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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10479776 No.10479776[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do our tastes in girls must also change along with our growth? I've realized it ever since I was young that I am into lolis and prebuscent girls. I never liked MILFs like my "peers", I've always liked cute petite girls. Will we ever live to see a revised law about this?

Previous thread >>10479450

>> No.10479779


Baseless assumptions. Stop generalizing. Most of my kind would put first priority on pleasuring the loli themselves. Their condition comes first and is the most important. And you gain pleasure anyway by pleasuring them. It's not out of selfish act alone.

>> No.10479784

Fuck off.

>> No.10479787


The government forces children to waste 6 hours every fucking day of their childhood going to elementary school. It's boring as fuck, the few things you'll even remember from that time could have been learned at home (basic maths, a bit of geography, how to read and write) and you could have made friends without goint to school. If no one went to school, that is.

>> No.10479798 [DELETED] 


Baseless assumptions. Stop generalizing. Most of my kind would put first priority on pleasuring the loli themselves. Their condition comes first and is the most important. And you gain pleasure anyway by pleasuring them. It's not something done merely out of selfish act.

>> No.10479798,1 [INTERNAL] 

nice trashbin, pedo

>> No.10479804

But being a pedo makes you unable to control your desires regardless of your condition.

>> No.10479813


what? no it doesn't

>> No.10479814

I like it

>> No.10479820

Shitposting: The Culture

>> No.10479821

I would too, I don't just want to get pleasure but give it too. It's all about everyone having a good time. Everything you do for yourself is selfish. It's just human nature to be selfish. We all care about ourselves the most whether you want to admit it or not.

>> No.10479818
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Edgy - the thread part 2

>> No.10479826


Dumb image macro, dumb /v/ catchphrases, dumb threadbump.

This kid has the full crossboarder raiment.

>> No.10479823

Yeah, I really wish these pedophiles would fuck off already.

>> No.10479829


>> No.10479830


same /a/b/v/ poster

>> No.10479828

I chuckled

>> No.10479833


Again, what do you fucking know? Stop projecting. There are lolicons in societies all over the world, whether they are students or salarymen, who's also into this stuff. Have they gone out of control and raped lolis? Nope. Self-restraint is something up to the individual. Pedos you refer to are those who are mainly reported for doing their stupid malevolent act. There are people who care about lolis, not just coerce them into a sexual relationship.

>> No.10479838
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>> No.10479839

I've never heard about good pedos.

>> No.10479850


I'm sure WW2 Americans never heard about good Germans, either.

>> No.10479851


Exactly. Because they don't get reported for a malevolent act. There are always good ones, whatever matter it is.

>> No.10479854


for every red-handed pedo caught, 5 more are roaming free. for every pedo raping a child, 5 more are getting their consent (shut up) for every pedo fullfilling their desire, 5 more keep on dreaming. for every pedo who fantasize about little girls, 5 more are living denial.

the world is full of pedos, most are not criminals.
inb4 stop projecting.

>> No.10479856

I swear to fuck, every other time I see you you have take a complete 180 in posting quality. At least, I think it is you. Not to say you are wrong here, though.

>> No.10479857
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>> No.10479867

Also, the whole "pedophilia" article in Wikipedia and every fucking research ever done about it is crap.

You can't examine a bunch of convicted rapists who aren't even pedos to research pedophilia. It's retarded.

>> No.10479884

Fuck off, child raping scum.

>> No.10479893

Those are hardly lolis.

Cute asian tween, ugly American preteen. You have bad taste, OP.

>> No.10479897

I bet you're going to say now that there are more women that practice pedophillia than men.

>> No.10479903

Probably not. But there are a lot of pedowomen.

>> No.10479905

Pedophilia should stop being a psychiatric disorder, it's fucking not. How do you even go against the societies and prove it? How did the homos gain acceptance? There should be a fucking movement regarding to this, now.


You have bad-eyesight anon-kun.

>> No.10479909


>> No.10479917

not true, but woman can be more open about their love for children if they mask it under 'maternal instinct'.
they usually manage to fool themselves as well.

not saying that all cases of parental instincts are pedophiles tough. not like what some people are saying about man with parental instincts. if a women can wash her son, why can't a man bath *headshot*

>> No.10479919

children cannot consent, d00d. dont compare to homo.

that said i wish pedo was less villanized and more was spent to help treat them.

>> No.10479923

the homos had the help of pedos at the start, but than they ditched them the same way mario ditch yoshi to prevent from falling.

the witchunters got pedos, and homos got breath space to fortify their claims with logic, since people ware willing to listen.

no offense to homos- you are not respond to what others did, even if they share your title.

>> No.10479924

>children cannot consent

Sure they can.

>> No.10479927


>> No.10479931

I don't want to be treated. It's not a disorder.

And what do children have to do with this? Even if you THINK they cannot consent, it has nothing to do with my mind. It won't turn a sexual orientation into a disease, that's fucking stupid.

>> No.10479934

sure thing pardner. whatever you say

>> No.10479937

Your shitty punctuation makes you look like a retard. Stop that.

No wonder you are brainwashed, your intelligence is below average.

>> No.10479939


What this guy said.

>> No.10479940

Children are not emotionally or physically ready for sexual intercourse. They are incapable of understanding sex or the consequences thereof.

Please just stop.

>> No.10479942

>children can consent
Oh boy, here we go.

>> No.10479948

shut the fuk up homoboy

>> No.10479945

“Do not judge so that you will not be judged” Matthew 7:1

>> No.10479946


>They are incapable of understanding sex or the consequences thereof.

Woah, partner. That sounds like a horrifically retarded generalization.

>> No.10479952

I found a refuge for half this thread's posters. You'll be much happier there.


>> No.10479950

They can just fine but I'm not even going to start yet another argument with people that don't want to believe it just because they don't like it.

>> No.10479951

>emotionally ready
can be said about most 'adults' as well

>physically ready
if 9yo can get pregnant, than why not?

>> No.10479953

Normies don't actually like children, and don't take anything seriously from people more than a couple years younger than them.

>> No.10479957

Why is /jp/ so pedo and 3D loving in general

its revolting

>> No.10479960

wannabe normals
the worst kind of normals

>> No.10479962

I just want to love them.

Penetration isn't necessary, you fucking normie.

>understanding sex
It feels good.

>consequences thereof
There are no consequences, only moralfags forcing them to feel like shit because what they did hurt their outdated morals.

>> No.10479964 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10479965


I know. It's kind of amazing that people don't treat ageism the same way they treat racism. If you said 'Black people are incapable of understanding sex or the consequences thereof' people would go apeshit.

Not to mention that it's just inaccurate. Both of those statements I mean.

>> No.10479969
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>3d love

>> No.10479972

>Black people
A fine example of subconscious racism.

>> No.10479978

3D means real human being you newfag

>> No.10479974

children need more knowledge and need to know how society, this society they live in works and how it views sex and relationships before they could consent, its not a matter of just "feeling good" you lonely and horny animal

pedos pls stop, its embarrassing.

>> No.10479979

At sixteen years old I understood people better than a certified forty year old psychologist. It was a sad sight, sure, but people are not fucking retarded until the age of twenty.

>> No.10479980

exactly, there's nothing more to even say. It really is that simple but of course normals will turn their brainwashed heads the other way because they're afraid of everything they can't understand.

>> No.10479981

>being this nieve

>> No.10479982

They remind me of some kind of people...


Why is God's existence more unlikely just because he isn't good? Why is he more likely to exist just because he is good and cares about your happiness? Your religion is just delusiona wishful thinking, nothing else.

>> No.10479983

tell that to the 13 year olds who are fucking each other like rabbits.

>> No.10479985

> I understood people better than a certified forty year old psychologist.

No kid you did not
you fucking did not

wait till you are 35

>> No.10479986

I doubt it. The age of consent keeps raising. Used to be 14 in Canada but in 2008 they upped it to 16. We are regressing and giving in to pressure from you filthy repressed Americans.

>> No.10479987

I am for pedophilia. When I was young I wanted to fuck my teacher and stuff, I assume many young boys feel the same way today.

Another upside would be that more girls would get fucked younger and younger, turning them into mentally broken sluts. Mix that with feminism and you have a breed of slutty no self respect women on the streets who will deliver free sex for all.

>> No.10479989

I almost thought you were being serious for a second.

>> No.10479992

hahahahaha no one ever understand other people completely ever, its something you keep learning for the rest of your life.

>> No.10479994

america's the most depraved country though. once the current old generation dies out and the new, depraved, slutty, "free" one takes over i predict america's morals will go down to an all time low.

>> No.10479996

Who the fuck are you guys

>> No.10479998

Who sad completely? I just said that I was better than a guy even though he was twice my age.

>> No.10479999

13 year olds are not children.

>> No.10480000
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This, there aren't any consequences, just the bad view society puts on underage sex. There's no "deep social understanding" needed, back in the golden years ancient times, sex was to feel good, and should still be.

But society is fucked up and needs to be changed. Change doesn't happen without deviation from the norm.

Also I've been "molested" more than once when I was quite young, and I just wish I could remember it more clearly. I'm not horribly scarred or any of the problems supposedly caused by underage consensual sexual activity. I think it's pretty hot, actually.

>> No.10480001

These threads attract the scum of this board, and of some others too.

>> No.10480002

No. Society needs to change because its views are just fucking wrong.

And I'm never horny, unlike you normals.

>> No.10480004

yes they are

>> No.10480005


shut the fuck up pedos


>> No.10480006

I'm mostly into Adolescentophilia, I wish more sexual relationships were allowed in the area of Hebephilia. Paedophilia is a difficult case because the opposites always bring up that "Children cannot consent" shit. At least Hebephilia girls are more matured than real actual lolis. They should revise that.

>> No.10480008

I agree with this moralfag.

>> No.10480009

>But society is fucked up and needs to be changed
you wont accomplish that fucking kids thats for sure

>> No.10480011

I just came to /jp/.

Do you have this kind of thread often?

Well, the responses aren't very encouraging anyway.

>> No.10480012

We should discuss this on warosu. I don't think the normies use that.

>> No.10480014

We are talking about pedophilia, sexual interest in prepubescent children.

>> No.10480015

fucking kids is wrong, they are stupid.

>> No.10480018

/jp/ is full of real pedos, its disgusting and sad

>> No.10480025

yeah fuck off

>> No.10480020

/jp/ has more pedos than /b/ and they are dangerously deluded like >>10480000

>> No.10480026

>liking 3D


>> No.10480029

America must be destroyed.

Lolis are becoming whores, people are becoming fat pieces of meat, art is being killed and censored, the food is full of hormones, McDonald's are everywhere around the world, the average american is a greedy sick fuck and America was created by retarded christians.

>> No.10480034

3D means 3D you retard

>> No.10480037

>Boy thinks girls have cooties and wants to fuck his teacher
>Boy likes girls his own age and keeps liking them as an adult
Wait, aren't both examples pro-pedophila? It makes sense.

>> No.10480041

Fucking prepubescent children is wrong.

>> No.10480042

Today kids think "pedophiles" are scary and youngsters/teens think they are the absolute worst thing in the world.

We won't live to see a better future.

>> No.10480045
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If only Investment Banker were here...

>> No.10480048

ok lets say you like kids and fuck them

what will you do when they grow up?

"sorry I just used you to satisfy my sexual urges?"

And you think kids today are slutty and lazy? what kid of people do you think you will raise like that?

>> No.10480050

today it is pedos, tommarow lolicons.
you know this is true. turning your back won't get you spared- your time to fight for yourself didn't come yet because the pedos are holding the line.

>> No.10480051

I knew a fair number of people who knew or suspected my pedophilic tendencies, and none of them had a problem with it.

>> No.10480052

pedos are pretty fucking awful, only murderers are worse

>> No.10480056

>sex is just a biological function like pissing or eating, it's not something special or magical.

>> No.10480057

and people who fuck 13yo are not pedos?

god yes. let it be so.

>> No.10480058

we have japan
loli is fine
and if they kill all pedos Ill be fine with cowtits really

>> No.10480058,1 [INTERNAL] 

Holy fuck these shitnerds got owned AGAIN

>> No.10480058,2 [INTERNAL] 

They're hebephiles.

>> No.10480058,3 [INTERNAL] 

I genuinely think the jannie deserves to die.

>> No.10480058,4 [INTERNAL] 

Thank you for finally deleting this pedophile circlejerk, jannie. It took you long enough.

>> No.10480058,5 [INTERNAL] 

I hope this was a threadban.

>> No.10480058,6 [INTERNAL] 

Why? Bans don't do anything.

>> No.10480058,7 [INTERNAL] 

Pedos = butt frustrated

>> No.10480058,8 [INTERNAL] 

They're a minor setback, and autistic people hate having their routines disrupted slightly.
