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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10483681 No.10483681[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you have pride /jp/?
like NEET pride or somthing


>> No.10483691

Today morning I received a letter which read literally:"get a job wanker" and rest there was information on how and where to get more education. Got to admit that whoever sent it got balls.

>> No.10483730

I have zionist pride

>> No.10483773
File: 25 KB, 570x515, zack-fair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

embrace your dreams... and whatever happens, protect your honor... as NEET!

>> No.10483832

Yeah I got pride.

You can take away my computers and my internet, you can kick me out of the house, but you can never take away my freedom. Capitalist filth is all about voluntary enslavement, and it's the only way of life these fools know.

>> No.10483839
File: 24 KB, 330x410, william wallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10484098

I got prescribed SSRI's and benzos today

maybe my crippling fear of people and jobs will end.

I'm going to be a fatass aren't I?

>> No.10484110

You won't if you have pride.

nice song dude

>> No.10484127

no. pride is a mortal sin.

those who have pride will be the first to go to hell.

>> No.10484133
File: 21 KB, 460x288, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As master morality originates in the strong, slave morality originates in the weak. Because slave morality is a reaction to oppression, it villainizes its oppressors. Slave morality is the inverse of master morality. As such, it is characterized by pessimism and cynicism. Slave morality is created in opposition to what master morality values as 'good'. Slave morality does not aim at exerting one's will by strength but by careful subversion. It does not seek to transcend the masters, but to make them slaves as well. The essence of slave morality is utility:[5] the good is what is most useful for the whole community, not the strong. Nietzsche saw this as a contradiction. Since the powerful are few in number compared to the masses of the weak, the weak gain power by corrupting the strong into believing that the causes of slavery (viz., the will to power) are 'evil', as are the qualities they originally could not choose because of their weakness. By saying humility is voluntary, slave morality avoids admitting that their humility was in the beginning forced upon them by a master. Biblical principles of turning the other cheek, humility, charity, and pity are the result of universalizing the plight of the slave onto all humankind, and thus enslaving the masters as well.

>> No.10484183

Yes, that's the truth.

But he never advocated pride.

>> No.10484195

It depends what you define as "pride". If it's something like being proud of your country or some other collectivist herd nonsense then certainly not. But Nietzsche absolutely advocated pride in oneself, and constantly criticized the taught meekness of Christianity.

>> No.10484212

pride in oneself (self respect) is fine if used in moderation. arrogance and demanding 'respect' of others because of pride is not.

that's what christianity refers to too, as far as i can tell.

>> No.10484216

>arrogance and demanding 'respect' of others because of pride is not.

Confirmed for having never actually read Nietzsche.

>> No.10484218

I'm proud of being a loser

>> No.10484221

i didn't, i wasn't replying to the whole nietzhe thing.

just my own interpretation of the whole pride thing, what kind of pride is ok and what kind isn't etc.

>> No.10484226

god dammit /jp/ wheres your saiyan pride, just looking at you queers makes me mad.

>> No.10484230

The pride of being cummed inside.

>> No.10484233

what sayan 'pride'?

i wiped those wimps out and turned the remains into cock gobbling bitches single handed.

>> No.10484234

come get some you cockgobbler

>> No.10484236

The pleasure of being proud inside

>> No.10484307

I think I vomited in my mouth a little. Eurgh.

I don't care who respects me and who doesn't, but if I'm going to be treated as "evil" just because I have pride in myself, well then you can just go fuck off.

So-called "Christians" are truly an amazing thing. They don't really follow their creed, which encourages spiritual development and acceptance. Instead, they push everyone away and go through the motions out of fear, treating spiritual development as a sin and refusing to think for themselves. And the plague just spreads.
