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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 7 KB, 256x256, nicovideo_logomark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10470705 No.10470705 [Reply] [Original]

Major problem here:

If I set my region to Japan I can load no videos.
If I set my region to anything else I can not load R-18 videos.

It's like I can load no videos worth watching at all.


>> No.10470732


>> No.10470734

Nico became the epitome of shit after those changes

It won't load anything

>> No.10470743

I can load everything, but I'm not amerifat.

>> No.10470748 [DELETED] 

Sounds like you're marked. I'm sorry for your loss.

>> No.10470758

yurupp master race

>> No.10470782

There was R-18 videos on niconico?

>> No.10470785

R-18 in scare qoutes.

>> No.10470789


This stuff?

>> No.10471066

more like this stuff

>> No.10471154
File: 116 KB, 456x427, 1360246599131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the fact that you can search for stuff and check things while the video is still open. Nicovideo did a way better job than jewtube. The only disadvantage is that videos aren't optimizable.

>> No.10471199

Use http://www.mmcafe.com/nico.html, no need for account or anything like that.

But most R-18 videos are trolls and bad videos, I don't even understand why you would want to browse such a shitty tag.

>> No.10471225

That's odd, they all work just fine for me. Regardless of what region I am set to.
Maybe it's something with your flashplayer or browser?
America, by the way.

And what does /open do?
Or /slow. I see that all the time.

>> No.10471239
File: 28 KB, 657x262, niconico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him, but I have the same problems
I'm using firefox, the video just don't load, and the views and comments are aways like this

>> No.10471256

Could you link a video that doesn't load for you?

Some of the adult videos don't work for me, but I think you need to pay for some of them or need a premium account. They load but a notice comes up that says I can't preview them.

>> No.10471257
File: 5 KB, 197x114, nn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might have something to do with it? I already tried changing it though.

>> No.10471260

It's not only the adult ones, every video is like that


>> No.10471280


I had this issue last week. Disabled Adblock
Plus for nicovideo.jp and it worked fine.

>> No.10471281 [DELETED] 

Disable adblock. It did that for me and I even posted here about it a couple days back. For some reason they don't work any more together.

>> No.10471293

Works fine for me with adblock.

>> No.10471294

thanks guys I had this problem as well.

>> No.10471339


It worked with me too
thank you

>> No.10471348

Thanks bros, allowing http://ads.nicovideo.jp/assets/js/ads-1.0.2.js was enough. Still no R-18 videos for the amerika region, but I only switched to that to get anything at all to play.

You've got combine the R-18 tag search with MMD or MikuMikuDance to get anything of value.

>> No.10471389

how you combine tags?

>> No.10471530

I had the same problem but I changed both the region and language to japanese and all the videos seems to work.

>> No.10471608

Use a space.

>> No.10471646

Disabling adblock won't do a thing, it still won't play any videos.

>> No.10471708

Does /jp/ follow any Nico live streamers?

>> No.10471746

I'm br and I can load any video what are not restricted by ip for copyright. (Ok, who are the jackass what said "there are no frontiers in Internet"!? The copyright IS the frontier of internet!)

>Using nicovideo to watch porn.
Use saymove. It's better.

>> No.10472044

>I'm br and I can load any video what are not restricted by ip for copyright. (Ok, who are the jackass what said "there are no frontiers in Internet"!? The copyright IS the frontier of internet!)
do you use firefox to browse nico?
he problem lies with ff.

>> No.10475986

Yep, firefox.

>> No.10476008

b-but but
niconico has cute japanese girls whoring themself at the cam!

>> No.10476442

Is the Toho NSEN down for anyone else? The other one are working fine...

>> No.10476766


Can you recommend any?

>> No.10476879

pls respond.

>> No.10476912



>> No.10476927


>> No.10477089

Ok it's working again.

>> No.10477366

Oh, wow. I didn't know that Niconico had a new straight up porn section. They already had softcore scattered all over the all-ages site.

Japan is a fucking amazing thing. I don't think there is a single large, mainstream company that doesn't have its hand in pornography in some fashion. There really are no bounds and no care.

>> No.10477677

They've had live streams of softcore porn for a while. I've watched a couple and they're alright.

>> No.10477879
File: 62 KB, 1166x758, 2013-02-11-23-49-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck I've been having the same problems for the past 2 days. Good to know it just isnt me...also im a premium member

>> No.10477881

me here

ok this worked

>> No.10477916



>> No.10477921

nico thread?



>> No.10477928
File: 17 KB, 128x128, co1502074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


thats not a very appealing photo

>> No.10477949

R18 sex anime

>> No.10477987


Disabling did not change anything for me unfortunately. I don't have noscript either so I'm not sure what the issue is.

>> No.10478154

Adblock didn't work for me either. But scroll to the bottom of the page and change BOTH region and language to Japanese. Works fine for me after that.

Now my question is, why are they, seemingly, blocking foreigners from "R-18" content.

>> No.10478225
File: 15 KB, 128x128, co1223127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like Ally and Sally's live streams. (´・ω・`)
Their Japanese is simple enough for me to understand and they sing a lot of anime songs and idols song often. Watching them interact is really cute too. They make me feel alive again /jp/! They're doing a Valentine's day stream too.

>> No.10478244


But they don't look pretty / cute.

>> No.10478288

Poko-chan, supposedly 13 years old girl plays retro games, MonHun and other stuff. If you browse the /jrpg/ you might have heard about her.
Going through FFVII at the moment.

>> No.10478333

My favorite community.

This eccentric girl filming as she walks around Tokyo.
Chatting up hobos in the park, exploring creepy shrines at night, karaoke, restaurants, toire etc.

>> No.10478347

my videos are loading fine from merica. when did you create your account? i think nico believes me to take residence in hokkaido

>> No.10478348

Sounds neat, I will check it up.

>> No.10478359


yup, if they were pretty or cute, watching them would be nicer

>> No.10478364

her voice...so cute!

>> No.10478370
File: 106 KB, 508x286, poko-cookies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you like her, Anon.

>> No.10478382

Videos seems to be working as usual here and I have AdBlock on, but I'm using the old player so that might be why.
The new player is so ugly oh god please kill it

>> No.10478390

Too bad almost all of the 2D stuff is region-locked.

>> No.10478391


proxy? vpn?

>> No.10478397


I sincerely hope what you are saying is true because that would be awesome.

>> No.10478794
File: 53 KB, 439x624, 481193_129192273883791_655134693_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They may not be prettiest, but they're still way cuter than Nyanners.

>> No.10479877

than who?

>> No.10480111

I prefered Pinku!Project much more. Cotton Pinku and Baby Pinku were like the cutest things! too bad their ended the whole thing

>> No.10482278


Not really. Nyanners is quite decent imho.

>> No.10482744

Pinku Project was filled with old asian weaboos that didn't even sing during their concerts. I don't see how anybody could've really liked them. Anyone can learn to dance if you practice enough.

Nyanners is just a slut with no talent for anything except whoring herself out to /a/ and /jp/.

>> No.10483465

Oh boy, she just went live.

>> No.10483467

Does she ever get fuqed?

>> No.10483472

Thanks for posting.

>> No.10483488

the quality is so bad
also she's breathing pretty hard

>> No.10483487

Too many nico trolls have found her stream

>> No.10483574

Did anyone hear where she was taking the train to?

>> No.10483587


Osaka Station I think?

>> No.10483589


Sorry I forgot to fucking sage.

Anyway is the quality always this bad?

How old is she? Kinda crazy for a girl to be running around at 10-11pm.

>> No.10483596


Also lagging like crazy as well. Anybody else lagging?

I know she is walking around but dam it is shaky.

Sorry if it sounds like I'm complaining / whining. I'm not/

>> No.10483599

What's with people having problems with nico douga? the recent update with English/Taiwan support and such made it better for international viewers. Its been better nowadays with faster buffering compared to before.

Not to mention I can now watch videos such as full episodes of anime which is blocked for international viewers via VPN.

>> No.10483600

People keep asking if she is a middle schooler but she insists that she is 20.
And she's a NEET according to this Japanese stream-watcher forum.

>> No.10483606


Thank you kind anon.

This is my first time watching but kinda hard to believe a NEET has adventures like this, I mean public transport and the set-up of this live stream cannot be cheap.

Also what Japanese stream-watcher forum? Would you be so kind as to share a link?

I've just started doing some research and found this thread so far. http://up.subuya.com/siokara.php?res=1864231

>> No.10483607

What's with nico putting restriction on video quality?

Like how they end the low quality around 2:00 A.M Japanese time and from then on, you'll be able to watch it in decent/high quality.
Or how the video quality reduced during prime time or high traffic etc etc...

Very very annoying...

>> No.10483609 [DELETED] 


lolin the toilet.

>> No.10483612

Train tickets in Japan are pretty expensive. I don't know how a NEET could afford it.

>> No.10483613

That's the one.

Well even if she is a NEET she doesn't have to be a hikikomori too.
Also she said once that she prefers being out at night because there are less people.
(She typically streams from late night until early morning)

>> No.10483621


Aha thanks kind anon.

>late night until early morning

In terms of time what is that usually like? 10pm to 2am?

I mean public transport shuts down after midnight does it not?

>> No.10483631

More like until 6 am.
I remember once she walked by some old lady doing morning calisthenics.

>> No.10483640


Thanks. How long have you been following this and how frequent are her namahousous? Her community has been set-up since August 2012 so thats half a year I've missed. ;_;

>> No.10483642

I joined her community like 4-5 months ago, then she had just 300 members and maybe 50 average viewers.
Lately she is streaming really frequently, almost every day.

>> No.10483649

How long would a bus to Tokyo take? Surely all night.

>> No.10483650


Thanks. Thats around 6x-7x growth now.

And if I understanding this correcting she is taking a coach from Osaka to Shin-Tokyo that arrives at 6:30am in 7 hours? WTF

>> No.10483657


And correct me if I'm wrong but I understand she is an Osaka native, correct?

So why is going to Tokyo now?

>> No.10483661


She has a friend in Yokohama I believe.

>> No.10483663

If you missed the start she said she would be streaming until morning.
Also she usually opens her stream with "Where should I go today?"
So she is going to Tokyo just because she a viewer suggested it.
She mentioned having some friends in Tokyo so maybe she'll try meeting up with them.

>> No.10483667


Thank you both so much. I started watching an hour into this journey. My first time.

>So she is going to Tokyo just because she a viewer suggested it.

Wow. Nice. I should give her an international location next time lol.

>> No.10483677

So is this the farthest travel she has broadcasted?

I would have imagined that she usually only travels around Osaka or the Kansai region?

>> No.10483678

She is quite dedicated to NG-ing people too ... however that works.

>> No.10483683


>> No.10483715

I think so.

They shouldn't have suggested this bus ride.
Her stream is a lot more dynamic when she is whimsically walking around.

>> No.10483737


Yeah. Couldn't agree more. May have seemed like a good idea at first but.

Hoping for something more grounded (literally) next time.

>> No.10483743

I think people suggested it because they thought she wouldn't actually do it.

>> No.10483760
File: 42 KB, 473x473, 1360585581604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's off the bus already?
Oh well, I guess the adventure continues!

>> No.10483776

Oh, it was just a short stop so passengers could buy refreshments.

>> No.10484246 [DELETED] 

I have a question for those with more experience with Nico.

What does it mean when a scheduled stream (a stream, not a community) says its by approval only?
You would think I would have to send a message or something but I see no option of that sort, do I have just to arrive earlier?

>> No.10484315

I can hear her but I don't see anything, is it just me or is there something wrong with the stream?

>> No.10485409


So what happened to her? I fell asleep.

Her namahousous indicated she stopped around 5 hours or so ago so around 3 AM JST.

By which time she wouldn't have reached Tokyo yet I don't think.

>> No.10485783

>>10485409 here

Update from her an hour ago. So around 9AM JST.

お知らせ 無事に東京上陸しました が追加されました。 1時間前

Aww, that is nice and reassuring to hear.

>> No.10485821


She is back live!

>> No.10485832


She is at 神田駅.

Heading to 秋葉原駅 I think.

>> No.10485924

shit just got real

>> No.10485937

was she murdered?

>> No.10485943


What happened?

>> No.10486093


She gained about 200 the last 24 hours.

>> No.10486451

Noooo, I knew I shouldn't have gone to sleep.
I've missed like 3 hours of her tokyo adventure.
Did anything interesting happen?

>> No.10486480


I'm at work so I've really only caught bits of the adventure myself.

Her itinerary so far I think has been:

東京駅 -> 神田駅 -> 秋葉原駅 -> 上野 -> 台東区

All by foot from when she started broadcasting.

>> No.10486567


She is going back home now?

All she did today I think was wander around directed by the audience, brought some food, went to shrine ... didn't even go to a maid cafe as suggested because its "embarrassing".

>> No.10486583

How does she gets those orange updates indicating where she is?

>> No.10486593 [DELETED] 


So her name is 山本 アヤカ ?

>> No.10486598

So her name is アヤカ ?

>> No.10486609 [DELETED] 


Surname Yamamoto?

>> No.10486614


Surname 山本 ?

>> No.10486616


>> No.10486621

tmt and ptpt everywhere

>> No.10486667

I wonder what she is using for streaming.
It's some smartphone I think, over 3g?
But it seems to have a huge battery capacity.

>> No.10486716


I think she posted the model a few times. Just never paid attention.

Also its stopped now?

>> No.10486788

Here is here twitter for those of you who are into that sort of thing (it's closed so you need an account).

>> No.10487057

kr is live again!

>> No.10487073


LOL She overslept in Tokyo?

>> No.10487087

Ah so she is back at 神田駅?

Her popularity means I'm now getting booted out premium members!

>> No.10487096

Fuck this. I'm out.

>> No.10487108

Why are they saying this is AV?

>> No.10487110

She has met up with some people she only knows through the internet.
So people are joking about it being an interview for AV.

>> No.10487127


Does she meet with random people often?

Where are they headed now? Coordinates indicated they were still around Akiba?

>> No.10487123


>> No.10487129

First time I've seen it.

>> No.10487132

The guys she's met up with are apparently big fans of gundam and akb48 and the audience wanted to see akiba so I guess they offered to show her around.

>> No.10487139


Thanks. How many guys are there? I know there is at least 2.

>> No.10487147

They are two.
When she spotted them on the train station she was initially very worried because there was only supposed to be one.
So she just spied on them from a distance until one of them called her and reassured her that it was nothing to worry about.

>> No.10487164


Think its KYOCERA ISW11K

>> No.10487174

14 more levels and she can do 1 hour continuous broadcasts.

>> No.10487191


Level 57? That is a strange number for an upgrade. How many people need to register to her community to reach that?

Yeah been AFK for last 20 minutes or so.

I take they went to a bar here now http://www.dynac-japan.com/search/area/east/23ku/kanda/#map-

>> No.10487198

I googled niconico levels and that is what came up.

>Level 20/54/80/115 - the ability to give out backstage passes (2, 5, 10, 20 people respectively)
>Level 25 - the ability to do a survey (anquette) during the namahousou
>Level 40/50 - free points which can be used to pay for skipping queueing for namahousou slots
>Level 46/69/90 - free points which can be used to pay for booking namahousou
>Level 57/74/86 - free points for extending namahousou (for more than 30 minutes)
>Level 66/105 - additional seats for your namahousou (+500 and +1000 seats respectively), this means you can accommodate more viewers and people will have less chances of getting kicked out.

>> No.10487216


Thanks. Should have googled that myself but I'm more curious as opposed to interested. I just join communities and lurk.

Yeah still doesn't how many people per level etc. not that it really matters. And some terms I don't even know e.g. backstage passes.

>> No.10487226

Stream of the guy she is with.

>> No.10487233
File: 165 KB, 884x1254, Inagaki Saki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a side note does anybody know about this show.



Can't help but draw parallels to between the show and this.

>> No.10487234


Did anyone get a good shot of her face?


>> No.10487257

Wait so what happened now?

Miyagawa left and she is heading for a bus back to Osaka?

>> No.10487272

Seems so.
In the end the trip to Tokyo was a nice, especially considering she only got on a bus because a viewer suggested it.

>> No.10487276


She just caught a train to Tokyo Eki?

Yeah and to think that today was Valentine's Day.

>> No.10487289

>basu manseki
I guess she's stuck in tokyo for a while longer then.

>> No.10487316


So whats happening then?

>> No.10487338

She bought a ticket for tomorrow.
Seems she'll meet up with miyagawa again in the meantime.

>> No.10487368

seems like shes done for the day.
Better write down some places in Osaka you'd like to see up close for next time, before someone sends her 500km away again.

>> No.10487371


Thanks. I thought I heard net cafe as a consideration.

Going to sleep now. Please let us know if there are any updates until daybreak.

>> No.10487372


Thanks. Do you have places in mind?

>> No.10487458
File: 432 KB, 800x600, japan-deers-in-nara-park-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nara park maybe?
It has shrines and freely roaming deers.

>> No.10488178

It seems like I was booted from some communities. Do I automatically get kicked out if I'm inactive for too long or something?

>> No.10488630

Are you sure they didn't just disappear? Or maybe you joined too many. I think the limit for general members is 50.

>> No.10488738

I definitely didn't join too many. I only lost two or three, but they were the ones I joined first. One of them streamed very regularly and had a good member count, which means I'll probably find him again if he's still active. But surely communities are rather abandoned by the streamer than actually deleted?
I wish I had had a closer look at the community page, so I could use the search function.

>> No.10488759
File: 209 KB, 1000x1400, 1437239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just tried looking at R-18 videos on nicovideo and didn't have any issues. Weird.

>> No.10488817

Hey you live streamer people can you go to /soc/, /vg/, /r9k/ or something? You guys are more pathetic and creepy than the idol/kig/doll guys combined.


>> No.10489060


It seems she had one broadcast at 4AM JST today.

Anybody know what happened?

>> No.10489253


She was at 新宿 just almost an hour ago.

>> No.10489498


How does she get permission to go inside the driver's carriage of the train?

>> No.10489523


She is on train around 府中市 now.

>> No.10489561


Ok I don't know where she went overnight but she is going back into the center of Tokyo. On the train to 中野 now.

>> No.10489571


I was wondering why she is so quiet then I remembered you can't talk on the trains?

>> No.10489576



>> No.10489672



Coordinate Lat. 35.6708929

Coordinate Long. 139.7038248

>> No.10489719
File: 159 KB, 961x549, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nico douga head office?

>> No.10489747
File: 157 KB, 966x539, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't.

>> No.10489753
File: 154 KB, 966x539, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here we go.

>> No.10489773



>> No.10489886


神宮前 (渋谷区)

>> No.10489964


Shibuya Crossing - Hachiko

>> No.10490004


円山町 (渋谷区)

>> No.10490013


5115円 ticket

>> No.10490190

And I have do idea what happened after? :(

>> No.10490589


I like how confident she is going hundred of miles away on a whiff because audience said so and she has become popular despite being "less than aesthetically pleasing".

>> No.10490612

When does this woman stream usually?
Around 9 PM, Japan time?

>> No.10490646 [DELETED] 


She is at 西新宿 now.

>> No.10490649


She is at 西新宿 having dinner now.

>> No.10490656 [DELETED] 



>> No.10490657
File: 142 KB, 942x477, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10490669

Well, tell me when she starts roaming the streets, Anon.
I have enough on my hands with stalking one Nico girl already.

>> No.10490676


Sure thing, Anon. But would you be so kind as to share the link to the one you're following as well? Thanks.

>> No.10490677


She is back roaming the streets.

>> No.10490678

Already did >>10478288

>> No.10490684


Thanks although I'm now too fond of video games nowadays.

Looks like our heroine is going back to Osaka for real this time.

>> No.10490690

Is it just me or イケメン is an inherently funny word?

>> No.10490692



>> No.10493197

She arrived back in Osaka around 8 hours around.

Missed all three broadcasts since. Did anyone catch them? I don't have premium account so I can't rewatch namahousous.

>> No.10494249
File: 89 KB, 500x400, 081129js1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you download videos in HD 720p / 1080p off nico douga?

I found some nico douga video download software but they all seem to be SD 360p.

>> No.10494962
File: 28 KB, 510x384, 1360926901825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She just got off the bus and took the train home.
People asked her if she was scared meeting strangers alone in an other city.
"No, everyone was nice and besides I'm pretty strong and I have this umbrella" (illustrating by stabbing the air with her umbrella).
Also she was annoyed that people at the nico studio called her "kr" and not "kay ar".

And someone in Tokyo (a fan or something) gave her an envelope with 5000¥.

>> No.10496154


Thanks. How did she get invited into the nico studio anyway?
