate it together.

>> No.10487114


How can people do this in public and not be incredibly embarrassed?

>> No.10487117

Because they think it's funny, not romantic duh

>> No.10487119
File: 1.40 MB, 1332x4134, Backtrack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You do know that you have a hard drive capable of storing media on right?

I[m sure there's internet where you're going too, would you like me to dump the other one?

>> No.10487120

I just share your sympathy. I think mine hates me all the time whenever he does anything too... I hate being clingy.

>> No.10487126

Ahh, I understand what you mean. One day when that /jp/ mansion dream becomes real, that won't be a problem.

No need to feel embarrassed if you're having a good time.

>> No.10487122
File: 96 KB, 425x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy valentines day /jp/ hope you all have a good day!

>> No.10487136


I want a clingy person who likes me.

I understand how you feel being worried whether or not he doesn't like you anymore or is going to leave.

>> No.10487138
File: 20 KB, 480x480, Freddie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


'Cos we're having a good time, HAVING A GOOD TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME

>> No.10487141

Don't see this day any different than the rest.

>> No.10487144
File: 504 KB, 503x669, erfd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


woah, woah, woah, woah, woah EXPLODE

>> No.10487152

My mom dad sister and grandparents got me valentines presents.

>> No.10487153
File: 68 KB, 337x417, caaat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made chocolate covered strawberries with hearts and "I love you"s on them, and wrote a card for my fiance. They're in his lunch. Hopefully it'll perk up his day today, he didn't get much sleep last night and woke up kind of grumpy.
When he gets home from work today, I'm going to have fettuccine alfredo and broiled asparagus seasoned with sea salt, pepper, and garlic powder. For dessert, I'm going to make a layered pound cake with strawberries and cool whip in between, dusted with red sugar crystals and garnished with a chocolate covered strawberry.

After dinner, I'm going to spoil him thoroughly, even if it means injuring my throat since he loves deepthroating me. I'll also do the work on top for once, since he usually does all the work in bed. I'd like him to relax and really enjoy the night. If he wants to be really rough then I'm okay with that too. It's his night tonight.

We might wrap it up with a nice bubble bath together, followed by a movie or maybe some Archer.

>> No.10487155
File: 233 KB, 640x476, 1171736427834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



I ain't rolling for this shit-tier Hallmark holiday. Who's with me?

>> No.10487158

Funny, that song is actually about rejecting materialism AKA Valentine's Day.

>> No.10487167

Oh, that sounds wonderful. I'm in the mood for some fettuccine alfredo now! Hope you have a nice day.

>> No.10487170

Thank you! Pair it with some tiramisu for me, I can't make it myself to save my life.
The bruised throat tomorrow will be worth seeing the satisfaction on his face.

>> No.10487171

Yes, it's sometimes scary when your boyfriend does other things. I think I'm getting better at not being scared of him leaving. I'm very happy when he says nice things.

>> No.10487204
File: 375 KB, 600x834, 93873298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jpへハッピーバレンタイン ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

>> No.10487211

I'm gonna make something for my friend. I just hope he doesn't think I'm a faggot.

>> No.10487214

Just going to be another lonely day but at least later I'm ordering pizza. Pizza always makes the day better.

>> No.10487215

Valentine's Day isn't about materialism, it's used as an excuse for materialism. If you don't like materialism then don't do it in that way, and just enjoy the holiday like it should be.

>> No.10487222
File: 1.12 MB, 2500x500, b246e276a1a191905d093e5e0b34fcf3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wch 2hu wld u choco

>> No.10487224
File: 207 KB, 768x1024, BDD-IuxCEAAElRg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious chocolates

>> No.10487227

I wish I had someone to enjoy it with. Seeing all the valentines day stuff made me a bit depressed. I wanted to get something for someone but then I remembered I'm alone for life unless some miracle happens.

>> No.10487228

i wud choke-o u if u know what i mean ";)"

>> No.10487229


>> No.10487231

Is that mostly white chocolate? I love white chocolate.

>> No.10487237

My momma would usually buy me those caramel filled hearts in those red cartons but I don't live with her anymore so I won't have any.

>> No.10487239

please do

>> No.10487241

It only makes me feel worse when my mother gives me anything for valentines day because it doesn't really meaning anything other than pity for me.

>> No.10487243

Why can't a momma love her child

>> No.10487247
File: 2.32 MB, 2029x2008, 33545161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Valentine's Day, /jp/.

Make sure you let your Touhou or other significant 2d other how much you love them!

>> No.10487248

Oh boy. I thoughts its nust a niggafication of Reisen.

>> No.10487249
File: 703 KB, 1000x1000, 33572984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10487250
File: 915 KB, 1336x2548, Backtrack 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10487260

Valentine was a priest. Christianity was illegal. It was also illegal for soldiers to get married. Soldiers were supposed to be married to the job. Valentine performed marriages for soldiers. The government killed him by feeding him alive to animals.

>> No.10487271


>> No.10487269

prprprpr (^ω^)

>> No.10487304

why. does. he. put. dots. after. every. word?.

>> No.10487306

A girl in my class gave me twix (gave everyone candy). I never got any candy from people since elementary school, I felt like eating it in front of her face while crying to show my appreciation.

>> No.10487310


What the hell is that thing doing to Momiji?

>> No.10487339

Nice to see another baking otaku here.

I baked three kinds of chocolate cookies (triple chocolate chip, white chocolate chip with a dark chocolate button, and cherry-chocolate squares), chocolate dipped meringues of varied colours, and a blueberry meringue pie.

The cookies came out fine, but I didn't adjust the filling recipe enough and it came out a bit too stiff, the meringue topping refused to form hard peaks and failed to harden, and I didn't moisturize the pie enough so it's a bit crumbly..
Tricky to eat, but the taste is alright.

>> No.10487356
File: 331 KB, 600x800, 2013-02-14 22.42.47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10487373
File: 251 KB, 483x576, 1292495968886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating good food, drinking. watching railgun and listening to nice music. Later on I'll be playing BF3 on PC since theres a double XP event going on and I want to show my love for the game too.

>> No.10487374

It's better to share a drink called loneliness, as it's better than drinking alone.
I never drink alone because I am with /jp/

>> No.10487391

Reinstalling FFXI. Taking 11 hours~ to update, ugh.

>> No.10487396

Study Japanese, read VNs, browse /jp/, sex with daki. The usual.

>> No.10487401
File: 332 KB, 500x704, 23443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10487404
File: 60 KB, 420x420, touhou_soccer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll go and watch football, my last hobby getting me out of the house.

>> No.10487488 [DELETED] 

I think I'm just going to spend the day shitposting on /jp/.

>> No.10487505
File: 256 KB, 600x751, 1357158605490.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to go to the GYM to get RIPPED while you weab fags get owned at life
Then I'm going to go back home and cry in the fetal position while I chug down alcohol while I look at pictures of my love

>> No.10487508

I'm listening to enka today

Enka is so much better on Valentine's day for some reason

>> No.10487515

Why not enjoy your squats and push ups at home ?
Why do you need to go to a gym for that ?

Just think of all the stuff you could buy from what you pay monthly for the gym.

>> No.10487514

mom bought some alcohol today
this makes me happy

>> No.10487517


>> No.10487523




>> No.10487519

why are you trying to make yourself look better to how others perceive you?

>> No.10487524

Who in the year 2013 lifts for other people? It's for yourself you fucking betamax asscommander.

>> No.10487531

fune-san ;_;

>> No.10487535

Who said I lift for other people? I like lifting.

I can't benchpress and stuff at home, and the gym fee is cheap, and besides, it's my parents that pay it.

>> No.10487539


this song is ethereal swansong for fallen fune-san

dont be sad, hes reincarnate as beautiful phoenix

kono koe de tsuyoku ni naru

>> No.10487541

"i'm only lifting for myself" - every deluded gym /jp/sie

Stop kidding yourself.
unless ur fat as fug and is risking death by obesity you have no valid reason to go to a gym

>> No.10487548 [DELETED] 

"Man, I wonder if I fit in yet xD?!"

- anon after trying really hard to impress his truNEET bros on /jp/

>> No.10487552

Why wouldn't you do something you enjoy?

>> No.10487559 [DELETED] 

e/b/in counterargument br0 10/10

>> No.10487565

I reversed your own crossboard tactic back on you, and I did it better. There's no need to be frustrated. I will teach you how to be a better shitposter if you ask me nicely. Go ahead, say please.

>> No.10487564

Here where I live it would be weird if someone got valentines day gifts from their family members, it's usually for friends, work partners and lovers only.

>> No.10487612

Not the guy you're talking to, but I've been exercising at home for a while now. I rarel leave the house and only do it for myself.

I'm not super ripped or anything but it's nice to see muscles bulge when flexing. I'd think everyone is a little narcissistic in that regard.

>> No.10487649

i'm becoming paranoid there are people i know on /jp/. i can't really take it easy like this.

>> No.10487665


inbou inbou inbou!
its all conspiracy!
and /jp/ is part of it......

>> No.10487663
File: 1.04 MB, 3263x1831, I will never forget your sacrifices for the Aryan people.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be mine, Adolf.

>> No.10487670

Why would anyone admire a mass murderer?

>> No.10487671
File: 644 KB, 973x599, 1340088371360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10487672 [DELETED] 
File: 1.99 MB, 170x170, 1354051486120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Jews and Slavs
> People

>> No.10487677
File: 169 KB, 780x800, DARKEST AS FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hate valentine's day

>> No.10487678

Admiring myself, wining and dining just what i'd like.

>> No.10487682

me too

>> No.10487685
File: 151 KB, 341x341, aaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking my gf and studying japanese

I was gonna go see Die Hard but apparently it's awful. Might just stay home and watch Die Hard 3 instead.

>> No.10487688


>> No.10487693

theres a new die hard movie out? im so out of the loop.

>> No.10487701

#3 was the last one
trust me

>> No.10487707
File: 50 KB, 300x314, 1341806776550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone more getting trouble with ''why aren't you searching for a girlfriend?'' from the parents?

or everyone here actually lives alone?

>> No.10487710

my mom gave up

>> No.10487712

Mine, too.

>> No.10487716

No. They probably think I'm gay at this point

>> No.10487717

It's 15. Mr. Valentine would be dead by now.

>> No.10487721


my mom gave up after trying to seduce me and came to the conclusion i must be gay

>> No.10487723

Today I'm gonna confess to the boy I like. Wish me luck /jp/

>> No.10487725

Fuck off faggot.

>> No.10487730

Tell us more

>> No.10487731

This guy knows. Better be ready for a sucker punch.

>> No.10487732


I'd rather not, and shes not even that hot. although now i have a milf and tranny fetish, thanks mom

>> No.10487734

My parents never ask me anything about that. They make hints at me about it. I think my mother knows I'm gay judging by what she says to me sometimes and my father is probably in total denial even though it shows through so much around him that he would have to be blind, deaf, and retarded to not know since I'm around him so much. If they have something to say to me or ask me, why don't they just do it to my face? I don't bite.

>> No.10487736

> If they have something to say to me or ask me, why don't they just do it to my face?

I hope you get fucking cancer. Fuck off back to tumblr you degenerate.

>> No.10487737

Your mom tries to seduce you? That must be repulsive even if you are straight. Unless you actually like her that is.

>> No.10487739

theyre afraid of the truth obviously. i hope eventually they come around snd you talk and they can end up accepting it.

>> No.10487740

Why would they accept their mentally defective son?

>> No.10487742

Thank you anon, you're so kind.

>> No.10487743

> tranny fetish, thanks mom

Is your mom a tranny?

>> No.10487745

i don't want you calling people degenerate.

>> No.10487751
File: 206 KB, 1328x1008, 1352647856431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm being serious, I hope you die.

I don't want faggots posting on my board.

>> No.10487766
File: 81 KB, 277x278, 1344260039881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

making love to a beautiful japenese women

>> No.10487764

I get constant 'Do you have a girlfriend' questions, which are then followed by 'It's fine if you're gay' upon my saying no.

>> No.10487771

Why is everyone so gay?

>> No.10487778

We are all gay for you, anon

>> No.10487779

It's like you actually think I care. I can't be bothered to hate someone as stupid as you people here that have such hatred towards all sexuality but your own. I actually find it interesting. What drives you people to be so directly hateful and negative all the time?

>> No.10487786

Don't tease me anon.

>> No.10487794

Don't speak to me you fucking subhuman, know your place.

>> No.10487807

Valkyria Chronicles with gin and tonic!

>> No.10487818

happy singles awareness day, /jaypeg/
see you in some shitty korean mmo

>> No.10487843

My dad thinks I'm gay, and my mum thinks I'm purposely leaving it out for the future because of the importance of getting a good education and life before doing all of that.

While it is partly true, the real reason is because I just value my hobbies and education over trivial and stupid things like relationships. And I don't think my perception of that will ever change(hopefully) even after I get a well paid job.

>> No.10487851


-Official /jp/ reminder-

If you are currently employed, enrolled in education OR receive a welfare check you do not belong on /jp/. End of story. If you are in the aforementioned categories, please evacuate the premises immediately. Thank you for your cooperation.

>> No.10487859

I'm going to play Tera all day and hope my tea arrives

>> No.10487866 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 500x333, 1349237266950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying to eat shit

>> No.10487869
File: 235 KB, 712x712, 1392-908837545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-Its free to play now ...

>> No.10487880

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10487887

Relationships are something you don't learn to appreciate until you find the right girl that you're compatible with and actually allow it to develop. From the outside I can certainly understand it looking meaningless compared to your hobbies, I've been there.
I hope you're able to find someone.

>> No.10487893


>> No.10487896


It's time for you to leave, neurotypical.

>> No.10487899

what do you even DO
i don't get it

>> No.10487903

Totally legit.

Fuck off.

>> No.10487913

Relationships are extremely over rated. Don't get me wrong I really do want to find someone to form some sort of meaningful connection with for a while but everything you're looking for in life you already have in yourself, the things you do in life can just serve as keys for unlocking that whatever they may be. The only thing life really boils down to is search of pleasure and peace. You may not always be able to find pleasure but that inner peace is what you already have, you just need to know how to connect with it through what you do. Life really is that simple. Meaning is personal, anything can be meaningful to anyone and human connection isn't always high on that list.

>> No.10487918

what server?

>> No.10487920
File: 49 KB, 600x800, IMG-20130207-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a Nice day, jp

>> No.10487925


I get "when will decide to want to get a car" more than the girlfriend thing from my mom. And whenever she mentions getting a girlfriend, she speaks in a tone like it's futile anyway.

>> No.10487926

>until you find the right girl that you're compatible with

That does not apply to those of us who aren't socially skilled enough to find even one person interested in us.

Please be respectful to the majority or leave.

>> No.10487944

My mother gave up on girlfriends a long time ago, and now keeps asking me when I mean to move out.

>> No.10487952

Women are gross

>> No.10487954

I agree, but at the same time I justified isolating myself for 5 years by constantly telling myself I was fulfilled. It was what I wanted and everyone else was just deluded by the greeting card industry's concept of romance and the rat race of life. I felt I was enlightened by seeing past that and choosing to spend my time locked in my room staring at a screen. Now I have no memories of the past 5 years. I was intentionally trying to escape any kind of real emotion or connection with others and it worked fabulously. The only thing I have left to track that time was what anime aired during what season, it's a giant hole in my youth and I regret it every day.

I don't really think romance is necessary, but I do think you should try to find someone to share some of life's experiances with. Soak up every day and make them diverse.

>> No.10487957

My mom tried to set me up with a girl at her work last year but luckily nothing ever happened.

>> No.10487960


>> No.10487964
File: 214 KB, 850x848, 1356918526192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I agree, but at the same time I justified isolating myself for 5 years by constantly telling myself I was fulfilled. It was what I wanted and everyone else was just deluded by the greeting card industry's concept of romance and the rat race of life. I felt I was enlightened by seeing past that and choosing to spend my time locked in my room staring at a screen. Now I have no memories of the past 5 years. I was intentionally trying to escape any kind of real emotion or connection with others and it worked fabulously. The only thing I have left to track that time was what anime aired during what season, it's a giant hole in my youth and I regret it every day.

You sound like every other falseNEET piece of shit on /jp/. If you don't like the lifestyle then stop living it you pathetic loser.

>> No.10487971

I don't live it, but did from 2006-2011.

>> No.10487984


The amount you type about yourself and the fact that you expect everyone to give a shit shows how much of a normal you are and always have been

>> No.10487991
File: 205 KB, 1130x900, Carl soon fellow Stalker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only female that ever showed any type of interest in my in the past ten years got pregnant by her boss. I have work today but I want to drink myself stupid.

>> No.10487993
File: 70 KB, 500x281, 10487954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i was in grade school valentine's day meant all kids would bring in candy and give it to everyone in the class indiscriminately. most kids would even write out the fake valentine to personally address everyone in class, even if you didn't like them.

in fact i'm pretty sure it was an unspoken rule; if you brought in candy you had to give it to everyone, which, you know, kind of destroys the point of valentine's day but it was a christian school. they don't even acknowledge sex exists. free candy!

>> No.10487994

>socially skilled enough to find even one person interested in us

It moreso boils down to the absurdity of my obsession towards the otaku medium(s) other than problems with social interaction for me.

I can easily fit in/interact with normal people, the problem primarily lies in the person other than myself.

Even if I were to sacrifice my time and money for that matter, I'd most likely end up with someone that's completely incompatible with me. My ideals for a partner is too restricted towards my own well being.

So if I had the interest of getting into a relationship, it would with most certainty still end up as a failure, unless I'd alter and throw my hobbies aside for the sake of this person, which that too will never happen. The chances for a person to actually meet my qualifications is virtually impossible.

>> No.10487997


You seem to think it's impossible to have chosen this lifestyle. I've been social. I forced myself to make friends. It made me have a fucking mental breakdown. That's what it is to be introverted dude, some people just aren't built for socializing and that's fine. Stop acting like everyone should be the same as you.

>> No.10487998

MT, but I have a level 41 lancer on LoT also

>> No.10488001

Regrets are a natural part of life.
Learn to enjoy them. It isn't as hard as you might think.

>> No.10488010

Yes, if you feel like you can't be yourself with someone, you shouldn't give them your time.

I doubt many girls would care about your hobbies though. I just caught up on the last few episodes of AKB0048 with my gf watching, she doesn't care and neither would any other worthwhile friend.

>> No.10488011

It's times like these that the fact I can't drink really gets to me.

>> No.10488016


5 years is nothing fag. At least you didn't have to work or anything.

>> No.10488025

>my gf

Get the fuck out of /jp/. Why are people like this even here?

>> No.10488031

Because this whole site is beyond saving.

>> No.10488027

I don't think she'd appreciate me having a wank and reading japanese porn games which involves children. Or the fact that I learned the language just to do so.

Neither would she be happy with the excessive expenditure that would go towards my hobbies.

>> No.10488041

Yes, this. it's not hard to fake being likable and interesting. social interaction is a lot of acting already and i've had three girlfriends that shared some sliver of similar interest but its just not that great. If I did find someone who shared all the same interests, they'd probably have terrible hygeine or just plan ass-faced and we'd hate eachother, and i'd have to work my ass off to support us both. These last 5 years of no women aside from my waifu have been the easiest i've taken it.

on the topic of waifu I really want to post my photo but /jp/ has been very rude today, and I don't like /a/ stupidity.

>> No.10488049
File: 146 KB, 1024x1024, reimuky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i've had three girlfriends

That explains a lot.

>> No.10488048

>/jp/ has been very rude today
/jpj/ is very rude every day.

>> No.10488050

It's not that hard to get a girlfriend and like touhou on the side. Lighten up, bruh.

>> No.10488055


I know what you mean bro.


>> No.10488056

Filthy unvirgins and sexhavers are not welcome in /jp/.

>> No.10488057

Stop trolling.

>> No.10488061


Lets see 27 years old...5 years...gf...hmmmm

>> No.10488062

Stop with the false elitism, you pretend virgin.

>> No.10488063

My sides are literally out of orbit.

>> No.10488068

i've never browsed /a/ except for morbid curiosity, nor do I ever plan to

it just seems extra shitty for some reason, thena gain i'm usually not awake during the day so maybe its just daytime /jp/

>> No.10488069

My elitism may be feigned, but my virginity is an indisputable fact.

>> No.10488072

how hard is to make your girlfriend like touhou ?

I tried to show touhou to every 'otaku' girl I've meet
none of them showed interested

so, no girlfriend for me

>> No.10488073
File: 2.92 MB, 1633x5000, 1358796070103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there one of these this year

>> No.10488075

fuck off normie

>> No.10488076

You guys are acting like you didn't know /jp/ is now majority normals and /cgl/ feminists

>> No.10488079

>you don't learn to appreciate until you find the right girl
>it's a giant hole in my youth and I regret it every day
>i've had three girlfriends
>/jp/ has been very rude
>my sides

Okay, we get it. You can leave now.

>> No.10488077

Nobody here would welcome you. You'd know that if you actually browsed the board.

>> No.10488078

It was spent in my room.

>> No.10488080


I like how they're easily identifiable just from what they post. I almost feel like a detective.

>> No.10488086

I've always wondered how many individual people that post here. I find it hard to tell regular posters apart unless they make it very obvious.

>> No.10488085

I only know one actual "/cgl/ feminist" who ever came to /jp/ and she doesn't post anymore. The rest are just shit trolls.

>> No.10488091

>/jp/ is now majority normals

I didn't want to believe. This thread isn't helping.

>> No.10488088

Hi i'm Anonymous with 580 karma and 2,100 posts! (Since September 2008) My opinion matters!

Its nice to make assumptions about people. Cute, even.

Sleeping all day makes people normalfags? Shit maybe I can actually get a job like this.

>> No.10488093
File: 944 KB, 968x1041, 1336640533208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10488094

cute dog.

>> No.10488096

>I didn't want to believe.
There are limits to how deeply in denial you can be.

>> No.10488097

>Sleeping all day makes people normalfags?
No, >>10488079 do.

>> No.10488103

is this a christian elementary thing? mine did the same. how do public schools do it?

>> No.10488108

Having a girlfriend in the past doesn't make you a normalfag any more than trying out weed or drinking on special occasions makes you a pothead or alcoholic.

>> No.10488113

Having a girlfriend doesn't make you one either, but blogging about it certainly does.

>> No.10488115

You're implying this entire thread isn't one giant crybaby blogfest.

>> No.10488118

Being a normal isn't about mostly how you live but how you think and why you think that way. Normal is just another word for completely brainwashed human sheep. If you want to get a girlfriend and a job for money fine if that makes you happy but if you're just doing it because you've always been told that is what you must do then your being a normal. If you have any kind of judgements on others based on only society's collective views and/or the goverment then you are a normal. Normals exclusively follow others because they were always told to, nothing more.

>> No.10488124

Huh, where did I imply that?

>> No.10488126

I consider anyone with enough social skills to get a girlfriend or have a healthy social life (without acting) a normalfag, whatever his hobbies and thoughts are.

>> No.10488130


He really thinks this is what Vday's origins are. Fun fact: All major "christian" holidays are lies to cover up the true old pagan holidays. In essence, christianity has mind-raped society into believing its lies

>> No.10488133

Why did you spoiler that?

>> No.10488134

>without acting
Everybody acts.

>> No.10488132


If you can handle and are willing to put yourself through all the social shit involved with relationships you are a normal.

>> No.10488137

Social skills are just social skills, whether you have them or not doesn't mean anything in the long run for total normality. You can be a socially retarded or isolated normal. Like I said, it's just about why you do what you do. Social skills are more a tool, you can get more out of life if you know how to play your words correctly.

>> No.10488138 [DELETED] 




>> No.10488143

Why not just post those instead of referring to them? We can't look at your hard drive you know.

>> No.10488145

you can't post three images in one reply.

>> No.10488148

I meant genuinely enjoying and actively taking part in social stuff instead of putting a mask on the few interactions you're obligated to do.

Well, that's your opinion. As I've said, I consider normalcy to be directly related to social skills.

>> No.10488149

Only two of those are images. You can always make two posts or you know, upload the files elsewhere. I don't know about the rest of /jp/, but I'm not psychic. Post your files next time.

>> No.10488150

You mean that Pirates of Caribbean "girl"

>> No.10488151

That's pretty bitter.
>(without acting)
Its all feigning interest anyway. I mean unless you really are some weirdo athlete.

>> No.10488155


Not him, but that reminded me of the song I most used to sing with my japanese drunk old man friends while I was in Japan in a karaoke bar.


>> No.10488156

I'd consider someone who puts on a mask a normal. Why put yourself in the position which even requires a mask? Why not avoid social interactions entirely if you don't enjoy them? You're forcing yourself into those situations, sounds like normal behavior to me. A true anti-normal avoid stuff like that.

>> No.10488164

>I meant genuinely enjoying and actively taking part in social stuff

What are you doing right now?

Are you not enjoying it and putting a mask on?

>> No.10488165

I'm studying Computer Science, I go to class, sit alone and go back to home, that's been my life for almost 3 years. I don't have friends and I'm not interested in socializing, but when I'm assigned a group work I have to cope with it.

>Why put yourself in the position which even requires a mask?
Because I want to get a decent paying job to pay for my hobbies. I'm planning to get a job with as little interaction as possible.

>> No.10488166


>mass murder
>glorious Führer that tried to save us from all the horrible disgusting rat jews that he knew would destroy us if left unchecked

Hitotsu o erande kudasai

>> No.10488170

Do you honestly consider imageboards healthy social interaction? And they're pretty much the only sites I visit.

>> No.10488171


Woah there! That wasn't in your original post. Why wouldn't this be healthy anyway, assuming you've had "healthy" in mind all along.

This is still social interaction and you're actively taking part in it.

>> No.10488174

Nobody's claiming it's healthy, but you clearly enjoy talking to people to some degree, or you wouldn't be here.

>> No.10488190

Yes, I enjoy talking online anonymously to people that have similar sociopathic traits about my escapist hobbies. I'm such a normal!

>> No.10488193


This is a different kind of interaction. You wouldn't tell someone in real life "ooh sick burn, I hate to be the guy who just got told" would you?

>> No.10488195

Why wouldn't you?

>> No.10488200


Because you wouldn't. It would seem out of place unless you're really outspoken which not many people are.

>> No.10488202 [DELETED] 

>/jp/, my friends are here


>> No.10488209

who quot

>> No.10488206

Yeah it would seem out of place if nobody was getting burned. When you see someone getting fucking owned IRL, why wouldn't you say that? It's what you're thinking and I bet your friend or whoever is thinking the same thing.

>> No.10488207

>/jp/, my only friends are here

>> No.10488208

>Yes, I enjoy talking online anonymously to people. I'm such a normal!
As long as you're honest with yourself.

>> No.10488212

You actively seek out people who you are comfortable around and maybe even share your interest(s).

Sounds pretty normal to me.

>> No.10488215


You left out if you are leeching off your parents like a sad loser.

>> No.10488217

I guess everyone that has ever used any imageboard is a normal person, then. In which case it'd seem my idea of normal is different from yours.

>> No.10488219


Wow, I sure to hell hope you have actual relationship experience now after spouting all that crap or you just made yourself look like a real retard.

>> No.10488223

Some people get social anxiety posting on imageboards. I don't classify them as normal, those people have issues. You, on the other hand, enjoy social interaction on the internet and handle social interaction well in real life.

>> No.10488224


What anime is that pic from?

>> No.10488226 [DELETED] 


>> No.10488242
File: 19 KB, 471x431, 42cd9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Damage control I see. I'm on to yah normal scum.

>> No.10488243


> you are comfortable around
Would you be comfortable actually talking with these people in person, face to face?
The fact that you consider "talking" anonymously on an image board the same thing makes a you a fucking idiot.

>> No.10488253

Just to clarify, >>10488242 isn't the person you were talking to.

>> No.10488256


Yes they are working on it in /a/. The thread comes and goes though. I hope there is a youtube video version too like last year.

>> No.10488263


Does it matter? This thread is shit.

>> No.10488265


Because I didn't want to greentext it.

>> No.10488273


>We can't look at your hard drive you know.

>being so new to 4chan that you can't instantly visualize those 3 images without actually seeing them

>> No.10488276

I can't talk normally to be people unless I think i'll never see them again. I don't have to worry about fucking up first impression so I can just take it easy. If it's something like a coworker or a classmate I always come off as awkward and wind-up fucking up a first impression anyways.

>> No.10488299 [DELETED] 



>> No.10488685

;_; yeah...

>> No.10489259
File: 2.99 MB, 1250x938, Valentine&#039;s_Day_Siesta_410.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Waifu! Nihihi~!

>> No.10489273


>> No.10491307

cute keychain
