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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 301 KB, 840x1188, 1345166716301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10484266 No.10484266 [Reply] [Original]

Are you a comfy NEET? It's still winter, but spring is almost here, so in what ways are you staying comfy in this cold weather, /jp/?

>> No.10484270

>cold weather

>> No.10484271

I went outside a few days ago. It was snowing a lot and I had forgotten what snow was like. It got so cold I just stood in a sheltered corner and cried for a bit, then turned around and went home.

>> No.10484272

> so in what ways are you staying comfy in this cold weather

Southern hemisphere says hello and I say fuck you

>> No.10484279


It must suck having ever day be at 45C weather.

>> No.10484286 [DELETED] 

Shitskin detected.

>> No.10484288

I have a small heater in my room. When I stood up to turn it off I noticed there was an urgent care car parked in front of my neighbor's house. I don't think they went to school today so I hope they're alright.

>> No.10484295

dats racits

>> No.10484302

My room is always cold and I don't like the way artificial heating feels. I'm never that comfy but I got used to it and sometimes there is a fire going in another room I can sit by. It's always worst for me when the temperatures first drop in mid November to December. I am coldly waiting for Spring to melt away all of this snow.

>> No.10484303

I told my Doctor I was a NEET scared of people and he gave me antidepressants.

Anyone ever try them? Are they bad?

>> No.10484306

They are extremely bad for you. Enjoy putting on weight, and losing any desire to fap.

>> No.10484309

Sounds like your doctor is pretty shitty and I'd think again before taking the stuff he gave you

>> No.10484311

I've been taking loads of depressives and my weight didn't change and I fap like a teenager.

>> No.10484312

oh... well it's a low dose

what would work better? behavioral therapy?

I'm too scared of people laughing at me in their cars to even walk to the local convenience store.

>> No.10484313

A few days ago I started playing a game with a friend. The first playthrough was fun, but now all that he does is talk about it. I wouldn't really mind, if he talked about stuff that I cared about. All he talks about is how much he's farming and for how much he can sell the items he finds.

It's annoying to the point that I don't even want to say anything about the game to him because he'll just go on an on about stuff I don't care about.

>> No.10484314

well he gave me some benzo for emergency anxiety and the SSRIs to treat my social anxiety.

they also referred me to a psych later but want me to take the drugs first to see if they work

>> No.10484322
File: 340 KB, 740x1112, 21026725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like real deal autism.

>> No.10484326

Let him know

I play World of Tanks and one of my friends can't stop talking about WII history and specific tank models.

I just want to have fun, I don't care abuot the specifics either.

>> No.10484331
File: 28 KB, 208x271, 1356968656124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is your friend Yukari?

>> No.10484338

I don't even say anything when he's being annoying. He just goes on and on. When he's not talking, he makes noises into the mic like yells, obnoxiously fake laughs, or old man moaning noises.

>> No.10484340

has he always been retarded or did it start from teh game?

>> No.10484347

He tends to do it more with games that are repetitive.

>> No.10484355

Sounds to me like you don't deserve your friend.

What's his username? I might like to hang out with him and play games together.

>> No.10484357

>wanting a spastic friend


>> No.10484361

Who the fuck are you quoting?

>> No.10484362 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 593x792, icebeer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spring is almost here
yeah, maybe down south it is.

>> No.10484366

maybe u shud be grateful their are straving children in arfica who would kill for a frend or some subway even tho quiznos is better

>> No.10484378 [DELETED] 

>>wanting a spastic friend

Please do not misuse the quoting feature.

>> No.10484374

It's Stinky_AssBoy420.

>> No.10484379

you're mother

>> No.10484381

I can see her b*ttocks, no way is that safe for work.

>> No.10484382

I've always imagined if I won the lottery I'd build a NEET house and invite NEETs to live in it.

In reality I'd probably not give a fuck and spend it all on myself.

>> No.10484390

We all know that feel.

Then again, I'm still waiting for that Texas Anon to build his cube array.

>> No.10484404

Fuck you useless neet pieces of shit. The world would be a better place if you're gone with the jews.

>> No.10484410

Another word on the filter

>> No.10484411

we're your buddies on 4chan :3

you don't want us dead anon, we're friends!

>> No.10484434

She is holding my sperm.

>> No.10484449

My dick would be a better place with less of your bitching and more of your ass, queer!

>> No.10484453

You two should run along back to /v/ now.

>> No.10484461

Please don't do drugs.

>> No.10484541

They didn't say anything about video games.

>> No.10484555 [DELETED] 

That feel when
>can't cook non-microwaveable food
>can't talk to people even in shops
>can't answer the phone
>can't answer the door
>don't know how to order food over the phone
>don't know how to use the washing machine
>don't know how to iron clothes
>don't know how to use the dishwasher
>don't know how old parents are
>can barely tell the time
>need alcohol just to talk to strangers
>can only do arithmetic with one digit
>no idea how to get on a bus
>too scared to go outside
>clueless on how the quote function works

Feels bad man (memes are all I have).

>> No.10484559

I'd happily support a Jew-dominated government if they let me take it easy. "Good goyim" etc. all you want, I like the idea of being controlled by a higher power who make me a slave to consumerism.

>> No.10484566 [DELETED] 

Please do not misuse the quote feature.

>> No.10484576

>clueless on how the quote function works
Give him a break, man.

>> No.10484584 [DELETED] 

I know most of those feels.

>> No.10484587

Are you cute?

I'll let you live with me for free if you're cute and let me do lewd things to you.

>> No.10484592

>internet website cuts off majority of your SSN for security reasons
>scribble over three digits of SSN

>> No.10484594

I don't want to do lewd things. They sound scary and nobody has taught me how do to do them.

>> No.10484595

I understand your feelings, but please keep in mind that "greentexting" is not allowed on /jp/.

>> No.10484602 [DELETED] 

>implying it's against the rules

>> No.10484604


>> No.10484605

That's fine, I won't force you to do anything you don't want to.

You still have to be cute if you want to live with me for free.

>> No.10484625 [DELETED] 

Because I don't want to study or work.

>> No.10484623
File: 3 KB, 259x195, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you guys just do a distance learning course like me?

You can study and work whenever you want and you never even have to leave the house to do so

>> No.10484625,1 [INTERNAL] 

Muted for this.

It's funny because if I replaced the > with •, he wouldn't have cared. He's literally giving in to a shitposter meme because the color of text is different.

>> No.10484639


But studying is fun

>> No.10484642 [DELETED] 

No, it isn't.

>> No.10484651


Why though?

>> No.10484670
File: 153 KB, 500x700, c1cf3915ed1b86628c3555ef01bd1f65ffac8add.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non-microwaveable food
Doesn't exist. If you can eat it once it's cooked, it CAN be prepared using a microwave.

I mean, people cook raw beef to perfection in microwaves all the time. I mean, if you basically can't count to ten or whatever you're saying, I wouldn't advise leaving you alone with a microwave oven in the first place, but hey.

>> No.10484676 [DELETED] 

Because I would not enjoy it.

>> No.10484674

Studying is for nerds and working is too hard

>> No.10484678

How does this program work?

>> No.10484679


I only have to work literally one night a month

>> No.10484682


Apply for courses online and they send the work to you for you to do at home, you can even submit your essays and stuff via the internet

>> No.10484683

Why would anyone need to do free courses in this thread, when everyone is in college?

>> No.10484684
File: 27 KB, 238x329, 1293820109001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do a good deed;
Kill a NEET.

>> No.10484681 [DELETED] 

I only have to work literally zero nights a month.

>> No.10484688


Difference is I'm going to get something out of my working for 12 days a year

>> No.10484687

Wrap up well, anon! Stay warm or you'll get sick and then you won't be able to enjoy your easy neet life.

>> No.10484689

I have no qualifications, I can't flip burgers and wipe the floor from my house

>> No.10484690

It doesn't rhyme, permavirgin nerd.

Do you have to take cultural marxist brainwashing courses, or is it only courses related to what you want to study?

>> No.10484693


Most distance learning stuff isn't free, can't speak for everything though

>> No.10484694


>> No.10484697


Only courses related to what you want to study

>> No.10484698
File: 56 KB, 264x292, 1344837390517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i might getting a girlfriend soon, but im still not in education, training, or job

shes kinda mediocre looking, and maybe even a bit uggy

can I still be a NEET?

>> No.10484700

This costs. It literally costs thousands of pounds to learn information I can for free online anyway.

>> No.10484703


>> No.10484704

Not for long. She'll sap all your autismbux from you, then want more and more (otherwise she'll sleep with someone better looking and more successful than you).

Are you willing to take that risk?

>> No.10484707

You can't be stupid enough to actually *believe* in the holocaust lies, can you?

>> No.10484708


Loans are easy, OU is one of the cheaper Unis also.

>> No.10484709

I don't give a fuck. It takes, what, fifty years until those loans are written off?

I'd rather just pirate textbooks or read Wikipedia.

>> No.10484714

I'm curious now, what are you working as?

>> No.10484711

>It takes, what, fifty years until those loans are written off?


>> No.10484712

>Encouraging people to take on student loan debt.

Nice try, kike. Those are the only loans that you can't default on, and some universities have even started to sue ex students who couldn't pay back the massive loans.

>> No.10484717


Distance learner

>> No.10484720

Oh. I somehow thought you're working one night a month and getting paid.

>> No.10484722

Now, now. Nobody denies the Holocaust has been abused for political purposes, but the fact remains that 6,000,000 Jews were exterminated in death camps. Holocaust deniers (or "revisionists", as they misappropriate themselves) like to say there's no documentation, but we have recorded evidence of the Posen speeches talking about killing Jews (when these came to light, Holocaust deniers claimed they were metaphorical, which is just as dogmatic and misguided as those pesky Holocaust believers they hate so much).

Further reading:

Sometimes I think the whole "hurr durr the holocaust doesn't real" gimmick is a Zionist operation to make antisemites look bad. There are lots of reasons to hate Zionists and Jews (including plenty they admit to, much like Muslim extremists), but "the Holocaust didn't happen" isn't one of them.

>> No.10484724
File: 196 KB, 1920x1080, ssi appeal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I put here?

>> No.10484726

I mean actually written off without working.

Obviously you can pay them off before then, but it takes fifty years of NEEThood before they say, "Okay, whatever, you don't have to pay it back."
I was considering being a student before this whole tuition fees reform though, so maybe things have changed since then.

>> No.10484728


>> No.10484727


Is that internet explorer?

>> No.10484730


Well obviously if you make no money to pay them back then it will take a long time, I was pretty sure that it was less than 50 years now anyway.

>> No.10484732

it wouldn't work in firefox. stupid government
it was four digits.

>> No.10484735

>Remember the 6 million, stupid goyim!

I laugh at how gullible you reditors really are. You are the perfect sheelpe, the perfect useful idiot.

>> No.10484742
File: 111 KB, 704x527, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10484746 [DELETED] 

What are you getting out of it?

>> No.10484753

Hey guys what if the individual camp and population figures were derived from the six million figure total, not the other way around?


>> No.10484760

If you have something to argue against, argue against it.

Again, how shitty your arguments are ("lol u must be from LE RUDDIT!!") make it look like you're some sort of kike or kike sympathizer playing devil's advocate or trying to make the anti-ZOG side look like idiots.

>> No.10484763


A degree which will enable me to get a high paying job which will give me a stable form of income for life

>> No.10484765

The fact is, all you're hearing now is influenced by allied propaganda. The government won't turn around and say "oh wait, we need to set something straight, we kinda lied when we said this and this".
First, some holocaust testimonies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dtlZGvgY0
Then, lots and lots of '6 mil jews perished/are about to perish' http://vnnforum.com/showthread.php=99262
Or just go to nytimes.com and search for "6,000,000"

As awful as it is to put it that way "6 million jews" has become a political meme used haphazardly anywhere one needs a horror story.

In the end, we can't know. Well, probably we can know, but it's still a highly political subject; we'll need to wait another century or two until the subject has exhausted its emotional value and someone can sit down and calmly piece together the truth of what happened.

>> No.10484781

Average NEET thread poster

>> No.10484787

Jews please leave

>> No.10484783

Pretty interesting.

>> No.10484788

cold weather... its 75-80 degress in LA. i wish we had winter.

>> No.10484791 [DELETED] 

Average kike poster

>> No.10484794

Are you guys all neet because you're afraid of jews?

>> No.10484798


>> No.10484800

Working is exactly what the Jews want you to do

>> No.10484804

First off, I've seen that entire documentary. It addresses The Last Days well, and it goes to show some of the lies that go on surrounding the Holocaust. That said, it doesn't disprove the Holocaust at all. Just as Holocaust deniers (or "revisionists") claim thousands of eyewitnesses don't necessarily prove something happened, five eyewitnesses don't prove it didn't. There was a swimming pool and a theater at Auschwitz, and people don't like to mention them, but that doesn't disprove that people were systematically killed.

Secondly, the word "Holocaust" has existed since long before *the* Holocaust. The fact that Jewish press has been reporting mass deaths of Jews (which did occur, by the way) for decades before the Holocaust doesn't mean shit. Look up apophenia. You're making connections between a word and a number which, according to deniers, wasn't even finalized at the time. Are Jews psychic? Did they know the number would eventually settle on 6,000,000?

Again, I can't stress enough that you're right in saying the Holocaust has been abused for political purposes. Israel shouldn't even exist at this point. However, that does not revoke the evidence that 6,000,000 Jews did indeed perish at the hands of the Nazis. The fact that a lot of the Nuremberg evidence was fraudulent (historians admit this) and there was a lot of propaganda about soap and so on (historians admit this) does not mean Jews weren't routinely executed. We have audio recordings of the Posen speeches, talking about Jews being executed. Meanwhile, the denier documents about there not being enough Zyklon-B residue in the walls have been dismissed as pseudoscience by dozens of experts.

The main point is this: if you deniers can be as empirical and rational as you pretend to be, and look at the facts objectively, you will understand the Holocaust happened. Now disband the IHR and move on to real issues, such as how the suffering of millions of innocent people is being exploited by Jews.

>> No.10484806

Fuck off to /pol/ shitheads

>> No.10484808

I work for jews. It sounded logical at the time - jews hold all the money, so by working for the jews, I cut off the middle man. They do pay, generally on time, precisely the amount agreed, without fuss.

>> No.10484816

I cannot believe in history written by someone who won a war about their enemy. As such, I neither believe that the Holocaust happened, nor do I believe it didn't happen. I claim that the information present doesn't allow me to have an opinion.

>> No.10484814 [DELETED] 

You fuck off to /pol/, kike.

>> No.10484815 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 720x960, 1354583847533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JIDF spotted

>> No.10484819

My family is starting to notice that just maybe something is wrong with me.

That's after four years as a NEET, and something like six since the last time I had any social interaction with anyone I didn't have to.

And the only reason having me see a shrink even came up is because the family can no longer support my parasite ways but I'm being to fussy about working a job I'd have to deal with people in.

Oh well.

>> No.10484823

It took 4 years?

Not a very perceptive bunch, are they? Do they even care about you or just want you to find a job you can GTFO of their lives forever?

>> No.10484825

Well, what about the report of 6 million dead, and then a month later saying only 1.5 out of 6 million in Europe were alive?

>> No.10484828

I understand that matter in principle, but to deny the evidence is just stupid and juvenile.

The Nazis systematically killed Jews. We have documents that can prove it. Meanwhile, the biggest smoking gun for deniers is a disproven document by a non-scientist and some false mathematics.

This is why people who don't subscribe to ZOG get a bad name. Every time I mention the Holocaust is used for false political purposes or that the Jews are exercising too much control over, say, our media, I get compared to you racist morons.

>> No.10484830

My dad has been dropping hints that he wants me to think about getting a job, he started late last year and has kept at it every time we talk.

Nothing too pushy, he just says stuff like "so you thinking about your future?" or "don't you get bored all day?"

I think the longer I don't respond or get a job the pushier he will get

>> No.10484832

You make item A for the Jew.
The Jew gives you a small amount of money (compared to how much said Jew sells the item for).
You take said money and buy item B, which was also made in the same method as A except not by you.
You continue to produce item A for the Jew so that you can have more money to buy item B.
All this extra money flows to the Jew no matter where you stop participating in the loop.

>> No.10484836
File: 98 KB, 378x537, 29183829_big_p35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom seems to just dismiss my 6 years of barely leaving the house as being lazy.

I guess that is part of it at least.

>> No.10484837


>> No.10484838

So in the end we're saying the same thing -- the holocaust is exaggerated and used for false political purposes, but we differ philosophically on the precise semantics of "the holocaust" and what it means to believe in it, leading to this argument.

And yes, I agree that jews were killed by the Germans at that time.

>> No.10484839

You are of course implying that getting rid of jews is a bad thing.

>> No.10484850
File: 3 KB, 159x141, abjew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a graph theorist and I can confirm this.

>> No.10484855

Yes, I realise. But imagine what it would be otherwise: I make item A for person X. Person X sells it to the jew. Then the jew gives person X some money and person X gives me part of that money. By making item A for the jew directly, I get all the money, thereby maximising my profit. You can never stop participating in the loop. Except maybe bitcoins, but I'd be surprised if the jews don't get a monopoly on those too, soon.

Nobody is implying that.

>> No.10484859

The parents just want me to get a job so they can stop being embarrassed of me in front of their friends, I think and because they need me to support them now.

The one that's getting pissed off is my sister - which is hilarious, because she's over 30(she's a lot older than me), still lives at home, and works a job barely above minimum wage, but she's helping out with the expenses, and I'm not.

Things is, I should really get some therapy, or at least drugs, but there's no way in hell I'm going to be honest with a doctor because of my anxiety, and I'm smart enough to talk myself out of it anyway.

I hope I'll find some sort of shitty job I can do soon.

Oh, I've been supposed to be looking for a job for two years or so, but between my anxiety, procrastination, and the fact that no one wants to hire someone with no skill and such a long period doing nothing, I'm still unemployed.

>> No.10484860

Is anyone here who's gone through the SSI appeals process able to help me?

>> No.10484876

Do you have a source for this? I'd be interested in reading it.

Then that's fine, though I still believe the Jews were *systematically* killed, including in gas chambers. I respect your right to question that fact and propose whatever evidence you want, but I think so far it hasn't held up to scientific scrutiny. Of course, if you find some strong evidence, I'll eat my hat and admit I was wrong--I wish most deniers were this empirical.

In real life, the murder of civilians is still murder. I hate Zionists and I hate Jews who associate with them. If some messed up genie forced me to pick one race to genocide, it would easily be the Jews. However, Jews aren't intrinsically evil (and some people do seriously believe this). They just happen to have a lot of elitists with pretty bad motives, which has spread through a network of nepotism. Jews are no better or worse than any other human beings, and that's why they should not have almost complete control of Hollywood or the mainstream press.

>> No.10484946

It was in the thread that he linked. You could look up the exact articles. New York Times: January 8, 1945 page 17
and New York Times February 17, 1945 page 8
The problem is that there is a shitty copyright block on it so you can't access it.
The pages that someone managed to get is on
if you want it.

>> No.10484950
File: 21 KB, 504x147, neet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have all the time i want, but i can't enjoy it.
How do i cope with the constant thoughts of looking for a job, constant aura of disappointment and emotional guilt trips?
I have goddamn nightmares about it, although i know that doing a mindless job is even worse. I've been there and i don't want it back.

>> No.10484957

Last night when I was pissing in my jug I felt thirsty and because of the shape of the jug in my hand and because I was so sleepy, I thought I was holding the jug of water I keep in my room. I brought the piss jug to my mouth and realized at the last moment that I was about to take a big swig of days-old piss.

I'm glad I didn't drink my own piss, /jp/.

>> No.10484958
File: 648 KB, 800x800, 6148604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've all been there

>> No.10484961

I love those Garfield-minus-Garfield/Realfield comics. Jon is a truNEET who knows all my feels.

>> No.10484960

Doing a job for the sake of doing a job is pointless.

But... if you have something you want that can only be achieved by working(be it because of need for funds or whatever other reason), it might be worth putting up with it.

Despite whatever puritanical American society might think, work itself has no inherent meaning - if you don't NEED to work, there's no reason to feel bad about not doing it.

>> No.10484966

I disagree with this post a little and say that work can feel good, however this doesn't hold true for everyone, and when it does it's often under specific conditions.

For example, I am a NEET but I need to be productive. I worked some cleaning and office jobs but they made me feel terrible. Now I write shitty stories for the internet, and I feel amazing. Just having that "throughput" in my life is what keeps me going, though I do no society-sanctioned worked and I don't get paid.

>> No.10484987
File: 22 KB, 499x144, job interview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the keyword tright there - "society-sanctioned".
If you don't finish university to sit 10 hours in the office or work in a coal mine with your bare hands you're nothing. Dirt, subhuman or even worse.
Who gives a fuck if little Steve here wanted to do 3d models or textures. That's not a real job. That's just him playing on his computer thing, wasting his time.

>> No.10484994
File: 24 KB, 450x372, 1356796759308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Staying comfy with a warm, hand knitted cocksock.

>> No.10484997

What if it doesn't fit? Do you have to remake it?

>> No.10485003

It shouldn't be too difficult to get the dimensions correct, but you need some decent knitting skills. If it doesn't fit, you gift it.

>> No.10485005
File: 175 KB, 532x474, 25542357_big_p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to that guy making an MMO with Diablo 2 models?

>> No.10485006

does anyone else wear tube socks on their dick because they leak for a while after pissing?

or just me?

>> No.10485018

I put few layers of toilet paper on it sometimes, it does happen to me.
If you don't mind me asking - is your shlong uncut? Maybe that's the cause of our problem.

>> No.10485077

wwww No one tries to disprove David's statements.

>> No.10485206

Anyone who actually believes the holohoax happened should not be taken seriously.

>> No.10485272

Watching videos about David makes me feel disgusted.
>Yeah yeah uh huh.

>> No.10485323

I say definitely try to see a therapist. A good one can change your life (but good ones can be REALLY hard to find).

Then again they say talking to a therapist and talking to a friend have the same rate of success in "curing" depression, so try to find someone you can become friends with (I know how hard that can be though), or talk to your family (if they're not abusive).

Also just do some honest soul searching as to why you feel that way around people (also terribly fucking hard to do and stay honest to yourself).

Good luck anon. And try to stay off any drugs, prescription or otherwise.

>> No.10485338

David is a cool guy (a shame what happened to him) and I'm glad the people on this talk show were fairly open-minded and non-aggressive about the whole thing.

>> No.10485340

>Enjoy putting on weight, and losing any desire to fap
I've actually never experienced either of these side-effects to any significant degree with anti-depressants. But I also never felt any benefit from them either. I actually want anti-depressants to kill my libido, but none of them seem to work.

>> No.10485344

Unlike the Donahue show that I'm watching where Cole just plane leaves.

>> No.10485346

Wow. plain*

>> No.10485365

yeah it is

>> No.10485374

I don't have any desire to fap without these
I fap like once a week and only if I force myself too

used to fap a lot, most of the time soft, sometimes even dry-just to kill time
then I learned about dihydrotestosterone and shit

fuck this shit

>> No.10485372

Same to me.

>> No.10485406

i just made a banana and strawberry smoothie in my magic bulleta nd it tastes really good

>> No.10485593

>3d models or textures.
It is a 'real' job if you work for Microsoft studios, EA or some shit. Society and more importantly parents don't question as much the actual value-added or meaningfulness of a position. If they did alot of banking, law and other high flying positions people strive for would be called into question. It's more about the schedule and compensation. That is, something white collar, full-time and with good pay and benefits IS a 'real' job as far as boomers will be concerned. Job stability on top of that seals the deal but most people know that it's not standard fare anymore.

Kinda related. This made me laugh because it's so true.

>> No.10485621

I haven't used a blender in a while. I wanna make a vanilla caramel milk shake with chunks of cookie dough and little marshmallows in it.

>> No.10485631 [DELETED] 
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What does /jp/ think of doner kebabs?

>> No.10485635

They don't exist where I live.
They only sell gyros.

>> No.10485649 [DELETED] 

My dad just expressed sexual attraction towards a woman because of her "little tight body".

Is my dad a lolicon/pedophile?

>> No.10485657



>> No.10485669

I just bought a nice new bike to ride to school! Being a NEET is tough sometimes so you have to make concessions to yourself wherever possible.

>> No.10485672
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>> No.10485674

Do you guys have any artsy hobbies? I'm learning to play the piano, and Japanese.

>> No.10485686

I like to play MMOs and jack off

>> No.10485692

Why are you so lewd

>> No.10485696

What is lewd about MMOs

>> No.10485699

Only culinary arts.

>> No.10485706
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>that NEET feel when you accidentally drink from the bottle you just pissed in

>> No.10485707
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>> No.10485711

The chatboxes

That's good, eating out is expensive. I do it too much so I run out of money fast

>> No.10485712

>that NEETer feel when you purposefullly drink from the bottle you just pissed in

>> No.10485714

Why can't you crop shit?

>> No.10485728

Have you NEETs done any self-learning for topics of interest like cooking, drawing, programming, etc.?

>> No.10485730

Tasty, I eat them almost daily.

>> No.10485739 [DELETED] 

Yes. I have solved artificial intelligence.

>> No.10485741


I want to learn how, but I'm not really sure what to make

>> No.10485743

Please post source.

>> No.10485746


This site has been broken for me. It keeps telling me I need to wait like 20 minutes for a download, even though I haven't downloaded anything for days.

This wouldn't be a problem at all if JB sharers hosted their videos properly instead of using ``direct'' download sites.

>> No.10485747

Learn how to make games. It's pretty easy to make simple games with the right APIs

>> No.10485750


>> No.10485753

I make little pyramids with empty beer cans and take pics of birds and shit

>> No.10485763


>> No.10485790

Games take too long. Even a simple platformer is gonna be like 4000-5000 lines of code. More complex games are easily gonna be 10000 or more.

>> No.10485792
File: 159 KB, 850x894, Mokou 420 blaze it faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had the great idea of fapping to cuddly sex.
Now I am depressed.
Fuck everything.

>> No.10485793 [DELETED] 

Got a bottle of vodka in the fridge and a bunch of video games. It's going to be a fun night. I still have leftover lasagna in the fridge that my girlfriend made as well.

>> No.10485797

Pure little girls don't do drugs.

>> No.10485807

I made a game about Marisa in a few hundred lines.

You had to dodge bullets and collect apples.

>> No.10485817

I wish I was born in the USA, some time in the 60s or 70s. Then I could be a nerd back when being a nerd was cool. Turtlenecks and D&D and Star Trek and early anime fanzines. I'd be posting on some Usenet from one of MIT's UNIX machines instead of talking with you losers in the Web 2.0 era of Tumblr and Facebook.

>> No.10485825

That's why I put "with the right APIs"

Nothing takes 'too much time' when you're NEET.

>> No.10485830

I wrote a platform game that looked and played like a platform game in 200 lines of C with SDL. It parsed levels, used real sprites, and had some neat features like variable jump height.

Don't you tell people what they can't and can't do.

>> No.10485838

I apologize for offending you. I was talking about an actual game as in one with some level of depth. You could maybe do it in a thousand but 200 makes me question exactly what you could do in your platformer.

>> No.10485861

Let's make a VN, /jp/

>> No.10485863


>> No.10485866
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Alright, I'll be the project leader.

>> No.10485871
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b-but I came up with the idea, I should be project leader

>> No.10485878

That never works out. Trust me. The author should be the leader.

>> No.10485876

I'm demoting you to idea guy.

>> No.10485880

Fuck this, I'm breaking off from this project to make my own game.

>> No.10485884 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10485885

I can't be comfy, my mom keeps asking me to make a resume so I can get a job.
I've never had a job before what the fuck will I write down on a resume?
I just sleep during the day so no one can bother me, and the night when everyone is too busy sleeping, I do my stuff.

>> No.10485891

Oh it was really just a game where you moved a stickman across some 16x16 tiles and jumped onto some other 16x16 tiles until you hit an object that sent you to the next level (levels were stored in a straightforward ASCII format, with spaces for nothing, # for platform, P for starting position, and G for goal).

Still, it was a game. It met all the criteria for a game, and it was even a relatively enjoyable platformer to boot.

Keep in mind that Conway's Game of Life is a simple as hell game and people are discovering cool stuff in it like a billion years later, plus you can implement that shit in less than 50 lines of C.

>> No.10485892 [DELETED] 

Am I you?

>> No.10485889

But VNs are not fun to program

>> No.10485890

Are you me?

>> No.10485894

We are one!
Heartbeat to heartbeat, we stand~

>> No.10485907

Nice projecting. Employers are corny as hell.

>> No.10485902

My resume has a short profile about how I'm a "motivated and eager worker" and I want to "support myself and my family".

To my parents it sounds good, but I specifically wrote it so that to an employer it would sound corny and maybe get a good laugh. No way are they hiring a turbonerd who writes shit like that.

>> No.10485905

Game of Life is just art and not a game except for perhaps extreme autism

>> No.10485913

I don't know how I'm projecting there, but my plan has worked so far. Four years and still no chance of a job.

>> No.10485912

Yeah, I'll probably end up writing something like that. What worries me the most are the interviews though.

>> No.10485919

You're projecting because you are jaded and expect the rest of the world to be as misanthropic as you are.

>> No.10485927

Is the joke that you're projecting now? I don't think like that at all. Maybe you misread my post.

>> No.10486051

How did you arrive at a hatred of humanity from not wanting a job?

I must ask, anon, are you retarded?

>> No.10486057

Managers love that "motivated and eager worker" and "support myself and my family" stuff, even when it's bullshit.

>> No.10486065

What I should put then, other than obvious stuff like "I need money to support my meth/porn/loli addiction"

>> No.10486094

I did the same almost 2 years ago. My doctor told me to take it easy and everything was okay. I am still NEET and living the dream.


Why doesn't /jp/ wear these? Unless you already wrap yourself up with your duvet and stay in bed for as long as possible.

>> No.10486100

You are not a NEET. Please do not post in the NEET thread.

>> No.10486106
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Never gets very cold here but that doesn't stop me from being comfy.

>> No.10486120


>> No.10486126

have fun burning your dick off

>> No.10486132

That looks hyperrealistic.

>> No.10486133

That's bad for the laptop, put it on a flat surface.

>> No.10486136

One of my friends wants me to go with him to a club to see one of our favorite artists play. I'm not sure if I should go because I hate going out in public places, but I don't want to piss off one of my only friends that I have.

Should I go with him to such a horrible place?

>> No.10486139

Is that you "would you suck it" guy?

>> No.10486143


I wouldn't suck your dick, it's gross.

>> No.10486146

I would. If you don't, you lose the opportunity of seeing that artist and you might lose your friend as well.

>> No.10486149

No, it's bad for your dick. Your nuts dangle outside of your body for a reason.

>> No.10486152

No. Stop being friends with that shithead.

>> No.10486153

It's not like being sterile will affect your life anyway, even if it were hot enough to do that.

>> No.10486166

I put that I studied Japanese for 3 years on my resume.

Is that bad?

>> No.10486170

I like the cold weather. I usually spend all day wrapped in a quilt at my desk or in bed, I like to be freezing and wrapped up.

I've also not had to go outside in forever. I year or so ago my therapy sessions that broke years of beautiful indoor time ended and I've not had to go out since. It's restful.

>> No.10486179

Are you trying to get a job, or not? Furthermore, in what industry?

>> No.10486190

I'm somewhat glad and disappointed that you didn't post a pic of you in the bathtub

>> No.10486200 [DELETED] 

my housemates are playing some lewd never-have-I-ever game

>> No.10486204


>> No.10486206

I feel horrible now that winter is ending. I seriously get depression. No more comfyness, no more hot teas and comfy warming clothing, heaters and occasionally opening the window to let a stream of cold air in. No more no insects and no sweating.

>> No.10486209

Sort of, but I don't want to get a job.

I have an engineering degree that is going to waste...

>> No.10486213

Same, I don't understand what's the big deal about the summer/hot weather.

>> No.10486217
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I have such a hard time concentrating on my hobbies in the summer when I can no longer wrap myself up in a big blanket.

>> No.10486221

an engineering degree is pretty much deciding to throw away your chance at an interesting career for easy money and job security anyways

>> No.10486325

Normals love to parade around each other in swimsuits and such. It's why summer is so popular.

>> No.10486326

fuggin normals

>> No.10486328

I think the only people who really love the summer are kids in school.

>> No.10486329

Summer has some nice stuff. You can have iced tea and ice cream, and you can hear the crickets at night.

>> No.10486331

I love summer, and I also love winter. As soon as I get sick of one, the other comes.

>> No.10486334

Animals being active is just an annoyance.

>> No.10486340

I think you are forgetting about the other two seasons.

>> No.10486343

They only last a few weeks and even then, autumn is the only one that I really enjoy because of the food and Halloween. Spring doesn't seem like a very apparent season to me, for some reason.

>> No.10486341

I prefer autumn over summer but summer is nice too excluding the heat waves

>> No.10486350

Months, each season is four months.

>> No.10486367

It doesn't seem that evenly split to me. Spring is usually from mid February to mid April, then summer until late September with winter starting mid November. To me spring is when you don't need the heat on and you don't need the AC on, and wild flowers blossom.

>> No.10486369

I also have an engineering degree that is going to waste.

I took it because I was interested in building robots

>> No.10486374

I don't think there are 16 months, anon

>> No.10486386

Oh boy. He just sent me a message on AIM.

(22:20) WEEDLORD420x69: DUDE

>> No.10486420

Are you serious?

>> No.10486427

His words, not mine.

>> No.10486549

Sounds like a wonderful person.

>> No.10486653

i am bored out of my skull
i don't feel like playing any games, reading anything, or watching anything
pls help me jp

>> No.10486666

listen to musik

>> No.10486666,1 [INTERNAL] 

it was this post hahahahah


>> No.10486666,2 [INTERNAL] 

We already know 4chan has moronic moderation, you don't need to remind us

>> No.10486666,3 [INTERNAL] 

You're not a NEET, you've gone on about having a job on multiple locations. You chose to attach that to your alias, can't really blame him for that one.

>> No.10486707

I've already listened to all of my favorite songs hundreds of times and I'm too lazy to search for new things

Fuck it, i'm activating a Playstation Plus code and downloading Ninja Gaiden Sigma for my Vita

>> No.10486707,1 [INTERNAL] 

dont d00d it sucks

>> No.10486707,2 [INTERNAL] 

i knew what i was getting into when i made the post. i thought it was at first for mentioning agrias in that one thread.

>> No.10486707,3 [INTERNAL] 

can't argue with that one but still

>> No.10486752

I enter contests to support my NEET lifestlye but I've stopped winning.

My last win was weeks ago...

>> No.10486789

try drawing or doing something else creative (maybe coding? writing?)

>> No.10486820

So you often feel this way? You might want to consider speaking to a doctor about it.

>> No.10486841

Today I realized that I recently turned 22 and have yet to do anything with my life. I don't normally think about my age, but now I'm legitimately terrified.

>> No.10486843
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Just do something next year.

>> No.10486851

So today I woke up at 5pm
and I played some video games
and I cuddled with my fumo

pretty good day so far

>> No.10486855


>> No.10486854

Is it twowho or toeho?

>> No.10486861

Shouldn't it be twowhom?

>> No.10486863

i wish CA had seasons. fucking a.

>> No.10486866

>said me 6 years ago

>> No.10486872

there's your problem

>> No.10486873

Jew NEET reporting in for duty!

>> No.10486878

Been a NEET for almost a year now, finally going back to therapy/psychiatrist (it's the ones that are sponsored by the state so it's a sliding scale; I go for free).
I told both psych and therapist that I had no money and "I guess I need to get to where I can function in the workforce so I can get a job since I have no money."

Doc gives me pills, says come back in six weeks, we'll see where we can get you. Therapist says "why not consider going back to college? You're so smart, etc." I was so shocked. "Um, I have NO. MONEY. NONE." So she goes into "oh well your credit must be good..." and I'm like "I'm not going into that amount of debt in this economy for a degree that may or may not pay me the federal minimum wage when I get out of school, so no. I'm not considering going back to school." She got all in my face after that (I'm really shy and honestly, it's all I can do to go to her, but she shocked me/made me mad so I responded out of surprise, after that it was over) and tells me she wants me to see a career counselor at the university.

What the fuck are these people on? My doc seems to understand, don't wanna go outside, can't function at work, can't function enough to buy groceries, and this bitch wants me to go to university?!

Sorry for tl;dr

>> No.10486879

women are the problem here anon

they don't get people

>> No.10486880

don't take drugs

whatever you do

>> No.10486881

Need to visit some therapy of that kind in 5 days.
4 weeks together with other weebs and gameaddicts under one roof.
I swear to god if only one of them comes with a waifu pillow I'll slap that fucker and rape his waifu.

>> No.10486884

get a disability lawyer. if it's someone who specializes in disability suits, they don't collect money from you until the case is won.
source: my dad is a NEET. (second generation NEET cred)

>> No.10486885

Are you saying I have a smelly ass?

>> No.10486886

bitches are stupid

>> No.10486887

Where are these documents? In fact, there are documents to the contrary, like just how much Zyklon B the "evil death camp Auschwitz" receive.

No, the Nazis did not perpetuate any sort of "Holocaust". At -most-, you can argue that some soldiers got out of hand with Jewish prisoners.

I don't like working because I don't like supporting Jews.

>> No.10486888

If I'm socially anxious how exactly do they expect me to take the bus to go see a therapist?

>> No.10486892

That's what I've always wondered about SSI.

>> No.10486894

Take a taxi. Curl up in the backseat and cover your eyes.

>> No.10486897

why? I like being able to take it easy knowing that the weather is always nice

>> No.10486900

get a different shrink. She sounds like complete shit.

>> No.10486902

whiny-ass kids don't know how goddamn good they have it. you'd have to pay for ALL of your hobbies, then. no high-speed downloads of shows fan-translated by a group of people with the time on their hands the same week the episode airs in Japan? Try whenever the fuck insert-company-name-here decided to dub it into English. Fucking little faggots make me so mad you little shits don't know how good you have it, you stupid little cocksuckers.

>> No.10486905

pick up your dirty laundry, you slob
also, that shit lowers your sperm count.

>> No.10486908

summer is what normal people enjoy; going outside, barely clothed, going to the beach, all that shit.

>> No.10486909

>needing a high sperm count to make babbies


>> No.10486910

For some reason, every year I forget how to heat myself until February.

>> No.10486911

crybaby. I'm 27 and a NEET. suck it up.

>> No.10486912

Cumrags don't go in with the regular clothes.

>> No.10486913

Do you live alone or with your parents?

>> No.10486915

b-b-but I have bipolar disorder and they got me on the pills when I was a teenager. Please don't be angry, anon!

there's that money thing again. Not sure if I made it real clear above, but the shrink I go to is "given" to me by the state, and I can't go in there and be like "hey this free doctor you gave me sucks dick dude gimme the next one." because they don't play that.

>> No.10486918

no, but you should be wary of people who freely admit that their ass is smelly

>> No.10486919

You guys ever think about finding a rich girl?

My uncle is average looking (not sure if he has a big dick) and found a slightly ugly lawyer girl that makes a couple hundred grand a year.

gief her a babby and you can spend all her money on computers and cars.

>> No.10486921

They expect you to somehow still have a network of friends. Basically, the people who have control over the government part and the people who have control over the mental health part and the actual mental health practitioners can never be in the same room or on the same phone call at once, or a bomb goes off in a random heavily-populated area.

>> No.10486922

I haven't had a friend in 10 years

My waifu is the only friend I need

>> No.10486923

My cousin has a rich friend. She's really weird and has a weird body shape, but her family is incredibly wealthy. She always tries to engage me in activities when I visit my cousin's house. The first time I met her she was really drunk and knocked me over trying to dance with me and then when I was leaving she got in my personal space and said I should hang out with her.

I avoid her when I visit my cousin's house and instead focus on my cute younger cousins.

>> No.10486925

Someone said they snagged a doctor a while back and has everything going for them now.

Personally I don't think the money is worth being stuck with someone who you may or may not even like.

>> No.10486927

You can use her though to finance your personal persuits

>> No.10486926

somehow I made it into my own place, but seriously, stop whining about being 22 and having "done nothing" with your life. It makes you sound like a retard and no one wants to be around an autismal fuck. I know you younger kids think it's cool to be a NEET. Call me back in five years when you're my age now and you've been eating shit food for years and then we'll talk. I bet you still have your mommy making dinner for you, otherwise I'll bet it's the campus dining hall you little spoiled fuck. College kids are not NEETs.

>> No.10486933

If you're married to someone rich who's never home/always away on business trips, then who cares if you even like them or not?

>> No.10486929

Not all NEETs are unhappy

stop generalizing

>> No.10486934

Did you have a falling out with your mommy, anon?

>> No.10486936

I never said we're all unhappy, I'm just pissed at this influx of kids who wanna be NEETs when their parents give them a new iPad every six months and they don't know what being a NEET necessarily entails.

>> No.10486940

To marry her would not be worth it, not one bit. The child would not be cute because of her genes. She's manlier than myself.

>> No.10486943

Is she a tomboy?

>> No.10486941

You wouldn't be the first person to marry someone they're not in love/attracted to

>> No.10486946

She watches football games with my uncle and cousin, so maybe.

>> No.10486948

>have to call the cops because mum is going insane and smashing shit
>she leaves and never comes back
>now the gestapo knows where I live

When they rev up the gas chambers I'm going to be the first to go. ;_;

>> No.10486951

what the fresh fuck are you on about?

>> No.10486953

hes a NEET from 1930's germany

>> No.10486954

Who's paying for your expenses now?

>> No.10486957

my dad

my mum was a bipolar insane NEET too, that cleaned sometimes

>> No.10486959

I never said I was in college.

>> No.10486964

I'm not playing this secretive shit with you, okay? You're still a pussy faggot for crying about how you've done nothing with your life and you're 22. That's not old. Get over it. You have plenty of time before you grow into a proper fuckup.

>> No.10486966

You have terrible conversation skills.

>> No.10486967


technically he could go to college at any age

I've seen 40 year olds in college, no biggy

Sure you'll be behind some people in the "rat race" but who gives a fuck

>> No.10486970

You're being needlessly aggressive. It's better for everyone when we can all be respectful towards each other.

>> No.10486972
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>> No.10486981

This is exactly true for the anti-psychotic I was prescribed. I gained 50 lbs and went without fapping for so long that I actually once had a wet dream. I stopped taking it a couple months ago and have since gone back to fapping 2x a day and I'm cutting weight. It was nice to give up fapping for a while though.


>> No.10486995

Antipsychotics are pretty awful drugs in terms of side effects. Antidepressants, on the other hand, really aren't so bad.

>> No.10486997

is not being able to fap so bad?

Nothing wrong with taking a spank break

>> No.10486999

I flushed my antidepressants down the toilet after the advice you guys gave me

thanks :3

>> No.10487032

why don't you just down some pills and the call the ambulance for yourself like you always do?

>> No.10487033

suicide by pills is for pussies

>> No.10487033,1 [INTERNAL] 

fuck you janitor


>> No.10487033,2 [INTERNAL] 

get da fuck outta here u FALSE NEET

good nite gigajig and good morning world

>> No.10487067

Its not throwing anything away. Life isn't defined by your career choice, and you will never ever find work that is entertaining or fun. Work by definition is something you get paid to do because no one else wants to, or has the ability to do it.
Work can only be fun or good if you're a social person, or if the job lets you slack off enough that you spend more time doing things other than what you are getting paid to do.

>> No.10487085

I used to have fun working security because between the hourly patrols I could play videogames.

It's a job that's looked down upon by others as "dead end" though.

Rather be a NEET

>> No.10487088

I actually enjoy not fapping. It's a test of self-control for me, and I feel as if I have more energy and think more clearly. That might not actually be the case though.

>> No.10487156

>Pope Benedict XVI says he will remain 'hidden to the world' after his resignation
Papal truNEET

>> No.10487187

31 year old living with mom reporting in. What now kiddies?

>> No.10487195

It's not a contest

>> No.10487230

These truNEET threads pretty much always are.

>> No.10487317
File: 126 KB, 500x555, 345235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sometimes I feel like the only /jp/sie left who doesn't care at all about janitors, infighting, egos, archives, tripcodes, whatever

I just want a place to take it easy and have peaceful threads. All this conflict makes it impossible and all the people involved on both sides seem so aggressive and nasty.

>> No.10487319

too many bullies for that to happen

>> No.10487341

B-but I though /jp/ was the last bully-free zone in the world, where socially awkward people like us could find refuge... ;_;

>> No.10487469

You are a passive agressive little shit and I hate you and everyone like you

>> No.10487482


Go take a midnight swim on an icy cold river

>> No.10487483


See what I mean

>> No.10488070

You and me both. You sound like a cool person.

>> No.10488081

too bad you're a worthless tripfag

>> No.10488114

the only good tripfag was wtH

am i right?

>> No.10488117

I...I can take my trip off for you, anon. Do...do you like me better without it?

>> No.10488135

I miss boof.

>> No.10488262

So many times have you left the house this year?
3 times for me. Twice to buy booze, once to visit my grandparents for dinner.

>> No.10488403

not him, but yes. It's always better without trips

>> No.10488479

once every month for food

>> No.10488577

Help me /jp/! They're calling me in for a second interview. What the fuck. I certainly bombed the more important 'fit' part. I just got used to NEET life and my parents are now forcing it out. ;_;

>> No.10488573

At least once a month. I want to go out every day for walks in the morning, they're quite nice.

>> No.10488740

I had some erotic dreams last night. One involved cunninglingus with a loli, and the other involved non-penetrative sex with two lolis at once.

I also had one about farming anchovies.

>> No.10488946

Hot. Explain more.

>> No.10488968

I'd like to hear the one about anchovies

>> No.10488975

Oh man I can't hold my interest back about that anchovy farm.
Can you go into more detail?

>> No.10488996

I didn't want to masturbate, but then I ended up doing it after I got sent very lewd messages.

I hate masturbating.

>> No.10489189

get out, normie

>> No.10489194

Only normies celebrate lewdness.

>> No.10489208

I was referring to the part about you receiving lewd messages.

>> No.10489212

lol get a load of these tryhards saging a thread that's hit the bump limit

>> No.10489218

You don't know how I received them. Only a normie would assume it was through normie means.

>> No.10489226

Just butting in, but that makes no sense.

>> No.10489282

I suggest you butt out, normie.

>> No.10489299

How did you receive them then?

>> No.10489305

I"m gonna butt in your butt, you little cocktease!

>> No.10489307

Lewd! This is too lewd, please cease at once!

>> No.10489310

This guy seems pretty cool.

>> No.10490449

>not saging all your posts on /jp/

>> No.10490454


>> No.10491831

Except that it's past the bump limit so your post is worth less than shit.

>> No.10491851
File: 74 KB, 660x440, 1899234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's Sudo? He hasn't been in these threads lately. Did one of you fucking bullies track him down and eat him?
