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10470633 No.10470633[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Wa when used as a particle is written as ha

>Wa is to be used for topics that are facts
>Ga is to be used for unknown or new information to someone
>/jp/ ga shit, desu ne?

>Both wa and ga can be used after either a subject or a topic, lol it doesn't really matter this shit can't be explained and only learned through immersion anyway

Fuck you Japan.

You know what? Let me hear your pathetic attempt at trying to define the word "of" or "to", or the equivalent in your native language.

>> No.10470635

The difference between "wa" and "ga" is pretty similar to the difference between "the" and "a".

>> No.10470640

(subject) wa ---> opinion/question/fact
^----as for----|

>> No.10470640,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10470640,2 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't know kirino is into programming.

>> No.10470640,3 [INTERNAL] 

I bet she uses Python. Dumb slut.

She's probably never even ran import antigravity and shit herself before.
