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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 46 KB, 360x360, jake0007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10483379 No.10483379 [Reply] [Original]


Step it up senpai, someone uploaded this in jpopsuki of all places.

>> No.10483410


>> No.10483935

Thanks. I really liked I-II.

>> No.10483964

How can I download from that website?

I'm pressing the button but nothing happens.

>> No.10484010


Press harder

>> No.10484038

That didn't work. Please help.

>> No.10484040

Please do not support the freedom hating services of that Jew.

>> No.10484049

Press softer.

>> No.10484061

Please install the MEGA Firefox extension to download a file this large.

(Or use Google Chrome)

Or download the non-FLAC version

>> No.10484099

I'm not gonna install some shitty extension just to download a file.

>> No.10484106

Yeah, this.
I'm running AdBlock, Ghostery, HTTPS Everywhere, and I have all browser plugins set to disabled by default, so one of those is probably the problem.

>> No.10484116

Just download it in chrome, doesn't work in firefox for me.

>> No.10484167

Do you have a link for the non-FLAC version please?

The extension and Google Chrome both disrespect my freedom.

>> No.10484248
File: 369 KB, 700x979, 32618378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10484276

I still can't download it.

Please help.

>> No.10484282

did u try using google chrome?

>> No.10484297

Oh. I'll just try Mediafire.

>> No.10484317

No. I refuse to use software which disrespects my freedom.

I also refuse to use software which has been identified as both malware and spyware.

I advise anyone using Google Chrome to do the same and stop using it.

>> No.10484394


Fack you Kim Dotcom

>> No.10484394,1 [INTERNAL] 

woh what the fuck, why was this deleted?
Anyway how the fuck do you newfags survive in /jp/ without jdownloader????

>> No.10484394,2 [INTERNAL] 

It's still here. Warosu is just labeling it wrong as usual.

>> No.10485951
File: 65 KB, 320x240, themoreyuno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jpopsuki has open registration and freeleech right now, what should I get? I like music that is cute.

>> No.10486429

Why arent you guys using jdownloader?

>> No.10486445

Acid Mothers Temple

>> No.10486457


Angel'In Heavy Syrup

Carmen Maki & OZ

Flied Egg

The Mops

四人囃子 (Yonin Bayashi)

The Jacks

Les Rallizes Dénudés

Psych-Folk even.

Doji Morita

>> No.10486459

These names don't sound very cute

>> No.10486477


You know that was bought by an ad company right?

not good.....

>> No.10486493

Thanks a lot.

>> No.10486514

use jdownloader to get it

>> No.10486522

Are you trying to hack us

>> No.10486778

You know, I used to like MegaUpload because it was the only free service I knew that consistently uploaded with 5MB/s and more. The new servers aren't that fast, but still pretty alright. Fuck yeah Kim Dotcom.

>> No.10486896
File: 266 KB, 800x800, 27981405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like their Nyaruko theme.

>> No.10490711

Why not just upload it to Mediafire or Nyaatorrents like a normal fucking person?

>> No.10490718

It has been up on Nyaa for more than half a day already, nerd.

>> No.10490722

I love that album cover.

>> No.10490758

I don't understand the phrase ``step it up senpai''

senpai means senior but ``step it up'' is something kinda derogatory. You wouldn't say that to a senior person.

>> No.10490796

Just use JDownloader.
Mega is made to be used with JDownloader.

No need to bother with chrome or other browsers, and it all works out at wonderful speed and automatic queues.

>> No.10490868

Java is fine aside from browser plugin. Disable and remove it, you are set.

>> No.10490872

Sarcasm. It is like calling an idiot "genius".

>> No.10490884

>implying I didn't grab the lossless wav version last week and convert it to mp3 myself

>> No.10490890

But I already found and listened to the lossless version of this in January.

>> No.10490901

File was already removed apparently

>> No.10490916

Well too bad, you were too slow!

>> No.10491131
File: 37 KB, 640x480, zx.goldenboy.05.divx5.ogm_snapshot_08.21_[2010.03.01_22.19.54].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n before p
