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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 20 KB, 275x187, R5ONj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10476050 No.10476050 [Reply] [Original]

So I've begun to learn japanese in my spare time at my own speed, i learned the hiragana/katagana and started grammar and kanji, all while reading some mangos to get the hang of it.

As of right now, i've been onto this shit for like 2 hours trying to decipher this fucking thing, pic related.
WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS CHARACTER? It looks like NOTHING in both alphabets and sure as hell is not a kanji, so what the fuck am I looking at here?

thank you.

>> No.10476055

it's short for the pleasure of being cummed inside

>> No.10476063

I analysed 5 different fonts and didn't find shit, thank you.

>> No.10476058

>i learned the hiragana/katagana
no you didn't

>> No.10476059

It's just り. It looks like that in some fonts.

>> No.10476060 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10476067


>> No.10476066

"り". I'm sorry that you cannot into fonts.

>> No.10476069

That's because all the font I've seen treat り as two different sticks, two strokes.

>> No.10476087
File: 14 KB, 208x139, ri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you're just an idiot.

>> No.10476106
File: 25 KB, 400x400, You know exactly what i'm going to tell you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10476153

If you people just used something like Heisig's book on kana you'd get information on how the flow of strokes is supposed to work, so you'd understand why り might look like that, and you'd get exposed to numerous different fonts for each character.

>> No.10476189
File: 187 KB, 399x217, fucking font shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Failure to font general?

Took me way too fucking long to figure out this was そ

>> No.10476190

The thread was deleted while I was writing my post, so I'll just drop my shit here.

Original anime SHOULD be allowed.

Shitty adaptations belong in /a/. No, all adaptations belong in /a/, even if some are considered "good".

>but all anime discussions belong in /a/!
No, goddammit. /a/ is full of fucking retards, there is no way to discuss anime in that place. The name doesn't mean anything, just like how the "otaku culture" board is 90% Touhou and 10% pedophilia.

Seriously, original anime should be allowed in /jp/."

>> No.10476201

What did you thought that world was?

>> No.10476212
File: 35 KB, 333x219, so.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10476223 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 293x363, nigggggggggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10476224
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>top right one

Really, now?

>> No.10476234
File: 24 KB, 782x591, 432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shits easymode. Try reading this.

>> No.10476233

Dude you'll love kanji like 冷

>> No.10476240
File: 66 KB, 540x726, What the fuck am i reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when new OS has resulted in a new font for your Anki deck which has succeeded in fucking with your recall.

>> No.10476265
File: 54 KB, 400x580, 1195194759506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, I remember being confused in this very frame about 2 years ago because I had trouble distinguishing と and う.

>> No.10476275

None of those that I know are hard for me to recognize, though I only know like half of those kanji.

>> No.10476278

After you've had to decipher millions of 2-pixel kanjis from PS1 rpgs played on a 14'' TV this is piss easy.

>> No.10476282

do you happen to know what the top middle font is? my jpn handwriting is shit and i wanted to get a good handwriten font to model it.

>> No.10476286

Nah, sorry. Why don't you try the kana trace sheets on Tae Kim's site?


>> No.10476292 [DELETED] 
File: 200 KB, 272x349, negronog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10476306

im on a phone so i dont want to click them atm but from what i recall those were in a textbook font, right?

handwritten japanese people write tends to look different from textbook font, from what ive seen. handwritten has this rough sort of laziness quality that i cant really explain, but it looks appealing.

guess im sticking with aquafont for now.

>> No.10476320


>> No.10476314

No one is ever gonna read the shit you write in japanese. Don't waste your time and focus on reading.

>> No.10476332
File: 200 KB, 800x600, 887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10476336


>> No.10476383

That を almost looks like 玄

>> No.10476396 [DELETED] 
File: 201 KB, 273x349, niggynogggy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10476408 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10476420

Eazy E is wearing a bandana aGAIN.

>> No.10476424

I had problems like this while reading SFX in manga, when I bought one of my first anthology manga I skipped a whole chapter because I was a failure in japanase.

>> No.10476547

What is mysterious about it?

>> No.10476561

>F-ZERO manga
Get out of /jp/

>> No.10476620


>> No.10476723

I used to confuse it with え when the font was too weird.

Now I always get confused with リ and ル, even though they're nothing alike.

>> No.10476745




>> No.10476751

that's two strokes too... fucking idiot

now go back to red/dit PLS

>> No.10476755

I think I've gone retarded
I've finished the kanas but I just can't wrap my my head around anything else when I try to learn it even the grammer guide seems to hard for me to understand
please help

>> No.10476760

>to hard
I'd suggest learning English first.

>> No.10476784

>complains about stupid typos
>doesn't complain about his shitty punctuation
Punctuation is WAY more important, you faggot.

>> No.10476791 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10476795

Imma quotten ya

>> No.10476801
File: 45 KB, 480x320, american-psycho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10476804

I noticed it, but punctuation is not exclusive to the English language, so my insult wouldn't have worked.

>> No.10476807

Then perhaps next time you could give me proper credit. I don't wish to have to report your plagiarism but I will if you continue to do this.

>> No.10476829

I'll fuck your dick flat, faggot.

>> No.10476833

Do the Japanese *ever* use the Simplified Chinese versions of the characters among themselves?

>> No.10476835

> i learned the hiragana/katagana

Apparently you didn't captain kiddo.

>> No.10476873

I love little female kids. I'm actually in love with a 9 years old girl. She is beautiful and I help her with homework every day.

Are you jealous, /jp/? Are you jealous of my lucid dreams?

>> No.10476877

I don't like remembering my dreams, they always make me feel tired.

>> No.10476884

If I could lucid dream things like I that I would never want to wake up.

>> No.10476889

I guess the problem is that OP didn't learn to write them, otherwise he could see how the flow of the strokes goes, and he would be able to figure out that it was り.

>> No.10476919

You can do it. It's hard to master, though.

Her face is so warm... I love taking a nap with her and hearing the cute sounds she makes.

>> No.10476934

I once got so close but didn't expect it and woke up and even then I didn't know if I would have complete control over it or it would turn into a nightmare. It felt like my body had just been blasted to nothing while I was still conscious. I have no clue how I got that far. How do you do it?

>> No.10476946

Or maybe he's just silly.

>> No.10476961

Not that guy but from what I heard lucid dreaming seems to be a mix between sleep paralysis and sonambulism, two opposite things.

>> No.10476989

Every night, you go into sleep paralysis: everyone does, its a defense mechanism. it only happens during REM sleep, aka whn you dream. when people sleepwalk, that mechanism doesnt work, and they act out their dreams. sleep paralysis is the opposite of sleep walking: instead of your brain thinking you're awake when you're asleep, it thinks you're asleep when you're in fact awake.

Do a trick lucid dreamers do: when you're awake, multiple times a day, look at something: a clock, a word document with some words, etc. make sure its something that is around you when you sleep (a clock in your room, a document on your wall, etc. ). read it. read it again. repeat in like a half hour or so. then, when you're in sleep paralysis (which IS real) look at it. read it. read it again. if the words have changed or are dancing around, you're lucid dreaming. congratulations. if they're the same, after a week of this practice, your brain should recognize you're awake, not sleeping, and you'll regain movement. however, movin your eyes around does nothing. at all. good luck.

>> No.10477001
File: 207 KB, 2388x2384, lucid-dreaming-basics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is a picture someone made about how to lucid dream.

>> No.10477005

I have been unintentionally been in lucid dreams before and most of the time while they were pretty crazy they were not good. I kept a dream journal for a while.

>> No.10477033

Why would I need to do that trick? Isn't it obvious that I'm lucid dreaming? Isn't the fact that I know I'm dreaming the whole point of lucid dreaming?

I don't get it.

>> No.10477056

You do the trick so that you can make yourself aware that you are dreaming. When most people dream, they aren't aware that they are dreaming, and so their dreams are not lucid. It's just something to do so that you can get more consistent results.

>> No.10477111

-In a lucid dream you can do ANYTHING you want in an instant. It's wonderful.

-Some comatose people can dream. Other people can't.

-Once you become lucid, you'll remain like that until you wake up.

Now imagine this: you fall into a coma for 50 years and you happen to have a lucid dream. Wouldn't that be paradise on Earth?

>> No.10477158

Is it really as fucking awesome as it sounds?

>> No.10477169

It is, and a great deal of practice is needed to do so. Alternatively, talent is needed for it. Some people just need to say, "Okay, I'm going to lucid dream" before going to bed and it happens.

>> No.10477177

I'll add that if you want to do WILD make sure that you read the website that is linked. It sounds like it's really easy to just make yourself lucid dream whenever you want, but it's not like, because you have to time it to your REM cycles and shit.

>> No.10477216

I don't get why most people do the luciddream=sumthingsexuallel thing....

>> No.10477230

Is it possible to fuck a loli while lucid dreaming? I mean, would you experience pleasure? Would you cum? Would you cum IRL?

>> No.10477234

because we can experience whatever we want. It would be the ultimate sexual experience completely to our liking.

>> No.10477240

I once dreamed that I woke up, went to the toiled, wiped out dick and pissed myself dry.
but IRL I only did the last thing

so yes, you would probably cum

>> No.10477241

Go take your, "Oh I'm so innocent and non-sexual" schtick somewhere else, please.

>> No.10477246

Having sex with your favorite video game character is pretty awesome, but there's so many other fun things to do in your dreams, it would be a waste doing nothing but sex when you're lucid.

I've never actually ejaculated while having sex in a lucid. Pleasure and orgasm, however, I have experienced. It's strange.

>> No.10477248

omg you can experience what you want, why would you want to experience sex?

>> No.10477263

But cumming it's different. You need to build up a lot of sexual tension or some shit like that. Would it happen IRL too?

>> No.10477318

Shut up, I never said that.

>> No.10477337

It's what you implied, you stupid faggot. "Oh, you can do anything you want? Why would you people do something sexual? I don't understand!" Fuck off.

>> No.10477361

Get out of /jp/, dumb fuck. You clearly do not belong here.

>> No.10477367

What about me? I rarely have dreams...

>> No.10477383

Could a shocking dream be fatal?

According to folklore, if you fall from a height in a dream, you'd better wake up on the plunge downward. Supposedly, if you hit the bottom and die in your dream, the shock to your system will be so great that you will actually die in your sleep. Think about this one for a moment. If it were a genuine problem, who would have reported it? You can be sure that no one has ever testified to experiencing a fatal dream. This myth presumably exists because many people do awaken during the downward plunge, thinking that they've averted a close call. A study by Barrett suggests that dreams of one's own death are relatively infrequent. However, people do have such dreams - and live to tell about them.

>> No.10477419

That reminds me of one my dreams.
I stuck my head through the floor. Then my head started melting through everything. After a while I had lost sense of which way I was melting and I started to realise I must be dreaming. This is when I started getting a headache and I felt sick from the concept I was melting. So I tried putting my head back together and I threw up (in the dream). which is when I woke up with the mother of all headaches and dry heaving.

So yeah I kinda believe you could die in a dream. Sorry for the blog

>> No.10477425

Do animals perceive reality like it was a dream? A dog's normal consciousness seems to be about as powerful as a dreaming human's consciousness. They just follow the "script" of life, just like we follow a script of events and emotions in non-lucid dreams.

What do you think?

Also, do dogs perceive time differently? Their reflexes are crazy!

>> No.10477438

It's possible to have a dream where something so scary happens you hyperventilate and suffocate. or something like that I don't know, but it is definately possible to die from a dream.

>> No.10477439

>my head started melting through everything
I laughed my ass of at that.

>> No.10477448

Since they don't worry about anything (or rather, they live in the present and never think about the past or worry about the future), they probably perceive time more slowly.

The same happens to children, more or less. They don't have crazy reflexes, though.

>> No.10477454

Probably because children are still developing. As they grow they begin to perceive differently. I mean, a newborn animal has shit reflexes for a while.

>> No.10477469

It's not really funny

>> No.10477483

I think it's a matter of memory. Children live every day to the fullest. That's why your childhood memories seem like a lifetime.

If you spend a huge part of the day thinking about shit you have to do or regretting something you did an hour (or a day, or a month) ago, you won't create new memories. You can't, because you aren't completely focused in your present actions.

The next day you will look back and it will seem like yesterday passed by in a flash. That's because you don't have many memories of that day.

>> No.10477497

The way you said it reminded me of the last battle of Umineko ("breaking through X, breaking through Y, breaking through everything").

Your description sounded awkwardly epic even though it was supposed to be a nightmare.

>> No.10477503

You already had a headache and you were already sick. The dream just reflected that.
Reality can creep into your dreams, but your dreams will never change reality. So you won't die from your dream.

If you do dream of death and you really die, you were going to die anyway.

>> No.10477509

Why are children so wonderful, /jp/? I just want to... cuddle with them. And do lots of inappropiate things too.

>> No.10477587

I once dreamed something really weird when I was sick. I was about 10 years old.

In the dream, I didn't have a body. I had an omniscient point of view. Two middle aged men (one looked like Mr. Trololo and the other had a big italian mustache) were racing in a giant, circular swimming pool . It was a fierce race, their arms were like fucking propellers. After a while, they began to get mad, their faces were distorted with rage, their speed became superhuman and their screams turned into some horrible noise. That noise gave me a headache. It sounded like mad screams were coming from an horribly broken radio. The noise grew louder and louder after every lap. When my headache became unbearable, I suddenly awakened and threw up in my bed.

What the hell was that?

>> No.10477651

Does the "a" you write out look like the one in parenthesis?
Same concept.

>> No.10477662

Crazy shit, bro. I'm saving this as a pasta.

>> No.10477675

Holyshit. This just hit me like a brick.

>> No.10477683

Those are quotation marks.

>> No.10477685


What a retard.

>> No.10477686

Heeeey, you posted in ACG and I told you that was a so.

>> No.10477691
File: 22 KB, 300x260, trololo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, both of them were actors from some soap opera my mom watched when I was a kid. They appeared in my dream as crazy sickos for some reason.

This is the Trololo guy.

>> No.10477693
File: 26 KB, 275x200, mustache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the mustache man.

>> No.10477700

This is a common dream had by repressed homosexuals.

>> No.10477714

What do you mean? Some repressed homosexuals made you dream that shit? How?

>> No.10477733

I mean that if you had the dream, you're a faggot. Congrats.

>> No.10477884

I'm actually a pedo.

>> No.10477969

Those are all り? The top row looks very much like い to me...

>> No.10477970

Has anyone done calligraphy? Learning to do the kana with the brush makes it a LOT easier to recognize characters in different fonts, since you look for the brush strokes and not the shape you memorized.

It's great for kanji too.

>> No.10477977

If the left stroke is shorter, it's り

>> No.10477980
File: 30 KB, 335x218, i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you notice, the second stroke always extends longer than the first stroke for り. The opposite is true for い. Also い tends to lean to its left. Compare the two pictures and you should be able to tell the difference.

>> No.10478291 [SPOILER] 
File: 161 KB, 750x1050, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

あんまり →friends and old person
あまり→to old person
あんまりでゲソ→squid girl

>> No.10480433 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 280x239, good burgers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

