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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10474566 No.10474566[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hypothetical for you, /jp/.
Say you are uprooted from your home / parents home / what the fuck ever living conditions.
You have less than a week to pack your things and move on, how fucked are you?

>> No.10474569

I own my house because my mother loves me.

>> No.10474570
File: 217 KB, 600x390, 4f7b2c7eNMdXpmw9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's enough time to initiate my emergency plan and kill myself.

>> No.10474572

stop making me think about these things

>> No.10474578

Go fight crime.

>> No.10474580

Fuck that dude just become crime

>> No.10474585
File: 191 KB, 600x800, 50feb01epav3En6e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop using my freaking pictures.

>> No.10474587
File: 191 KB, 600x800, 50feb01epav3En6e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop using my freaking pictures.

>> No.10474588
File: 252 KB, 600x600, 50c602f8qY89sJjV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I got rid of you.

>> No.10474589
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>> No.10474592
File: 159 KB, 600x540, 50b2664anhBuyTC7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you mean you thought *I* was rid of *you*?

I'm going to count to 10. You'd better have removed your posts in these threads before I'm done.

>> No.10474595
File: 81 KB, 800x600, WE ARE THE CHILDREN OF SA-TAN xD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Move on to where, exactly?

Oh and just a heads-up, the lockers at the ymca/shelter/wherever-you-think-yo#039;re-going aren't going to be huge storage sheds like you get if your newly-ex-spouse/landlady/whatever kicks you out.

>> No.10474598

Is she really a slut? I don't want to play this if she's a slut.

>> No.10474601
File: 231 KB, 600x540, 50aa5836c9NHjqAR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna have to pry these pics from my cold dead hands.

>> No.10474604

very fucked ;_;

>> No.10474615
File: 410 KB, 572x413, 1351114298590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm stronger than my mom, she couldn't make me leave.

>> No.10474622

She has some serious issues. There's a reason Atlus was afraid to translate it when it first came out.

>> No.10474636

It's okay. I'll simply take a train to Gensokyo.

>> No.10474638

I own little of value other than my laptop, so I could just try to sell anyything else and leave the rest to the landlord.
I can pack all my clothes in a duffel bag, I'm used to harsh conditions and know enough about basic urban survival to live on the streets. On me, I always keep a few hundred in case of emergencies, and, assuming worst case scenario and they have cut my welfare as well, I have 10 000€ in cash stashed at my parent's house.

I'd say my life would get interesting, though I doubt enjoyable.

>> No.10474657


>> No.10474705

That's hot. I wish more girls would whore themselves out to dirty old men for money.

>> No.10474728

My mother is very dependent on me, and I'm the only person she has and who she can trust/be comfortable around, so that isn't going to happen.
If it somehow did though I have enough money saved to temporarily move to a guy I know's house and try to get a job in his area. His mom seems to be able to tolerate me.

>> No.10474734

I could have everything I own packed and stuffed in a single van within 4-ish hours if I had someone to help me carry the bed, table, sofa and bookshelf.

>> No.10474749

I'd have to give up a lot of the useless shit I don't use, but I could do it.

Though, if they were to take me off SSI, I'd probably have to just kill myself. No big loss.

>> No.10474759

I could be packed and ready, maybe even aquire a flat or temporary place to stay within the day.

Getting a job would be a different story though.

>> No.10474766
File: 317 KB, 1200x1600, IMG-20130211-00086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wednesday, 23 Jan 2013, at the age of 21, I was told by my mom to 'get the fuck out of my house, I don't care were you go'. I moved out the following day.

Now two counties over, living in a dorm illegally, making camp in a closet at the bottom of the basement stairs in a way reminiscent of Harry Potter (pic related). While I have no formal schooling, I spent some of my NEET-time studying integrated marketing, IT, and management, so I have since started a DJ/MC group with some of my roommates to make a small living (current assets of 2,750usd in the business, personal liquid assets 2,538usd).

I'm surviving well, without financial help from anyone, eat well, just bought a daki with my surplus income, and I even plan to rent a house later this spring.

Life is surprisingly good, /jp/, thank you for asking.

>> No.10474765

Pretty much this. Except, I don't even have SSI. I would have to sell EVERYTHING and hope for the best.

I already know I would kill myself though. It's really the only reason I ever bought a firearm. Sort of insurance in case things don't go as planned.

>> No.10474767

Extremely fucked, I almost got kicked out of my parents house earlier today and I realized I'd be completely fucked.

>> No.10474771

Nobody asked about your boring life.

>> No.10474773

Fagpocalypse detected.

>> No.10474774


OP did, although my situation failed to be hypothetical.

>> No.10474777


like a lightswitch, huh

must be nice

>> No.10474779


I actively sought self-improvement while milking my mom's basement for all it was worth. I'm still a horrible sperglord when I'm not focused on being a manipulative bastard.

>> No.10474781

> I'm still a horrible sperglord when I'm not focused on being a manipulative bastard.

Edgy as HELL.

>> No.10474801


I think the Hitler thing was a much better reason than some skank's shadow.

>> No.10474807


-Official /jp/ reminder-

If you are currently employed, enrolled in education OR receive a welfare check you do not belong on /jp/. End of story. If you are in the aforementioned categories, please evacuate the premises immediately. Thank you for your cooperation.

>> No.10474815

>uprooted from your home / parents home

This is the best thing that can happen to a NEET. After going hungry for awhile, they'll man up and finally get a job.

>> No.10474817

Or kill themselves. You can't just project for things like these.

>> No.10474818

Why is getting a job good?

>> No.10474820

I've got around $10k in the bank, I figure I'll just fuck off to somewhere where I can live as cheap as possible and try not to think about what's going to happen when my funds run out.

>> No.10474826


You'll find out when you're cold and hungry.

>> No.10474828

But that hasn't happened yet. In >>10474815, you implied that ending your comfortable life at home in order to slave away 40 hours a week is the best thing that can happen to a NEET. Where is the logic? Why would I be cold and hungry? My parents would never kick me out. A shame you lost the life lottery and ended up with shitty ones. Seriously, it's upsetting.

>> No.10474832

truNEETism is more important than bodily fulfillment.

>> No.10474835


That's not their style. There'll come a time when a NEET must get a job. NEET's and ex-NEET's will always live mediocre lives.

>> No.10474836

That's not YOUR style. See how that works?

>> No.10474839


>comfortable life at home

You realize this is a luxury?

>> No.10474841

I think I have enough pills.

>> No.10474848

Yes, and even if I didn't acknowledge the fact, I'd still be able to live the way I live right now indefinitely. When my parents die, I will have enough money to survive up until my own natural death. It's what happens when you are born into a richer family.

What an obnoxious, spoiled piece of shit this anon is. This is what you might be thinking. And you are right. I revel in that fact. But I can't help it. The fact that you have to work your ass off for the rest of your life and I get to sit back and relax with everything done for me... this must be some sick joke. But no. It's reality. How are you going to deal with this? Are you going to try and make me feel worse? Or are you going to make justifications to yourself instead of accepting the truth of this harsh world? Maybe something different entirely. I wonder...

>> No.10474853

I'm sure there would be more than a few that would live a hobo life just to spite them.

>> No.10474881

>If you are currently employed, enrolled in education OR receive a welfare check you do not belong on /jp/. End of story. If you are in the aforementioned categories, please evacuate the premises immediately. Thank you for your cooperation.

What if we're happily employed, and enrolled in education, but take an enjoyment in the culture of otaku, even if we do not actively take a part of it?

>> No.10474887

You're doing it for attention, its the only explanation.

>> No.10474890

Same level as Danny Choo.

>> No.10474900

I could maybe stay with a friend or two for about a whileand gather the things I would need to live in the woods I guess. After I've finally overstayed my welcome I will have to try to find an isolated place to to go where I can live for a while before I die from eating something bad or a wild animal kills me.

>> No.10474905



















>> No.10474906

normalfag pls go

>> No.10474955

>OR receive a welfare check you do not belong on /jp/.
How come? I can understand being in education, employment or training, but why this? Not everyone has parents who mind their child leeching off them.

>> No.10474961

By receiving welfare, you are attaching your mouth to a normies ass and waiting for him to take a slimy shit down your throat for sustenance.

>> No.10474966

isn't that the same as living with parents?

>> No.10474972
File: 691 KB, 656x1000, 1348692583417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just admit you're trying to make yourself feel better by demeaning anyone not in your exact situation.
