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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 99 KB, 200x403, 200px-Th13Yoshika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10479544 No.10479544 [Reply] [Original]

>Only zombie in the game
>Ability is ''able to eat anything''
>Wears a police hat

>Chinese clothes

>> No.10479548


>> No.10479552


Yeah now that you mention it it looks like some communist-state farm worker hat

>> No.10479565

no. i'm leaving

>> No.10479564

Thread is shameful to Yoshika

>> No.10479571
File: 86 KB, 255x255, MeirinHS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Given a derogatory nickname
>Frequently portrayed as someone lazy who can't do her job
>Even lower on the hierarchical scale than the maid


ZUN confirmed for hating Chinese people. Also I'm quoting my thoughts.

>> No.10479582

>Frequently portrayed as someone lazy who can't do her job


>> No.10479584

Please do not misuse the quote feature.

>> No.10479588

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10479590

I hate you. You're obviously aware of your misuse of the quote function, yet you do nothing about it.

Fuck you.

>> No.10479595

Oh man I forgot how anal-retentive this board was

I'm very sorry I didn't use the special green arrows correctly

>> No.10479604


You might have forgotten about it, but I'll never forget how anal-retentive your MOM is!

>> No.10479618

fucking ownage

>> No.10479616 [DELETED] 



>> No.10479622


>> No.10479620

Oh man, I forgot how anal-retentive offboarders are when it comes to their board culture.

>> No.10479636 [DELETED] 


Except we're not

Can someone actually explain to me what you guys have against


>> No.10479657

Please do not misuse the quoting function.

>> No.10479669

It's retarded, lazy and generally poor writing.

>> No.10479673


But really what is the difference between

>Implying Japan hates the chinese


You are implying Japan hates the Chinese

>> No.10479676

In the first place, Jiang-shi are more like vampires than zombies.

>> No.10479681

One has shittier English.

>> No.10479691


we are tired of 'greentexting' because it just comes off as dumb and sophomoric to anyone who's had to put up with it for more than a few months

>> No.10479694 [DELETED] 


>getting this uptight about someone else's use of language

>> No.10479701

Personally, I don't care. I'm just telling you why everyone here is going to always think you're an idiot.

>> No.10479711


the difference is two words

what if it was just ''Implying Japan hates the Chinese'' ?

>> No.10479723

It's a forced meme.

>> No.10479726

Oh, this is quite nice. I think I'm gonna head over to /q/ in a moment.

>> No.10479727

English is not a drop friendly language like Japanese is. Two words can and often do make a world of difference.

If it was just that, the English is still shitty. Greentexting just encourages that shitty writing.

>> No.10479728

Holy shit that fag got owned for life

>> No.10479731

Quite interesting, really.

>> No.10479735

Greentexting is newspeak.
#wow #woah #theinevitable1984analogy #irony #hashtagmeta

>> No.10479746

She's a fucking oriental vampire you dumb motherfucking piece of rotten shit.

>> No.10479752

No way dude, she has her arms in front of her like a zombie duh

>> No.10479888

... Do you even know what language zombie comes from? The term hasn't existed as long as the demon she is portrayed as embodying.

>> No.10479911

I was being sarcastic, genius.

>> No.10479961
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>> No.10479967 [DELETED] 
File: 202 KB, 277x346, niggynoggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10479988


>> No.10480102

get out already, crossboarders.

>> No.10480112

>look at me, i'm so pretentious, self important and oh-so-smart~! stroke my e-penis more!

quoting your emotions when you post like that

>> No.10480123

Yeah, we're the crossboarders, not the "greentexting" morons. Just go back to /v/ already.

>> No.10480136

yeah you are. that forced meme shit you repeat like a broken record wasn't present here before the invasions from other boards took place.

>> No.10480173
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1360111934179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think /jp/ is a wonderful place that should be shared by everyone!

>> No.10480189

Just like your mother's butthole!

>> No.10480200

china eat cat

>> No.10480240

Cat meat is fucking delicious. I'm not even Chinese and I ate a cat not too long ago.

>> No.10480293

Your lack of capitalization betrays your newness.

>> No.10480297

White people are retarded after all.

>> No.10480300

wrong. been around since pre-split /a/.

lack of capitalization only means taking it easy more than grammar nazis.

>> No.10480303


nah, your obsession with spamming old as HELL /jp/ memes (see what i did there) is a clear sign that you are a post-neo-/jp/ and are trying ever so hard to fit in

>le who am i surprise quoting as HELL grabs dick gloryhole im a tru 2011 oldfag epick #chilly

>> No.10480309
File: 202 KB, 850x1074, Miyako.Yoshika.full.1213812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't look like a police hat to me.

>> No.10480311

Here comes the analhurt police trying so hard to fit in

>> No.10480325
File: 11 KB, 250x250, 1349576453312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
